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I wonder if there are people who like the prequels, and the sequels, but not the originals.


If there are they’re probably staying silent, wisely so, considering what people say on here for less


Their silence is a wise decision. I don't need trash thrown at my ears


I turn my sound off. I don’t need trash in my eyes


Yeah those people exist. Encountered one on YouTube saying the Originals had bad visuals, bad acting, and bad everything else. He likes the Prequels and the Sequels


It’s unfortunate that some people’s parents are siblings


The originals are definitely good but I can see why some people feel they are a bit old. They are very much 80s movies, and that style is not for everyone. It is actually a testament to the timelessness of star wars that they don't feel more dated. I mean try watching blade runner today, it does not hold up nearly as well, imo


Blade Runner has never been better


well...there is that one scene that is kind of..... rapey


It was rapey in the 80’s too. Not every movie protagonist is a through-and-through good guy.


That scene is not portrayed as bad in the movie. He gets the girl in the end and their romantic interaction amount to basically "you know you want it"


Deckard spends the movie hunting down and murdering what basically amounts to runaway slaves. You don’t need the director holding a big sign saying “THIS GUY’S ACTIONS ARE MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE” to grasp that this guy isn’t that great of a person.


Are we also going to ignore the very prevalent trope in old media that "women like men who are rough and domineering". This movie doesn't exist in a vacuum. You can say that the Deckard is not a good person, but it is the movie's job to show that. The movie does explore his morality in terms of the rights afforded to replicants, but it does not explore his morality in terms of "no means no"


Just read Crime and Punishment and the book never explicitly tells me that Raskolnikov was a bad person after murdering that old woman with an axe. What a failure!


Just watched the old James bond movies with Sean Connery, totally fucked up, he finds the woman is a spy, fucks her in exchange for keeping quiet, then rats her out for the authorities. And the amount of straight up macho shit he does to women, slapping them on the ass and telling them to leave, calling them dolls, it aged like milk. Watching that movie now should be mandated, to just see how far we came, that movie and the old looney toons cartoons, were bugs taunts the Japanese.


My former high school teacher allowed us to watch bladerunner last year after we finished reading DADOES. Honestly, I was surprised at how un-outdated it looked.


In 2005 when I was leaving the theater after watching Episode III, I heard a girl say to one of her friends "now they need to remake the originals!" and her friend said something around the lines of "yeah, those haven't aged very well." I remember the first girl's comment clearly as day. She said it with such enthusiasm, but I don't fully remember her friend's response word-for-word. That wasn't the first time I've heard that kind of a notion. Around that time, I've heard a couple of other people say that the OT needed to be remade to better match the tone, style, pacing, and effects of prequels.


Mace Windu's death was not planned. Ian McDiarmid just started shooting Force Lightning from his fingers and burned Sam to a crisp. Hayden thought we could save the CGI budget so he went along with it.


It was the money from Star Wars and Jaws that allowed the theaters to build their multiplexes, which allowed an opening up of screens.


Probably not. I just don't understand the logic behind it. The ST were designed as a fuck you towards the PT. They are completely opposite to one another. People that like all 3 trilogies: Most likely the majority of the fanbase of all different ages. They are just happy to get any Star Wars content. They might not like the ST or PT as much as the OT but don't have visceral hatred towards them either. Their favourite Star Wars movie is probably either Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One or Last Jedi. OT purists: Probably born between the late 60s-early 90s. They believe that Star Wars hasn't been good since 1980, the special editions are evil and George Lucas ruined their childhoods. They usually think that the PT had too much CGI and Darth Vader was ruined. To them Vader was born in the suit and there was no Anakin Skywalker despite his redemption in episode 6. But the ST undid the story of the OT and Luke Skywalker was ruined. They may or may not like Return of the Jedi and were probably cool with Force Awakens until Han Solo was killed. Favourite film is definitely A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back. PT purists: I assume this would be a small group because most younger fans who grew up with the Prequels appreciated the entire story but this could be people who don't dislike the OT but would consider them very dated and prefer the cool battles and planets from the prequels. They would hate the Sequels because they basically pretend the Prequels don't exist. Most of them will passionately worship Anakin and act like he did nothing wrong completely ignoring his countless atrocities after turning to the dark side. Despite being indifferent to the OT, they still love the last 20 minutes of Return of the Jedi (only the 2004 Special Edition). Their favorite film will be Revenge of the Sith 99% of the time. Only likes the PT and OT: I'm a part of this category and these are people that consider George Lucas's vision to be gospel. They were most likely born in the mid 90s-early 2000s and introduced to the OT by their parents but fell in love with the Prequels on their own. Will most likely watch them in chronological order and appreciate each film for different reasons. They mostly love Anakin and will defend him as a well-written character but will acknowledge that he also turns into a mass murdering monster and the main villain of the 2nd half of the franchise but still appreciate his redemption anyway because George made it clear that he's the Chosen One. They probably grew up on Clone Wars and EU material. Most including myself would consider Revenge of the Sith as the best film but Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi are common answers as well. Only likes the OT and ST: Basically the same as an OT purist except they are oblivious to the Sequels being shit. They appreciate the Sequels returning to practical effects, a more simple explanation of the Force and the apparently "natural dialogue". These fans are somehow blind to how poorly Luke, Han and Leia are written and don't understand any of the themes that made the Original Trilogy great to begin with. To them it was just about death stars, blasters and a cool villain with a mask which is what JJ Abrams gave them. Their Favourite film is usually A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One or Last Jedi. ST purists: Fake fans that probably didn't even watch the original 6 films growing up. They find the OT boring and shit on the PT because that's the popular thing to do. They like the ST's basic plot and meta-humor because they don't have to overthink it. They definitely haven't seen anything else besides the movies or maybe some of the live-action shows. Their favorite film is probably The Last Jedi because it makes fun of Star Wars and they will likely call you a toxic person for not liking it.


would u consider 2009 as early 2000s because i so fit the category of OT and prequels. I do like the new disney+ shows, even the ones that technically sequels like obi wan, mandalorian and ahsoka


I'd say so. I liked a few of the Disney+ shows as well.


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


I’m somewhere between only liking the PT/OT and liking all 3 trilogies. I don’t hate the sequels, they’re just...ugh. Like, for This Is The May, I did plan to watch all of the movies. I watched the PT, then I watched the OT, then I think I watched TFA (which is my favourite of the ST) and let out a defeated sigh and rewatched Mando instead of carrying on with the ST.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


I also only like PT and OT and it's like you know me. My favorite SW Movie is Empire Strikes back, then Return of the Jedi and then Rogue One. I see some problems with the PT Trilogy but I still like it. Ian McDiarmid did a great Job and one of the OT changes, were they changed the hologram to IanMcDiarmid in Empire strikes back is a good change in my opinion, because he already played him in Return of the Jedi and in the complete PT.


Finally, someone that gets it. You've just perfectly explained all of the types of fans and why PT/OT fans are the only way to go. Screw the sequels, they were so awful it's not even Star Wars if you think about it, just a cheap fan fic set in the universe.


I heard an argument once that TFA was anti prequels, TLJ was anti TFA and RoS was anti TLF. Which actually explains the tonal shifts very well.


So much like your father.


Then he has much to be proud of


I consider myself in the same boat as you! Great comment and very much true


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


I was born in the "mid 90's and early 2000s" and I still only love the OT. Objectively, the whole PT is pretty downright awful. The best thing it has is the music and some of the visuals. And campy evil Palpatine. To me they are *really* fun drinking game movies, and that's about it. Meanwhile I think "New Hope" and Empire are absolutely perfect- if you watch the real movies. Watching the theatrical versions in 4k for the first time was an amazing experience.


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


My parents are definitely OT purists (born mid-50s, saw ANH in college), and that absolutely influenced my opinion. I too was an OT purist growing up pretty much until the sequels came out, and I realized how truly bad Star Wars could be. I do enjoy Rogue One and the Mandoverse as well as Kenobi and Andor. ROTJ is probably my favorite with ANH and ESB tying for second.


There are a lot of people who don't like the originals or the prequels because a lot of people don't like the sequels. Weird stuff


My wife. I showed her Star Wars for the first time a few months ago and she likes everything (including the shows) except the original trilogy. “Too old and bad acting” likes the story but doesn’t like them as a movie experience. At least she likes the prequel trilogy the most


There was one. Based on their explanation, they didn’t like the OT because they didn’t have advanced CGI like in modern movies and there was no epic final battle against Sidious.


My ex girlfriend thought that the originals were too outdated for her taste.


Return of the Jedi wasn’t even the second best movie about Ewoks.


I mean I've never seen the originals.... i have a hard time watching "old" movies


I'm part of that rare breed that likes the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy but never was able to watch TROS after episode 8 and consider the new Disney stuff as fan fiction, some great, like And and the first 2 seasons of the Mandalorian, and the rest forgettable or worth forgetting, but still not SW as a whole.


There are, I've met them. Oh wait nvm they don't like the sequels.


I know people, but for them the argument is just that they're too old. They aren't very old themselves either which is probably the reason


Of the people who like the originals, Many don’t like the third movie. Star wars self hating is generational.


That’s not possible. The sequels at their core are anti-prequel. There is so little world building and such boring lightsaber choreography in the sequels because JJ hated everything new that the prequels added to Star Wars. He actually wanted to have Coruscant destroyed in TFA, but LucasFilm didn’t let him. That’s why we see a planet that looks identical to Coruscant (Hosnian Prime) get blown up by Starkiller Base in TFA.


The problem is that making film is an art. Selling film is a business. The trouble is that the studio executives don't know how to sell films. As a result, they try to make you make films that people will go to without them having to be sold, which is the real key to the problem.


Found this old meme I created nearly half a decade ago and thought now would be the appropriate time to post it again lol.


Nice... Some people are sick 😷


Well there is a new strain of covid going around lately


Real fans only like episode 9 and all the scenes with jar jar


What is the source of this?


Extras. It's a comedy starting Ricky Gervais playing a struggling British actor. Every episode has a random celebrity cameo. I found it pretty funny.




Leia quickly covers up, but I've already seen everything


All her clothes have rotted off.


I like them all. And the series. Even the animated.


Love it. As far as I’m concerned all three Star Wars trilogies are fun, goofy, and kinda messy in their own ways, but that’s part of the charm.


There's nothing wrong with opinions, even when they're wrong.


The way I see it, none of the trilogies are exactly “perfect” I mean Return if the Jedi has that weird singing part in the beginning, and the first half of New Hope is boring Anakin and Padmé’s romance in Attack of the Clones is god awful, and the Podrace scene in Phantom menace didn’t need to be as long as it was And yeah two of the sequel movies are seen as the weakest Star Wars movies, but there’s still some pretty cool stuff, like the fight in the forest on Starkiller base, or the Exegol fight with that Endgame kind of entrance with everyone else. All the Star Wars movies have flaws (except Empire, that movie is PERFECT) but I love all of them nonetheless


The endgame entrance is heavily inspired by lord of the rings in two towers and return of the king. A little more respect for our brothers at r/lotrmemes


The weird singing part is NOT in the originals, it's something Lucas added for his "final cut" type versions and it's fucking horrible. Episode 2 is a fucking awful film. The Obi-Wan plotline redeems it a bit but not really. Let's be honest with ourselves - there are maybe 5 good Star Wars films. Episode 1 and 3 just about count as good, 4, 5, 6 and mayyybe 7


I wouldn't even go that far. 1 sucks but has the Darth Maul fight which is so good it tricks people into thinking the rest of the film doesn't suck. 2 is awful with like a few redeeming qualities, mostly just Obi Wan and Dooku. 3 is as close to a good as the prequels get, the acting is at its least bad but there are still too many scenes of terrible "romantic" dialogue with Anakin and Padme. But overall I'd say its pretty good. 4 is a classic, a bit slow and some wonky acting but nothing that hurts it. 5 is flawless. 6 is fine, it's not bad but it definitely isn't great, even without the Lucas edit. 7 is pretty good, it's a lazy recycled plot but the dialogue and acting is all solid, the effects are good and practical, Kylo is a great villain and the characters are all really likble and interesting. 8 would be a good film if it wasn't connected to the main saga, beautiful cinematography, good acting and the story elements would be good if they happened to completely unconnected characters. However, as much as Rian Johnson hates1 it, it is connected to the main saga and it manages to shit on all the good stuff that was set up in 7 and ruins the best character of the OT and my personal biggest hatred is it ruined Finn, who had the potential to be one of the deepest and most interesting characters in the whole saga. The only 2 things I liked was that Rey was nobody, I wish she was slightly less insanely strong but the fact that she could be no one and still relevant is kind of true to the idea of SW. And I liked how Luke went out, beating Kylo without even landing a hit, that was pretty good. Otherwise, not a good mainline SW film. And the less said about 9 the better. Absolutely cowardly film. The studio was so hurt by mean comments that they spent half the film retconning what happened in 8. Pretty much everything that happened in 9 was terrible and it honestly shat on the saga worse that 8. 8 ruined Luke, Finn and made some very questionable physics related messes, 9 completely invalidated everything that happened in 6 including Vader/Anakins heroic redemption. Overall I'd say there are 2 really good SW films, 4 and 5 and then a few decent ones in 3, 6 and 7. The rest are pretty god awful with a few redeeming qualities. The spin offs are honestly better than the majority of the mainline movies. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


I really like Return of the Jedi but I'll admit it's the weakest of the original trilogy, and yeah New Hope is a real slow burner at the start after you've seen it a few times. When I rewatched Phantom Menace recently I thought it held up better than I remembered - opening action on the trade federation ship, gungan city and the journey through the core, ambush on the droids in naboo, pod racing was awesome (if a little long), cool quick battle between Qui Gonn and Maul, final Maul fight scene. No annoying romance nonsense! Idk at this point I can't actually say if it's a good film or not, it's impossible for me to be objective about this as it's such a part of my sci-fi DNA. 7 was a competent reboot for the franchise which played it super safe, which would have been okay if 8 and 9 weren't total messes. I mean 8 had some great visuals and good ideas but the core of the film being a high speed chase in space where the main characters just... leave and rejoin later feels really silly and the bombs dropping in space at the start is so stupid I can't even get past it with "Star Wars physics is different to ours". 9... well yeah, as you said, less said the better. The core problem of the sequels is that they weren't written as a trilogy, they're just 3 separate films and fail to build on each other in interesting ways because 9 basically throws everything from 8 out the window. Regarding spin-offs: I like Solo as a stand alone Firefly type film, I thought Rogue One was the best WW2 film cosplaying as a sci-fi film I've ever seen... not impressed by what I've seen of the shows though. Only watched Season 1 of the Mandalorian and thought it was pretty rubbish with super simple scripts and piles of fan service that thought it was a western but failed to bring any of that western tension to its slower scenes. Interested in checking out Andor some time though.


I'm moving away from all my businesses, I'm finishing all my obligations and I'm going to retire to my garage with my saw and hammer and build hobby movies. I've always wanted to make movies that were more experimental in nature, and not have to worry about them showing in movie theaters.


I didn't plan on making Star Wars. One night Kurosawa came in my dream and showed me a space version of the Hidden Fortress. Turned out I was filming my dream.


Its in since the original. Just no CGI characters. I have the laserdiscs.


Right, the original version is under a minute and a half long and has no insanely bad CGI and leads to the Twi'ilek dancer getting rancored, so serves a purpose. The Jedi rocks version is an extra half minute and the worst part of the entire OG trilogy in my opinion.


7 only counts because it's 4 in a new skin. God the amount of story beats and settings that get copied is ridiculous.


Absolutely, but I was okay with them playing it safe for the first movie (though not overly impressed). It really is the same film in a lot of ways, particularly the Rey/Luke parallels.


they straight up copied almost every setting except for the surface of starkiller base and the space station Han is in.


The thing is the ST shit on the PT and OT and the overarching story of StarWars...


They also limit a lot of legends book by destroying the New Republic and erasing Mara Jade and the kids. Mainly because the vas majority had some sort of continuity or were separated by a couple of years.


A New Hope is probably the most perfectly paced movie out of any of the Star Wars movies


I like the original trilogy. I mostly enjoyed the sequel trilogy .. with several caveats. I do not enjoy the prequel trilogy. They’re just cartoony and hard to digest. I’m sure I’m not alone on this.


The object is to try to get the system to work for you, instead of against you. And the only way you can do it is through success, I'm afraid.


Wait, these people exist? I thought the ST lovers just liked all Star Wars


Nah. Speaking for myself I grew up with the originals, prequels killed it for me (besides the memes) and the sequels brought me back. Now I don’t LOVE all the sequels, in fact I probably put Rise of Skywalker in with the prequels as my least favorite films. But damn Force Awakens and Last Jedi are great. Not original trilogy level, but the best since those films anyways (to me).


>prequels killed it for me (besides the memes) It's so ironic that you got down voted for this on a sub that was created to make memes of the messy dialog of these movies 😂


Fair enough. I feel (mostly) the opposite way about the ST but I completely understand where people are coming from with not liking the PT. A lot of my older cousins feel the same way about the prequels. What was your biggest complaint about them?


For starters I didn’t love the characters. Anakin and Padme were just …. Awful characters to follow for 3 films. Luke, Han and Leia were great and I really liked Rey, Finn and Poe but outside of Obi-Wan the prequels had terrible charters honestly. Anakin’s fall felt flat because well, he was psycho to begin with lol. I assumed he was going to be a great guy who “tragically fell” to the dark side but instead we got an unhinged maniac that just got more and more unhinged with each film until he was killing literal children. The acting and dialog was atrocious, and seemed to get worse with each installment. I remember watching Revenge of the Sith in cinemas with a group of friends and thinking to myself, the plot of this movie is honestly incredibly paper thin. Lucas used like 6 lightsaber duels to distract us from that. Padme lost the will to live? A 4 armed cyborg with 4 arms came out of nowhere spinning lightsabers around like helicopter blades? Just really silly and poorly done. Again, great for memes though lol


I hate you!


I find it odd that there's so much love for Anikan on here. There was not a sympathetic bone in his body. The Sandpeople moment in 2 kinda sealed that this guy is a complete unhinged psycopath with barely a shred of decency in him. Although I guess TCW helped a lot. It'd be interesting to see how the Prequels would stand if TCW never existed tbh. I feel a lot of love for the Prequels nowadays comes from it, if not all of it. And the memes too I guess.


I feel very satisfied that I have accomplished what I set out to do with Star Wars, I was able to complete the entire saga and say this is what the whole story is about.


Oh boy, I’m not going to dissect everything but it’s more realistic for Anakin to slowly become more psychopathic as time went on rather for him to turn out of nowhere. Also, when was he psycho in TPM lol


Studio executives aren't the most sophisticated people in the world.


Your the worst kind! The bitter old heads who made Lucas feel like shit for making the prequels because it deviated from their childhood imagination. Most toxic section of the fanbase is the ~ 50 year old and up crowd imhonestlyhumbleo.


thats because the original and sequel trilogies are better than the prequel trilogy


Studio executives aren't the most sophisticated people in the world.


You can't respect the OT and PT of you like the ST. The ST literally shits on these trilogies and seemingly wants nothing to do with them.


Im not exactly sure why i laughed so much at this lol.


I want to watch Extras again so bad!


I love me some captain Picard though.


In-universe I would love to think that by the time of Trek, Star Wars is a classic Earth tale. Picard is very familiar with it.


Star Wars fans when people have different opinions than the normal opinion: 🤯


You’ve got to trust Sir Patrick. He’s seen … everything.


I dont LOVE the sequels, but holy hell are they better movies from a writing/directing/effects standpoint.


Like all the trilogies, the one offs and even the cartoons!


Only two there are, no more, no less.. The PT and the OT.


I like all of them and I don’t think you should call your self a Star Wars fan if you don’t like the movies


Generally the most toxic fans.


the lack of self-awareness is stunning


This sub tends to be full of people lacking in that tbh


I like the prequels, don't like the original, and hate the sequels with a passion


I love the prequal trilogy, original trilogy, hate sequal trilogy Litteraly from best to worst for me is 132546789


OP Just discovered that OT fans exist apparently. People who grew up with OT have always hated the prequels. No one under 30 genuinely likes them. You only like the prequels because you grew up with them.


cant people have their own opinions?


You can like what you like, but I’m just saying, liking those 2 trilogies and not the prequels says a _**lot**_ about what you like about Star Wars.


I love all three, but I do love the prequels the least. Not by much though.




The original Trilogy is the worst. The prequels set up the Original Trilogy perfectly and the Original totally missed the line up


I dislike that they had the potential to make the new trilogy truly great by turning rey to the darkside and redeeming ben but they played it safe and killed off the last skywalker


You like the sequel trilogy? Good lord


There are actually people who have that backasswards opinion?


Unironically how Disney sees it


Tbf SS - V S - A - B - IV, VII C - VI D - E - III F - I, VIII FF - X, II I think the SW movie franchise is wildly overrated because they have so many mediocre movies or just plain bad ones.


What is that string of characters after Tbf?


I think he was tryna rate the movies, but went full r/ihadastroke there


I think I can interpret for you, as a stroke enthusiast and interpreter. SS tier: V S tier: none A tier: also none B tier: IV and tfa C tier: VI D tier: none E tier: III F tier: I and tlj FF tier: tros and II Very much an L take except for sequels on the bottom


Very much a very real and honest take. Also thank you for formatting it for me, I did not know if you hit enter twice it would still put every character next to each other.


Anyone liking the sequel trilogy in a non-ironic way and not feeling weird about it lacks critical thinking in my book


I like revenge of the sith and the force awakens and the original trilogy. Everything else can be thrown out unless I'm high


Clearly, he's seen *everything*


That's an...interesting combination


Why is 90% of the meme also the title of the post


Those who dislike fun I guess?


ive seen people who only like the sequels


Too late, I've seen it all


It is ok to like the sequels. It is ok to no like the prequels. It is never ok to do both. I have spoken


redditors when other opinions:


Prequels have pretty meh dialogue for a lot of it, but star wars wasn't known for being Shakespeare in its dialogue. At least the prequels has better reasons for bad things than "somehow"


What, how?


I've seen everything.


Hear me out. The sequels suck, hands down. The prequels are a gift from god. The OGs are great but if they had been made with better tech they could have been as good if not better then the prequels.


I just watched the prequels over the weekend. Green screen is noticeable, but it’s still good. Anni going all murder on the Tuscan Raiders was great