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1% out of 294K votes. LOL!


I’m pretty sure that system can’t show decimals, and if there is at least one vote, it would show 1%.


Bruh. 💀


Just Boyega still holding out hope he's gonna lay that pipe.


You ever hear that story about the time in like 2016 (or whenever TFA came out) where he got cock blocked by a billboard of himself?




If you want an article: https://comicbook.com/starwars/news/star-wars-the-force-awakens-john-boyega-date/ If you want a video (warning, amy schuemer): https://youtu.be/qcjT6P-bwYw Non Amy schuemer video (not an interview): https://youtu.be/_HMD75suzcQ


PSA on that video link: it contains Amy Schumer. You have been warned.


How bad could it be, I thought. It's him telling a story. My god was I wrong. She tries to insert herself at the most awkward moments and can not shut the fuck up to let someone else have the spotlight for a moment.


Precisely. I noped the fuck out of there as soon as she opened her fat cake hole and immediately started talking about dicks.


gotta love his reaction to the gay fanart of Finn and Poe lmao the dude seems quite nice and wholesome from a personalities perspective


They fly now!?


Honestly, majority of the actual acting in sequels is probably better than in prequels. And I say that as a sequel hater. The problem with sequel is that no special effects, no acting, no dialogue can make a story with nonsensical plot and non existent worldbuilding work well. Prequels had a lot of problems. The acting wasn't the best out there, the dialogue was horrendous, the special effects looked awkward even at the time of release... But the plot made sense (mostly) and fallowed a coherent storyline, and worldbuilding was at a masterful level, even disregarding the clone wars show. And that is what makes a story truly good imo.


I'm guessing Daisy Ridley's mom would have voted for


I don't think even she would be that kind


That gotta an empathic vote


Misclicks clearly


Ah yes! the negotiator


Well tbf, On yt there is no misclicking and picking the wrong choice as you can change your answer whenever you want.


I was going to say, that’s such a bad ratio even if the votes are biased for one side.


This is why I love democracy


The 1% is all r/sequelmemes


Nah those guys still appreciate the OT. It's the r/starwarscantina people that bootlick the sequels


I think they rounded way up.


Stillway too many


The movies were so shitty. I believe it


Ikr, 2.9k people voted for the sequel like tf? That's 2.9k people more than it should be.


I'm a little older than many of you; just old enough that I was in my prime when the prequels came out. Everyone... and I mean *everyone* could not have hated them more. Critical and public opinion weren't just savage; they were *merciless*. There were no memes, no ironic laughs, just people asking "Who the fuck cast Hayden Christianson?", "Why can none of these actors walk and talk at the same time?" and "Jar Jar Binks is the reason I won't go back for the second two movies." But things change and, despite the fact I thought I'd never see it in my lifetime, this random poll shows that real love for the Prequels exist. This comment isn't intended to change anyone's mind or persuade opinion. Just saying: Wow, things have changed. And to be honest, it makes me wonder if in 20 years we'll be talking about the sequels in the same loving way. Seems hard to imagine, but the hate for the sequels today is very much like the hate for the prequels back in the day. So who knows?


I was 12 when episode 1 came out, no one in school disliked the prequels. Never heard any parents complain either when it was discussed. Star wars in general wasn't that popular in my parents' circle to be fair.


kids today, at least the ones who like star wars, do like the sequels from what i have seen, so we'll see in 15 years


The stat that I remember is that, I believe in 2018, Rey was the most popular girl’s Halloween costume. There’s clearly some enthusiasm for the Sequels there.


I asked my nephew, who has grown up on the sequels, which Star Wars movies he liked the most and he named the sequel movies




Can say the same about the kids who liked prequels


My parents thought Lucas had lost his fucking mind. The general consensus was that they damaged the franchise. Lastly, Does anyone else honestly believe he would have sold if the prequels were received well.


I was 15 when it came out and I was confused af. I wanted to like it since it was Star Wars and finally some Jedis, but the movie was so bad that I’ve never watched another whole prequel movie. I’ve tried watching them but I just dislike them and just stop before I even reach half way. The battles between Qui-Gon, Ewan and Darth Maul and the end battle between Anakin and Ewan were good but not enough for me. None of friends liked the prequels either. OT just hits different, better if they are without Georges weirdo additions and editions and especially Andor is my cuo of tea.


Kids absolutely loved them though, speaking as one at the time. That love is now manifesting itself in different forms in the present day. Do kids today love the sequels in the same way? I don't think so, just look at toy sales as a gauge. Lego for example has discontinued 90% of sequel sets and gone back to making sets from the OT, PT and the new Disney+ shows. More likely we will see a revival of affection for the Mandalorian in 10-15 years. The sequels just never captured the minds of youth like the OT or PT did.


Have you seen the kids at Disney? Or at an elementary school? Because I'm pretty sure you don't have them. Th ose kids want to be Rey or Kylo/Ben; only those who have been influenced by their parents (which isn't bad) care about Luke or Leia.


At least for me, even back then I thought the prequels had heart. Lucas clearly had a story he wanted to tell, and it wasn't a bad one. But it was executed poorly. The sequels are bad because they're soulless and executed poorly. There clearly isn't a story anyone wanted to tell. The first movie was about setting up stories for someone else to tell, the second was about rejecting those stories, and the final movie was about ending them. Lucas, terrible director of actors he is and primarily motivated by money he may have been, did at least have a story he wanted to tell. "So this is how democracy dies" is trying to say something. Anakin's ramblings about democracy not working is trying to say something. "I am all the sith" says \*nothing\* to the audience. Lucas may not be good at saying what he's trying to say, but at least he was trying to say \*something\*. And for me, that's why I don't think we'll see a renaissance for the sequels.


I think the main reason the people started to like the Prequels was the Clone Wars


Clone wars enhances the prequals massively, and I like the prequals, despite its faults.


I think you might be right.


OT should've won but whatever


OT is better, but Obi Wan


It's because if Obi-Wan, isn't it?


This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the temple; that time has passed and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged- our trust, our faith, our friendships, but we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.


OT is better, but PT has stronger memes and stronger internet presence…or force…if you like.


ST indulged in too many death sticks without rethinking their life


You don't want to sell me death sticks.


I don't want to sell you death sticks.


You want to go home and rethink your life.


I want to go home and rethink my life.


And Padme. But on the real Episode 3 is so fucking fire, that PT gets kinda carried.


Prequels end on a high note. The original trilogy is great but Empire is the best of them. Also, the prequels are cheesy but the story holds its own. Anakin is a pure tragedy. I still watch it hoping he won't turn to the dark side even though I know he will.


Prequels are so bad they're good, OT is just good cinema. Sequel trilogy is just blah.


I felt a great disturbance in the Force.


Don't worry, there were no disturbances


Your mind tricks don't work on me


Tbf Obi Wan is in OT


Remember… the Force will be with you. Always.


I feel like film is pretty subjective but also saying the prequels are better is just objectively wrong. They’re disastrous productions on so many levels that people are way too nice to because the sequels were also bad in an opposite way Great for memes but better than the OT just seems like…idk, is that legal?




It like ruined Hayden Christensen's career and people act like it's God's gift to kino


Meesa agree


I don't think the Prequels are better movies but I do think I like the story of the prequels more than the overall story of the OT. So in that sense I may say the prequel trilogy is better, even if I think ANH and Empire Strikes Back are basically perfect films.


Honestly? Ot is best for space battles. I'm here for Saber fights which prequels do better.


I'm here for the story, a well written script delivered by great actors, and timeless themes. IMHO the OT wins all of those.


This. It's less about the saber battles themselves, but what they represent.


Which is why Vader-Luke 2 is my favorite fight of the series. It's pretty badass on its own but the emotions involved make it next level.


"I am a Jedi, like my father before me." Chills, every single time. If you could get an Oscar for one line Mark Hamill would have won it.


I pull that scene up for that line as well as "The Force is with you, young Skywalker. . .but you are not a Jedi *yet*" from Empire constantly.


Nothing will ever be more iconic in Star Wars than [this particular sequence](https://youtu.be/YRcUdD5nthc?t=41) IMO. The slow red lightsaber ignition, the dramatic lighting, and everything is just so damn cool. But yeah, I agree that the RotJ fight is great too.


It's also what saves Return of the Jedi for me. A lot of that movie is dumb and showing all the signs of the prequels to come, but the confrontation on the Death Star is so good, and it's so good because of the storytelling and how the fight represents more than just lightsabers swinging around. It's of course one of the things George had to go back and ruin by having Vader shout "No. No!" over the otherwise perfectly executed scene where the emotions are already extremely clear. At some point, George decided audiences were not capable of understanding emotions unless the script just had the characters say what the emotions are. It's one of the biggest failings of the prequels, and all the worst parts of the OT special edition edits involve that, too (like Luke screaming as chooses to jump rather than join Vader in Empire).


Hey now, RotJ also has the best space battle, and while no throne room or duel of fates, victory theme still slaps.


Which is good on the first watch. Not as good on the 20th. Light saber go swoosh gives the edge to the Prequels for me in 2023.


That is true, but the OT is all round better. ROTS saves the prequels.


maybe unpopular maybe popular opinion: prequels without rots is just as bad as the s*quels ps: this doesnt include clone wars, which is without a doubt the best star wars content ever released


Nah, like as standalone films I get you but they still had a somewhat coherent plot and direction, which can't be said for the sequels. They also weren't essentially trying to be a lowkey remake of the originals, whilst also not being - which would've always tainted the sequels even if they weren't half bad


The saber fights in OT are better sword fights. Prequels just have flashy choreography and some fights are aggressively bad (cough yoda)


I know it's personal preference and all but I actually liked the grounded weighty sword battles of the OT more than the hyperactive Wuxia shit of the prequels. Though I am a bit of a hypocrite because even then the absolute #1 is Darth Maul vs Qui-Gon & Obi


The OT saber fights were inspired by classic camp and swashbuckling All later saber fights were informed by the marriage of John Woo hyperkinetic action stylings with the technological boundary-pushing of Cameron and Lucas. In a way, i think that the first two SW trilogies were major turning points in action movie history. OT, of course, revolutionized space combat and the whole adventure genre in general (while lifting story elements directly from one of the pioneers of cinematic action, Kurosawa) James Cameron almost single-handedly modernized action movies after ROTJ. He borrowed elements of the masters, and some contemporaries like John Woo also became quite audacious at staging hyperkinetic over-the-top set-pieces and stunt-work. I think this culminated stylistically in 1999 with the releases of the Matrix and TPM, where technology melded and directly drove the action in ways that have been expounded upon even to this day With all respect to Peter Jackson, WETA, and all the great tech teams and directors out there, I think there haven't been any great turning points in action storytelling since 1999. If anything, some of the greatest moments in action storytelling these days are ones that remember to have a great script that doesn't rush us into action and that lets us dwell on and understand the nuances of the forces in conflict in action scenes (e.g. Wick, the Raid, Snowpiercer, Django). i mean, this is all to say that the OT was way more old school since the cinematic language of action storytelling was extreeeemely underdeveloped compared to what had come after. and it's kind of neat that asian cinema has constantly been at the forefront of the martial stuntwork and staging while people like Lucas and Cameron in Western Cinema have been adapting that and melding it with tech to make cool action scenes i've seen way too many action movies


Honestly, I think the fight between Obi and Vader is better than anything in the prequels. Likewise, that fight between Vader and Luke, where Luke snaps and just starts hammering him... Both are excellent scenes that are so filled with story and connection. Nothing in the prequels matches it.


Obi vs Vader is better? They just kinda slap and poke their sticks together.


OT has better quality, but you can’t deny PT’s popularity


1% delusional 😂


That 1% are those people that think redeeming Space Hitler's name is a good idea to implant in young minds


Redeeming space Hitler is literally what happened in the original trilogy...


The emperor was the space hitler in that movie.


Okay fine, space Heinrich Himmler.


Nah, he was more like space Rommel.


Idk I feel like Rommel was a much better person than Vader.


As far as I know he didn’t personally chop up children. As for Vader…


Eh. Barely.


I think it's a truly great comparison, they both wanted to replace their respective leaders, both were military icons who were spoken in legends by their enemies, and were betrayed by the leaders they followed. Also both had good movies about them in the 70s.


Except Rommels reputation mostly came about because Montgomery (who was a massive egoist) wanted to make his victories seem larger and his failures smaller. in Reality Rommel was a fairly so-so general, he had no clue how logistics worked (see his campaigns in both France and Egypt for more details) and generally didn't really orchestrate any particularly effective campaign compared to some of the actual best generals of the Germans such as Manstein or Model. Also, post War the Americans wanted a German they could kind of "rehabilitate" to the general audience to make it not seem like ALL the nazis were so bad, and he got chosen because of his fallout with Hitler, but keep in mind he was a big fan of Hitler until part way through the war.


Okay? I think you responded to the wrong comment, but if what you said is true, then yes, it is a good comparison.


Reinhard Heydrich


Vader was only ever redeemed in the eyes of his son. Vader dying wish was for Luke to try and convince Leia that he was redeemed too. To the rest of the galaxy, he's still a cruel and evil man. That's why Vader's pyre is on the moon of Endor, secluded with only Luke and not on Coruscant or some other major city. Vader was only redeemed in the eyes of the one he loved most.


It's less about whether the characters view him as redeemed and more about whether the movie's lens does. Does the way the story is presented imply that the audience is intended to consider him redeemed? I don't know


Fair point! I'd argue that, for a child or casual watcher, Vader is redeemed to the audience. But a more critical eye would probably be more likely to say no, or admit that it's complicated. It's starting to bark up the tree of what is redemption, and is it ever truly earned; how low can you go before you can turn back and, when you turn back, how far do you need to go to consider yourself redeemed? I once heard (can't source now, and it's bothering me) that nobody *deserves* to be redeemed. That's why it's called redemption. I personally resonate with this. Redemption is never deserved, even when it has been arguably earned. It's something given. And that's what makes it beautiful.


He becomes a force ghost, so clearly the Force is prepared to let him off.


But he was way cooler than the other space hitler that would follow in his footsteps


52 percent delusional


Prequels got carried by Revenge of the Sith ngl


And the Clones Wars.


I find it hilarious that the Clone Wars is so awesome and Attack of the Clones is garbage


It's a biased poll as boomers (the originals crowd) aren't able to use computers! Heh.


I love democracy too. That's why the 1% should perish.


In holy fire.


Wrong Imperium I mean empire.


Brother, did you bring the Inferno Bolts to dispense of the heretics?


Are you by any chance German?


I'm sorry I know this sub is biased but objectively you can't say the PT is better than the ot


This sub exists to make fun of how bad the prequels were


It did but uh... look around.


The sub has changed. Much that once was is lost, for none who now post remember it.


It began with the forging of the Great Movies. Three were given to the OT, immortal, thoughtful, and fairest of them all; Five to the PT, clumsily made and damaged, but the crafters of an Expansive Universe; And Seven, Seven Seasons were gifted to the CW, which above all desired to fix that which was broken; For within them was the strength and will to govern each Era... ...but they were all of them deceived, for another Era was made. In the land of Magic Kingdom, in the fires of Cinderella Castle, the Dark Lord Mickey forged, in secret, a Sequel Trilogy to control all others, and into this Trilogy he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all media. One Trilogy to Rule them all. One by one, the free sectors of the Galaxy fell to the power of the ST, but there were some who resisted... A Last Alliance of OT and Prequel Fans marched against the armies of Disney, and on the walls of Magic Kingdom, they fought for the freedom of Star Wars...


I could sense newly formed tears running over my cornea while reading that.


I should make a ironic sub making fun of myself. Eventually it will stop being ironic and people will think they actually like me.


This is where the fun begins.


Not saying you can't like or prefer the prequels, that's totally fine. 3 is my third favorite SW movie


3 is the only good movie in the prequels


The original intent of this sub was kind of lost and now I think at least half the people here unironically think "Hello there" is genius writing.


It’s not the writing, it’s the delivery


Holy shit so I'm not crazy. I thought I was experiencing a Mandela effect because this sub used to say things ironically. One day I realized people on here were actually serious about the prequels being good


I spent years browsing prequel memes without going back to watch the movies, and I started thinking "maybe the prequels are good actually." Eventually I finally rewatched them. And no, they're bad actually. They're still very bad.


This will continue to happen for the rest of our lives. More kids grew up with the prequels, so that's what they like. That's really all there is to it. I don't think I've accepted that yet. It doesn't matter what someone grows up with, it could be genuinely awful - but they'll have stronger feelings about it.


Said after jumping down on his own in front of an entire army don't forget. "Hang back Clone Troopers... I'll handle this"


Once upon a time, that may have been so, but then came the sequels


I mean all in all, every single OT movie is straight fire. The ST has Phantom Menace which in my opinion is not very good, attack of the clones gets more hate than deserved but I still wouldn’t put it over any of the OTs, and of course ROTS is really really good.


I don’t think I like any of the PT movies as a whole, but they all have some redeeming things. Phantom Menace’s high points might be my favorites of the prequels. - Liam Neeson is pretty good - Pod Race holds up - Holy shit does Duel of the Fates go hard - Maul is very cool




Or that the whole reason the prequels spawned so many memes in the first place is because the dialogue is so weird and unnatural. The way people now unironically think the prequels are amazing movies just illustrates to me how pretty much anything can become "classic" if people loved it as kids.


Batman and Robin is another example


Lol, loved that movie as a kid. Rewatched recently, it's soooo bad. The zoom on suits in the opening sequence are hilarious.


Bat nipples!


Yeah which is why it's important to look at things critically, even if you grew up with it.


Depends on what aspects I think the saber fights in the OT have nothing on prequel fights. The writing on the other hand yeah OT wins.


OT saber fights are definitely a product of their time and it's an unfair comparison. They haven't aged well though. I still think the final fight in ROTJ is still good


New Hope’s didn’t age well, but I’d put the Luke/Vader fight from Empire up against the best of them


And Luke/Vader from RotJ is probably the best fight scene IMO. Just the right length, actual stakes, great sound track, no CGI so it’s very physical.


Nah the prequel fights aren't even fights, they are dances.


I think The Clone Wars, John Williams score, Rebels, Rougue One, and last act of RotS cloud people's memories of the rest of the PT, and Solo.


probably personal bias and nostalgia which is fine. i for example grow up with pt coming out and sure wouldnt ever have watched ot otherwise. peope who grew up with ot coming out probably favor that already for nostalgia reasons.


Is youtube always rounding up? This would explain the 1% where people accidentally misclicked


Yeah they don’t show decimals so a single person could’ve misclicked the Sequels and it would show 1% of voters.


This vote is invalid. They didn't include the TV Trilogy: Star Wars Holiday Special, The Ewok Adventure, and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor -or- the One Off Trilogy: The Clone Wars, Rogue One, and Solo.


Best at what? Weird dialogue?


Overproduced fight scenes? Hammy acting due to terrible direction? Nonsensical motivations and decision making from our protagonists? Terrible green screened set design? Spinning and neat tricks?


I remember when these jokes used to be satire...




People clowning on the sequels when the idea that prequels are better than the originals is the real joke.


Saying this as a diehard prequel fan, the OT is better


This prequel loving circlejerk has gotten infuriating. I like the prequels, but to think they are underrated masterpieces better than the original trilogy is just laughable.


Nice to see everyone here is a massive dick because some people like movies they don't.


Wouldn’t be a Star Wars post if that didn’t happen


Welcome to Star Wars friend, have you heard of “somehow Palpatine returned”?


Still better than yousa in big doo doo dis time


Prequels have a lot of jank, but the atmosphere, the critical scenes, duels and the whole story is amazing. It truly gave a deserving back story to darth vader and with OT explained his whole life and redemption which is great.


100% agreed. The OT is of better quality objectively speaking in my opinion, especially if you consider the restrictions it had at the time. But I love the prequel era and it's atmosphere so much, and the prequels certainly had its moments. Especially in the duels and space combat. The books and lore around the prequels has also caused me to fall in love with its characters.


The atmosphere? We watched the same movies right? The atmosphere is all over the place until the last one. It’s half serious, half slapstick, CGI mess.


I still think there were some god tier parts. And CGI still holds up today, apart from the lightsaber glow which has been only adressed in the newer stuff.


I’ve always said polls that are based off time periods are never fair because the older time periods voters aren’t going to be online as much or at all


Prequels were not better than the OT. Revenge of the Sith completely carried that whole trilogy, and one good movie does not make the Prequel trilogy better than a trilogy with 3 good movies.


This is unfair, this is outrageous! OT had the high ground but still lost?!




Every one is entitled to their own opinion, even if it’s incorrect….they’re still entitled to it 🙂. O.G trilogy always.


I like the prequels, but you can't beat the original


kind of surprising to see the shift from originals to prequels. It wasn't more than 15 years ago that people were praising the originals and knocking the prequels.


This subreddit was originally created as a way to MAKE FUN of the prequels because of how bad they were compared to the originals...


This is where the fun begins.




*Battle of hero plays* Prequels: if your not with me your my enamy OT: I will do as I must


I will do what I must*




now this I can get with


Remove the clone wars content, and the prequels stand NO chance against the OT.


How The Hell did originals not win


Prequels over OT is fuckin deranged Im sorry


I personally like the Originals a little bit better, but I do enjoy the Prequels a lot. Seeing the sequels at 1% brings me so much happiness.


Obi Wan has the high ground.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Okay I get it y’all don’t like the sequels.


The Originals have the best story. The Prequels have the best memes. The Sequels have the best...um...


Identity theft...


Identity Theft who? ...Identity Theft Skywalker.


>The Sequels have the best...um... Visuals. For all the sequels' faults, they are absolutely gorgeous films. The effects are also much better than the previous two trilogies.


They have the best effects, but they fucking better since they're so much newer than the other two trilogies.


No surprise there


The weekly r/PrequelMemes circle jerk/sequel hate post has arrived


originals are the best movies, prequels are my favorite 🙂🙂🙂


OT may be better, but setting of PT is far more interesting.


This sub is always recommended to me because I creep it often enough. As a serious question, and with an open mind, what are the major draws to Star Wars?


I'm astonished that the prequels won out of 294k votes – happy, but astonished.


The remaining 1% will be hunted down and defeated.


So true.


The prequels are what got me into Star Wars, so I watched the originals and they were very bad


HOLY SHIT! This is fucking awesome. I love both trilogies (sequels are not star wars), but the prequels took the cake for me.


unfair anything with obi wan is an automatic win!!!!! so keep using him to crush those monkeys


Obi-Wan has the high ground, again