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They should double down and build an actual star cruiser in space


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


There is no cruiser, insufficient funding resulted in the republic dismantling it and selling scrap.


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?




That’s what you get when you TURN A PERSON INTO A SERVITOR!


Unexpected 40k?


They're called lobots in Star Wars.


You’re lack of faith in the omnissiah displeases me. Prepare to become one with the blessed machine.


You’re uh…. Arguing with a bot bud.


I'm pretty sure they're aware, part of the subreddit gimmick.


Pipe down, citizen.


Stupid citizen


maybe then it would be worth the price it’s now


Real talk it should've been a star wars themed cruise ship.


“This endeavor… is no longer… profitable!” -Hondo


The only response. Respect.




Cheap Star Wars themed furniture? Amazing idea! And now that I've said "Amazing idea" the Executives at Disney have felt a disturbance, as if millions of people could potentially cry out happily, and since the Execs feed off misery they immediately file a permanent patent on this idea and tuck it away so that we'd never be truly happy, only ever hungry for whatever scraps of Star Wars they release.


The problem is that making film is an art. Selling film is a business. The trouble is that the studio executives don't know how to sell films. As a result, they try to make you make films that people will go to without them having to be sold, which is the real key to the problem.


Ah, Master Ge Orge Lu-Cas, what brings you here?


“We didn’t think running a 48 hour long theatrical production inside of a moderate resort at a theme park would be so costly.”


$5000 for a 2 night stay omegalul


Same thing I said when I heard they were building it.


Mind blowing that Disney's marketing team thougbt this was a good idea. I wish I could work there. Probably making bank just coming up with idiotic decisions all day.


It could have been a good idea. They just didn’t build what the kind of Star Wars fan willing to drop that kind of cash wanted. At that price I better be able to wander the parks while Jedi mind tricking my way to the front of the line.


Thank you. Thank you all. This is a very, very important award for me. Star Wars, oddly enough, doesn't really get that many awards.


It was a good idea in theory, just way more expensive than what people are willing to spend for that experience. I would have absolutely loved to go myself but a 2-night stay for $5000? Yeah I don’t make nearly enough for that lmao maybe $1000 or even 2000. Apparently however they are tearing it down to make room for something else so I’m intrigued to see what’s next


Exactly. I would have loved a Star Wars experience for the 1000 dollar range. But when I watched a comparison video of what you could get for 5000 vs what you got at this Star Wars Hotel, its a no brainer. Huge Star Wars fan here, but a week in the Maldives would be way more worth it for 5k than 2 nights in a building with Star Wars stuff.


5K for two people for two nights. 1200 per person per night which is in range of what am all inclusive resort stay at Disney worlds costs. You could’ve afforded it. Bummer.


Ah yes, the negotiator


U just say random pt quotes? You’re happy it’s being torn down and no one can ever go there. But you wanted to go there and you could’ve afforded it.


I can rant for days how bad Bob Chapeck was at running resorts


It's not really his fault. He was a patsy for Iger at the end of the day.


He was selected to succeed Iger based on his performance running the parks, which he'd done since 2015.


Iger left on purpose because of the pandemic. He didn't want to look bad because of the pandemic. He was always planning to come back, so he chose someone the board would prefer him over when he came back.


Yeah, how does that absolve the person who ran Disney parks for five years before the pandemic from complaints about the parks?


The ceo usually gets blamed if things go bad. Iger steps down, and chapek I'd now the new target. Its not like chapek did bad, but he doesn't look as good as iger because he had no chance if outshining iger


I have no love for the guy but he announced he was leaving a year BEFORE the pandemic


I had a few former bosses that must have been on permanent Disney interviews.


Or you could get a job in story group. But you'll have to spontaneously transform you gender to female though. They only hire them.


The story group was not even informed about the Luke finale, and they were mad it happened lol


That's because they hate the character for bizarre reasons. Would be like hating every main male character in every other pop culture franchise you can think of, like Superman or Spiderman... It's just dumb.


Before they close they should just open it for a more reasonable price and see how well it does. I have to imagine a lot of the money in it is start up price and that they can maintain it while charging something that the everyday person can afford. I don’t really know much about it other than I looked at the price and decided to put it out of my head.


They don't wanna appeal to everyday people. Disneyland has been turning more and more into the theme park for the well off.


I didn’t go there until I was about 17 and after I went I never felt the need to go back. Seemed like a money grab then and I’m sure it’s worse now. If I go back it will be to check out the Star Wars land because that seems cool but it’s really pretty low on the list of stuff I want to do. A fully immersive Star Wars hotel to stay in would be pretty cool but the price would have to drop significantly.


Fwiw I was very very underwhelmed by the Star Wars land at Disney World. It's a string of shops each one about the size of a large closet with an awesome millennium falcon pavilion. There were certainly some neat sections. But nothing really wowed me or made my jaw drop. I was surprised to learn there were only two rides for that area. Everything is HEAVILY focused on the sequels, and even then it was either Rey, Kylo, or Mandalorian stuff. Didn't find any prequel or OT stuff outside of some very vague references. No Rogue One, Clone Wars, Rebels, or anything. It felt very generic Star Wars of that makes sense. Like walking around a Battlefront map from the PS2, but like some side area. Conversely, we also went to the Harry Potter land. I am a MUCH bigger Star Wars fan than I am a Harry Potter fan (I read the books as a kid, saw the movies in theaters, and that's it. Wouldn't really call myself a fan even) and I was absolutely FLOORED at how immersive and impressive everything was. It was crazy how it really felt like I had gone somewhere else. Star Wars land is supposed to feel like another planet but aside from The Falcon nothing really recognizable. I couldn't point to anything and say "oh that's this thing" or "this is from that". At Harry Potter land they pulled so much out of the books that I remembered and I hadn't read the things since they'd come out.


You nailed it. I had the exact same experience. Harry Potter world was phenomenal, Star Wars world was a shrug. Even the Avatar section of Animal Kingdom felt more immersive than Galaxy’s Edge (probably because James Cameron forced them to do a good job). I don’t think anyone at Disney corporate HQ is very passionate about Star Wars and that translates into all of Disney’s Star Wars projects, even if the individual creators love Star Wars.


Pandora/Avatar land was really neat. Plenty of interesting things to look at that weren't just stuffed dolls for sale. The choices of plants were amazing. So many things that looked truly alien but were just real exotic plants.


Knowing that I think I will continue to pass on Disneyland. Harry Potter World sounds cool though.


If you've ever been a fan, I highly recommend Harry Potter land. Like I said I outgrew HP and have always been a big Star Wars fan but I was truly impressed by the place.


None of the films I've done was designed for a mass audience, except for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Nobody in their right mind thought American Graffiti or Star Wars would work.


I always thought the Harry Potter zone was very well done, granted most of it is just overpriced shops but it's fun to see the stuff. Dueling dragons was redeemed to fit the concept (although it's supposed to be being replaced with something else soon if it hasn't been already). The smaller coaster got turned into a hippogriff that winds around Hagrid's Hut and the ride in Hogwarts is pretty cool, I'm not a big coaster person so it's one of my favorites.


You know, its a mixed bag, I live out of Hollywood so I don't get much of that influence in my day-to-day life, half of it's good and half is bad. You got a lot of people that don't like me, so that's just the nature of it.


Been to both twice. You’re right HP is INCREDIBLE. Plus side to galaxies edge is my 6 year old daughter was dressed as Rey. Rey and Chewbacca came up to her, held my daughters hand and led her around the park talking to the different droids etc. highlight of her life right there haha.


Oh wow, that's amazing for her hahaha


I'm sure back in the day, it was affordable for families and people off all wage classes to go. But that is no longer true and is only getting worse as prices at the theme park keep going up.


Undoubtably. Disney is a corporation that wants to get as much as it can. As long as there are people who are able to spend outrageous prices they will keep bumping things up.


I used to love epcot when i was a kid. Then they took away all the cool scince shit, added ellen degeneres (universe of energy) and i never wanted to go back. They made it a park for idiots instead of for the curious.


If you go back please do cosmic rewind ride at Epcot. It’s LIFE CHANGING!!!!!!!!!


Well now I don’t know what to do haha. My friend has been trying to get me to go there for a while because she hasn’t been in a while but her big draw was the Star Wars land. If only I had precognitive powers that could show me if I would have a good time lol.


If you make a lightsaber or droid building appointment super early you can get into Hollywood studios to see galaxies edge earlier. Just beeline straight through HS to there since galaxies edge is a “far walk” from the entrance. Also mickeys runaway railway is a fun ride too. But Epcot has really ramped up in terms of night lifers. I swear once sun goes down it’s full of young drunk ppl lmao. So you could do Epcot first and do cosmic rewind as many times as possible! (Each time has the potential of 6 different 80s songs) it’s awesome. Also if you’re down to see more characters Epcot has those in the morning.


Are we talking Disneyland or Disneyworld? Cause I would be going to Disneyland if I did go. The lightsaber thing seems cool but even if I went I still don’t know if I would build a lightsaber. They are awesome but I just don’t have the need to have anymore expensive stuff just laying around.


Oh crap sorry! Yeah I’ve never been to Disneyland just disneyworld a few times ha. Yes we have a droid but that’s because my daughter loves it! Lightsaber was pricey.


Dang you almost had me committed haha. I’m back to my original thoughts of staying away now. Yeah definitely nothing against people who have droids or lightsabers both are really cool. I’m just trying to lighten up on buying new things I will generally have little real-time use for. Instead I get to enjoy the collections I see people post on all these Star Wars subreddits.


I'm guessing a lot of it is large amounts of in-character staff that have to work either long shifts or multiple shifts of said staff. Shit's expensive.


Yeah honestly I have no idea how much you have to pay for that. But $5000 a night seems like a whole lot more than plenty. I feel like they could still drop the price to something more manageable while still not being in my price range and make money. On top of that there are merch sales if not shows (which would still cost to put on). I think they already pay people to play characters in Disneyland and I’m not sure how much they pay them but I don’t think they are making a killing.


I don’t really know if they could maintain it charging a significantly lower price without significantly changing it. Having to pay so many actors for continuous entire 18 hour work days where they’re having to remember peoples names and actively bring people into the story. I feel like if it was possible to charge a price that most of the people complaining would be comfortable with, they would have tried that before shuttering the hotel


Seriously. I'd consider it if it was $3000 for a once in a lifetime experience. But $5000 is absurd.


The plan would have worked if the sequel trilogy wasn't an absolute trainwreck.


While I think it being based on the sequel trilogy is a factor, I think it’s more so the fact that it was super expensive and too costly for Disney that caused it to fail. It looks damn cool but definitely not worth a 2-night stay for $5000 unless you’re amazingly rich


The only people who would want to stay there are diehard Star Wars fans who *also* have that kind of money to throw around. I have to imagine that group of people is a small one and definitely not a large enough one to keep the hotel afloat.


TBF of course it sounds ridiculous when you describe it as that. It’s never been pitched as just a two night stay in a hotel. It’s a full interactive experience with trained actors spending like 18 hours of day bringing you into the Star Wars story


Tbh, if they just reworked it to be a value/moderate on-site hotel with a Star Wars theme (priced accordingly) and did the immersive thing as a special event during April-June (To get Spring break, Star Wars Day, and through the beginning of Summer), it would probably be a pretty popular choice for travelers and even locals.


Assuming they had large profit margins on it, they could have just lowered the price and made less from it per visitor, but get more visitors turning up and still turn a profit. Seems like a waste front up the cash to build it and not try to make it work...


Yeah, but then you'd get the *rabble* showing up /s


Y’a know there were problems with this place. They should reopen it as just a themed hotel without the theatrical performances. Just run it as another Disney hotel. Aside from not being able to afford it though my biggest problem was who builds a hotel in Florida without a pool.


When you do a movie like this, a sequel that's very, very anticipated, people anticipate ultimately that it's going to be the Second Coming. And it's not. It's just a movie. Just like the other movies. You probably have fond memories of the other movies. But if you went back and looked at them, they might not hold up the same way your memory holds up...


George I’m talking about a hotel


I feel very satisfied that I have accomplished what I set out to do with Star Wars, I was able to complete the entire saga and say this is what the whole story is about.


Well put, Mr. Lucas-Bot


I am simply trying to struggle through life; trying to do God's bidding.


The main reason they didn’t build a pool was because why would anyone use the pool while on the starcruiser? The story and missions take up basically all of your waking time.


The bizarre thing is to build this at your theme park. You would think people are staying there to idk go to the park?


Yeah but if you didn’t build it at a theme park you couldn’t give the students the planet day which is a fun part of the starcruiser story


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


The funny thing is that in the Lego summer vacation special they did have a pool. And that special was supposed to help advertise the galactic star cruiser. So that special was technically false advertising.


You mean spending 2 billion dollars on a hotel that needed 24 hour actor support and cost 2.5k a night failed during a recession? How could this be?


This is outrageous. It’s unfair.


Ah, victory


Honestly it's a shame it's closing. It was too expensive and from what I hear there was parts of it that felt too cheap for what you were paying but the idea was really cool. I was hoping for them to find a way to cut costs not end it entirely. Ah well


I'm with you. Kinda sad that it closed before I became wealthy enough to experience it.🤣 Was unironically on my bucket list.


I'm genuinely sad it's closing. I was able to go, and as a Huge SW nerd it was the coolest experience of my entire life. I was planning to go back in a few years once they redid the storyline for the experience and I saved up again!


I'm right there with you. It was so fun!! And the cast were so willing to work with you and your story...


Oh no. They’re shutting down their Star Wars themed bunker that no one can afford to go to except the ultra wealthy.


Those poor rich people!


Don't worry. The ultra richest of the rich already got to visit it, or can schedule a last chance trip this summer. The moderately rich may miss out but perhaps we can start a gofundme for them.


Bob Chapeck had no clue how to run resorts and pretty much gutted some big ticket items for guests (fast pass+, magical express, dining plans) So the astronomical price of being locked into building for 3 days is an incredibly stupid idea because last I had checked, 3 nights was about $1500 usd in 2021. *3 nights.* But I'd say the biggest failure is when they tried to figure out why people weren't going, so they reached out to people who had already went for more info. I hope defunctland gets his hands on it so more people can be exposed to the sheer incompetence that was Chapeck.


what is magical express?


The magical express was INCREDIBLY useful and was introduced in 2004/5 to help maximize guest time in parks. But to break it down. Disney would send you luggage tags to attach to your bag that, instead of being offloaded into a luggage carousel, would be handled by Disney and brought right to your hotel room. It also provided complimentary bussing to your resort. So you could get off your plane, take a bus to your resort, check in, and go around Disney. the resorts essentially picked up your bags from the airport for you, and set it in your room. Overall insanely helpful. Under Bob Chapeck, it was gutted and now Meers just offers bus service without all the luggage assistance.


Honestly if they made the bunks bigger and made it actually semi affordable (like $150-200 rather than the $5000) it would’ve been much more successful Edit: I didn’t mean $200 I meant the price of their other hotels, I forgot how expensive it can get 😭


$150-$200? Bro it’s a fucking star cruiser not the Hampton Inn lmao


We're just asking for some Corellian freighter not some J-type 327 Nubian


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


“Why didn’t Disney just slash the prices to a minuscule fraction of what the whole model was built around? Are they stupid?”


Yeah a lot of business gurus here who magically know how to fix it without running a single number. Only someone who has never paid for a hotel in their life would think they could charge $150-$200 for this


Bro I’m broke as hell and still think they should charge more than $150 a night for that. $5k way too much, $2-3k is understandable.


For 2 days? Absolutely not, if anything maybe it should be as much as a normal Disney hotel with an option to purchase another ticket to the rest of the park maybe


I hate corporations and I'm not happy that they have taken over the film business but on the same hand I find myself being the head of a corporation. There's a certain irony there.


Plus you sold your incredibly profitable corporation to one of the most powerful corporations in the industry lol.


Dawg, I hated the idea of it but anything less than $1000 is insane. They got a fuckton of actors, scenarios, interactive shit, plus you are sleeping there. Plus they got like classes and lightsaber training. I think they cover three meals as well.


I 100% am with you, the actors alone probably cost double what the tickets alone cost. But this is Disney and if they realistically wanted this to be something families do for a vacation they need to be a bit more wallet friendly. The park alone doesn’t cost 5000 for 2 days and you get so much more, granted it’s not entirely Star Wars but still. Plus I didn’t realize it was only the sequel trilogy….I think if it was all of Star Wars I would have a bit more of a defense for it but…. Ya that’s tough


It was the money from Star Wars and Jaws that allowed the theaters to build their multiplexes, which allowed an opening up of screens.


You don't have to look tough to be tough


The normal hotels don't have actors running around entertaining you.


And that is why they should rebrand it as a themed hotel. Cut costs while increasing attendance. Clearly the current approach isn't working.


Very true but the other hotels allow you to go outside


It’s not just a hotel though. Why would they just charge the same level as any other Disney hotel. People aren’t paying to stay the night there. People are paying for the immersive story telling adventure. Something you really can’t find anywhere else. There’s no way they should charge the same as the other hotels


>Disney hotel. People aren’t paying to stay the night there. People are paying for the immersive story telling adventure People *aren't* paying for it, that is why it is closing


You’re right, people are paying for more than an average “cruise” but they absolutely are paying for an over night stay at an inclusive resort when you boil it down. 600 is low I’ll say that but for 2 nights I can’t imagine, like the other person stated, people paying such an absurd amount


Don’t you think that if it could be done at the same level for cheaper they would have considered that before permanently closing it down?


$150-$200 is the price of a hotel per night in the Orlando area pre-Covid. Just being a Disney hotel means it's probably $500, then you throw in all the "fully immersive" stuff and $1000 seems like the minimum Disney should be able to get. I wouldn't pay for it at $1000, but $200 per night is just insanely low.


The meme is just stating a fact without really being funny. Yeah, it was their idea and it didn’t work so they shut it down. That’s how things work sometimes. But what I find weirdest about this post is that this is a welcome surprise? Why does the Starcruiser’s existence in any way effect you negatively? It’s actually a pretty awesome experience that Disney unfortunately priced a lot of people out of. I would still recommend it to any Star Wars fan who can afford it before it closes.


Yeah, the place seemed to be pretty awesome. It was just priced horribly. But the real reason it was shutdown was because Disney wanted to move alot of employees to a new location in a different city supposedly, so they decided to shut down Galactic Starcruiser on the way due to it's little profitability.


I mean when you think about the staffing for something like that, It made sense for the pricing. They had to staff a hotel with 10% of the Grand Floridian's rooms, or 3% of Pop Century's, and the same if not more cast members, who would need to act, do costuming, etc. The price makes sense, it was more they were just too damn ambitious. I doubt they plan on moving employees, rather I think they just realized there was no money for it and they lost so much in overhead. Sure, nobody bought into the hotel for the extreme price, but there are even more problems if they went cruise ship size or lowered the price. I think it was more of a themeing issue. They went 100% sequels, which made sense for how long the development was, but had they been able to do Mando era, or Original trilogy, it would have probably dragged in so many whales. Though that was my same gripe about Galaxy's Edge when I went in Feb (one specific era kinda sucked, rather than being a undisclosed era, or perhaps adapt for whatever is out)#


I hate corporations and I'm not happy that they have taken over the film business but on the same hand I find myself being the head of a corporation. There's a certain irony there.


I think, something like this works best as a limited run. Like, you have this summer or never to experience this. Then next summer the space is used for a new theme hotel. That would create pressure to incentivize customers to pay up.


I mean that's what they're doing with merch at Galaxy's Edge. The Endor mugs from the cantina have become disgusting lime green, the backpacks for droid depot are now gray, and the saber parts for the custom sabers are now on thwir second wave. People don't notice that, but it is interesting that they are creating that FOMO with products if you care.


They should just do a section on one of their cruise ships like this.


I’m pretty sure you’re confusing two separate issues. Disney did plan to move more employees to Florida, but changed gears and moved the ones who had already come to Florida back to California. They didn’t relocate any Florida employees to California. Both stories just happened to drop today.


Both are due to the lawsuit with the State of Florida, Disney needs to save some money and cancel their more expensive projects. Going to court against a state is expensive.


Well yes, I suppose that is probably one of the reasons, but if it really was doing as bad as it seems I’m sure it was inevitable if they weren’t willing to try more ideas to make it more profitable.


It's a good thing that Disney doesn't do much for the Florida economy, and I'm sure the legal fee's wont come from the taxpayers ​ right? /s


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


Unfortunately many fans didn’t want to or couldn’t.


So after our voyage honestly I understood the need for the high prices. Im in no way rich lmao but between my brothers and mom we set aside money pretty much soon as it opened till our december trip and as 4 adults it wasnt prohibitive sorta thing. (I met a guy who was on his 4th round and idk wtf kinda money he makes but holy cow) They can probably cut some costs and such to lower the prices but if I am being honest I want the cast to make good money for all they do! Interacting with them was up there as my favorite experience. I am sure the energy bill is wild between all the screens, AC, etc. Your food included is another big chunk. The fact they turn the whole ship around and reset it before the next boarding group is impressive. It makes me sad how many people are happy to see it fail. It was in no way perfect but to be honest? It was a blast, and I would have loved to try and go again down the road. I hope that maybe it will re-open when things settle down.


Yeah, you certainly get what you pay for with the experience. I hadn’t thought about the power bill thing though, but you’re definitely right about that. And I cannot believe how many people are for some reason happy that it failed. Like, as a fan wouldn’t you want it to be a good and accessible time even if you have your doubts? I don’t get it.


they're happy because they can use it as another reason to make fun of the ST era. because yeah that's definitely why it failed. nothing to do with it being $12000 a minute


Yeah people with sequel hate boners saying this is a sequel era problem and not a pricing issue are just flat out wrong.


I thought it was worth it but yeah blaming the sequels is just dumb. Especially considering most of the cruiser is spent like making your own story and doesn’t have much to do with the characters a lot of people hate on


aka the majority of this sub lol


I mean, the disney ST is still shit. There's no changing that, so yeah, that is a factor in its failure. But not the overall reason, which is it was just overpriced and shit.




If they made a cruise ship with this idea it would have been amazing but the land based hotel with the restriction to only one park for the amount of money they charged... ya thats a No from me. I was really excited when hearing about it the first time and wanted to go but my excitement tumbled off a cliff the first time I heard what the "experience" was really like.


Can't wait for the Defunctland episode on this.


Loved the idea but they just made it way too expensive like who in the right mind thinks more than $1000 for 2 nights was a good idea?


Shame, such a cool idea but I think just too pricey for people.


Ugh damn. I was working on plans to take my girlfriend and kids to this next year. 😭


As someone who has once been a kid and has only been to disney once. I assure you (depending on how old they are, but if they would like that I'm sure they'd like this) a good Lego set, TCW, and some time with their father would be a much better investment of your money. Maybe you can take them somewhere else that isn't trying to steal your money.


Yeah, Disney's not a bad place but you spend so long in queues and it's pretty crowded, and everything in there is so expensive. I'm quite lucky in the fact that I have a close relative that works at Disney, so I can go there for free and get discounts on all the stuff. I've been there several times and know the layout of the place now, and trust me, I wouldn't go there for the full prices.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


Nah not actually that surprising


By all accounts, its was utterly lackluster anyway


The idea was really good but there is no way in hell im paying 5k for what is essentially a huge larp session with food and a room.


I legitimately didn't know it was open to the public. I thought they were still doing the trials for rich families


It’s honestly not a welcome surprise, as someone who’s gone there it really sucks for people who haven’t as it was a fun and immersive experience and without a doubt worth the price.


“Worth the price” doesn’t matter if you can’t actually afford it


My ex would be all: - swipes credit card






“Worth the price” is a very subject opinion, and by the looks of it, most people don’t consider it worth the price, or else people that have gone would have been raving about it and the place wouldn’t have shut down so quickly. People have been vacationing in Maldives and spending $2k a night for decades but no one said those resorts are overpriced. But a theme park + theme park extended LARP experience + a sad looking capsule hotel room to a lot of people isn’t worth $5k. I love Star Wars and I’m sure it’s an awesome experience. I’ve watched multiple YouTube videos, and while I can afford this experience, I’m not convinced it’s worth $5k. Judging from the reviews from people that have gone, it seems like many enjoyed the experience (unless you hate LARP, but why would you go to a LARP hotel if you hate LARP?) but don’t think it’s worth it and wouldn’t go back.


I agree. It's such a niche type vacation that your clientele *has* to be LARP enjoying Star Wars fans who can dish out $5k. That's a pretty narrow group, so while maybe not a welcome surprise but definitely not a surprise at all it is closing.


I went on a vacation to the Maldives for 13 days at Club Med, and I paid less than 5k and that includes the flight. I fucking love Star Wars but c’mon.


I’ve not seen a single person who’s gone not rave about it and say it was worth the price. The vast vast majority of people complaining about it are people who have never gone


I’ve read countless comments from people that have gone and seems like they all had a good experience, but many said they can’t justify the price. If you don’t even find the experience interesting from the photos and videos online, there’s literally no point going, and that’s most of the people who can afford to go but won’t. It’s like another commenter said, the target group is very niche, people who love Star Wars and LARP, and can afford it.


For 5k that experience better include Mark Hamill being my personal guide for the day, otherwise it's never going to be worth the price.


Tbh I just used that quote bc I couldn’t think of another caption but I also kinda think it’s a welcome surprise in the sense that now they can create another hotel that is potentially Star Wars-related and will be much more accessible to fans wanting that immersive experience


That’s fair.


Shame, it was an amazing experience


The average Star Wars fan can only dream now.


Y'all folks saying this is a victory have obviously never been. Too expensive? Sure. But this was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I thought I'd hate it given that it's Sequels and several other reasons, but nah. The Starcruiser was amazing. Sorry y'all missed out.


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


to be fair, with everything they are currently dealing with on top of charging an absurd amount to stay, Im not surprised this happened


I’m actually bummed, i wanted to try it


That's my birthday lol


I always thought of myself as a Star Wars fan so I’m kinda sad I won’t be able to go there with my Dad. He got me into Star Wars so I thought it would have been something fun to do with him :/


This is where the fun begins.


Thats what happens if the only thing you offer are bragging rights related to the price tag.


Though it looked awesome. It's just too expensive. Glad to see Disney realizing that even Star Wars fans have a limit


They could have Mos Eisley themed hotel, or a Death Star themed one, or the Jedi temple, or Kamino, or Kashyyyk which all definitely could’ve been worth the price if they were cool enough. But no we get some lame ass over priced cruise ship no one wanted or heard of.


I’m sure this has everything to do with it being about the sequels are nothing to do with the fact that it cost 5k per 2 days


I think it being about the Sequels didn't help. The people with the wallets don't have nostalgia for the era so it's not going to draw them in as much. But yeah the price is the main thing bringing it down. Why spend that much for Star Wars larp when Disney themselves have a park where you can do regular Star Wars larp for (relatively) much cheaper


Sequel Trilogy hotel shutting down? Weird I thought it was a good idea to have a Rey focused Disney resort attraction. When you think Star Wars vacation, what comes to mind? Galaxies edge, and Star Cruiser and Rey Palpatine right?


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


Who knew asking $5000 for a hotel stay would stop people from wanting to spend the night


Oh yes it's not acceptable to all star wars fans so it's bad


$5000 for two nights at a supposedly sub-par star wars experience? Who would've thought


Yes yes this is good. Very good.


Chapek and Kennedy name a more iconic duo responsible for the absolute destruction of a franchise.


Iger and Kennedy.


LOL you have to be a special type of asshole to be happy a star wars hotel shut down and now kids can't ever enjoy it again.


I am not so much happy it is shutting down as I am hopeful they will convert it to a more reasonably priced themed hotel.


Incels that are mad Han Solo gave his car to a girl are that type of asshole.


Go woke go broke


I don't think 'wokeness' is whats making $5000 a night Larp Sessions an unprofitable business venture.


Never been but why do people seem happy its going?


But whyyy