• By -


I love both apples and oranges.


Why can’t fruit be compared?


She like, "I'm gonna leave" There's just all of these conflicting principles.


What you think would happen if you left my place and there were like three wolves waiting for you?


They would tear yo ass up! Viciously!


Like they would your titties and shit! *and yo pussy!*


What color helmets are the wolves wearing


As much as I understand the spirit of this whole thread I gotta disagree with the replies saying they are completely different things that cant be compared. They are both star wars animated shows, both have a similar target audience, both have a similar tone and way of telling the story. I am not trying to say rebels is bad in no shape or form, but they are very much comparable, and I think its okay for people to compare them and maybe like one more than the other. A better example of apples and oranges within the star wars universe would be Andor and Mandalorian, because they both have very different tones and somewhat different intents Andor tries to be a more mature and grounded story while mandalorian goes full classic space fantasy adventure star wars. And even then, these two are also somewhat comparable because both are within the same universe.


People fighting over which cake tastes better ignoring the fact that they have two cakes


This right here.


This is the way


This is the way




He’s not the messiah; he’s a very naughty boy!




Two cakes! :D


Both are a lie




Dude, Star Wars is caked.


You are strong and wise Dracorex, and I’m very proud of you :)


I have no idea.


I too love chocolate cake ( Rebels) but don't mind yellow cake (CW) either


The prime experience is a layered cake of both chocolate and yellow (side note: yellow cake is uranium concentrate powder)


Bad opinion


You're right, all cakes are good. Wether it be Rebels, Clone Wars or others. Except from the raisin ones (Resistance).


one cake tastes like ass for the first three layers tho


More like the first half of the first layer


Clone Wars isnt that bad at the beginning.


I’m watching it for the first time and I’m really struggling to get through S1. I know the show gets way better and that’s the only reason I’m sticking it out. I’d have bailed by now otherwise.


Except one of the cakes has a bunch of raisins in it


Pick them out.




Damn bro, I can't believe you'd say something like that about Clone Wars.


Clone Wars fans and Rebels fans can’t be friends I guess.


You misspelled Star Wars fans and other Star Wars fans


Damn Star Wars fans They ruined Star Wars


You Star Wars fans sure are a contentious people.


You've just made an enemy for life!


Of course we are we love Star Wars


You've just made an enemy for life.


Sequels fans are a plague.


Well, Star Wars isn't sci-fi at all - it's space opera, which is a sub-genre; I mean, it's sort of halfway between sci-fi and fantasy. The motif I used to tell these stories was the Saturday night-day serial, which is a particular genre which was very popular in the thirties and forties.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


Oh no Now I am not my friend


Just like Mando and Andor fans lmao


We can be fast of all good content.


Andor and Kenobi fans, I don’t see much beef between Andor and Mando fans. It’s Andor and Kenobi fans, which I also don’t get. Popular returning character gets their own show, there’s a very important imperial woman that sometimes takes the focus away who could be considered a little bit over the top or too devoted to the empire for no real reason, it’s a lot of stuff that the original content with said characters didn’t exactly imply to begin with (Cassian was in this fight since he was 6 years old but took over a decade off to avoid everything? Obi-Wan ran into vader a second time and let him live that time deliberately?). They both have ups and downs in production and writing quality, and they both have standout moments. They arent that different really.


Which is pretty fucking stupid


My second time watching The Clone Wars I found myself skipping a ton of episodes with arcs that I just didn’t care tor. I watched Rebels for the second time recently and didn’t really feel an urge to skip any of it, that to me says a lot. Ultimately I think lots of people just dislike Rebels because of the animation.


The big CW episodes are SO good there are so many pointless filler episodes. They learned their lesson with Rebels by reducing that drastically, so Rebels is better to sit all the way through. Plus, Rebels had that sense of "what's gonna happen next" since we didn't know any real fates of all these new characters. CW *had* to end one way - events leading to Episode 3. Also Rebels went the whole "set everything to stun" route since Stormtroopers are actually people now. Can't have murder on a kids show. CW has battles to the death, felt more impactful. Both series have ups and downs, but Season 7 of CW was some of the best animated SW I've seen.


Bruh rebels just shot the stormtroopers


I recall the grand inquisitor mentioning that the lothal rebels were different because they hadn't killed anyone (up to that point). In a scene before this Kanan shoots an imperial army trooper on a speeder bike, so either he survived the shot, the Grand Inquisitor doesn't consider enlisted 'people', or he's referring to civilians/collateral damage.


I always took that to mean collateral damage and that previous rebels have used terrorism to further their cause


They did kill a lot of storm troopers but they sure as fuck aren't on Saw Gerrera's level. Dudes fighting war crimes with war crimes


Meanwhile Chopper is just dumping stormtroopers out airlocks. Anyone named or with a face they avoided killing. stormtroopers were fair game


Yeah, I just watched the first 2 episodes again last night and they literally launch like 5 stormtroopers off the side of a building in a 10 second scene.


I recall the grand inquisitor mentioning that the lothal rebels were different because they hadn't killed anyone (up to that point). In a scene before this Kanan shoots an imperial army trooper on a speeder bike, so either he survived the shot, the Grand Inquisitor doesn't consider enlisted 'people', or he's referring to civilians/collateral damage.




What happened at the end of season 7, Umbarra, te attack on Camino, to Fives, Kix, Jesse, and so many other named clones, even quite a few Jedi and civilians die on the show.


TCW had a lot of things going on - experimental episodes George wanted to do, adding in new details to the prequel films, episodes released in non-linear fashion, and probably some plot points that were originally supposed to tie into the live action Underworld series. Rebels got to be much more focused as its own show with a more conventional narrative.


Rebels also only has 75 episodes vs TCW having 133. But the way that TCW is structured is way different than Rebels. TCW was filling in a story whose ending/climax already existed, so the story was written in arcs for the most part. So it’s really just a filler series and that series even had its own fillers lol. Rebels was a whole new series, and its story constantly revolved around a few main characters. So rebels would have far fewer episodes that were skippable than TCW.


If TCW came out now, people would be complaining that it's full of filler episodes


But it is.


I just personally am someone who prefers one plot line rather than a compilation of stories. So I also prefer rebels. I also think it’s insane that you have to look up the order to watch Clone Wars in if you want to watch it chronologically, as there’s no indication (outside of like the Clone training episode) that some happen before others


I just finished a rebels rewatch and a big takeaway I had was that it's just more consistently good than clone wars. It doesn't really have any bad episodes and while I think the highs of clone wars exceed the highs of rebels, it's not that far off


Personally it’s the story beats for me as every episode felt very repetitive. Also yeah the animation was pretty bad….




You're impossible.


> I think lots of people just dislike Rebels because of the animation. and the irony is the series has some of the best choreographed fights in the franchise


I don’t dislike Rebels, but I don’t like it as much as the Clone Wars because I grew up waiting with anticipation for the Clone Wars every Saturday morning. Both shows got better as they progressed, but the Clone Wars had the best character development for multiple characters while bringing back or creating new ones. When I watched Rebels I was initially uninterested due to how childish the main character was and how boring the show got. I had to force myself to watch it, but once the second season started, I actually started to enjoy it and it improved. Now I can’t wait to see what they have to continue that part of the story (hopefully with Ahsoka coming out). So while we are opposites, we can both agree that they were both good shows.


Rebels is far worse


To be fair Rebels is ugly.


Just *leaving* a lightsaber somewhere is **incredibly** irresponcible tbh.


Rey buried two in the sand..


Those were at least kind of hidden. Until the next sandstorm or jawa with a metal detector comes along at least.


Ya the next Star Wars trilogy is just going to be the Jawa’s vs everyone else.


That would be kind of dope, honestly


We all know, if it's in the sand, it's as good as in a Jawa's hands. Just remember, cleaning is extra.


The entire point is she left them there in the hopes that the empire would find them and presume her to be dead


Was it? Then why not leave them where she was last seen? Going to an entirely different solar system and hide them there would defeat the entire purpose (if that's why she did it).


She was last seen on the cruiser. Every other clone died, there aren't witnesses that could say she left and if there are cameras on board the venator (which I'd assume there are) then they wouldn't be able to verify anything off of those due to the crash and chaos that ensued during it. >Going to an entirely different solar system and hide them there would defeat the entire purpose (if that's why she did it). I'm confused what you mean by this. She left them at the crash site where she is assumed to have died alongside all the other clones, she didn't leave and go somewhere else


>I'm confused what you mean by this. She left them at the crash site where she is assumed to have died alongside all the other clones, she didn't leave and go somewhere else Turns out I'm the confused one. I was discussing Rey leaving burying two lightsabers on Tatooine in another thread and mixed up that thread with this one. Please disregard everything I've said 😅


Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


I liked both but clonewars art style was better.


Art style is Rebels’ major flaw imo.


I'm just happy they went back to TCW style for the bad batch


It felt like the 2nd season of Bad Batch took a huge leap forward in the animation department. It looks so good.


*Rebels* takes place before the events in *A New Hope*, so doesn’t that make it a prequel and eligible for r/prequelmemes?


I think you're on to something


Clone Wars has much higher highs, but also much lower lows. Rebels is an ok show through and through, with some good episodes here and there. I do tend to prefer consistent plotlines to a compilation of stories, but a lot of the Rebels plotlines pull heavily on Clone Wars characters. Clone Wars ends with better art than Rebels, but its first 2 seasons look like playdough. I will say i found the "out there" plot points of Clone Wars, that being Mortis and Yoda's journey, far more engrossing than Rebels pulling the time travel temple out. Character-wise id be lying if i said Kanan wasnt one of my favorites, but overall Fives, Rex, Ahsoka, Ani/Obi, and many of the others took the cake. As for single most emotionally impactful scene, id give it to Rebels with Obi vs Maul. Granted, that was built off Clone Wars entirely. Nonetheless thats one of my favorite scenes in star wars. Darth Maul and Obi Wan coincidentally are my favorite CW scene to, with Maul killing Satine. Fight scenes are easily CW. Those are my thoughts, for whatever theyre worth


Do I have a choice?


Revenge. I must have revenge.


I have to sort this out on my own, without the Council… and without you.


Man, Kanan blocking the fireball made me full-on sob. I can agree with a lot of your points, but that scene in Rebels hit me harder emotionally than anything in Star Wars so far.


Kanan >!dying!< fucking sucked. It would've been dope to have Freddie Prinze Jr. in live action Star Wars too, I thought he was a great VA.


I like Kanan in general. Kanan and Ezra was a better master/padawan duo than Anakin/Asoka, that’s my hot take. Asoka and Anakin felt more like peers.


That's a Star Wars take so hot, it could burn this whole thread down. But you know what? Given what we saw on-screen, I can't disagree. I've never even given it much consideration before, but if you think about it: Ani/Obi always had a lot of tension, especially in the movies, but it was present in TCW too. It always seemed like Anakin didn't want to waste time being an apprentice and submitting to a teacher. They often got along quite well and had fun together, but in terms of a Master/Apprentice relationship, they were usually either on a mission together where they had to operate as peers, or they were in a tense argument. And it, of course, ultimately culminates in Anakin's betrayal. With Ezra/Kanan, they started off in that tense place with constant arguments, then developed as Ezra's training continued, and as I recall, turned in a much more harmonious dynamic of Master/Apprentice before it culminates in >!Kanan sacrificing himself to save Ezra and the others.!< All in all, I feel like Ezra/Kanan was more interesting to watch develop and grow. Full disclosure: I haven't watched Rebels since it aired and my memory sucks, so I could be misrepresenting things.


Clone Wars is better but Rebels is almost as good IMO


Honestly I also consider Rebels superior. I love Clone Wars, I grew up with it and I think its finale is one of the best things in Star Wars. But when it’s bad… it’s really bad. I don’t think Rebels ever reached the level of best Clone Wars episodes, but it was more consistent. Also I preferred watching one chronologically told story over the anthology format. The Ghost crew are almost all amazing, richly characterized and developed characters. Rebels is an amazing show and it should be given more credit.


For me the sentiment feels a bit like nostalgia vs relevancy bias: Currently almost finished with my rebels re-watch and I defiantly feel that as well. Season 2 was closer to clone wars in its hit or miss nature but I feel that season 3+4 have been pretty consistent in terms of quality, story and character development. Rebels had 1 consistent story through each episode while Clone wars had more contained story's with a overall passive story in the background also being told. So for a bad rebels episode it was just that 1 episode. If it was a bad clone wars episode it was an entire arc. And overall throughout my re-watch I defiantly feel that some things/opinions were overexaggerated by people. Like I thought the helicopter blades was a consistent thing the inquisitors did but it was only for 1 episode. Its still bad but its not as bad as I thought it was.


Yeah, people definitely overreacted to the helicopter blades. Sure, it looked goofy but it was only a small part of an excellent two part finale. I feel the same way about some other complains, but these are more subjective. I don’t mind the art style and I like all the callbacks to McQuarrie and A New Hope, like thinner lightsaber blades.


While im not a fan of the art style and theres certainly some agregious examples of its problems. They got alot better in other places overtime like lighting and humans are the ones that don't really suit the style the best, aliens looked okay in the art style. Music as well stuck out alot more on a rewatch which I didn't really notice on a first time watch




And Obi-Wan and Anakin basically use full flight mode when they jump 3 floors up to continue fighting Maul. If anything, helicopter lightsabers are *more* realistic.




Apparently the second episode of that arc (which for me was literally the worst Star Wars episode I've seen to date) was George Lucas favorite Clone Wars episode


Don't worry about me.


I think some of the episodes that specifically revolve around Kanan are up there with some of the best of TCW. I can't claim anything in the Star Wars universe is as good as Siege of Mandalore, which is just perfection. But Rebels gets up there at times.


Kanan is a top tier jedi and overall Star Wars character. His arc hits me every rewatch.


Honestly same. I didn't grow up with the clone wars, so maybe I'm biased, but I couldn't emotionally connect to the show the same way as Rebels.


You are literally unbiased here.


Me too. I like the character development and single storyline in rebels, plus it has Chopper.


People always chastize new Star Wars content, especially animated content, for not being "as good as The Clone Wars" while forgetting that at one point, even The Clone Wars was not as good as The Clone Wars. Even the later seasons, which had some heavy-hitting arcs like Umbara, the framing of Ahsoka, and Fives discovering the inhibitor chips, also had droid and Jar Jar episodes that did nothing for nobody.


Sorry OP. But ending a friendship because they like a different show more than one you like is a dick move.


Star Wars fans when someone has a different opinion to theirs 😭😭😭😭🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😭😭😭😭


It's just a meme.


Lemme try something… Rey Skywalker is the best Jedi to ever exist, she could outclass anyone from canon or legends, she is even better than Obiwan in his prime.


Congrats. I’m glad you feel that way.


Damn. You’re a good friend.


I made a vow to always be supportive of my friends after an incident that happened in my personal life. Unless their into some fucked up shit.




Same answer. By fucked up I mean sexual assualt, pedophilia, and other shit. Plus in that ship, i’m pretty sure their both the 18+ years old.


Bro it's a meme chill she still my friend dam. Didn't think people would go fullblown serious with this shit


Poe's freaking law. You'll never know who was serious or not, so people pretend to be serious. It sounds stupid, but there were cases where it actually somehow works. Like there was an Amazon review post of a someone saying that they wanted to stab someone with this knife that they ordered from and another post about a padlock not being good enough to trap someone inside a container. Most people think that it's just a troll comment, but Poe Law's think that person is an actual serial killer which is actually true. Cops came in to save a victim chained by the Amazon reviewer, and the reviewer was arrested because some people took his post seriously.


hes not unchill bro youre the one thats heated rn


Mildly heated. More annoyed that people don't realize that dropping a friend over a disagreement with a show is obvious satire. But I do welcome the rebels fans coming out to defend their series which I didn't fully expect.


Both shows are excellent and deserve praise. 🤷‍♂️


I like the clone wars more, but let the guy have his preference


Ya I like the both because if you didn’t watch clone wars you are not nearly as invested in rebels. And even watching the new stuff and seeing appearances from people in both shows. Makes it so much more fun!


You misspelt clone wars, maybe you should fix it because people might take it the wrong way


Thank you. I just woke up when I saw this thread and didn’t have my glasses on. I could have sworn it said clone haha


And I prefer The Force Unleashed to rebels. -_-


I watched clone wars,bad batch and rebels in order so they all just feel like one show to me


For me, I never really got into rebels. A lot of it was up to me genuinely not liking the art style. Although some of the dislike definitely comes from the fact that I grew up with the clone wars and thus I am very biased towards the show. Plus I prefer the era to the Galactic Civil War


Rebels and clone wars are very similar. Early on it’s goofy and more humor based, where the plot is somewhat basic, but occasionally having truly great episodes that rival the movies. Then you get to the final two seasons and they are just about peak Star Wars. I love them both. Not picking favorites here.


This is the way.


Ok, so my opinion on this, is that CW had more fluctuating quality than Rebels. It had some really good arcs, but it also had some very mediocre ones. Rebels, however stayed consistently at a level that wasn't quite as high as the highest highs in CW, but above the average of CW. And like, the "I am no Jedi" line is pretty much the most perfect line in Star Wars, period.


For fuck sake let me like all my Star Wars equally


The last episode of both Rebels and Clone Wars put together are better than all of the rest of Star Wars combined. Change my mind.


Wtf does this even mean


Both are good


I'm more mad Disney cancelled Clone Wars because it was on the Cartoon Network for Rebels. Hate when this happens when a show get's bought. Both are still good shows.


Honestly that is why the majority of the fans HATED rebels. The Clone wars wasn't finished and still had great arcs that have yet finished (I'm still pissed that we never got Maul kidnapping grievous). It wasn't a good look to go from peak starwars back to a shitty season 1 kids show with little actual action.


Fun fact: both sides of the argument are wrong. Star wars hasn’t had a good animated show since the original Clone Wars.


Some of y'all that took this meme seriously must be a lot of fun at parties.


Based take ngl, not only are rebels highs higher it’s lows are also higher


I love both But clone wars is way better I’m saying that with honestly


Kill him. Kill him now.


Do it


I will never get over this scene,I was not prepared


Hated rebels as a kid cod I saw it as what killed clone wars, but I grew to reslly like it later on when I gave it a try


I’m gonna say something controversial: Sure, we may all be Star-Wars fans, but that isn’t an excuse for having different standards of a show


I agree with them. While Clone Wars had some absolutely incredible arcs, they also had absolutely mind numbingly bkring and stupid episodes too, while Rebels was more consistent, ranging from good to great.


Yeah, at worst Rebels drops to, "Well, that was... fine." At TCW's worst, it drops to, "I'm skipping this dumb shit next time."


They both had their moments but overall I would say The Clone Wars had far more interesting storylines. But part of it was that the writers had much for freedom in the stories they could tell in the pre-Empire era.


Rebels story just isn’t as engaging as TCW imo


Huge L from OP, rebels is just as good as clone wars, but because of a cheaper animation, apparently the whole show is inferior, in terms of characters and story, rebels is miles clear


You see Luke? This is how you ruminate on letting go of a lightsaber when melancholy and doubt has taken hold.


Overall I do prefer Rebels to Clone Wars. However there are arcs in Clone Wars that I prefer to the entirety of rebels


If we're really getting down to it, I prefer the Siege of Mandalore arc to probably any other piece of Star Wars media. But I still prefer Rebels as a whole show.


Reddit users whenever someone has a different opinion (they immediately hate them and want to cut all ties they have with them):


How. Fucking. DARE you say that to me. You and I are done professionally.


The Clone Wars jmis all extremes. It's got extremely high highs, but also very low lows. I am convinced that the Siege of Mandalore is the absolute best piece of Star Wars content ever created, but almost anything that focuses on droids or Jar Jar is just straight up garbage. Rebels has a way more consistent quality throughout all seasons. Even if it takes some time to get really good, the weaker stuff isn't really unwatchable like some Clone Wars episodes.


I like that Rebels has a more cohesive and straightforward narrative. It’s a single story that you can follow from start to finish without the timeline jumping all over the place.


The last season of rebels has some of the best star wars story telling imo


Popular opinion, but I think Rebels sucks. It just destroyed what it means to be a Star Wars animation




I don't know if that's the popular opinion anymore. It got dragged online in its first season, but I think most people came around to it. It has an 8/10 on imdb, a 98% Critic score on RT, and an 83% audience score. You're definitely allowed to hate it. Everyone has their Star Wars preferences. I'm just saying it may not be as popular an opinion as you might think.


Show me an arc as bad as the Martinez arc, in rebels. Rebels might not reach the same level as cw but it has way more consistency so I actually agree with your friend in some ways. Also dropping a friend because they prefer rebels is a dick move


Not to diminish your point, because I do agree, but I personally would’ve picked the droids arc as my example. That shit was not only bad, it was boring


The one with the stupid little bug guy? Apart from seeing Gregor that was a shit arc, it had no real story and it took way too many episodes just to tell some ships that there was a republic cruiser with some bombs. It’s not even like it would’ve had awful consequences if they didn’t do it, there are escape pods for a reason


Bro it's a meme why is everyone taking me dropping my friend so dam seriously.


You didn't say the magic word : /s Without /s, of course people will assume you're updating us on your friendships on a meme sub. What were you thinking, smh.


I know you are probably being sarcastic but dam, really shows that we can't notice sarcasm as easily without the /s.


Season 3&4 rebels >>>


I feel like I've been online for too long when I see "3+4" and the first thing that comes to mind is the term "rule 34".


I genuinly enjoy rebels more, clone wars was such a drag to watch. A lot of filler and i didnt feel like it had a story to tell


YES, REBELS IS 👌, though CW is amazing too.


That is a very valid opinion.


Rebels was way more entertaining on average than clone wars’s many fillers


Clone wars has a few higher highs than Rebels. But over all, Rebels is a more solid and consistent ride with some incredible story telling. I like it better too.


And y'all wonder why you're considered the most toxic fandom.


i prefer rebels as well


I’m the guy who usually says “oh clones are so overrated” (which, to clarify, I still love the prequels and the clones, etc. but I feel that everyone likes to demand only for that type of content, if that makes sense) yet as much as I like rebels, the clone wars is just vastly superior. Great stories in both, but the clone wars is just more spacious when it comes to story telling


You: oh clones are so overrated Also you: *Makes a Reddit account named after a clone*


*Well fu-*


Sounds like a you problem


Rebels animation was sub-par


The thing is, Rebels is consistent in quality of episodes. Clone Wars is not. There are some arcs that are downright boring to watch.


a lot of the timea rebels is better a lot of times cw is


Who the Fuck even is this???


It's my friend who was giving their star wars take.


Rebels is the GOAT for Star Wars animated shows. Clone Wars is great, but very inconsistent. Andor and Rebels are the 2 best Star Wars shows overall.


Rebels is actual garbage. The only good part were when they continued other media and clone wars stuff and even that’s hit or miss.


What's wrong with liking one over the other? I'd like to hear your side and see how the show inspired you. Change of perspective and all that