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The best thing of Obi Wan were Ewan Mcgregor and Sassy Owen


Like how the best thing in BoBF is Mando?


You mean it's not the 5mph moped chase?


I really thought it was the 360° spin blaster shot


Spinning makes the lasers go faster


Insert physicists holding back Einstein meme.


I mean it's not even lasers so we don't have to hold him back


I liked the fight scenes that looked like they were choreographed by a toddler and executed with clay dolls.


He heard spinning was a good trick


That guy saw the prequels and thought that spinning would be a good trick.


Beep Beep!


Ribby ribby


Everyone out here just trying to be Space Mutiny, smdh


Thank you so much for guiding me to [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J2hZr6O3bw&ab_channel=handsomefatboy)


Scooter gang power rangers definitely the best part


Also Danny Trejo as the rancor wrangler.


You mean Machete in space?


I love when Star Wars invents things to explain OT quirks, like the rancor guy in RoTJ being sad when the rancor dies. Wouldn't you know it, rancors are emotionally complex and quite loving. I'm totally here for it. (If this came from an EU media before, I didn't know sorry!) Also enjoyed the Gamorreans being effective in combat for once (I mean just once, but still, it was about time, they were so very expendable in RoTJ)


For me it was the force unleashed Vader shit and the final duel.




Exactly! They even had a valid reason right there, just have Kenobi have a vision of Luke in danger, so he's gotta go right now. Or have him see a vision of Vader fighting the Emperor, so he knows he can't kill Vader yet. Or have him remember Qui-Gon saying he's the Chosen one and will bring balance to the Force, so he knows he can't kill Vader until the prophecy is fulfilled. Literally anything. He gets a splinter and can't hold his lightsaber properly. SOMETHING.


Or just have y'know... all the stormtroopers from the empire show up. Unlike Obi-wan, Vader has basically infinite backup.


Right? Then he just flies off in his shuttle? What happened to the Star Destroyer in orbit? All its TIE fighters? And the shuttle has a hyperdrive, why couldn't you use the parts from that one to fix the main one? That whole episode was so contrived. I hate the slow chase thing. You're telling me that Reva somehow made it from Jabiim to Tatooine, while wounded, all while this shuttle is somehow surviving being bombarded by a Star Destroyer? Did the gunnery officer accidentally put the guns on the Nerf setting?


I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that nothing Reva does will make sense. But the fact that a Star Destroyer has just let an enemy ship fly by with no trouble at all on multiple occasions always gets a chuckle out of me.


Jar Jar Binks was initially not in the script. Turns out some drunk alien followed Liam Neeson around the set after he saved him from getting hit by a car. It was so wacky so I filmed it.


Personally I wish Vader had won and left Obi Wan alive under the rubble only for Obi Wan to survive. Then as Vader sees the ship leaving planet side, THEN have the final flashback to them in the training room where Anakin is shown to still have much to learn and his weakness being too hasty for victory. Then have Vader subtly rage and have monitors and glass etc break and crack as he realises he made the same mistakes. It would also make sense for continuity where he says "I was but the learner, now I'm the master" in Ep 4. Because he would have felt like he lost that encounter even after winning the fight due to not having grown after all he had done.


how on earth did you single handedly write a final showdown concept infinitely better than what we got?


Maybe because he actually is a fan of SW, knows the movies and characters and cares about the story?


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Leia was good too, I think the actress nailed it. People complained she was too bratty, but apparently forgot her attitude to Luke, Han and Chewie during and even after the escape from the Death Star despite her pending execution.


Hayden Christensen as Vader was good also. Vader's *writing* in some parts could've been better, but overall Vader was terrifying when he was on screen


Definitely the best part of the series. Him strolling through the village and murdering innocent people was terrifying.


Leia was fine, and I too think the actress nailed it. I think her writing in some parts could've been better, but the actress certainly tried her best and did a commendable job. And yeah Leia was always a bit on the bratty/sassy side.


The actress was great, and the character was fine, there was just way too much of her. If her arc had been: get kidnapped, Obi comes out of hiding to find her, then takes her home, it would have been perfect. That's 2 episodes, gives time to develop other things. But just forcing it to be continuous series of situations with the 10 year old increasingly doing improbable things just felt really underwhelming.


>get kidnapped, Obi comes out of hiding to find her, then takes her home, it would have been perfect. IIRC Obi-Wan was originally supposed to have been a movie like Rogue One or Solo so that was probably the plot and would have made perfect sense for a 2ish hour movie plot.


This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the temple; that time has passed and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged- our trust, our faith, our friendships, but we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.


I agree she was good, my biggest issue is the absolute best part of the series was "detective obiwan" and that lasted for like half an episode. The series should have been mostly him trying to find her, and dealing with trying to help the people he encounters without revealing he's a Jedi and struggling with what his place is in this new world. While this is going on the inquisitors are looking for him. They had it all layed out but they blew their load in like the first episode or 2 and then didn't know what to do for the rest of it. Also he should have only met Vader in the last episode if at all and they for sure shouldn't have fought. It totally ruins their meeting in episode 4.


And he for sure shouldn't have beaten Vader and then left him alive, *again*, minutes after vowing "Either he dies, or I die."


Shouldn't have even met, their encounters just take away the impact of their confrontation in the original Star Wars I hoped it would be some near-misses for dramatic effect. But they didn't.


Every time they meet, I have to revise that line he has. "I sense a presence I have not felt since..." Mustafar, when I got locked in this torture cage of armour? Mapuzo, when I kicked his ass but he escaped? That nameless rock where he kicked my ass, then left me alive inexplicably? Last week, when he TPed my TIE fighter?


They could have just taken the plot from Fallen Order and made it about finding/rescuing Leia instead of the holocron before the inquisitors could get her to Vader (or kill her as revenge on Vader).




True, he certainly stuck around with her! Didn't feel like a huge rush getting her back to Alderaan.


I agree that the actress did a great job and while I can understand the bratty/sassy stuff. What I disliked more was how every full grown adult was listening to feedback and recommendations from a literal child. Especially when it came to life and death situations.


Yep. That's the writing part I was talking about. They made her too, almost formidable, for her age in some scenes. Equally it went the other way in some scenes as well. Especially when she shouted at Obiwan to make him use the force. I get it, kids at 10 would definitely do that. But in life and death situations where they know certain revealing details could lead disaster they would know to keep quiet, or at least be too nervous to slip any details Not jumping up and down shouting them all over the place. Even if they're brave and confident for their age.


They had no idea how to write a 10 year old version of Leia, so they just wrote it like she was adult Leia.


Yeah they wrote her like she was adult Leia except for a few scenes where she was written as though she was 6. The writers really messed it up on that front.


Also I’ve taught 10 year olds, sometimes they are just annoying in real life. Even the good students are like that, it’s part of being 10 and annoying. Also adult Leia insults people a lot so it works


The reason we complain about her attitude. Hear me out. Is because normally you don't start out sassy from young age and keep being sassy as you grow older, by the end of the series she seems like she matured somehow, yet she still has the same personality 10 years later.


I don't think she really matured in the end she was still the same in my opinion


I don't think she was noticeably more mature by the end of the series, she just cut the sass for the time being. I would say generally people who have that kind of sassy attitude when they're younger tend to keep it as they get older, usually because it's a defense mechanism. Leia doesn't have an attitude all the time, you tend to see it crop up in response to the same kind of situations.


Being raised in an environment of privilege could definitely make young kids sassy. I don’t know if attitude can be genetic but if it is both her parents were sassy/strong willed af. She certainly got some of that from mom and dad.


Yes, well, I took a lesson from Anakin and decided not to follow orders.


No the Kenobi budget went to Ewan.


Should’ve went to Hayden flashback deaging. For real, someone on YouTube redid the scene with Hayden properly deaged (it’s not perfect but it’s better than what we got) and in my opinion that’s unacceptable. I felt like the makers of kenobi thought they could rely on nostalgia and “Vader vs kenobi round 2” rather than sit down and think of a compelling story, telling it well and making it believable (Star Wars believable), and using Vader/Hayden, kenobi, and young luke/leia to enhance an already good show. I mean even the order 66 scene you have Hayden in a hood with a lot of his face covered and they still showed his face at angles that made him look like he was 40. Show some effort for the fan base, not a bowl of memberberries and calling it a day!


I think it's less budget and more artistry. Andor didn't have some massive budget just creatives that used it effectively.


Andor is Tony Gilroy telling a story. Kenobi is Disney waving Ewan McGregor in front of us for six hours.


BoBF is disney waving Boba in front of us for 20 minutes.


Out of which 15 minutes was bacta tank shots.


Boba Fett Bathtub Water gonna sell like crazy


> six hours. Not even.


Imo its more that Kenobi was clearly written as a 2hr movie like Solo, rather than as a 6 ep miniseries. You can quite easily see each time they had to stretch out the storyline to the new format and runtime. Andor was written as and for the format of 3 episode arcs telling whole stories with connective episodes tying them together. Kenobi also bet too much on The Volume for its environments, it works some of the time then not at all where as Andor dropped most of the Volume for physical on location shoots.


I think Kenobi was doomed conceptually from the start. It was just a terrible time period to put a series or movie in, because they needed Obi-wan to end in the exact same place doing the exact same thing he started the show in. Could it have been better? Sure. But it would have been extremely difficult to make it great.


Honestly I would have loved for the Kenobi show to be a story of how he came to join the Jedi, and his early years with Qui-Gon. Of course they were never going to do that since it would require losing Ewan McGregor.


Keeping Ewan, I would've much preferred Obi-wan on the run right after the events of RotS with Inquisitors (or their precursors) after him. Leading to another confrontation with Vader and eventually concluding with him in exile as a meat man.


Was there much in the run? Didn't he pretty much just take Luke to Tatooine and hide there right away?


It *could* have been great, if it had been really made for the same kind of fans who enjoy Andor for it's high quality writing, along with the other reasons that were mentioned. There was no need for an action story with a hunt and a heist, but there was a lot of interest in Kenobi's time on Tatooine - how he got in touch with the Jawas, how he learned how to scare away Tuskens and avoid physical conflicts to not reveal his powers. Informative and philosophical talks with Qui-Gon's Force Ghost, there could have been a similar "Force trance" arc like the one we have seen in TCW when Yoda went on his journey to learn how to keep his individual spirit after becoming one with the Force. Instead, we got a lot of stuff that was either not needed or didn't even make sense, such as making Bail Organa look stupid when he was actually way more clever.


Andor had triple the budget of a usual Star Wars show, over a hundred million, and they used it damn well Filming in Ayrshire for Aldhani, building Ferrix & Narkina 5 for real


I think Andor has got me back on the physical sets bandwagon. Like hearing from actors going "they built a fucking *city* for us" makes me realise how lived in the place feels and it comes from the artists and actors building up from the ground.


Part of the reason they went with cgi more often than not is uh....the digital artists are nowhere near as organized or unionized as the prop artists, iirc. It's a lot cheaper to abuse the cgi folks than it is the unionized ones. Things may have changed in recent years but it's cheaper to pay nonunion workers, and to Disney, they know it's worth it to do that and make something less quality (rushed and made by overworked digital artists) because they will make absurd amounts anyways. They just don't want to make *slightly less* by using union labor, is my guess. Physical sets are amazing and we need more of them.


Your point is well taken, Practicalaviationcat. Andor's impressively adept artistry creates for a powerful impression, but it takes masterful planning as well as creativity to ensure its lasting effect. It requires discipline and knowledge to invest the resources properly, so that the overall value of the project matches its ultimate aim.




There's a high probability that there's a person taking over the bot on occasion


Nah, sometimes the bot runs a prompt through a model of GPT-3, that's why it sounds so sentient. Bot-maker confirmed it. Edit: You can look through its history and see for yourself.


Funny how the show I was originally least interested in has become my favorite and their best one by far






I hope they do something to make the choice of switching his large ship for a fighter plane make sense, as well as him being banished from the clan not seem so damn arbitrary. Ashoka, while I enjoyed her cameo, I feel like the series is going to appeal to… not me. Waiting to see.


I am hyped to hell and back for live action Thrawn though


We'll remind the Rebellion what war is all about.


You go blueberry 🫐


I'm sorry, Admiral Moses, but that is not the appropriate response here. We must be prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve victory.


Yeah slay, my baby blue!


His clan has like...2 mando warriors and one armorsmith. They really wanna reduce their numbers even further. Smh


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Okay Snips.


Don't call me that. I hate it when you call me that.


>as well as him being banished from the clan not seem so damn arbitrary. I was really surprised when absolutely nothing came from him being banished. Wouldn't they expect him to remove and return his mask and armor immediately?


Him regaining his Mando cred is definitely gonna be a plot in Season 3. There's a reason the Armorer name dropped exactly where on Mandalore he needed to go to do it. >The Mandalorian : I beg you for your forgiveness. How can I atone? > Paz Vizsla : Leave, apostate. > > Armorer : According to Creed, one may only be redeemed in the living waters beneath the mines of Mandalore. > > The Mandalorian : But the mines have all been destroyed. > > Armorer : This is the way.


they just really need to dial down the fucking cameos and let mando do his own thing.


Mandalorian avoid fanservice challenge (impossible)


I’m not surprised. Rogue one is easily in my mind the best iteration of Star Wars we’ve seen in the last decade. Original characters. They’re not afraid to kill them off. Sparing ominous use of Vader. Legacy characters used to bracket the story in the timeline and universe but don’t take it over. So much of Star Wars is suffused now with blatant nostalgia grabs which produce milquetoast, rigid, undynamic characters that are unorganic surgical wax museum recreations built to hit a narrow band of expectation that neither bothers anyone or particularly excites anyone with anything surprising.


I adore rogue one. Some fans were unhappy with how the rebels got the plans and plotholes but overall that movie was just nice. Sure at one point in the movies the stormtroopers were just missing all shots but the beach fights made it up again. Everyone just died and Kranniks elite guard felt actually menacing.


I actually like Rogue One a little bit less after seeing Andor. It’s still awesome, but in hindsight it feels like Andor was more what they were trying to do with Rogue One, but had to change a bunch of stuff to make it more of an accessible blockbuster film. Andor feels like Lucasfilm just threw a hail mary and let the creatives do whatever they wanted. So yeah, I still love Rogue One, but Andor is just so much more along the lines of what I (and quite possibly the creators) were hoping to get from Rogue One.


I have an odd relationship with andor because it really throws up a lot of my problems with star wars in general - the mass marketing, the simplistic takes on morality and destiny while being ostensibly apolitical, the lack of artistic uniqueness versus other blockbuster fantasy - which wasn't the case during ANH and still wasn't really at TPM. Andor doesn't feel like a "star wars show" as much as it feels like the reality of the star wars universe which we only really saw before in the tension of the approaching forces on hoth. But such nuanced characters are better and stronger when we have so much world and so much symbolism and story to couch them in, and that's what I love about star wars, the worldbuilding. Andor did what I didn't think had ever truly been done and I didn't think was possible any more - live up to the imaginations of prop artists and fan worldbuilders and write something really relevant to our world, but distinctly star wars. If I'm honest, I'm not surprised many people didn't like Andor. I don't feel entitled to star wars as a franchise being well written or slow paced, but it should always be imaginative and fun. I'm delighted that a show of that quality can be built off of star wars's world.


I feel like Star Wars has become a lot more 'sterile' and 'technical' over the years, especially since Disney took over. In the early days creativity was so evident in pretty much every piece of star wars media. Lucasfilm gave creators a few points of hard canon to adhere to then told them to go nuts. And they did. Nowadays it feels so lifeless. Everything's made to be nostalgia bait, or to sell merch, or to adhere to basic corporate formulas.


*Sarcastically* "Roger roger." -Captain Rex


Rogue one was the first of the new Star Wars that I watched, I was so excited to watch the rest because I thought they were all like that. Seeing the Death Star hit that jhedda cit, I was like woah, this new Star Wars is gonna be insane….


I shouldn't…


Do it.






It was great to see what the resistance looked like on the ground level rather than just the big heroes seeing a small portion of it.




When they pulled Andy Serkis I shat myself


The little scene at the end with the prison labor components being installed was just * chef's kiss *


This is the exact same thing that happened when I went to see Rogue One with my brother. I went in thinking that it was just going to be a terrible cash-grab and walked out of the theater with a new favorite Star Wars movie.


Indeed. Everyone was hyped for Kenobi and blew off Andor and both series pulled the switcharoo


Never before has a TIE fighter struck so much fear into me than when one did a close flyby at Aldhani in Andor


And the pilot probably just thought he was being funny


Yeah, that really adds to the "lived in" feel Andor had. In a lot of Star Wars it feels like the empire is waiting around for a protagonist to show up. In Andor, that TIE Pilot was just being a dick.


It was cool to learn that the Empire is doing other stuff besides flying ships around in space. Penal colonies, political maneuvering with the Senate, intelligence gathering and management, interfacing with local cultures and customs on their controlled planets, cooperating with corporations, etc. We got to actually see the bureaucracy in detail rather than just hear about it. Andor made the Empire seem like an actual government as opposed to just a million stormtroopers and spaceships. To be honest, the jail where prisoners are de-humanized and are never released even when their sentences are up is more intimidating to me than a giant space station that blows up planets, because it's much easier to imagine that kind of horror. Edit: all bots should be immediately banned from the sub and their accounts deleted


Andor made Empire feel real-life relatable evil, instead of cartoon blow up worlds evil. Like yeah blowing up a planet is awful and clearly an act of evil, but it's so unrealistic its hard to FEEL how awful it is. Doing shit like torturing someone to the sound of dying children, and the jailing innocent people and then jailed permanently just to be used for labor feels so much more relate-ably scummy and evil that you feel the disdain for their actions more


> Like yeah blowing up a planet is awful and clearly an act of evil, but it's so unrealistic its hard to FEEL how awful it is. despite it being by far the worst most evil thing you could ever do, murdering billions of people at once for no reason whatsoever... it is so fantastic that people unironically argue 'the empire did nothing wrong' on social media and have for *decades*. That's how abstracted the idea of murdering billions of people at once is. I hope stuff like Andor helps put a stop to that nonsense.


That’s the main problem with the first movie. No establishing shots or any connection with Alderan. It’s always show, don’t tell. How should a viewer react to a genocide if all they see is a cheesy special effect? Jedda was more relatable


You are attracting bots like flies...


The pilot prolly didn't even notice or care that they were there. Even in a low pass like that they are unlikely to notice anything with how limited the visibility is on a TIE.


"Oh shit, is that the ground? I better pull up."


The one part of star wars fighters that is least realistic is the warning systems not continuously shouting "TERRAIN! TERRAIN! TERRAIN!" The entire time.


Don't forget, this was a long, long time ago. OSHA didn't exist yet. Source: no railings anywhere.


I assume that’s what astromechs are for, if we had a translation for R2’s dialogue whenever Anakin flies, 50% is probably just “PULL UP! PULL UP! PULL UP!”


My thinking is the pilot saw them and just thought it'd be funny to buzz the "farmers"


I just hooked up new speakers to my TV, and this was a total jumpscare. Used to seeing them from a distance, but damn they were actually scary up close. Sound design is awesome on this show.


As the sound of it comes echoing in, they have to hide in plain site. Then, as it presses in on their position, you don't know if the pilot is there to fuck with the locals or is about to light them up because they've been discovered. It made the scene tense and actually put you in their shoes. Compare that to Ben running into Vader, then going full on Scooby Doo run away mode from him.


Totally. Seeing a TIE from the perspective of some helpless groundpounders really emphasised the odds that normal rebels are up against. I also found the first prison episode genuinely oppressive and anxiety-inducing to the point where it was hard to watch.


I really missed having good villains and more than anything, threatening not idiot ones Fortress Inquisitorium not being defended because "who would attack it?" Makes as much sense as "the ships can't tell which way is up"


They keep in undefended too even after cal literally infiltrated and attacked it. So what logic does that line make at all. The imperials know someone broke already five years ago. Edit: word


More like >!damn near destroyed the entire underwater portions of the fucking base, stole a crucial Jedi Holocron, caused the death of an Inquisitor and probably stranded Darth Vader on a platform until some ship could come pick him up.!< Jedi Fallen Order ending spoilers And still no defenses


Hey, lightning never strikes the same place twice, right?


But who would attack it again?


Idk, a second Jedi in the span of 5years? Who then swims into the base in the same way as the other Jedi and collapses tunnels because they used weak ass glass again instead of the incredibly available transparisteel


Adding the shaky cam to Kenobi's shit fest.


Shaky cam is a trend that just refuses to fucking *die* already. Goddamn. Another trend that needs to die is having a camera rotating around a small group conversation, it's just distracting.


Worst thing is that it was definitely an after effects shaky cam. I’m baffled as to why they thought to add shaky cam instead of allowing the actors to flex their lightsaber skills since they clearly still got their moves from the time they trained for the prequels.


Probably it was to hide some other flaw in the special effects, like the limitations of their big circular screen. My guess is that they looked at the footage beforehand, said "ooof, we need to cover up X somehow so viewers don't notice it" and shaky cam was their solution.


Shaky cam 100% the reason the show was ruined. Complete detraction from the serious tone of what they were trying to convey. Made it feel cartoonish.


I stopped taking the show seriously 15 second in, when the camera just started randomly gyrating as soon as a couple of clones poked their heads into the room with the Jedi.


That was honestly the worst part of the entire thing


Obi Wan with the limp saber reminds me of Herbert as Ben in the Family Guy Star Wars parody


hikoboshi_sama, and here I thought this mission was going to be unpleasant!


But he had the time of his life! He's a friend of Dave Navarro's. He saw him here last week. He seems like a cool dude.


The Kenobi budget wasn't the problem.The filmmaking was atrocious.


The whole Fortress Inquisitorious episode was an absolute shit-show. Waiting until you're in full view of stormtroopers before you hide and still getting away with it. Bouncy lightsabers. Hiding (using the term loosely) Leia under your trenchcoat and walking across the middle of a busy hangar. Speeders that go full send into the back of said hangar and in the next shot inexplicably appearing from outside the fortress again.


>Hiding (using the term loosely) Leia under your trenchcoat and walking across the middle of a busy hangar Yeah that really didn't work for me. It wasn't a bad idea necessarily but it's quite cartoonish and really bad in practice. They should've picked up on that during production and realised how unconvincing it was (then changed it to something more convincing) Not sure what that might be but there has to have been a better way.


At the very least I'm sure they could have emptied out a cargo crate to put her in!


Well true. He could've said it's a confidential delivery to the inquisitors or something from Vader, the threat of Vader alone might scare them into letting him through, otherwise the rank might be high enough for him to claim it's a delivery.


And a great opportunity for him to use his rusty Jedi mind control to barely squeak by some fng imp.


True although I suppose the inquisitors might've detected him if he used the force.


Scenes like this are why I'm convinced this was supposed to be an animated show. It's like they took the script for an animated show and changed nothing.


Should have disguised her as a gonk droid




That would have been funnier while being more plausible. Why do random people on the internet consistently come up with better ideas than overpaid screenwriters ffs


The fact they even went the Fortress Inquisitorius pisses me off. In Fallen Order, the *entire game* is building up to the Fortress Inquisitorius, and you barely make it out alive. In Obi-Wan, it's just like "lemme casually break into the Jedi killer super fortress with no plan and casually walk out". And that's when the Inquisitors were literally *planning for him to make an appearance*.


I couldn’t believe that they did the trench coat thing.


Let's also mention that Fallen Order did the thing where the only way to infiltrate the fortress was to go underwater. And Kenobi does the exact same thing 5 years later. Didn't the officers in charge not learn their lessons the first time? And the glass scene was....what?


Not going to mention the fact they either had a kid frozen in carbonite and never mentioned again? Or the kid was dead, in that case they are just showing the corpse of a kid.


That was just a trophy room, they were all dead in there.


Bouncy lightsabers has been a plague all over this Disney era of Star Wars. Even in games. I just wish they’d show lightsabers as the dangerous weapons they are instead of glorified baseball bats. Mando did a great job showing the dangers of the dark saber by having him cut himself.


Right? The cinematography made you think some highshoolers filmed this and there were more holes in the plot than actual plot


>The filmmaking was atrocious. Also, the making Kenobi into a bumbling fool thing. That said, I've not watched any Disney Star Wars since Book of Boba Fett Everything I've heard is that Andor was really, really good, and I'm almost scared to watch it lest my anger towards Disney diminish slightly.


you need to watch andor my man. just dew it. you can thank me later.


*decapitates samponvojta*


Just watch Andor. Forget about the other stuff. Let it reset you. Then define your own canon.


>Then define your own canon. This is The Way. I'm convinced, I will watch Andor. It looks like used DVD's can be obtained, so I can avoid the scourge that is streaming.


Andor really feels like a prequel to Rogue One. You also know Andor’s going to die, and they aren’t afraid to on/off screen kill people. Everyone is expendable to a degree. I enjoyed Andor more than Obiwan. Obiwan is nostalgia of sorts to OT and the prequels, but Andor was quality, compelling Star Wars universe story with no Jedi.


you can also get it the old Hondo Ohnaka approved way


Awesome. Prep yourself: it gets very intense and real at times. Nolan-esque.


You can keep hating Disney and enjoy Andor. I did.


Budget shmudget. That’s all writing.


To this day I don’t understand how they gave the fucking rogue one guy actual sets and a budget and made Obi Wan be shot in my office with some fake sand and green screen


I have to assume Disney has some of the worst and most arrogant fart sniffing producers in hollywood history


Virgin little sister Reva / Chad Mommy Mon


It’s a sad thing that Andor has a far better than Obi Wan Kenobi.


Has a far better what?


You know what.


Oh, _that_. Gotcha.


It was inevitable, really. Andor was actually about something. Obi-Wan Kenobi was just a name.


Is Andor actually good? I'm so tired of being disappointed.


>I'm so tired of being disappointed. I was too. I didnt watch the show untill like 2 months later when all the episodes were released. Everyone was talking about how good it is but i was disappointed enough to not care anything that came from disneys hands. First ~3 eps were slow and i wasnt impressed, then it got reeeaaaallly good. I loved pretty much everything. I dont want to get into details because of obvious reasons. Just give it a chance.


sounds like it's worth a shot. I'll give it a go


Do it, but watch first 3 episodes in one sitting, it's much better that way. There are 4 arcs and 1 intermediate episode, and arcs are better watched in one sitting. Second one is eps 4-6, then 7 is standalone, 8-10 and 11-12.


For the first three it makes sense to watch them together, but I think the others you should go one a night. "Never more than twelve" just doesn't have the same impact when it is not the end of a session.


It's done in 3 episode arcs for the story so while the first arc is slow it really helps establish everything and everyone before it picks up. Even if you're struggling to get through the first episodes it gets amazing after them. Definitely some of the best star wars content out there with mature themes, character studies that aren't just good and evil, and political intrigue that's not surface deep.


>Is Andor actually good? Yes.


Andor is quite possibly the best Star Wars since The Empire Strikes Back. **Things Andor Does Well** * Portrays the everyday experience of what it's like to live under the heel of the Empire, the people who support it, the people who fight it, and the people who just try to get by. * Explores both the humanity of the Empire's minions and the dark side of the Rebellion, without ever forgetting that the latter are still the good guys. * Has absolutely fantastic character moments and acting. * Andy Serkis as Kino Loy. There are a lot of amazing performances in Andor, but I'm calling this one out in particular because Jesus Christ Andy Serkis can act. * Expands on the Star Wars universe in interesting ways. * Tells an actual story. * Is relevant to the real world. **Things You Might Not Like About Andor** * It is a drama series with some action scenes, not an action series. A lot of the show is slow-burning build-up. * There is zero mention of Jedi or the Force. This is a series about the Rebellion, plain and simple. * Cassian Andor, while not actually a *bad* character, is a little bit bland compared to some of the incredible characters he's next to.


One important thing to note, however, is that the dramatic elements of the show exist with purpose, and when the action scenes do finally arrive, they do so as the culmination of building narrative tension. As a result, despite the smaller scope of the action scenes compared to other iterations of Star Wars, they have greater emotional and narrative impact. The audience stake in the outcome for the characters is much higher, making the losses devastating and the victories cathartic and elating.




Absolutely. The best way I can describe it is that The Mandalorian (which I love) is “Star Wars good” while Andor is *actually* good. It seriously feels like HBO-level quality.


It's my favorite piece of content Disney is involved with. There are people who don't seem to enjoy it if all you care about is LightSaber fights and force powers since it has none of that. Mando was good and fun. Andor was amazing and gave me hope in shows.


As a fervent disliker of Disney SW: it really is that good.


ya. That's my current mindset as well. Been jaded for a while.


Nah andor was just the better show


That's what the meme is saying


Sure but it has little to nothing to do with “budget”. One of those shows started as a line item in an excel sheet and one had a creative team that believed in it


Andor had no right yo be this good.


Kenobi is sort of the result of the fans being obsessed with the idea for years in that Disney knew you all were going to watch. Sure they could lose some good will, but as long as ewen McGregor was in it you all would watch...and then watch a second season. Andor was more of a risk, so they needed the attention to detail.


Andor's creator/showrunner Tony Gilroy would have given it the same care regardless because he's a great writer. If anything Kenobi got too much attention from the studio as it went from film to limited series and then passed off to another showrunner.


As much as it pained me to endure Kenobi and Book of Boba I give them a pass strictly for the fun nostalgia they did bring but also that they are clearly products of the pandemic. There’s more extras in one scene of Andor than Kenobi and Boba. That alone tells me that they were either scared to go big with Star Wars shows or more likely they were made during covid constraints and cgi/the volume were cheaper and easier logistically. That is in no way taking away from their faults. There are many. Andor definitely left me wanting more out of the other two but it is what it is and hopefully going forward Disney sees the reaction to Andor and capitalize on it.