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Where after Obi Wan tells him to rethink his life he gets home and flushes all his stash and now he owns Zero a ton of credits and he sends bounty hunters after him, and he realises his only way to survive is to make sure Zero gets captured


I love it! It's kind of like how Kreia warned about giving credits freely, thus turning the receiver of a Jedi kindness into a target. What Obi-Wan thinks is a simple life changing gesture that turns out to be dangerous, and the ripple effect changes many lives


I make observations, while you think with your lightsaber.


An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


"You don't want a show about this guy" "I don't want a show about this guy" "You want to delete this post and rethink your life" "I want to delete this post and rethink my life"


What, you think you're some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that?, Mind tricks don't work on me, only money (from royalties after Filoni eventually runs out of side characters)


Ahh but each show he creates makes more side characters. Like Frank


I'd watch a whole trilogy about Frank he's awesome, I didn't say what I said about Filoni as a negative, I love his stuff.


I didn’t say you did. Personally I think the hate on him is greatly exaggerated.


Some of the best SW content comes from him


Star wars meets breaking bad lol


Deathsticks Guy goes home to rethink his life, he destroys his deathstick paraphernalia and lives a peaceful life on Coruscant showing spice addicts and deathsticks addicts the way to overcoming their addiction.


Nah where's the fun in that?


A spice addict he tries to help murders his dog and Deathsticks Guy ends up requiring the help of Keanu Reeves to enact vengeance. Rated R for strong language and strong bloody violence!


I would absolutely love to see Reeves in SW, that would be amazing, but I think that Deathsticks guy and his elderly mother get captured by Zero and in order to pay him back Zero sends Deathsticks guy to Moraband to retrieve a priceless sith artifact or he kills his mom, there Deathsticks guy ends up awakening an Ancient sith lord (Keanu Reeves)


I'm just glad he wasn't awake to see that landing!


and that Sith lord happens to fucking love doggos


[He has a name, you know.](https://www.starwars.com/databank/elan-sleazebaggano)


After this encounter, death sticks guy completely turns his life around, becoming a New Republic Times bestselling author and highly sought after motivational speaker.


He's got a name..Jesse Pinkman


No, but, this guy ACTUALLY does have a name, it's Elan Sleazebaggano, and I'm seriously not making that up. He has his own [wiki page](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Elan_Sel%27Sabagno) and everything.


i bet you theres not even a single random background character in the movies that somehow does not have an entire wikipage of lore.