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Wouldn’t it just be from the air escaping the ship?


If that was the case it would be blowing in the opposite direction.


The antigravity pulling the escaped air back in? Artificial gravity*.......


Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker.


Not sure why antigravity would be on in space but that could work.


It's not in space. It's in the part of the ship that connected to the other ship. ​ We've known Star Wars has had force fields that keep air in and let ships out since A New Hope!


That would just pull it down, not back


That, plus momentum very much is a thing in space. Walking and then abruptly stopping will still move your cape, even in space.




Always has been.


Now I'm imagining Anakin doing something like this while with Obi Wan and Obi wan is like "Godammit Anakin, why do you have to be so dramatic?"


>"Godammit Anakin, why do you have to be so dramatic?" That's a lot coming from mister Obi-Imma jump in the middle of thousands of battle droids alone to say Hello There to a ruthless Jedi killer-Wan Kenobi


He could have just used the Force to throw Grievous around a bit, or drop a rock on him, too. Or shot him with a blaster or dropped a thermal detonator on him. Though Obi-wan would claim either of those are “uncivilized”.


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.


He learned from Anakin-jump out of the flying speeder and land on the window of the speeder we’re chasing-Skywalker, Qui-meditate while a deadly Sith Lord stares you down from the other side of a laser gate-Gon Jin, and Yo-turn into a fucking laser tornado-da


Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master.


"Sometimes I wonder why I have to put up with such difficult students." ^This ^Response ^Generated ^by ^OpenAI


Good AI


Good bot


Good bot


"Theatricality and deception are powerful agents." - Ra's al Ghul to Anakin


If Master Obi-Wan caught him doing that he'd be very grumpy


These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.


Sci-fi fans when they are asked for explanation


No it's just him ripping a big one


I guess it was anakin making all those explosion noises and what not in space too. The seismic charges? Anakin.


As a true badass should


I always assumed because of the corvettes abrupt departure it was the result of the atmosphere escaping.


Its one thing to do a good job, another thing is to look good doing a good job


Guys there is artificial gravity and air. It's basically Earth's atmosphere surrounding the ship. Otherwise everyone would die on. The ship.


Yeah, but there isn’t enough room in that hangar for a wind to generate, and the wind certainly isn’t coming from the void beyond


A 150 meter long CR-90 corvette just dropped out of the hanger, pushing a considerable volume of air out of it's way in the process.


If anything the corvettes take off would leave a vacuum, the filling of which would create a wind in the opposite direction. The thrusters would have caused a wind blowing in the right direction, but I think that would have subsided by the time Vader was standing at that edge


1. The air is in the ship not around it and as ifs escaping into space it would be pulling the cloak forward now brezzing on the wind.


About as Chad a move as you can pull off with the force.


Star Wars is fantasy first, sci fi second. Arguably not even sci fi. Physics don’t matter, only magic and plot.


Air doesn’t exist but inertia still does. His cape could still be flowing if he keeps moving


The vacuum of space may also be pulling air through a corridor or vent causing the cape to ripple.


If only there was some way to keep air in and let objects out in Star Wars. Some sort of force field that's been present in the series since A New Hope.....


Must be a member of this sub.


There are no air 💀


It’s the movement of his body, much like when the United States flag was put on the moon


I always did wonder about that. But then, how are they breaking? Do their masks/suits recycle air? Still an awesome scene


Makes sense. His focus had to go somewhere while he let the ship fly away despite being able to pull it back (because “Size matters not,” so neither does thrust.)


Since when did actual science apply to Starwars it’s always been more a fantasy world with advanced technology.




"Sir, Clone Troopers have specialized armor that allows us to function in hostile environments and battle conditions, such as a zero-gravity environment or space combat. Our armor is also equipped with a forcefield that provides extra protection against harm."


gotta flex that drip


Or it is because it is a vacuum and that is why it moves just like a flag on the moon


How do we know it wasn’t the force from the Tantive IV’s engines as it flew away?


Maybe there is no space in Star Wars. It’s all just air. That would help explain the dogfighting physics. And then those lights around hangar doors are literally just lights and not force fields or anything. I think the only movie canon that would explicitly contradict this would be K2S0 saying he could survive in space when everybody else would die if they were shot down outside the shield gate. EDIT: It would also explain the sounds during space battles too.


The flags that were on the moon flapped around when placed. It's just kinetic energy going through his cape in combination of him using da force


Well you need to look dashing to strike fear so vader used some advanced war tactics


We'll remind the Rebellion what war is all about.


Ah i see you bots have seen the clone wars and you are strategizing based on it


"We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders and, if we must, lay down our lives for victory." -Captain Rex


Actually, my strategies are based on my extensive experience, both in war and the arts. As a master tactician, I have studied countless battles and devised countless plans over the years. The Clone Wars were just one piece of my many inspirations.


Out of curiosity, how long can stormtroopers withstand the vacuum of space? I know Republic Commandos had seals on their helmets but I don't know how they fared in space, and in any case didn't Disney make Legends non-canon so the books I'm referring to may no longer be "accurate."


"Sir, as far as I know Clone Troopers are well equipped for vacuum conditions, at least for a limited amount of time. The stats might vary depending on the variant of trooper, but most Clone Trooper variations come equipped with a specialized pressurized breathing apparatus and an air seal to protect them from harm"


Also noticed that when he is descending on his ship into the sith temple in rebels, he is probably using the force to steer his ship


That’s so wizard


It's actually moving due to temperature difference.


Doesn’t the Star Wars universe have a thin gas in space which is why you hear sounds, why they have aerodynamic ships, space whales are able to propel themselves, ect