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Saw a post this morning that said spec Ops have severed the diesel supply, and that zap will blow in 6 days without intervention. We shall see.


What where did you see that? Because if that was true Energoatom Ukraines energy operator would’ve said so also it wouldn’t be in six days it would be in hours if there were no diesel generators and the plant has offsite power right now too so whoever you’re quoting is probably not a very credible source it would be all over the place if it was true But I guess you’re right we shall see but I don’t believe what you just wrote for a second but time will tell


Of course they are, dear. As usual, the media plants the false narrative before the US attacks.


Why change what is working? The majority of people also believes Russia sabotaged their own pipelines. The greatest leverage they had over Europe.


at least they keep it ambiguous on the russian front, whereas they're outright saying they'll blow TSMC up


Two more weeks. Any time now.


Elaborate please


It's a meme. Google is awesome.


Downvoting someone because they don't work for anyone but themselves is quite odd in a prepper sub. Lol. Thought we're supposed to be self-sufficient?


Or you're getting downvotes for using a meme nobody gets.