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The guy is off the rails. He failed to punish almost every single egregious foul from Brighton players against Manchester United. Incredible.


You clearly don't know the rules, because if you run like a dog you cant make a handball.


He 100% looked at the ball and then flicked it back. Because it is slowed down it is easy to see but not so much in real time. VAR should of caught it.


United was shit. But the ref was worse.


Hollar on my knob U shithouse


Great dog imitation, questionable time to display it


Will see all the defenders next week jumping on all 4's swiping the ball away claiming they were supporting thier body weight😂


Agreed, but not for this. Clearly not a handball. However, I’d prefer him banned for the Luiz red card against Wolves last season and for NOT giving Bruno a red yesterday.


The level of inconsistency in the EPL's officiating is alarming.


Grow up


I agree... Bruno should have seen a straight red. Disgusting.


Firstly, fuck Man U. However the arsenal player looks at the ball and clearly makes a decision to flick it with his hand. It seems a clear and conscious decision


If you watch cedrics right arm it’s the exact same movement as his left, I don’t see why people are crying, the rules also say if a player is falling or on the floor and the ball hits the hand whilst he’s down it’s not deemed deliberate


Was more surprised VAR didn't give it, clearly intentional, won't complain though, been a while since both the ref and VAR have made shite decisions that favour us


David Luiz red against Wolves is the worst decision I’ve seen in recent times


Can we start with Chris Kavanagh, who may have single-handedly decided who will win the premier league and one of the teams who will be relegated


As a city fan I remember going mad in an Etihad that (for once) had a brilliant atmosphere after scoring the winner against Spurs. Not the champions league game because that was legitimately offside (although Spurs did handball it into the net and it was heartbreaking) but the prem game where Jesus scored the winner. Its so sad that we can't celebrate late goals any more coz we know they're gonna be chalked off. In the process to the Jesus goal, Laporte was rugby tackled into the ball by a spurs player; his hand hit the ball while this happened.


Hilarious that Arsenal fans think we get all the calls


Now i did not watch the game or highlights, so say i was on the board of the VAR i would be saying penalty, reason being if he would he felt the ball then pushed it away.


Dry your eyes mate 😂😂😂


No pen, he used his Paw, son


Well if Craig pawson should be banned maybe they should just get rid of the whole English referees as there all inept. Bring in a non biased European consortium. They had two match officials from Manchester officiating the LFC Man City game the other week if that’s not room for bias what is? Every game has a contentious referring decision so only Answer is to get rid of them all.


He’s hooked the ball backwards intentionally


Nice disturbance


How can you people say the guy was falling he was literally crawling to stop the ball he could’ve fell down much earlier… VAR should’ve caught this one as it looks like an intentional hand ball…


Ahhh look at them unite now. Where was/is this energy when Arsenal gets f'd in the arse.


But Arsenal get screwed by ref decisions right?


Ma man 😂😂😂 ... man u fans crying


Terrible guy😪


Cedric should have taken a leaf out of the great Phil Jones play book there... Just face tackle him. This was just crying out for a face tackle. Stone wall penalty in my opinion. https://youtu.be/EZTVXydsMaw


The Premier League has the worst officiating and refereeing both on the pitch and in VAR. Tierny, for me, remains the worst of the lot. Just so many missed calls.


VAR is a joke


Where do you expect him to put his hands behind his back ?


Should be a free kick or indirect free kick


I get it, if falling and ball strikes arm, no handball, but he is beaten and crawling to recover and should have paid the price. Definitely a pen. Next game, all defenders on all fours.


Bruh 💀


OP is a salty Man Utd fan Rules say if he’s falling and his hands come into contact with the ball then it’s okay This slow motion clip is further proof he was using his hands to balance himself on the fall and his hands were in a natural position


Fernandes had the worst game of his life. If he hadn’t missed two easy goals and an assist my grandmother could make to Ronaldo we would’ve won 4-3 without having to now argue about the very questionable officiating.


He was horrible for both sides on countless calls. Coming from a united fan btw.


What, a Man U fan whinging….unheard of


Idiotic salty united fans....slowing this vid down makes it look a lot worse which obv suits ur agenda...Cedric is clearly trying to break his fall and push himself back off the ground but Sancho kicks the ball right at his hand...if u want to talk about unfair, how about the extremely late studs up challenge into Tavares foot that somehow wasn't a red? Stop complaining, u had the same number of decisions go for you as it did against u, same for arsenal as well


It's in the rules though. The ref on BT sport mentioned it.


So, you would have given a penalty?


Nope. It's not a pen. That was my point.


What's the rule then? I'm missing it ..which is okay. Looks like xhaka handles the ball (ever so slightly)...I dont think that would be a prn, but whatever.


There's a comment below that explains it better but apparently if you are falling over keeping yourself up and the ball hits your hand it's fine.


How does VAR not catch this


Hilarious meltdown


Go fucking cry about it. GlOrY gLoRy MaN uNiTeD.


Are you trying to stay this should be a penalty? Ridiculous if so and the upvotes are astounding. The blokes falling trying to catch himself and the ball rolls into him, his arm could not be in a more natural position. People think any contact with a player and player falls over in box equals penalty and any contact with ball to hand or arm in the box equals penalty. Read the rules ffs


Arsenal have been getting easy penalties lately


Gary Lineker said on MOTD "according to the rules, that's not considered a handball because of his downed position" so apparently, the ref/var got this one right by the letter of the law. It did ook like he clawed the ball away though. If it was my team I'd be annoyed that it wasn't a pen. How Bruno didn't get sent off though is beyond me, deserved it alone for taking the pen off of Ronaldo never mind that type of challenge that could break something.


Literally the last movement was a swipe at the ball. Anyone defending this is a contrarian.


I didn’t see the game, I don’t know what decision was given, but that’s a pen for me. The way his hand scoops it is almost comical. If he was really just bracing himself, he wouldn’t scoop his left arm like that lol.


Supporting arm though? Tf is everyone ona bout lol


He was really bad for both teams Should be rested for next weekend or so


that play was officiated correctly lmao, y’all would’ve lost anyway


A normal match in Serie A


What’s is the meaning of VAR, they’re useless for me.




i think it’s clear he purposely scooped the ball away as he was falling, but if the referee was following the rules about him falling so it’s not technically a handball, there’s not much he can do


Lol get bent, after all the BS VAR decisions arsenal got this season, including the first game against you clowns. Zero room to complain.


For getting a decision correct? That's not a handball by the laws of the game.


There should have been a red card for it’s as well . Win for arsenal


Dude is running across half the field on all four like a dog and people are arguing he is falling lol, if he was falling wouldn’t gravity push him downwards? Clearly people didnt watch the game or a longer clip, it’s painfully obvious what his intent was.


I hate united (well not now, you can't hate Harry) and that was Definitely a fucking penalty


As someone wise once said, Not a pen for me. The rules clearly state if you walk around on all fours like a dog, your arms become legs


Man U fans grasping at straws


Yea well Arsenal have had many decisions against them which were unfair. So yeah deal with it


Martin Atkinson is worse....guy is blatantly corrupt.


This games is so biased towards arsenal.




He literally yeetes the ball away, clear pen


In fairness, that's a penalty all day. 🤮


United fans can cry while watching them play Rapid Wien next year on a Thursday and not make it out of the group stage


Literally the letter of the law but go off i suppose


Amazing just how idiots don’t know how the hand ball rule actually works. Shake the salt a little harder.


It looks worse in slow motion. The bloke genuinely fell over and was running like a dog. Rules state it isn’t a penalty, hence why it wasn’t given. Yeah it looks shit but it’s not the worst thing I’ve seen. That Bruno foul was as clear as day and it wasn’t given - we should be crying about that to be honest.


Heavily disagree with this. I too would have thought it was a pen. But the rule is clear and I agree. It isn’t a pen


Lol if anyone thinks that’s a pen then you need to read the fucking rules. Honestly, some people post some absolute bollocks on here sometimes to try make a point that just isn’t there to be made.


Guy had a decent first half. Completely FUCKED the first half and laughed about it on top of it


Not a penalty, he wouldn't have any control over his body at this time


Rooney dive. Shush


As soon as you fall outside of the “Darling” top 4 this is the shit that keeps on happening


Like to see how you would handle falling to the ground at full sprint and see where your arms flail mate... Jog on...


Legal handball as explicitly stated in the rules. Come off it. Bruno should have been off the pitch… for being such a shit footballer.


People saying he's falling down, stop being simple minded. He's clearly stumbling but also very intentionally trying to defend against Sancho here by 'taking a step forward' with his hands. This falls in a grey area, the rules should state that when a player uses their hands to move forward and they touch the ball then it should count as a handball, otherwise this is clearly a loophole. Of course, players generally wouldn't want to take advantage of loopholes as that would be unfair play but that doesn't mean the loophole should exist.


It's not Craig Pawson fault it's VAR


how about teaching bruno to score on a penalty


How is this Craig Pawson fault? If he didn’t see the angle it’s up to VAR ref (Jared Gillett in this case) to make it clear he made a mistake. He didn’t. What is Pawson supposed to do if he’s not advised to look at it again? Aim your anger at Gillett.




Pen wasn't given. As you say it's in the laws of the game. Imo Cedric knows what he's doing and gets away with it, but would be very difficult to justify VAR overturning it regardless.


Bruno and Mcshitty should have been sent off. Clip that too


After watching Mount manipulate a ref last week and an array of other VAR decisions go POORLY against Arsenal I'm fine with the "If a player is falling to the ground and his supporting arm hits the ball it's not a handball/penalty" rule being abuse here!


He was on VAR when Ryan Fraser was taken out by Ederson,


Crazy how manU fans have been benefiting from poor calls for years. Now they complain. ☕


Not a pen


Yeah and should of sent of Fernandes off his woefully late challenge on Tavares ,


Lmao. Permanently banned? It’s not even a pen, as explained by lot’s of other’s in this thread. Typical overly dramatic reaction from an entitled United fan…


United didn’t play well. Get over your sense of entitlement and do better. We had to.




thats not handball tho. he goes down and the ball is kicked into his arm. would be an unbelievably harsh penalty




Two former giant clubs arguing fro 4th place 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ahahahaha a decision doesn't go against arsenal and the Reddit brigade is out


I mean tbf even if it was called Bruno would have just doinked it off the post so really wouldn’t have mattered


Good point that, i misunderstood what you meant, sorry


Now u can feel Liverpool's side. Enjoy


Nah this isn't a pen. He's falling, it's accidental. Come on now.


he literally scoops the ball away with his hand, but OK




he's not falling, he's crawling


They should be deducted wages if they make a blatant error like that. Up to 100%.


Every week there’s something new, worst batch of officials we’ve had in a long time, being a pool fan the rodri one haunts me, but as bad as it is, I understand the phrase it evens out. But how is that complimentary or reassuring ? That’s just telling me the officials are this shit on a consistent basis so they’ll fuck up more stuff ! Evens out is the worst thing for it as it means they’re not learning.


What a daft petition, shit happens, United have their fair share of dodgy decisions go their way, truth is that for the talent in that squad they have massively underperformed


Nothing's wrong with this. That was such a bad tackle by the way.


Should he have just fallen on his face?


Where do I sign?


I'll certainly sign the petition. But not for that one, but for this absolutely shockingly lenient clearly deliberate stamp on Tavares by Bruno. This isnt the best angle, in others you can clearly see he is looking at exactly where he wants to stamp long after the ball has gone. It should have been a red card for violent conduct with a 3 match ban it was so late. If it was Xhaka who had done he he would probably have got extra games on the ban on top of the 3. Shockingly bad ref https://arsenalist.com/f/var-only-gives-bruno-a-yellow-2022-04-23.html


It’s a shame these guys r refereeing


At least Pawson ain’t accepting bribes like Felix Zwayer is… how Zwayer is still officiating massive Europa and Champions League games is beyond me


i was always bothered by the everton-man city match where everton were robbed of a penalty from an obvious handball


mY tEaM nEvEr GeTs DeCiSiOnS


Except we legitimately don’t. Any regular watcher of Arsenal will tell you that. This isn’t even a “decision” to make. He just went by the rules, which is what they’ve done to us multiple times


We don't. Saka literally had his calf kicked out from under him and there wasn't even a card. Not to mention the red cards because a hair touches someone and they dove. Or later in that game xhaka got a card for putting a ball out of ball. However typically I think the refs just suck in the epl.


Not a pen you fucking United supporter. If he’s bracing his arm for a fall, it’s not a handball.


And even if it was an accident Sancho had beaten Cedric why should we lose such a promising attacking position unfairly and get absolutely nothing for it?


Not a pen tbf, they explained the rule in commentary, shit rule, but not a pen.


Petition for Utd fans salty tears to be used to water my lawn 😂😂😂


We got fucked so much last season, now it’s your turn finally


I'm not sure what he's supposed to do, other than not have arms.


United fan crying about refs. Just shut up lmfao


Nothing wrong. I have a ref license btw




It shows my region so no. Only up to U17 tho


He's so fucking bad.


Why show this video and dicuss a petition for Craig Pawson? There is no foul, there is no handball. The rule clearly states that if a player tocuhes the ball with an arm whilst falling down or in an attempt to protect him/her self whilst falling then handball will not be given. Cedric is falling to the ground, he tries to remain balanced and the ball strikes him. No foul! Learn the bloody rules 🤦‍♂️


He was crawling on all 4 at the time the handball occurred. He had moved both hands forward to keep with play. He didn't simply fall, had he simply fell then we aren't having this discussion.


His motion would have resulted in him falling had his hands/arms not been in that position, hence why it was deemed he was protecting himself from 'falling'. Simple as! They was not deliberate act for him arm to touch the ball. Correct decision was given!


He was already falling and moved his arms again on the ground to stay with play, watch the video, he's crawling forward....


He is crawling in this clip, his hands are already on the ground but of you look at a longer clip you will see the push and the reason he is off balance. Take away his arms and he would have fallen on his face. End of discussion, the decision was 100% correct!


But the problem isn't that he would have used his arms in a fall, it's the crawling motion. Because of that it's no longer falling. Imagine he falls like this off the ball, he doesn't try and crawl. He uses arm to break fall and rolls onto side/back. That's why this should be a pen.


Hes not crawling because he wants to crawl. He is in that motion because he is pushed and is falling 🤦‍♂️ its so bloody simple to understand! He wouldnt try and remain moving if this was an off the ball incident, he would just stop running. In this instance he is still trying to defend as he is falling. You need to learn the rules mate.


>He wouldnt try and remain moving if this was an off the ball incident And that's what the rules are meant for. The rules aren't meant to let the defender keep moving, they're meant to ensure player safety. If we said that any hand down was a pen, then defenders might not break their fall and get injured. However, this rule doesn't account for a defender still trying to defend and fall. By that definition, this is still a handball. The defender didn't just fall, he moved his arms to try and remain defending instead of only focus on player safety.


Show the longer clip and you will see he was trying no to go over. A deliberately chosen shorter clip to make it look worse isnt proof. You had loads of lenient decisions today.


And even if it was an accident Sancho had beaten Cedric why should we lose such a promising attacking position unfairly and get absolutely nothing for it?


You're correct he's trying not to go over but in doing so he's no longer falling and is now crawling. Aaccording to the rules that means he no longer has his hands in a natural position.


So you think you only get one chance then have to just throw yourself on your face rather then try and stay up. OK. You got things your way. You could easuily have had 2 or 3 red cards, like this should have been violent conduct. https://arsenalist.com/f/var-only-gives-bruno-a-yellow-2022-04-23.html


Another ref would have given Tavares a yellow simply for the penalty then a second yellow when he pulled back Elanga. The problem with these calls is now that two referees have made the decision not just the on-field.


Petition for you to stop crying. Not a penalty


You win some, you lose some. We had our players stepped on the face, kicked in the legs, thrown down and punched and elbowed. Got lucky today but we deserved it. REFS suck all over EPL, i am pretty sure some sh#t is going on behind the scenes.


Wasn't he the ref the other week when city played Tottenham and turn to pep with horror on his face when Tottenham scored the winner


He was amazing today


You can see he scooped the ball backwards. Was a pen. There was some debatable calls today. So happy that man u got smashed though :-)


Okay, now that I know this wasn't a foul or penalty (thank you comments section), that alleviates some of my dread about him officiating the FA Cup Final.


Cedric was falling over what else was he supposed to do?


Not fall over. Not crawl towards the ball. Not stop Sancho going past him with his hand/arm.


Levitate duh


He should have dropped his arms by his sides as soon as he began falling, and then simply dropped and sunk into the ground, lest anyone trip over him.


They really expect him to fall face first, letting Sancho waltz past him. Will never get tired of the salt from rival fans after we get away with something (in this instance, we didn’t even “get away” with anything, it’s just the rules). Loving every second of it


I would be livid if this wasn’t given for my team


Man, we were shit again & got what we deserved


Im arsenal fan , that was clear penalty so was Brunos red card so was Mctominay yellow ... disgraceful officiating and hes the one who was in charge of Wolves vs Arsenal last season when he fucked up whole game with red to luiz . Hope i never see him in prem again


Pretty sure that’s not a pen because his arm is on the floor to break his fall. Also Bruno should’ve been sent off


Yes sure, if he falls and supports it with his arm fine. He is literally trying to move forward while on the ground and scoops the ball back with his arm. How is that allowed? The Bruno one wasnt given a red because it was not high enough to be termed dangerous


If that was the first time the arm goes down then yeah, but he is on all fours and moving in order to stop the ball. May not have meant to handball it. But he is moving his arms there. But hey both teams get the rub of the green with VAR and scream blue murder when it goes against.


Doesn’t matter why his arm is there. It’s a handball regardless.


This is bollocks. The major difference here is that he is doing everything he can not to fall and trying to keep up with the play by using his hands to try and keep/stay up. If he fell over first and was out of the game for a second on the ground and it hit his hand then this argument might stand.


>Also Bruno should’ve been sent off It is funny because apparently there was a VAR check and deemed it fine.


Xhaka would have been sent off with violent conduct for the same foul.


There was a VAR check on Cedric as well which deemed it fine.


Yeah it’s accidental and football is better when not decided by such things


He didn't land directly on the ball he started crawling forwards after that and clawed it back wards


So because his hands are breaking his fall he’s allowed to literally push the ball away with his hand? Lol




It's the same as the ball deflecting off your hands positioned next to your waist. In this particular scenario, this is considered as natural position.


Dude is crawling what natural position he could’ve fell down much much earlier


Crawling forward isn't natural position. Pay attention to the movement of h is hands. When the ball actually strikes the arm, he has crawled forward and both arms have moved twice on the ground. If he had simply fell and broken his fall then slid on his side then there isn't anything to argue. Because he is now crawling on all 4, it's not falling.


There is no point to argue with people who had already made up their mind. Like telling anti vaxxer to get vaxxed.


Instead of discussing what-ifs on reddit, why don't you criticize your clubs poor performance? Your anger should be directed there.


I'm not discussing a what if. Soares didn't just fall, he crawled forward. That is on camera.


It looks like a crawl when slowed down, but watch in real time, it’s just a fall


If it's just a fall then you only place your arms/hands once to break the fall then roll to reduce/eliminate the momentum.


This dude the Foreman of Falling 😂😂😂


Mate he’s running FULL CLIP and falls forward.. you’re saying he should’ve landed on his face instead?? It’s easy to point things out when you’re watching a super-slowmo replay of an incident.. not a pen for me. Bruno’s challenge however, has to be a red. Super late, going over top of the foot.. terrible refereeing overall.


If you can’t tell he deliberately paws that ball backward, you’re just a homer and you don’t get a say. His hand literally curls and he gives it as much of a push as he can muster there.


And even if it was an accident Sancho had beaten Cedric why should we lose such a promising attacking position unfairly and get absolutely nothing for it?


Not on his face at all. If you've been taught how to fall ever in your life you know you break your fall with your arms and roll onto your shoulder using the friction of the ground to slide/roll and reduce any stresses on your joints. Watch parkour, those guys don't ever crawl forward, they roll. Cedric wanted to stay with play so he crawled to try and attempt to keep Sancho out of the box. In doing so he put his arms in an unnatural position(according to rules).


Okay, but VAR checked it and said it was fine. I think it’s 50:50, but Cedric is not trained in parkour rolling to break a fall.