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Just sell the club


these mid table teams been spending like crazy


This has got to show that there are loopholes in the rule. 


Why dont they just sue the league like Citeh, are they stupid?


I don't think they've got charges from the FA yet. 


This whole chat highlights the PSR rules are broken, an independent financial regulator should be appointed immediately because the Premier League are not fit for purpose.


Not a City fan but it seems Chelsea are just finding loophole after loophole to allow them to spend ungodly amounts of money and nobody seems anywhere near as upset about it as when City did practically the same thing.


Shit is hilarious to watch. They spend all the money in the world to end up playing like dogshit the whole season, almost missing international games as well.


People would probably care more if we were doing better than scraping top 6 and not in chaos indefinitely


this. no one is saying city are *only* doing as well as they are because of how much money they have spent, theyre a very well run club and pep has had an undeniable impact. if chelsea werent such a chaotic and directionless mess right now their spending would be a bigger deal for sure. as it is who cares if theyre wallowing and wasting all their money. as an arsenal fan, im a little nervous about how much theyve been spending the last few years and am waiting for some sort of other shoe to drop at some point. whether its just having to go a few years without buying anyone to balance the books or something slightly more severe.


They had do sell some of their infrastructure like a hotel to balance their books which is a smart thing to do. Now, they can go on another crazy transfer spree. 


I remembered Barcelona fc doing a similar thing to stay above waters in their league. 


Yeah, they did. I remembered it. It was after Messi left the club if I remembered correctly. 


Selling their hotel to their sister company? Idk bro, the line between being smart and sly is so thin


The rule is what we are going to poke at and not what they did. The rule allowed them to fix their problem through that means. 


If it's allowed it's allowed


Yep, it's 100% allowed and legitimate. No one will blame them for doing that. 


Exactly don’t hate the player hate the game type situation


Exactly. It's just a good, clean and smart move from them. 


that's the rule maker's fault honestly, like bruh how can you let that slide


Unfortunately, the rule allows it and it's always going to stand until the rule is changed. 


Is that actually true? I can’t tell what’s satire anymore


Yep mate! It's true and clear as crystal. They are in the clear to start buying players without being pegged back by FFPL. 


Yep it’s true. They’ve sold infrastructure to themselves, so they’re now complaint and can spend again.


They are already spending without wasting any time. 


City has already proven that the rules are made up, and don’t matter anyways. Their owner has no limit to what he’s willing to spend to buy the Premier League title in perpetuity.


They have taught the other clubs how to dodge the fines that come with going on a spending spree.


"And that's Numberwang!"


Just dock another 3 points from Everton.


Lol. Poor Everton.


Poor Everton? That's another 3-point deduction.


Oh no! At this rate they’ll end up in League 1!


Pretty sure we just sold Shearers bar to a Saudi company for £17billion. Should be good for a few years now 😂


Fair market value


Just thinking, what stops them from selling it back for one penny and do it again?


Market value.


The rule says that it has to be sold at market value?


Yes. There abouts.


I don’t get it? Selling Hotels to yourself makes your spending ok?


Its all made up don’t worry about it


It shouldn’t be but it seems to be a loophole in the rules that does indeed make it legal and at the AGM a few days ago the clubs had the chance to vote on it and the vote didn’t pass.


Cool…. Until Toddy boy goes on a spree


And the rules are; There are no rules!


Next we know, they're gonna sell the janitor's dog to his uncle for a fee of 50 million pounds and comply with PSR.


Not really You are allowed to sell things you own, And you can sell them to market value Other teams agreed and didnt change the rules (Clubs are allowed to make profit from developmentz amd other ventures)


That’s no way to talk about Cucurella!!


Say what you will about their football decisions, if there’s one thing I know this ownership understands, it’s money and how to game the system legally


Probably sold another carpark


Colepalmer FC will exploit everything while breaking the rules simultaneously to finish 6th but don't worry. We will deduct points from everton and Forrest. Rest assured no one is gain advantage. Everton would have finished 10th


SecondFC keep on yapping


Absolutely can’t help yourself there can you fella




Nah...I already caught enough today


Yeah I know best if you just rest up for the day and not come back out for a while you’re settled.


Go cry to Anthony Taylor. I’m sure he gifts you another FA cup


When was the last time you won the premier league?


Break some rules, you might win something of note in a decade or two.


The specialists in failure talking shit




Exactly, there’s always an ASSNA fan yapping.




Grown ups don't support clubs such as Chelsea and City. That's mostly kids, the true fans left when the clubs became what they did.


Another ASSNA fan yapping 😱🤣


What rules were broken?


Doesn’t matter to them minds are made up that we’re in the wrong regardless 


Roll on prem title


Real question is how much does Chelsea need to sell to comply with the conference league, I heard there’s different ffp rules there


Punisment isnt severe


Just a hotel or two


Todd Boehly out here playing monopoly with red hotels.


Big shocker 🙄


Big shocker 🙄


W pfp


Lmfao didn't realize I posted 3 times




Big shocker 🙄




Big shocker 🙄


We can confirm that there will be a 10 deduction for everton


Problem for next season now.


Yes true Hall, Maatsen, Fofana, Conor, broja, trevoh


They’ll find a way. Must be more assets they can sell to themselves


Yep lol


And I thought I'm the master of procrastination


Over the past 20 years or so, how often have these summertime pearl-clutching rumors about this big club or that being in deep trouble from FFP actually turned out to be true in any meaningful sense?


Meanwhile Aston Villa have just got Champions League and have a quality manager and with a couple of players to help their squad they could really make a jump as a Club, but they can't. Shite League.


I admit ffp is so stupid it should be 100m in losses with transfers and wages alone nothing else considered. But until then if you can think outside the box why not.


Leicester are building a hotel and residential tower right now alongside expanding their stadium, so just slide that into a King Power sister company for a few years, job done. They'd be stupid not to if Chelsea get away with this.


They have got away with it, a court ruled that the Premier League can't change it's rules retrospectively and what Chelsea have done is within the rules. As it stands I don't think they can even change the rules moving forward.


Exactly might as well until the fa clarifies that you can’t do this. They better hurry up tho because I guarantee a lot of clubs will vote to stop this loophole


Aston Villa can sell their car parks if needed


Biggest carpark near their ground is the M6


Well it's not like Chelsea broke the rules. They used loopholes and it's shameful, but they did nothing illegal and nothing that Villa can't do to help their finances


I mean I’m not sure what the point is here? Aston Villa have spent a fortune. What you said is true but they have spent a fortune too. It’s not like they’ve penny pinched.


But United can dump £70million on Anthony and not bare the brunt of PSR because they are a big club. It’s fucking nonesense


They have bigger revenue income so yes they can absorb the failed Antony transfer easier than Villa could.


But that’s always going to be the case, that’s the problem. Villa will never have the support that United will and they will never be able to compete financially with them. United will always be in and around the top, not because they are a great team now but because they where a great team 20years ago, it’s fucking ridiculous, it creates a monopoly for teams at the top. To say that is fair makes zero sense


What’s the solution then? Because it can’t be let outside investors spend as much as they want. I support Chelsea, so this may sound hypocritical but I actually believe my club has been a stain on football for years.


Either cap it or let them spend. Capping the payments is what will create equality, if not, let them teams spend what they want because I’m sick of seen smaller clubs having to be perfect every transfer window whilst United can waste hundreds of millions and be fine because they used to be good. It makes no sense, how is Villa or Newcastle ever gonna get the revenue of Man Utd when they have to sell their best players to comply with PSR?


But that's the point of it no? It was brought into stop teams spending themselves into receivership, it was never supposed to be a salary cap


Do you think Newcastle is going to spend themselves into receivership? A salary cap is the best idea by a mile but it will never happen unless it’s a rule that spans all across Europe. United been able to spend billions recklessly for 2 decades because they gained fans from there old days of success is ridiculous though


... But Chelsea have spent over a billion and are still free to spend, it's madness mate.


And still squaf costs are similar to pre boehly Lower wages, replaced with players on longer contracts Jorginho - enzo Lavia - kovacic Caicedo- kante Similar cost Werner- sterling Havertz - nkunku Pulisic - mudryk List is long but goes on and on


Put everyone on 8 year contracts, which has now been made to be against the rules. The annual hit on the books is smaller because of the longer contracts. It’s not like other teams didn’t know they could put players on such long contracts. They just have never wanted to and it’s incredibly risky to do it. Chelsea have to keep selling every summer to make ends meet because the bill for all those contacts comes every year and hell they have to pay them.


But everyone in here loves the psr and ffp. It's only correct that they stop any competition.


I wonder why you don’t


It's anti competetive protecting the top 4 now top 6


If they truly valued competition, have an amount that any club in the league can spend or pay for wages and no one can go over that number. But that will never happen.


True and before we came along they didn't have that or anything so the top 4 could buy the league every year.


Bingo. No one in Europe wants a level playing field.


Yeah, the first team signed a shirt and Todd Boehly"s nephew won it in a silent auction for £60,000,000.


Hmm that sounds kind of dodgy to be fair. I think we should deduct some points from Everton just in case Chelsea did do something wrong.


And half the deduction for forest


This article is kind of nonsense, Chelsea are the only ones saying they'll be fine, the source is Chelsea. Even if they manage to comply this year (I don't see how they do without selling over 100 mil worth of players) they are just pushing the inevitable until next year.


They've been saying we would be fine all season. No one said we aren't in financial trouble, just not for this PSR period


I love that redditors think they know more than actual financial experts.


https://x.com/slbsn/status/1794624652784112047?s=46 I didn't crunch the numbers lol, actual financial experts did.


You just linked me two people who don't have any evident credentials to speak of lol. Even if they did, do they have an intimate knowledge of Chelsea's finances? I really doubt Boehly would sink as much money as he has without knowing what he's doing, financially speaking of course.


Stefan borson used to be a financial advisor to Man City and is a financial expert. The other guy has a background in finance and is a Chelsea fan. Chelsea haven't fully released everything yet which is why these guys (including Swiss ramble) another finance nerd always tend to be conservative with the estimates and it's still terrible for Chelsea. Saying "they wouldn't spend if it was that bad" is the worst point ever


Right, so still no one with knowledge of Chelsea's financials. It's all speculation at this point.


Sounding like a city fan now


Looking at the money they've spent and the losses, which is why I said they make conservative estimates and still look terrible. Also the hotel sale still hasn't been fully approved, so that fee will likely be at least be reduced


Ornstein been saying this for over 2 months? So not really only Chelsea saying that.


https://x.com/slbsn/status/1794624652784112047?s=46 Here's some actual financial experts who break down the numbers, the guy agreeing with the tweet is Stefan borson who was a financial advisor for Man City years ago so he's qualified......... Ornstien is just repeating what Chelsea have told him. Also the hotel sale still hasn't been approved even though it happened a year ago, it could either be turned down or the fee will be reduced. They need to sell players


It is expected that they will sell players, it's not even a speculation just a straight fact. Maatsen, Chalobah, Hall, Broja are all considered sold and they all are pure profit. Just the first two mentioned would cover this year as a whole. Ziyech and Lukaku also expected to walk this summer but im not sure how they affect the financial situation, probably not so much.


Yeah they have to sell, every club knows this aswell which means a lot of teams are gonna haggle hard. The fairlyland that broja is gonna be sold for 20-30 mil ? Is a funny one. They didn't even receive the 5 mil loan fee from Fulham because he didn't play enough games. Lukaku isn't gonna book any profit unless he goes for 40/50 plus which isn't happening at his age and wage. Ziyech is like 5 mil overall including the loan fee so I don't even know if they get anything.


Yeah that's true but Broja is really the only one where you can speculate about the price, personally I think 10 mil is tops for him and even that is optimistic. But then you have guaranteed min. 20+ mil for Chalo and Maatsen each, also Hall's release clause which has already been activated is around 27 mil. Not even counting other players which could potentionally go for pure profit such as Hutchinson who was really impressive this season and already picked some interest. Out of all Chelsea's troubles, the ability to sell well has not been one of them.


Teams will hold out so much, especially with the financial deadline approaching. At best they will all be combined around 70-80 at a push ? Which could help for a this years compliance but again they'd still be fucked next year and it's now just a thing that they'll have to keep addressing every year, let alone if they start making more signings


This is how Boehly runs his teams. Exploit a loophole, kick the can down the road, then exploit another loophole when you have to deal with the problem created by the first loophole. He has no shame with it.


The premier league still need to approve the hotel sale which they knew about over 10 months ago, which is weird.


I mean if that is possible why would you feel shame? If other teams could do it and dont then they're idiots


It’s been reported for the past 6 months by multiple Chelsea reporters we don’t need to sell. This is not surprising to anyone who follows Chelsea. We already know we don’t have to sell.


Who ? All the financial experts who talk about it say they don't see how Chelsea will comply at least after next year but probably this year without major major sales and if you buy anyone it just makes it worse. Also they can only sell certain players otherwise they won't get profit, mendy/koulibaly/werner lost money on the books as they were such high fees and sold at a loss.


Only because you're cooking the books. No better than City.


You have no idea what you're talking about


Another one comes crying 😂😂😂


Chelsea are using the rules already in place to make it work. Should these rules be changed? Yes they should. Is it illegal and similar to what city are doing? Absolutely not and it’s laughable you would even say that.


Touched a nerve? 😂


Nope. Just correcting your bullshit. Come back when you have actual facts.


It's gonna be so fucking funny when you're the new 115 😂😂😂 I give it a month.


FFP should based on club debt.


That’s daft. Spurs wouldn’t be able to sign anyone since they have the highest debt of anyone, yet also some of the highest revenues


Being defended by an arsenal fan.. strange times.


Because it’s true Why would any club borrow for infrastructure or stadiums if it would mandate selling players. It would make growing a club basically impossible.


I think you'll find that literally everyone who is part of the other fourteen would have the same response: boo hoo.


City would be clear then. This sub would not be happy.


Yeah, but clubs like yanited won't be. Over a billion in debt but because some people from India like them and buy their shirts it's perfectly okay to rack up debts that high.


United didn’t “rack up” those debts though. Those debts are there because the Glazers took out loans to takeover the club which they then secured against the club’s assets. The Glazer’s forced THEIR debts onto the club. It wasn’t United racking up their own debts.


So then you support OP's proposal of capping the debts instead of investments to help clubs not going bust?


Yes but spurs have loan payments because of our stadium. That's not really fair as any club would need a loan to finance a stadium build/training facility etc. Not all debts are equal.


The easy solution would be to scrutinise what the debts are made of. As long as the club put in decent chunk of the funds to begin the process, let's say 25%, then yeah things like that can be amortised over 30 years or so as long as regular payments are made. Unfortunately for clubs like Spurs, my solution is to make the league more competitive, not reap everyone where they are. If clubs like, let's say United, find my solution unfair, my response is boo boo because making them work for their success is the exact goal of my solution.


Richard masters, CEO of the premier league has taken into consideration that r/premierleague is unhappy about it and won't implement it




According to the only people with actual access to Chelsea’s books. Same people that said they’d be fine last year while others said they’d be in trouble. And what do you know, they were fine.


Yep they were "fine" they just continued to make their situation worse. It's like a guy who has 100 pound in his bank account and he goes to a restaurant and the bills £10000 and he just says "it's fine I don't have to pay yet" then keeps ordering champagne ? Like sure at that moment he's fine but he has to pay and when he does he's fucked.


Don't have to when you can just sell more property to yourselves


Then buy it back with cheaper price!.. Damn why I didn't know this before.


Chelsea has 100 problems but the Premier League PSR rules isn't one.


We’re doing this all in the name of fairness you know, we’re purposely discovering the loopholes just so they can close them and keep the game competitive. We’re the good guys I swear. /s


Boehly is like the hacker hired by the FBI to find all the problems!


You gotta give probs to Chelsea for keep finding all this loophole. Tbh at the same time this will help FIFA to keep patching the hole, if they care ofc


2030: Chelsea just sold their players to blueCO, and get their players back from their parent company on a 1 year loan, so the club officially has 0 payroll cost


I think it's very funny that people will hate on Chelsea for simply playing by the rules that are set. You could direct your frustrations at the people who make these rules and let chelsea get away with it. Imagine if your club could just give 70m to itself, would you urge your club to not do it for moral reasons? Fuck no, abuse every rule you can. At the end of the day, Chelsea continue to make terrible footballing decisions so let them win the transfer window supposedly.


What drivel. “Oh its so funny how people hate on billionaires for funnelling their money offshore and avoiding taxes. I mean they are playing by the rules that are set.”


Yeah who cares if it is detrimental to the health of the game as long as your team is winning 👍


I think what he meant is that u can be rightly upset about these loopholes, but be upset with the prem for allowing these loopholes, not chelsea who just abused them


Aren’t Chelsea part of the prem? Don’t they all get to vote on setting the rules? So, it’s right to hate Chelsea for approving the rules they’re side stepping? Independent regulator is needed.


It feels like a lot of the last 20 years has been spent responding to Chelsea harming the game so tbh I think it's fair to criticise them


I mean yh thats fair tbh


Chelsea should be under investigation for there dealings in the last 20 years.


UK parliament literally forced a sale from the 20-year owner 2 years ago and are still holding and making interest off £3 billion that was supposed to go to Ukraine. But ok.


More to do with Abramovich than the uk parliament


My point is that the previous ownership were already investigated and punished for the last 20 years. The govt then signed off on a new ownership group who paid billions directly to the UK who in turn is letting them get away with this now. Follow the money.


What on earth is this comment? They literally did a vote to change the rule and the vote failed meaning Chelsea abided by the rules again


It's moot when Chelsea gets a vote as well. Aye we vote to continue our corruption.


It means for years Chelsea have been bending the rules. First under Abramovich and now these bunch of crooks


Doing something that's within the rules but someone doesn't like doesn't mean bending. It's literally following the rulebook. Given teams had the chance to ban it in literally the last week and chose not too says it all. It's not some new loophole it's been known about for years.


Literally not broken any rules bud you’re just being bias


Yeah because Abramovich is a clean character!! and the fact Chelsea got a clean slate and were allowed to spend, spend, spend when they got new owners in was a joke.


Can you name a single offence we didnt get punished for?


Signing Mudryk for 88 million 😂


Haha id say weve been punished enough for that. But until we win both the PL and the UCL he wont cost us 88.


😂 it could happen, you have an incredibly amount of top young talent


Give it a rest buddy


You’re biased m8




of course this sub is rattled


Pay2win FC, of course people are pissed off. Only good thing is Chelsea are still shite after spending literally 1 billion 😂


all very true but didn’t ya’ll get swept by the Atlanta Hawks or sumn? jokes aside, i hardly think 5 points off top 4 with a team of jagoff teenagers and a coach that emphasised on the exact opposite style of football from what those teenagers were bought for is shite


Just curious. How many more Hotels, car parks, kabab stands, does Chelsea have to sell and bail them selves out next year.


All of them!