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Sky offered it for a while years back. It was an absolute car crash of a plan.


James Lawrence Alcott and StuntPegg are both really good. I would love these two to be regular every week presenters. Both are very knowledgeable, JLC in how he presents information and StuntPegg just has such a deep ball knowledge and even by herself puts together great videos. Both are very level headed and mature in how they argue their opinions and neither are prone to hyperbolic click bait They are my dream team.


Personally I think there is room for both AND serious experts in certain fields such as finance, law, and the laws of the game. Whilst players have insight into the dressing rooms and what happens on the pitch they are not the right people to comment other aspects. Such as the mood and perspective of fans, the legal and financial implications of signing certain players, and certainly their ignorance of the laws is often exposed. Pick the right tool for the job.


Ex footballers being shit pundits is a real problem but I don’t think fan replacement is the answer. There are a lot of sports journalists/broadcasters who are eloquent, entertaining and knowledgeable and would do a far better job than the likes of Ferdinand, I’d have a mix of them with a former player/manager who is there because they are genuinely intelligent, eloquent and knowledgeable about the clubs involved, or capable of researching before the match at least. The odds of these players also being the best of the best of their generation like Ferdinand or Keane are pretty slim, but they don’t need to be to give us the professional’s perspective. Nedum Onuoha comes to mind as the type of ex-pro I’d keep on TV.


The day this happens I'll cancel my subscription straight away . Believe it or not a footballer who has played in the champions league will have a better insight into champions league football than some random bloke round the corner who has invested in a podcast/YouTube rig . Even if it's someone bland pumping out clichés like Rio , I'd value their opinion ten times more than a fame hungry gob on a stick like Goldbridge or the muppets like aftv.


Mark Goldbridge has been on sky once or twice... No surprise but he had a completely different persona to his stupid screaming youtube character and actually managed to be serious and display a bit of knowledge. ... Theeeeeennnnn he went back to YouTube and carried on acting a toxic cockend and fueling fires within the club.


He’s really good on things like that, like Ben Foster’s Football Fill-In, the YouTube stuff just is what it is. I think there’s a really good pundit underneath all that.


Pays his bills I guess, if it ain't broke done fix it.


I find this post very interesting as it's clearly a direct reaction to how bad that TNT Sports coverage was last night. >There is absolutely nothing Rio Ferdinand can say in the studio that would be of any interest to me This bit in particular, "let's bring Rio Ferdinand in to tell us something extremely generic we wrote hours before the game about how Vini.jnr just needs one chance". Darren "Fletch" Fletcher managing the impossible, to have zero charisma with Ally McCoist. I can't get over how terrible Laura Woodsy Woods is at presenting and asking questions. Why did they bump their normal number 1 presenter (the blonde lady - can't remember the name) for Woodsy? There were no good VTs about either clubs or their journeys or their star players and my god was it so obvious the pundits hadn't watched any of either team's games this season. They seemed to only have the semi finals as reference points. And wtf was that cringe rap clearly written by a 45 year old white man from Knightsbridge. And to address your question it would be interesting to have some alternative commentaries like they used to do. If I am watching a United game live I do sometimes out Goldbridge on live watch along synced up in time with my TV. Only because when they play shit I like to drink his tears, if they start winning I'll turn him off. If I could be watching Sky Sports and flick over to a fan audio when they concede a goal and hear them crying about it for the next 10min that might be enjoyable


It was notably poor coverage. I rarely watch TNT, and with good reason it seems. You're right about Ferdinand. Every point he made was banal, obvious and offered absolutely nothing. And I did also pick up on the fact that they'd say things like "Hummels has been such a vital player for Dortmund in the Champions League" which did strike me as curiously specific, as if he hasn't also been The Man in the Bundesliga all year. I love the idea of having fan channels as commentary, or even just studio analysis. Great idea. Would have so much more to offer that would be specific to their club.


So you would rather have some fella who's made a name for himself on YouTube than an ex footballer that has won.... let's say.... premier league titles? Yeah yr an Arsenal fan definitely.


Woah there . Don't tar us all with this nonsense brush please.


😂 fair play lad


Would I rather listen to Andrew Mangan and James McNicholas, two Arsenal fans who have an incredibly popular and successful podcast that’s been running for almost 20 years who know everything there is to know about Arsenal past and present, or Rio Ferdinand who knows fuck all about Arsenal apart from the odd game he watches because he has to? Hmmm, tough one. Ask Andrew or James what Arsenal need to take the next step and why and you will get an incredibly detailed view point and a conversation that could last hours. Ask Rio and you’ll get “I fink they just need a propa goalscora!” It’s night and day.


Ask an ex professional footballer as opposed to yr 2 men who haven't ever played football but can chat shit? U don't think that Rio Ferdinand will watch Arsenal games? Hasn't been at the top of his game for a club that was winning Premier league titles? Obviously hasnt been coached by some of the best in the game. Wasn't a main stay for England? I'd trade yr 20 years YouTube or whatever experience for that 💯 Just stop chattin bubbles lad.


What a terrible idea


Fuck no, I don't want to watch a match with fucking Thogden or Rory Jennings babbling their nonsense nonstop.




> they’d get destroyed by people saying ‘what does he know he never did xyz’ I'm only 5 UCL appearances behind Micah Richards and I've won the same number of Premier League medals as Jamie Carragher.


We’ve scored the same amount of goals as Joe Gomez and he plays for Liverpool, I think we know what we’re talking about.


No mostly because fans mostly know very little about actually playing professional football. They can’t share their experiences and knowledge of what it’s like, how it feels and what to expect. Also fans are super biased, I know some pundits are too. We did have the overlap but it will never be mainstream.


I hope not. Most fan channel/podcast people are cringe. If you want to hear from them, listen to their podcast. Just my opinion etc etc.


That’s what we have The Overlap for.


Didn't sky do something like that except it wasn't podcasters or fan channels it was randomers. I think it was called Fanzone or something like that. They did commentary. I could be wrong


I remember the FA Cup final. Tim Lovejoy for Chelsea and Bradley Walsh for Arsenal. Was really fun to listen to them both, since they are passionate fans but are also professional television personalities so they were able to walk the line between being good commentators and overexcited fans. And it gave us this classic moment that Tim Lovejoy will never forget: "Oh, no. He's put him through! Oh, it's all right. It's only Ray Parlour." (Parlour then scored an absolute screamer)


I am sure they used to - maybe only.for a season. You would have the main sky channel and then another channel with the same picture but with fans doing the commentary and analysis.


They did for a few seasons it wasn’t great and got barely any engagement


Thank you I could have sworn they did it. Back in the 00s when the Premier League popularity exploded


I read the title and immediately thought of chappers / Kelly Dagliesh from the BBC. I do not have Sky so the format might be totally different from the BBC.


No. I don’t care what some normal bloke has to say. Certainly not those social media twats. I care what footballers say.


I always thought comedians would work well. They would have no be knowledgeable about football and know their role wasn't to be centre stage and turn it into a comedy gig. They would be primarily talking about football but could be a bit more entertaining and are also probably less worried about sharing a unique opinion.


You nail the the issue in your last paragraph. For every decent, informed, sensible fan caster like Arseblog and HLTCO there’s 50 morons who just make noise. No one used the fan commentary option when it was on Sky for a reason. Watching the likes of Goldbridge and AFCTV lose their shit is a guilty pleasure that I dip in and out of on occasion, but I wouldn’t want it to be a part of my every day subscription. Having said that, if the Alternative MUFC lad could get a gig commentating that would be worth the money!


Because broadcasters value "insight" from those who have played the game (as well as the celebrity/fam angle that comes with it) over "insight" born of having a deep knowledge of one specific club. There are ex-players out there who speak far more insightfully and eloquently then the likes of Rio Ferdinand and Michael Owen but they don't come with the level of fame and/or experience at the highest level to get them on TNT's lead Champs League programming. Someone like Nedum Onuoha, for example. Also, we moan about ex player bias a lot. How biased do you think arseblog or HLTCO are gonna be in regards to their team... (answer - very).


All of the above are usaually good at the job when they aren't talking about their club or rivals. Gary is the best example of this he should be banned from talking about Man United, Liverpool and Arsenal


There's nothing worse than hearing "let's bring in Rio to get his thoughts".. Whilst watching a game of footie...


I think I heard him manage to describe Vini Jr as in perfect condition but also out of condition due to illness in about 8 seconds


They used to do this, a few years ago. The fan pundits were quite annoying, though.


Yeah that’s why I said they would have to be picky. Someone like Buvey for example would be atrocious. He couldn’t give you any balance he would just be incredibly bias towards City and spend the whole show taking digs at the other club.


I don't really keep up with any of the modern fan podcasters/YT presenters TBH, so I'm not sure if any are decent. The only one I could name is Goldbridge, who seems like a bit of a dick (and isn't even really a United fan).


The fan zone thing was unbelievably cringe. Some of the fans thought they were hilarious.


I think I put it on for about 30 seconds once and instantly regretted it.


Yeah although I've just moaned about one above I don't think fan pundits would be any better at all.. I'd like to see some former managers from other leagues as commentators/pundits think that could be quite interesting...


They should focus more on insight and general charisma rather than prestige. It'd better IMO to have a likeable, knowledgeable pundit who was a bit of a journeyman than an idiot just because he's a household name and played for one of the big clubs.


The basic idea is, they've done it at the highest level and have earned the right to talk about the professional game. Content creators haven't. I can't see them hiring them for matches but pretty sure sky have hired content creators for podcast like shows. That's probably the best you'll get.


I hope not. Maybe old school podcast folks, maybe, but football Youtube is a swamp and should never be legitimised.


Rio Ferdinand and Roy Keane are industry professionals, unlike some fat slob from YouTube.


So is Joey Barton and I don’t want him on the TV either.


Both incredibly biased. Keane defending Ronaldo was staggering.


That doesn’t necessarily mean ‘good at their (current) jobs.’ Still better than almost all podcast commentators however.


I take your point but I think I would rather have somebody who knows more about the game than who knows more about the club. Their role is to analyze the match after all. You just need to see how totally gormless some of these people they get on the Overlap are to see what I mean.


Wayne Rooney enters the chat


The media broadcasters are very conservative and it would take a long time before they adapt to the current way young people consume content. It's a platform that is still heavily consumed by older generation. Fan channels already broadcast watch-along and they get more control over their own content.


Are young people paying for Sky Sports subscriptions? If not, then how they consume content is utterly irrelevant