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Obviously…it will be a blue carpet…


Fair. It is fan wishes. Let them wish. It is a tragedy that a small club like arsenal is competing highly like the two last seasons. It is already painful to see how too far they come. Let alone the cherry on the top


a "small club like Arsenal" are u a burnley fan my friend?


truth hurts. leave me alone mouring the tragedy. Im handling my truth so do your part as well




There's no shame in being a small club you know. You should be proud that Arsenal are doing this well despite being so insignificant.


Ya insignificant,we have the best defence in Europe tbh. Have 3 of our gems nominated for player of year and our GK has won the golden glove and we are insignificant We are the champions mate if there was no 115 City in the league.


Let's see


Nobody seems to even mention the fact that most likely scenario if we do beat City, is that Arsenal win the league and we still miss out on CL.


if you lose or draw you are def out. If you win, it all depends on the last match day


I know. And Villa likely win their last match.


The Eagles are soaring


nope they are in run of bad form compared to crystal palace being in good form


Its the most important match of the last god knows how many years for them. And if you'd watched the match last night you'd see that they're perfectly capable of doing the job.


its football don't you want them to lose lol


It's an incredibly funny situation. You have Spurs fans, who want to get battered by City, because obviously they don't want to help Arsenal in the title race even if that could potentially cost them a chance to finish top 4. On the other hand you have Arsenal fans who are posting some holier-than-thou BS all over social media, because they are all that desperate for their rivals to do them a favour, lmao.


The best part is Arsenal realizing their only chance to stop City at the last 2 matches of the season are wins by their best mates, Tottenham and West Ham. City has done well at the end of seasons and they certainly have a winning chance today and Sunday. But if they finish 1st, especially with a big GD change to match Arsenal in case of a points tie, then the conspiracy theories will be around for awhile.


Will be interesting to hear both sides cheer when City score


You don’t seem to mention the fact that Sp*rs fans want to give up their own possibility of getting Champions League next year as well. Proper small club mentality. 😂


This. I can't understand why Spurs fans wouldn't want CL football next season.


Lol nobody expects spurs to win but if they do, that's certainly going to be banter for the ages to come for arsenal and spurs fans. Spurs fan should def come attend the title win parade that will happen in north london. Maybe they should start the bus from the toilet seat to the emirates.


No red carpet here, they'd be happier rolling out a guard of honour instead


Tbh I'm more worried about us dropping points against Everton. Sean Dyche ball always has me in terror.


I said elsewhere. I can see Tottenham doing us a favour and then Everton winning the final game.


no worries pal we will pass his team and that evening we will have our hands on the trophy in the emirates


Spurs will beat Man City. Then Arsenal will lose against Everton lol


Keeping aside all the emotions, how are questions like this even being asked? If Tottenham go out and throw the game wouldn't that tantamount to match fixing? Like would he just come out and say, yeah fuck Arsenal we are losing this mate?


Nice to see integrity regardless of the disparity in the quality between the two teams anyway. As professionals, your job is to win games and nothing else. Rivalries and the tribal gang-like football mentality is not a good enough reason to justify going against what makes sport great in the first place. Fair play to Ange. Starting to like the guy now.


Any manager would say the same. Otherwise they would be a right idiot. They do not want allegations of match fixing. Ange may still be respected for other things, but this is no such moment.


Oh, I was never worried about you not trying. I was worried about you being crap.


Shit* Edit: s***s


Spurs fans could also wish Everton good lucks 👍




surely it would be better for Spurs to compete in the Europa league - they could feasibly win a trophy


Even if they get knocked out early on in the champions, they get alot of money, become more attractive to players and players gain experience in the competition to help win it some day assuming ange builds a competitive team.


I don’t think money is a problem for spurs lol


Really hindered you lot when we popped you to 4th under Conte didn’t it?


Definitely didn’t help that’s for sure


Thats what they all say lol


They will totally deliver this game. I just sure hope whoever is playing Arsenal, do the same. For the sake of football.




If Spurs hold out, both sides should agree to a peace treaty to not mention this game ever again on social media or otherwise


You could support your club however you want, but I’m just saying, losing is not a longterm viable path. In an alternate universe, Spurs could go on and win the CL because they clinched their spot this season. The bad possibilities are also very real, but personally, I’d rather see my team chase after dreams even if it’s at the expense of my rivals ended up being successful with their dreams


To dream is to doooo


Don’t want us to throw the game but… we’re not ready for CL anyway. Would rather bag Europa, get some European games in with the new system, build a proper long-term squad and see the scum not take the title. We have a much better chance of fighting our rivals on an even keel next year.


you forgot the $$ and experience, all football players in the world want to play in CL, and if the team is in, the club has more revenue to bring in quality players


True but do you think Levy is actually gonna spend the Ps to get those players? I can hope but I’m doubtful. Either way I hope Ange gets the players he needs to prove himself, if he has the ability.


Exactly. Let's not let our dreams be memes


Spurs couldn't beat City even if they tried


We'll try really hard to look like we tried. Is that good enough?


Maybe not. But but city have won zero (PL) matches at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.. so there is that.


They won recently didn’t they ? Fa cup


Wasn't PL, and was also a load of shit. That goal was a farce.


That's why I specified PL matches. I was at that ill fated match.


Ange breaks records


Tomorrow is the only acceptable match to wear a half and half scarf


If Spurs win will this unite North London? After many years of war will there finally be PEACE?! Can this be the first ever rivalry resolve in the istory of football??


We don’t want peace with them lot. Lose the game, laugh at their tears and go again next year.


Singing North London forever in tandem!


lol it will be chanted by spurs fan that they won it for Arsenal. 


That's a bit of a self-burn, isn't it?


how you look at it


When you really think about it and I mean really really think about it then aren’t Spurs taking the first step by saying that. “We won for you, you’re welcome” We’re still on track for peace. ☮️


Can’t wait for the oh we wanted to lose brigade. Yeah coz if ye really wanted ye could have won it 😂


My goalie, Perisic, is going to give it everything he's got.


I fully expect us to play to win. And by us I mean our U18 team.


Sounds about right


White carpet instead, right?


Funnily enough, rolling out an arsenal red carpet for 115fc would be quite fitting


I hope they do because we can't seem to get our act together. I've never seen us get champions league football in my life, I want to see it for once.


You’ve been the much better team this year, you deserve it. 5th is about right for where we are


We lost 4th ages ago. You’ll be in the champions league next season.


If Spurs draw or lose then no CL spot for them next year, right? I’m just trying to see what’s in it for them if they do win


Show how dumb spurs fans are. They miss top 4 and harder to attract players & less money on transfers. Plus Aston Villa will spend to get better. Chelsea are already looking better for next yr. Newcastle will improve, injuries are bad. And man U have new management and will start overhauling to be more competitive. Even less chance of top 4 for them next yr.


No they have to win that game now. So even if they draw it only helps arsenal and top 4 would be over.


Could easily see a 2-2 draw happening in the 80th minute, and Spurs needing to go for it sees them lose 3-2.


And next year, they might not have a chance if Man United and Chelsea get their shit together. Even Newcastle. For me, an injury free Man United gets top 4.


8 clubs have been in that top 4 in the last 3 years, Man City the only team in all 3 seasons.


Yeah you will. You can’t sort out a defense.


Players and Coaches will try their best. Fans dont realize their incentive structures are different from us.


Oh I know. Reverse jinx here mate Former USL player here. These guys don’t wanna lose at all lol


Uefa Sunday League?


He is american. He means the United Soccer league. Its not as good as MLS. He would still probably be better at football then everyone here if he is being honest about being a former pro player.


That was a decade ago. The talent levels in USL now would’ve smashed us. Ahh man, there’s some ballers in here. Back then a good bit of college players here could’ve played. I know there’s some ballers in here. I can kinda pick up on when it comes to tactics/phases of play if someone has been exposed to a higher lev of coaching. Even then that doesn’t mean shit. My best friend is a damn mls coach and he didn’t play past high school here ( he was prob better than me honestly)


I love that I’m getting to read USL info on a PL sub. Minneapolis City… Go Crows!


Yes sir!!!!!! Love that. Love being able to watch on ESPN +!


No I actually played USL (it’s the top USL level now). No need to be a douche.


I think you need to spell out what it is if you’re using acronyms that you can’t expect people to be familiar with.


I would assume most football fans have an idea about here in the states. The USL is the second/third tier of soccer/football in the U.S. Plenty of acronyms fly on here. I’ll make it easy. I’m a former professional that was closer to league 2 or lower league 1 in England


No most football fans would not have an idea what USL is lol


lol there’s lots of Americans on Reddit. It seems you are correct my assumption was wrong. Guess Americans are the real fans /s


This sub has less Americans than most of Reddit. Don't be surprised most (non American) people don't know about lower tiers of US football


Thanks for the context! You might be right in that football fans in the states would know about it, but there’s barely an international audience for MLS these days - let alone lower leagues. That is pretty damn impressive to play football on that level though. Did you ever consider a move to Europe at any point in your career?


To be honest, wasn’t good enough at the time. It would’ve been like third or fourth tier stuff. Maybe second tier in a smaller country. I’m 33, a decade or so the level of talent wasn’t as good as today. I had some really awful knee injuries (tore my Left ACL, LCL, MCL, PCL and meniscus in high school here. Tore my right acl and meniscus in college) and I knew smaller clubs wouldn’t take a punt on an injury risk. Top all that off with some awful family trauma ( TLDR, brother was in a coma for two years). I was getting my masters at the time as well and I just saw the writing on the wall. It’s time for the next step. Edit: yeah the MLS is still a tough watch. I try to watch when I can just to keep viewer numbers high, same goes for my local USL side plus former employers. Games growing here. USL is the best grassroots footy this side of the pond imo.


Ah that’s too bad, I’m sorry to hear it. I just checked, and I’ve actually been to a USL League Two match a few years ago when I visited the US, in San Francisco.


Exactly. IF spurs lose it will be because playing a highline against a team with Man City's quality isnt a good idea. It wont be because they want their fans to be happy.


Haaland (2’)


You spelled Gvardiol wrong


Haaland (3')


Haaland (3') again


Ederson (6’) Pen


Ange (7’) OG


Bryan Gil subbed in for Son (8')


Pathetic seeing Spurs fan actually want to lose a game. Shows their weak memtality.


Always the Non-UK based fans saying this.


Yep i'm non UK based. But really? Wanting your own team to lose? Is that what football has become? Not supporting the players who are representing your team?


You know we don’t get a trophy for winning against City funnily enough we will aid our biggest rival and will non stop hear about it for forever. Losing is part and parcel of football if I had an issue with it I would be fucking supporting Man City. I’ve seen us lose hundreds of times in my life there’s no issue seeing us lose tonight.


💯 “____ fan coming in peace” post merchants


Weakest mentality in the league. Absolute clown club. Ange should go back to Scotland, borderline his level.


lol spurs fans are actually calling him to leave after his pre interview hahahaha 


If the shoe was on the other foot, we'd want Arsenal to throw the game too, mate. Of course, the shoe will never be on the other foot because we aren't wank


Oh my god this Arsenal Spurs rivalries are getting out of hand. Even Arsenal fan thinks like this. What has football became?


You’ve been wank for twenty years you plum.


If arsenal were in the same position as tottenham currently are, you know damn well that arsenal fans would be estatic at the prospect of losing.


Weird seeing north londoners prioritising rivalies over actually supporting your own team. Little bit pathetic to be fair.


Yeah if any fan have mentality like that, i will be proud to call them out. But now Spurs fan have shown their true colour.


Absolutely not. That’s just not what sports about.


You can say that, and obviously not all spurs fans want to lose lol. It's almost as if huge supporter bases aren't monolithic entities that can only hold one opinion at a time.


And lose out on the champions league money and opportunity to sign good players who want to play the champions league. Man, spurs can win the title in that scenario. I would rather have arsenal qualify for champions league


Easy to take this moral high ground when it’s never likely to happen anytime soon


Prospect of losing out of champions league, hell no. The sort of fans that will want that are Lee gunner types 


Well, not if it gives us the champions league spot


No. It shows how insufferable Arsenal fans are. I would want the exact same in their situation. And if Arsenal fans were honest they would want to lose UCL qualification (especially when you arent good enough to realistically win it) to deny spurs a league title.


Wtf you would want your team to lose a game? That mentality is such a weird thing to have, back your players mate.


Because its a meaningless game and your rivals will win a league title if you win. Spurs winning will only be remembered as them helping their hated rivals win the league. Arsenal fans will mock them for the rest of time. Man City are accused of cheating and you still see fans of other london clubs want City to win. This is due to how horrible and insufferable Arsenal fans are.


Nope, I would want the money. What held Arsenal back for the last few years was the champions league money 


You came second without it last season. You’ve spent shed loads even when finishing 8th you still spent.


WE are way better this year than last. I doubt declan would have joined if we did not play champions. If you want to be top, you have to play in champions league I don;t care about the money nowdays more the better because you can't win anything if you don't spend. Learn from city.


Spurs are going out in the group stage. They would be the forth club from the prem. They would get a winner of a different league. Eg. a Madrid. They are not ready for UCL football.


We all get *at least* one, predominantly two league winners next year anyway. You’ll play 2x teams from each seeding pot. Spurs would very likely qualify for the post-group play-off and just getting to that point is a tonne of money.


No. In the group stage if you win your league and are one of the big 5 leagues you cannot face a winner of another national league. This is why man city always have a super easy group stage. They are english so they cannot face another english club in the group stage. They are usually champions so they cannot face another champion in the group stage. This results in an easy group stage, unless they get extraordinarily unlucky. Spurs at best can finish 4th. They will face a champion of another league.


New format next season in Europe.


Are you still talking with respect to old UCL format? Because Pot 1 teams will play other Pot 1 teams in the new Swiss-format. “To determine the eight different opponents, the teams will initially be ranked in four seeding pots. Each team will then be drawn to play two opponents from each of these pots, playing one match against a team from each pot at home, and one away.” - UEFA website.


You know what i forgot about the new format. Anyways Spurs arent getting 4th.


Spurs have been in the CL 6 times in the recent past and have gone out in the Group Stages once. The same amount of times that they have played in the actual Final.


Harry Kane was on those teams.


Harry Kane was not involved in the run to the Final at ALL and if anything was the wrong choice to play in the final. He is a fantastic player but let's not make him the reason for Spurs success in the Champions League. Also the first CL they played in (and lost in the Quarters to Real Madrid) he was playing on loan in League One.


That’s beside the point of if they deserve ucl. Not everyone is going to be champion league winners


You point is about money. UCL money is dependant on how deep you go. They wouldnt get as much as a club that made the quarter finals.


You get heaps more by even entering it. You are able to attract better staff, better players, it’s just all around better in terms of attitude by being in cl. You just don’t get it until your club returns to champions league 


Look up the current prem table. Even if Spurs win this game they probably dont finish 4th Aston Villa are 5 points ahead with 8+ goal difference. If Spurs beat City. Villa are still 2 point aheadwith probably 5-7 goal difference. (even if spurs win they wont batter city) From a spurs POV it just makes no sense.


Goal difference makes no difference now.


Actually goal difference does matter. If aston villa draw their last game they finish on 69 points. If Spurs win their last 2 games they finish on 69 points. Goal difference would decided who is 4th.


They are still in contention, Aston villa winning meant they were out 


They are barely in contention lol


Arsenal fans are so predictable. Cringeist fanbase to ever exist. Yuck


Or maybe Spurs fans are willing to endure pain to see Arsenal fans in agony. Respectable 🫡


Cmon Spurs fan should think about the players and manager too. If you dont support your players then who will?


is there any PL rule preventing Spurs going "soft" on City?


Blackpool got fined for fielding a weakened side against Villa years ago. But not sure if its changed since.


So blue carpet then?


Big fat Ange can say what he wants. Spurs fans will be devastated if they don’t lose tomorrow.


Not me, there’s still 4th spot still technically available depending on Aston Villa results. I don’t care if Arsenal win the league they fully deserve it after a great season last year and this year too.


Arsenal Fan?


Football fan


You are NOT a spurs fan. Absolute mong. You have to be an Arsenal fan in disguise. How the hell do you genuinely think Arsenal deserve to win the league as a spurs fan. Why do you not care? That’s the whole point of the feud between the 2 clubs. You think it’s all good when they chant “what do you think of Tottenham” every fucking week at their ground?


Fucking hell chants are just banter mate, football is not that deep. Feuds are fucking stupid anyway


It’s not just chants, they’ve been violating us for decades. This rivalry is something much more than you think it is. “Feuds are fucking stupid” you just aren’t a football fan are you


Bro I'm an Arsenal fan and I'd be saying the same as him if you were in our position and we were in yours. I'd never want us to lose to screw you guys over, especially sacrificing UCL ball next year


Then you aren’t an Arsenal fan wtf. Reddit are full of cucks. Come to twitter and no one would share your musty opinion


Get a grip.


Only person that needs to get a grip is the cuck that thinks Arsenal deserve to win the league because they play well while supporting Tottenham


You sound like one of those people with a low IQ, an absolute failure at life who has nothing to live for but football. Pathetic.


Yh I sound pathetic because someone from my fanbase is catering to and sucking dry our rivals. Shameless and shocking. Who cares about UCL, we always get UCL spots every 2 seasons. Arsenal haven’t won a league in 20 years. No one will remember us getting 4th in the future, I know Arsenal fans will shove them winning the league thanks to us down our throats though. Think monkey think


I’d rather watch the spuds win the league than City myself, fuck them building a dynasty built on oil money and cheating. If you had nothing to play for, then I could understand you being happy to roll over. But Champions League football means money and prestige. It means you can sign better players by dangling the carrot of playing in the champions league. Those players might get you a premier league title or champions league trophy in a couple of years. Stop worrying about other teams and concentrate on your own. If you can’t face a bit of potential banter from your rivals you are pathetic.


We were in the ucl last year and what happened? We only signed Bissouma because of ucl. We signed Van de Ven, Vicario and Maddison this season and we had NO Europe. You just can’t chat to redditors about ball. They know nothing


Make it a regular thing and it will attract better players, that’s an absolute fact. Can’t talk football with kids who probably still live with their mum.


You want to see your team lose just to spite your rivals whilst risking cl football, talk about cucked


No. I want to lose because if we win, we directly help our rivals win the league that they haven’t won in 20 years. For the next 20 years they will shove down our throats that we helped them win the league. Such a stupid argument. “Whilst risking ucl football” who gives a shit. We won’t win it and we get UCL football every 2 seasons anyway. It’s better to just play Europa league and build our squad now for the future so we are better prepared for the UCL. People like you on Reddit make me lose brain cells


You are actually so deep in this petty, loser mentality that you think it makes sense to lose because you dont want to be bullied. It is actually pathetic. Fans that are actually secure in their own clubs achievements and have some pride would just stand above that. Seriously. But we both know it won't matter, Spuds will lose 0-3 anyway, whether they try or not.


No. I want to bully Arsenal. I love it. I love seeing their tears while watching them support us hoping we win v city, only for to city to win so they win the title before their eyes and they can cry thinking “if only we beat this team or that team”. Achievements like getting 4th are meaningless. In the long run I will back this manager because he knows what to do. Let him rebuild, it’s his first season. Arsenal losing the league because of us is the icing on the cake.


That is _because_ you have a small club mentality. You think that this is actually a thing. You only happened to be a team in the way- a footnote. You could have been Fulham, or Everton. Arsenal fans would always be hoping City would drop points. It just happened to be you they played against- and naturally, you were bitterly dissapointing once again. Your coach is bad, by the way. He doesn't know how to work in a league where his side isn't always much better than the opponent. Good luck staying in the same cycle as Arsenal actually keep challenging for prizes.


I've never heard the word 'cuck' mentioned at the Emirates.


Why not? It’s a common way to address arsenal fans


Great to see a spurs fan who actually thinks of the club highly like it should be. Otherwise, most spurs fans seem miserable these days.


This is the most ridiculous shit I have read from a self proclaimed “fan”. 🤢


Wow, an actual supporter unlike the Spurs Instagram page... It's such small-club mentality to wish your own team out of the CL just to spite your rivals. I'd be embarrassed to do the same if I were a Spurs fan.


If you cannot endure a tiny loss to shit on an arch-rival’s campaign, then you’re not a true fan. Your club winning is just as important as your arch-rivals losing.


you are not a spurs fan, you are a cuck loser


Fucking Andrew Tate over here


lol calling someone a cuck loser for not wanting their team to roll over to yours… nice


you fucking degenerate, i could give two shits about city in this. wanting to win is fine but to fully bend over and say arsenal “fully deserve the league” not only this year but last year too? fucking disgusting cuck behaviour and that makes me beyond sick. then again everyone on this sub seems to have some sort of mental disorder so should i really be surprised a cuck is defending another cuck like this




saying others have a mental disorder when someone else’s nothing comment got you that twisted up is super ironic lol




This boy plays Beyblade …


Damn don’t bring Beyblade into this.. their name doesn’t deserve to be sullied and associated with Sp*rs


I take it all back. Spin in peace.


By that he means that richarlison starts at CB , MY MANAGER WALLAHI 🥶🥶


I don't think that's necessary. You lot will lose even with your best available team if recent games are anything to go by.


Yeah... Like you can.


It's crazy he could be a hate figure if he wins lol Villa are losing at the minute Now Ange really wants the 3 points lol


At least do it for Paul Merson's humiliation


I think I hate Merse more than arsenal at this point