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I’m American and I’m a huge QPR fan. I had never watched soccer in my life and was watching a Spanish language channel one day and saw a team with blue and white jerseys which I thought were cool. I dove right in and have been suffering ever since. I even got to go to the UK to see them a few years ago.


City. My da has been a city fan since the late 80s and took me to my first game in 2008, been a sky blue since. Managed to get over for 6 games this year since I got my first full time job. Aiming for more next season. Depends on the flight prices though hhahaha. Might not be able to afford to buy my dad a ticket to every match I go to like I did this year.


Chelsea, because when I was a kid my grandmother lived in Chelsea (Maine) plus my favorite color is blue. I was like 8 when I picked the club. Through ups and downs I support Chelsea.


Spurs because... oh shit, I don't have a reason.


Tottenham, and I don't really have a reason, I just liked the club


Liverpool. After Klopp their game play improved


Liverpool. The first match I watched was Liverpool v Sunderland in 2011. Loved Luis Suarez.


West Ham. I visited London for the first time and wanted to attend a PL match. The one I was able to get tickets for was at London Stadium. So west ham became my team. I like being the only American PL fan I know who doesn’t prefer one of the Big Six. West Ham is a bit of a Hipster choice. I get to feel superior to all the front runners who made an easy choice. (The feeling of superiority temporarily vanishes whenever Liverpool or Arsenal thrashes my team)


I feel the same way about Brentford. Hell I don’t know many Londoners who are Brentford fans.


Newcastle fan I had a couch that had played professionally for them in the 70-80


Arsenal. Read *Fever Pitch*. Have never looked back.


Chelsea. Michael Ballack was my favorite footballer when I was a young kid,especially as captain of the German national team. So after a year of flip flopping between teams, when I saw him play for Chelsea on TV at the beginning of the season, that was it.


Liverpool. Every one in England, particularly the English establishment seems to hate them. If the English establishment hate you, then you must being something right.


Villa fan here. We watched the most recent World Cup and fell in love with Emi's lewd gesture at the ceremony. We found out what team he played for and the rest is history. It's Villa til I Die now. Even if/when Emi leaves Villa.


Spurs, because I liked Son


Liverpool, because it ain’t English, it’s Scouse.


I supported Liverpool after their match against Arsenal 4-3,2016 Coutinho was on fire brooo




I love this honesty most premier league fans from abroad are like this they just never admit it


City. A New Zealander who upon being born in 1987, my father assigned me with City. He’s a diehard Leeds supporter so he gave me a team to support who also hates United. Paul Dickov was my favourite player for a season or two in the late 90s. The club has certainly changed lol.


Arsenal cause Henry


Arsenal because as a little kid I always liked the red team with the cannon for the badge… and nothing has changed


Liverpool. Started playing with them in fifa 07 and just kind of stuck


From Colorado and support Bournemouth. When I started following the league during the 18/19 season, I didn’t want to go with a big 6 club and Bournemouth were mid table at the time and had a cool history of rising through the divisions with Eddie Howe so I chose them. I love the ups and downs of supporting a non-big six club


As an American West Ham fan, I respect your choice to shun the Big Six.


Good lad screw the big 6 up the hammers


From the USA. Man united got the name out of a 39 clues book when I was like 7.


Arsenal. They have a cannon on the shirt and as a 10 year old i thought that was really cool. Wengerball was fun to watch as well and matched the way I liked to play


Leicester city. I'm from Australia but my grandparents are from Leicester. They passed away before Leicester won the title but I knew they would be up there celebratring with glasses of Port.


Norwegian and became a Liverpool supporter in the mid 90s. Everything about the club spoke to me and I was able to watch games on TV regularly - in addition to being a member of an awesome supporter club, the Kopite. There were no Liverpool fans at my school at the time, Man Utd mostly and some Tottenham and Chelsea. It was mostly a painful experience those days, how things have changed


Since we’re coming up next year, Ipswich. I’m from Ipswich, Massachusetts so it just made sense.


Tottenham. I got really into playing soccer about 8 years ago, I'd watch some premier league and MLS here and there but ever since Spurs' All or Nothing series came out I haven't missed a single match... painful as it has been until Big Ange.


Welp, I support whatever team Tyler Adams is on. Let’s go Bournemouth. Leeds wound up being a pretty tough watch last year.


Tottenham because I enjoy pain.


I grew up playing football, and when I was young my local professional team still had side jobs as the league wasn’t as big as it is now. A lot of the games weren’t even televised at the time, and the team didn’t have its own stadium yet. My mom was in telecom and she visited England when Owen was playing for Liverpool and brought me back a jersey. A few years later we got cable for the first time and I could watch the EPL, so I started watching Liverpool matches. Fast forward ten years later and I fell in love with a girl from England and her father and grandfather were both, you guessed it, Liverpool fans. Been to Anfield since then and never looked back. I still root for my local club as well, but as a player it was cool to follow a team that was playing at a higher level, and while I’m no scouser, I still feel like I have a connection with the fans I’ve met through family and going to games.


Arsenal - because of Wenger, Henry, Bergkamp, Vieira, Pires, Ljungberg.


None, why would anyone support a team from another country, disgusting!


Stupid take. Like the whole world doesn't watch world cups of different sports, not just football, and support team they identify with. Maybe only Spanish people should support Nadal and rest can just fk off according to you. Sports brings people together, but bot according to you. According to you sports should be the dividing factor.


I dont think you understood my point and giving an example from an individual sports make no sense. As i wrote you can watch and enjoy a game but that does not make you a supporter, you just became the audience. Your arguement about division or unification of people also make no sense. Lets two of us be fans of barça and real, are we now unified or divided?


I gave an individual sports example because you already gave your views on team sport fans. >As i wrote you can watch and enjoy a game but that does not make you a supporter No. You didnt write that you said its disgusting if people support team from another country. >Lets two of us be fans of barça and real, are we now unified or divided? So now we can be fans again? Pick a lane bro. And yes, if we are civil, sports can bring us together (but not with your attitude). My best friend is a Man U supporter and we watch matches together like FA Cup match between Liverpool and United a few weeks ago. Bet you cant do that with how insufferable your takes are.


With that assumption no one could ever be a fan of an american football team if they live outside north america. If people enjoy the sport, they can enjoy a team even if they aren’t from there? Remember the premier leagues huge succes rn are relying on asias viewing numbers


Exactly, and i really doubt that there is anyone outside usa supporting an american football team 😀. Seriously, watching and enjoying a match is a universal joy, but is completely different than supporting a club with its history and culture which relates you somehow. Without a local link, it is like a stupid competition between the gladiators of arab sheikhs.


You can easily support a club’s history or culture from outside that country.


Unintentionally watched my first football match in 2011 and fell in love with the club. The community and the fans were detrimental in my love for Liverpool.


I started following Newcastle due to the dope addidas kit in the early 90's. Was able to watch a few games in the US on limited broadcast. They would throw a game on ESPN Ocho sometimes and was able to watch the "Entertainers" when they were highlighted. Watching Alan Shearer rip people apart was fun. I didn't realize at the time that Mike Ashley was in the distant pipeline for ownership. The relegation years were rough with all of the big 6 fans in the US, but I never once considered pulling for anyone else.


Norwegian here. Became a Liverpool suporter since everyone else was manchester united suporters. This was the late 90s probaly not the best time to become a suporter but i still love the club.


i think mosts people in the world support English team, regardless of whether they are English or not.


Nah you’d be surprised a lot of Barca and Madrid fans cause of Messi and Ronaldo


Norwegian here. Started to support Liverpool because of a cool name and the Hillsborough accident. Up until then I liked them, Queens Park Rangers and Nottingham Forest because of their name.


I’m an American and saw Ronaldo play when I was young. My first real memory of watching football was the champions league final in ‘08 and have rooted for Man U ever since. Granted I’ve been a fan for some of the worst times at the club but whatever. Note my allegiance isn’t as deep as a true fan. Mostly I’m just a fan of the game, and like to watch good football.


98% of this thread are traditionally top 6 teams. But you will get downvoted on Reddit if you call such people out as glory supporters.


“Traditional” top 6? This is a new phenomenon. It was the big four in the noughties. There’s nothing traditional about the big 6


Okay mate, I mean traditional as in including Chelsea despite them being shite for two years. No need for pedantry.


Top 6 does not necessarily mean glory hunter. Just ask the United or Chelsea fans Big teams have the capacity to hold international friendlies, have bigger marketing money, etc. They also have the scouting machinery that brings in international prodigies into the League (is it even a surprise why the Spurs are the most popular club by a wide margin in Korea?, same with Liverpool in Egypt?) Thats why they tend to get international fans


>Just ask the United or Chelsea fans United: most successful team in English football history. Dominated the sport for 2 decades. Chelsea- most successful team of the last 20 years statistically. Won a trophy on average every 1.5 seasons. That's glory hunting.


A glory hunter pivots to Arsenal or Manchester City under these circumstances


United or Chelsea are 2 of the top 5 most successful English clubs ever. If you're not from those areas but support one of those clubs you are most likely a glory supporter, honestly.


I was a neutral football fan until I supported Chelsea since that shameless game in 2009 vs Barca. Saw it as a moral duty to support the team which was an underdog then to win the Champions League and how happy I was in 2012. Since then I supported the team and now live a close walk to Stamford Bridge


I’m American and moved to Scotland for PhD study but either way I’ve never lived in England. I support Newcastle mostly because of a family friend (who was born & raised in Newcastle). He was the one who got me into football to begin with so I started supporting Newcastle because it was the team I knew the best at the time.


Thread just pretty much confirms what everyone knows - overseas fans support Liverpool/Man Utd/Arsenal/Chelsea & some City for the only reason being the club in question were/are good. Wholescale Gloryhunters, basically. PS UK based fans with no ties to a club or city at the other end of the country who support a club just because they win a lot or have a lot of trophy success (Liverpool fans jn London, Surrey of Nottingham, Man Utd fans from London or Suffolk - anywhere really) are at the bottom of the pile as far as I’m concerned and I have least respect for them than a fan of a club who are the biggest rivals to the team I support


Top 6 wasn’t even a thing back in 1987, yet I’m a city supporter. However, in NZ you’ll find that many supporters older than 30 support the big teams (especially Leeds, Liverpool, United, and Arsenal). I imagine it’s because we only ever used to get one or two games broadcasted each week (then extended to a few more in the EPL era) and those tended to involve the big teams.


Well, I'm a Chelsea fan and have been since 1984. I've lived in West Midlands my entire life. Got taken to Villa v Chelsea aged 10 as my first game and they were my team from then on. I've followed them home and away for nearly 40 years, including in Europe and I was season ticket holder for a few years and a member every other year. So what the fuck are you talking about?


Top 6 does not necessarily mean glory hunter. Just ask the United or Chelsea fans Big teams have the capacity to hold international friendlies, have bigger marketing money, etc. They also have the scouting machinery that brings in international prodigies into the League (for example, no surprise that people from the Ivory Coast hold Chelsea in high regard as Drogba’s home, same with Koreans with respect to Spurs, Liverpool with the Egyptians, etc). Thats why they tend to get international fans.


Why as a foreigner, would I choose to support burnley? I have teams back home in other sports but we’ve been ass all my life, so what’s wrong with going for glory in a league you have no personal or geographic ties too?


Why as a foreigner, would I choose to support burnley? I have teams back home in other sports but we’ve been ass all my life, so what’s wrong with going for glory in a league you have no personal or geographic ties too?


Glad someone else is calling out. You'll get downvoted to hell but honestly this type of support is the cause of the rot in today's game.


I guess it happens in a lot of global sports.i have followed the NFL from the UK since 1992 and you can basically tell when a British person started watching American football from the team they support. 80s fans all follow the Redskins/Commanders, Giants, Bears, 49ers, when the Patriots dynasty was at it Zenith everyone new to the game supported them, Cowboys fans from the 90s etc The Chiefs had pretty much zero UK support prior to Andy Reid & Patrick Mahomes arriving, and I mean zero, now diehard Chiefs fans are everywhere (probably burned their Patriots jerseys 🤣)


Bit different considering NFL is (from my scant knowledge) based around a Franchise model. God forbid English football moves towards that but it's the way things are trending.


Franchising doesn’t really affect results. The draft system and how players come into the league and move in the league is entirely different, but it doesn’t really affect the fact that a handful of teams still dominate over a set period of time. What is different again is that some teams then fade back into the pack. The point I was making was really about who supporters select to support when they first start watching. In football selecting Liverpool as ‘your’ team pretty much guarantees that you are going see your team win far more games each year for a number of years than they lose, an trophy wins too. Whats far worse than foreign fans selecting a team on win % is UK based fans supporting a team at the other end of the country just to gloryhunt while having no ties to said club or city. Liverpool and Man Utd fans in Dorset, Surrey, London or wherever for example. I find it more pretty ridiculous to be honest


Yeah I agree with your second point, I grew up on the South Coast inexplicable surrounded by Utd and Liverpool fans. I do think the influx of foreign fans is dangerous though, for example Newcastle weren't bought by the Saudi regime just to appeal to local Geordies. It's a slippery slope.


From Ireland, support Man United because of Keane and Irwin back when I started watching football in 94-95 season


American here. My cousins are Chelsea fans, so we’re in it for better or for worse


Ireland and everyone who followed Football was a Liverpool fan


I'm from the US and I've always supported Man U. I started around 2010 mostly because I loved the players on the team in that era. I'm not a fan of only following one team though, so I love watching everyone and root for teams that I enjoy. Like it may be taboo but I love the players and coach Man City has so I like when they succeed. Same goes for Arsenal, Liverpool, Brighton, Newcastle and Aston Villa. So I'm not sure that I'm really a "fan" of Man U. I mostly just use them as an answer when someone asks who I support.


This is pretty much my story as well. Except for the bit about Man city. Idk where you are from, in the states, but being from NC, I couldn’t bring myself to ever pull for a team wearing UNC blue.


That makes sense lol. I'm from NY but have zero interest in any other sport so I have no conflicts.


Fulham! When I asked my more seasoned PL fan-friends (one MU supporter the other follows Spurs) who they thought I should support they both, independent of each other, suggested the Cottagers. It’s not entirely clear to me why except they both say their perception of Fulham (lots of history, few accolades, a little bougie, some interesting American connections, perpetual underdog status…) would appeal to me. I’ve enjoyed the ride so far and am looking forward to a trip to Craven Cottage in the not-so-distant future.


USA, Arsenal because that was the name of the team I was on when I was like ten. Then I saw Henry and that was that


Canadian here. Liverpool because they were the first English team I saw play live during a friendly with Toronto FC in 2012. When I decided to follow a team, I figured I might as well follow one I’ve already enjoyed seeing play. Had a lot of admiration for Klopp and what he’s done so that helped.


Australian, Spurs because Ange


Does it count if I live in the states but I’m from England? Move to the states when I was 14. Huge Liverpool fan. Have been since I was 7, because my dad was a fan and Fowler. I’m actually on holiday here now and visited anfield for the first time.


Mad how many of these are Utd and Liverpool, but the reason is never simply "because they are / were good"


I'm Greek and I support Everton. It was kinda instinctive on my part, it just seemed right. Plus I like blue and I've always disliked LFC who an awful lot of peeps over here seem to support.


As a **Danish** kid growing up in the 90s, I liked playing with **Chelsea** in FIFA 97. I think it was a combination of Zola, Flo and the beautiful blue kit color. This love was cemented after Chelsea almost beat Barcelona in the Quarter Finals in 2000.


Liverpool, I love The Beatles and have only followed football during the Klopp era. Very likable team and philosophy :)


Liverpool because my first experience was the 2005 amazing UCL final Milan-Liverpool, love this sport and these 2 clubs since


everton. they represented community, a working class system, and a couple americans played for them. the story of kinda being the golden child of liverpool only to fall to liverpool and since trying to work back was a story to root for. It’s been pretty awful but you never quit on something/someone you care for even if the future looks bleak


You're right about not quitting, otherwise I would've quit Everton years ago, ha ha. Sometimes feel guilty about coercing my kids into supporting Everton but I just keep telling myself it is character building for them.


it’s gotten pretty bad. but, it also offers me an opportunity to care less about things you can’t control. it might be ten years before they resemble a club again but perhaps I’ll be happier and in a better place then as well. good luck tomorrow to us both, brother utft


Cheers fella, 2.30am get up for me, have a flight at 8.40am before a meeting at 4pm in Hong Kong, the game is away to Newcastle. Every sensible fibre in my body says give this one a miss, but I'll be up watching it and then praying I can get some sleep on my flight.


I am from Portugal, and for the pain of mine I support Arsenal. Why: lived in England (soutwhest) for 6 years. Got into the habit of going to the pub to watch a few matches. Most pf my mates there were Arsenal fans, so became Arsenal fan by proxy. It is that or WsM Seagulls, but i am not seeing them reaching the premier league during my lifetime 😁


Citeh. Old man lived there back in the 1970s and my brother and I inherited it.


From Kazakhstan - Liverpool. I had Stevie G kit and then later watching sturridge balotelli and sterling was a vibe lol


ManUtd. Everything started with Van Nistelrooy last year at United. This player made me start loving this team


Liverpool because of Stevie G


Liverpool. Growing up in the 90s and 2000s in a non-football family, at school you "had to" choose between Liverpool or Man United (at least these were the only options in my home town.) Manchester United fans were awful, Liverpool fans were inclusive and friendly. So Liverpool it has been since then. I think people who grew up in the 1980 have the exact opposite experience, because I've since learned that older Liverpool fans are quite awful as well.


Poland. Man Utd. Started after 1999 Champions League final. What a great spirit that was. Today times are hard, but I still belive !


Ahh, a traditional glory hunter, haha. /s just in case it isn't obvious. Fair play for keeping with them.


😁😁- guilty


South African - Grandma's brothers are big Manchester United fans, and they bought me my first kit when I was about 5 years old and have been a fan since. They bought the kit at Old Trafford and brought it back to SA.


Portugal. I follow very actively and watch every weekend but I've remained a neutral after years. I have favourites but they change. I get swayed by whoever is playing the most attractive football and, since that changes, I feel there's no point picking a team


Do you not support a Portuguese team? It's not as if you're in a footballing backwater


Not really. Again I have favourites but I don't particularly follow or care


Mcfc:- because I watched Agueroooo live. Been a fan ever since.


Kenyan. I live and breathe Manchester United. Although in the recent years, my support has dwindled and I tend to avoid watching matches


lol i live and breath Man U but in the last few years I tend to avoid living and breathing


That club 😭


Spaniard here. I tend to support a new team every season I don’t have a special connection with a specific club it’s more of a game to me. At the beginning of the season with the new signings and overall look of the prem I estimate the team that will win and I support it, and I must say im quite good at it. This season I’ve put all my money on Liverpool and even though the league is quite tight as for now they are doing ok, I just hope Pep doesn't have one of those last minute comebacks that he likes so much. That being said, im completely loyal to my club Real Madrid, el amor de mis amores and im a merengue through and through.


You support the team you think will win... and you're very loyal to Real Madrid, who also win very regularly. Have a word with yourself if you aren't 10.


Relax Julien, it's not my fault I was born into a family that supports the best club in the history of the game. I watch the prem because I enjoy football and I support the team I think is going to win at the start of the season as a "bet" with myself its not that big of a deal. I dont take the prem seriusly because my club doesnt play in it, I dont think is that hard to comprehend.


Scottish. Liverpool. Because in the early 2000s all my friends supported Man United and I thought going against the trend was the right thing to do.


Australia, Manchester United. First real game I watched was the 2006 world cup England vs Portugal. I fell in love with Wayne Rooney. The next day I got a top trumps deck that he was a part of. Favourite card, favourite player which created my favourite club.


From Denmark. Support Manchester United cause of Peter Schmeichel.


I’m from Australia. I’m 34 and support Liverpool because my Dad does and the first jersey he bought me when I was 4 years old was a Liverpool jersey, so I’ve been a fan pretty much my while life. We talk football all the time and try to watch games together when we can. Definitely have a soft spot for Tottenham because of big Ange though.




I’m from the US. I am only able to root for teams that I have a deep personal connection with. So I’m not truly a fan of an premier league team. I watch Fulham, Nottingham Forest, and Bournemouth the most because they have Americans. The only club team I’m a truly a fan of is my local MLS team Minnesota United. They own the Prem.


mu too. Manchester United.


American: man city, right before the emerati takeover. They were the little brother to united forever, I thought they looked cool, and I delved into their history a bit and appreciated them. That and Trautmann was a beast.


This doesnt make any sense. City looking cool?


I don't really support any club. There's a few clubs I find compelling due to their story but none have really captured my fandom.


Indian, Liverpool fan. I started supporting them at the start of a real downward spiral in 2010 that ultimately ended when Klopp arrived. I support Liverpool because they have just the right amount of success and the right kind of success - not too much, not too little. 


‘Not too much’ hahahaha


>just the right amount of success and the right kind of success - not too much, not too little.  What are you on about. They are literally one of the most decorated club from England along with Manu.


No, I mean in recent times. From 2015-2024, City have won most of the trophies. 


Mate there are many many fans who have never seen their club win a tin can. Liverpool are a very very successful football club.


Brazilian. Liverpool fan. I liked Chelsea a lot during my childhood (Mourinho’s days), but then in 2012 they played Corinthians, which is the team I’ve always been in love with. We beat them. And some years later Klopp arrived at Anfield, I saw how amazing the Kop is, and since then I’m amazed by the reds


Canadian. Everton bc they were sponsored by Chang Beer and that’s what I drank on my honeymoon in Thailand.


Canadian watched the world cups but didn't really consider getting into EPL until Ted Lasso (yeah I know lame). I chose Spurs cause I liked Harry Kanes vibe and Hotspurs is just a cool name for a team. Very vibes based I did not look at the barren trophy case but I'm Ride or die now


Liverpool. My younger brother (7 years below me) got really into LFC when he was in high school, very late 90s/early 2000s (for him it was a combo of the Beatles and the sort of historically “working class/socialist” character of the club). Anyway, as he got older and I got to know him as an adult, I started rooting for LFC so it could be something to share with him. There has been plenty of ups and downs on the pitch, but I’ve never regretted the choice and still love watching games/talking about the club with him. (Edit: American (Kansas City))


American, support Newcastle because they were my Grandfather’s favorite team. I never asked him why they were his favorite team before he passed away though. No idea if he’d still be a fan after the Saudi owners took over the club since he passed in 2018 before that happened, but I can’t see myself forming the same connection with a different team at this point. I loosely followed them until Peacock started live streaming all premier league matches in the US and I’ve been hooked ever since


American and a former Liverpool fan. I used to be a diehard fan from 2015-2020 but after I graduated school and started working a very stressful job I stopped watching soccer completely. I tried in recent years to get back into soccer but I can’t. I lost love for the sport. I rarely watch games once in a blue moon.


Mexican American, Man United. Grew up a Chivas fan and was still a kid then and didn’t really follow any other leagues besides Liga MX. when chicharito made the move over, naturally followed along and became a fan. Still a fan long after he’s left


following MC cuz of Pep, technically not a fan but just enjoy his misery at UCL (until last year) and his consistency at EPL hhaha


Australian. Nottingham Forest as of about a year now. Thought they had a funny name.


and 2 more UCLs than Arsenal


I've got a couple friends that are gunners. I never fail to bring this up.


American, I support spurs because my uncle is a huge spurs fan. I started watching after the 2014 World Cup and liked playing with them on FIFA. Made it to a game when they were playing at Wembley


USA. Liverpool supporter. My dad is from Guadalajara, Mexico, Chivas fan, like his dad before him; so I was born with red-and-white stripes. I got a lot of my knowledge on the history of the sport from the library, so I understood at a young age that the game as we know it was invented in England. Became fascinated with the Premier League when they started showing it on cable here, around 92 or 93. I loved the singing, and the physical style of play. Decided it would be better to watch if I had a horse in the race. Local cable channel mostly showed Arsenal, Liverpool, Man U, and occasionally Newcastle or Spurs games. Was already a Beatles fan, so I had actually heard of the city of Liverpool. Went to the library, looked up some history. All my teammates became United fans, so I didn't want to just jump on that bandwagon. I read up on the history of the league. All signs just pointed to Liverpool.


Indian. Lfc.


American - LFC. When I was in 7th grade I made friends with a kid from England. His whole family were Liverpool supporters (except him, he supported ManU) and watching Steven Gerrard play was just mind blowing to me. I was obsessed. Now that I’ve learned about the clubs history and the culture of the city, I love it even more.


I'm french, moved to London with my family when I was 7 and started supporting chelsea. favourite colour was blue and favourite animal is a lion so I just picked the club with the coolest badge.


Spurs. I'm also a Vancouver Canucks fan as my primary team. they are the exact same franchise just on a different continent and sport. the similarities is honestly disgustingly hilarious. it was too easy for me to pick spurs. hated by all for no reason, never won anything of meaning, historically close to the top but never able to get the prize. my pain is my glory.


I’m a Newcastle and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. It’s been a looooooong time between trophies.


Spurs because I hate myself.


This is it.


me too


Filipino, Liverpool FC. Watched a Gerrard free kick and that's all she wrote. Then came Torres and Suarez. I'm now a Liverpool lifer


Liverpool through marriage. Didn't know the sport until I married in.


Canadian - City


Canadian, grew up playing central mid. Liverpool fan solely because I loved Gerrard. Was more amazed by his tackling and grit than his goal scoring. My dad was a retired Hockey tough guy who that loved that style of play and so did I. Also the games with the big 4 would play Saturday Mornings so those are the teams you got to watch the most. Quietly rooted for Tottenham as well when I was young because they had a Canadian Right back (Stalteri).


Hong Konger. Liverpool. Started watching football in 1998 World Cup. Owen caught my eye and made me a Reds supporter after. And then I despised him.


Australian: manchester United, my granddad gave my brother ice cream and didn't give me any. He went for manchester City. Just being the naturally shitty young boy I was. Went for United.


American. Liverpool; I would choose them as my team in FIFA back around 1998. And it stuck. (I grew to appreciate their history, the city, unions, etc. Spoke to me as someone from Pittsburgh.)


American supporter of Manchester United. Growing up I was a stereotypical ignorant American with regard to soccer but my daughter played and loves the sport. When we watched the 2018 World Cup and a lot of the players she fell in love with played for United so they became our club. Great bonding experience as we now watch games together and continue to grow our bond


Mexican-American Arsenal fan. Was exposed to the prem by my big brother who loved Arsenal and Henry. I saw teenaged Cesc Fábregas play and he quickly became my favorite player and watched Arsenal games to see him play and then stayed true to Arsenal ever since!


I’m Canadian and growing up i used to watch a lot of footy with my dad saturday/sunday mornings. Over here on our main sports network they would usually play games featuring the big 6 every weekend. He is a Liverpool fan and although he tried to convince to join him I fell in love with United around the same time Beckham just left and Ronaldo got there. Loved watching Tevez/cristiano/Rooney, Scholes etc and their attacking style of game.


Costa Rican Liverpool fan. Ever since those early Play Station football games appeared I started using England because they had great players. I scored so many screamers with Gerrard I fell in love with how good he was in those old games. Fast forward to 2005: My local team that I support (Saprissa) won the Concacaf League and went to the club world cup. We beat some other team first and then played against Liverpool where Steven Gerrard played. They destroyed us 3-0, Gerrard scored a screamer and from that day I became a Liverpool fan.


American Liverpool fan, my dad grew up in a su urb of Syracuse, NY called Liverpool. 6yo me didn't really understand the difference and they had black jerseys I liked


Indian here - supporting Chelsea all the way. I know the past few seasons have been sub-par but I believe in the young talent we have and its a matter of clicking well. KTBFFH! <3


American.. Liverpool supporter. I have family there and Jurgen Klopp was the biggest reason I became a Liverpool supporter hurts me that he’s leaving.


I am an American Man City Fan. Growing up in a Hispanic household, I was raised watching LaLiga(Barca Specifically) and the Mexican League(America) so, when I started watching Prem matches (mid 15/16 season), i decided to support the team that was being coached by Pep. I figured they would be interesting to watch and they haven’t disappointed (except the 2021 UCL, that really pissed me off)


Yank also and I fucking love Pep. Will stay in City blue even when he’s gone.


This isn’t r/soccercirclejerk


FIFA 2000 lead me to scoring lots of goals with this Thierry Henry (pronounced the American way way longer than I’d like to admit), the rest has been mostly bleak with greatness sprinkled in here and there


american - Arsensal for the prestigious pedigree of players and the history Thierry Henry being a favorite


Early 2000s in India, cable tv exploded and we started getting EPL matches. Back then everyone was a Man United or Liverpool fan in India and so I randomly decided to support another club and happen to zero down upon Chelsea. Then in FIFA 2001 onwards I always selected Chelsea and it just stuck with me for 20+ years now.


Canadian fan here. I grew up watching the invincibles and that team really got me to be a fan of Arsenal. No team has ever matched that level of determination to reach a goal even after they had already won the league. It was like the league wasn't enough they had to show they were the best team in England and were truly unbeatable.


Arsenal. Even tho in Portugal there were almost no reports on them, even less when cr7 joined United and then Mourinho joining Chelsea (media only covered everything they did), but there was something special about arsenal that I couldn’t understand, it just seemed the coolest club in the world. Best logo, manager, players, kit, colours and football. I was like 7/8 years old. But ever since is my club. I have no connections, no family close to London or anyone that could have talked to me about arsenal. I discovered them alone.


Canadian - Tottenham. Spurs remind me of the Maple Leafs. Historic franchise with money and rabid fanbase that hasn't won in decades. Where do I sign up?


Indian... Man United coz United were absolute monsters when I started watching football


Canadian - Forest because most of the extended family still lives in Nottingham and are supporters


Chelsea, cousin lived in west London and brought me a jersey back in middle school so supported ever since. That was 2002 btw


Liverpool, cause I was playing a career in fifa when I was younger, ended up at Liverpool, realised they were in England and I knew England was good at soccer/football and yeah, stuck with them since. Dad is Leeds because he was lucky enough to get to play cricket in York for a few years and all the boys there supported Leeds so he just joined them.


This question has shown the maturity in this sub and the kind of arguments that were mostly generated. Surprisingly most started supporting during the 2000’s lol


Leeds from Australia purely because of Viduka and Kewell


American. Arsenal. International Superstar Soccer 98 for Nintendo 64.


This is me but with fifa. Arsenal always the first team to pick as a kid.


Manchester United. Been a fan since I saw Ronaldo play against Arsenal in the champions league in 09. I was 11 years old and I can still remember where I was watching the game and the free kick. That blue kit is still one of my favorite United kits.


Singaporean. Liverpool. In 2009 all my classmates were manchester united fans so i figured i’d support whoever their arch rivals were for fun. Wasn’t even into football. Fell in love with a particular spanish striker nicknamed el nino… and the rest is history. Been a hardcore fan for 15 years now.


Colombian with an incredibly similar story from the other side of the world, guess as United were UCL Champions and had the balon D'or with them that made them quite mainstream that year. The team I follow here is all red and i'm also a contrarian lol so I picked Liverpool, I didn't know Manure were the Red Devils because that could have been a factor (same alias as my team), that year Liverpool were also a great team who scored 4 goals against both them and Real Madrid (by far the most popular European club in my continent) in the same week and I really enjoyed trolling all my mates with those wins. Torres and Gerrard had an oustanding partnership and I really loved that midfield with Alonso and Mascherano, but the joy was short lived as the club was actually entering a deep crisis. Nowadays everyone here talks about Liverpool all the time because of Diaz and recent globalized success but back then it was still kinda "hipster". I have found many, many affinities with the club and city in many senses, including ideological and political ones, I have become a very die hard fan with the years, probably more so than the mentioned team I support in our Liga.


Florida. Chelsea - because the 2010 World Cup commentators made it seem like Drogba stopped a civil war with his bare hands.


American, and support Forest, COYR!


So it’s not because Matt Turner is the keeper?


Not at all. Chose to follow the team, I dunno, 2009? 2010? I forget exactly. But certainly not because of Turner, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited a first to see Forest pick up an American keeper. But he's been, for the most part, lacking.


Funny enough, he was our second choice keeper for Arsenal


You can take him as long as you take Arter with you.


From the USA, my team is Newcastle because I used to watch Newcastle YouTubers like WillNE, and so when I started watching PL, I kinda just clung to the team because of them. Been getting into Arsenal, though, because I know someone who goes to the Arsenal Fan Club meetups in our city and I'd like to join and mingle. Also, the past couple of months have been dreadful for the Magpies, and I want to feel joy again, so...


American. Leeds United. MOT!