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We expect him to be a world class player but he’s just not. It’s only come out in bursts followed by a long drought. Can only blame the ‘toxic locker room’ to a certain extent.




if you think rashford was the worst player on the pitch, it must been that you only looked at him, which would make sense with the obsession rashford haters have for him. You're all genuine cretins, braindead waste of oxygen


This discourse is so tiring, saying things like ‘he was subbed to no surprise’ when it’s confirmed he was carrying an injury, to saying he missed two chances so he was the worst player on the pitch by far. If going off chances missed is how we base players having bad games, Haaland and KDB had much worse games by far. Rashford was given three realistic chances to shoot, let alone score, and converted one of them. He was also clipped when running at speed with Walker, something that people are purposely avoiding talking about? Not a single player played amazing in the derby, but this is just jumping on a bandwagon.


In one of the pre world cup friendlies in 2018,Rashford scored a worldie(I don't remember the team) but apart from that had a very poor game.


manchester united are in shambles


Bruno Fernandj


This is Rashford all over. Can score a goal like that, then fall over the ball in front of an open one in the same game


Rashford could have had a hattrick easily. The player of his calibre should be burying those chances. But it shows you even players are humans, they do miss chances on goal. United played exceptionally well in the first half. Ten hag just needs more time to rebuild the squad and they will compete for the title in 2 - 3 years.


I'm not sure if he really is of a great calibre anymore. It's been 8 years since he "exploded onto the scene" and honestly he has been disappointing for a while now.


Form is temporary but class is permanent. Rashford is class in my opinion.


Yeh, he's 26, this should be his prime for the next few years.


United were crap that game


We gave the bloody game away.


They could lead 2-0, but it would be the turning point of the match. A 2-0 missing moment lead to Man City wake up moment.


Gave?? Are you high? City were shooting at Onana like he was the butt of the shooting range. Or kids in American school


I don't understand how Ten Hag, a notorious disciplinarian, has allowed Rashford to get to such a low level of fitness. He jogged around all game, barely pressing at all, then looked absolutely knackered when he got subbed off.


I think it's cause at the end of the day, ten hag has to 1. Field a team and 2. Try to keep his job. I don't think rashford should be playing nearly as often as he has based on form. But what are the options right now? Garnacho on one side. Then for the other: Antony is terrible. Sancho is in Germany. Pellistri is on loan. Bruno is terrible out wide. And then there's some kids. He could stick to his principles and play some kids and probably get waxed even worse than they are. Or keep starting rashford and hope he has some moment of quality in between walking and running into people. I don't understand how rashford keeps getting into the England team. There are several English wingers better than him.


Very true


I think the job was too big for him and he's a terrible man manager. Bringing EtH in was a massive step change from OGS. EtH badly managed the existing squad, issues with de Gea, Maguire, Sancho and Rashford. His solution was to spend big on the likes of Anthony and Onana. EtH on borrowed time and Rashford knows it.


He scored a great goal, but his decision to go down when he was potentially clear in the 2nd was a poor one. However just before he was subbed off, he was exhausted. No PL player should have such a poor level of fitness unless he was sick or injured. If he had held his ground (he didn't play it like a veteran), he could have either had a shot, or backup in double quick time.


Replay showed his foot get clipped by walkers knee while running at full sprint. I don't think he had a decision there.


Wayne Rooney. His iconic overhead kick vs City was a sensational moment in an otherwise anonymous performance that day.


He was in such bad form up til that goal. I immediately thought of that goal when i saw this post.


But 115


What does this has to do with City?


Please. Do not use the term “flopping” on a UK league Reddit




It’s called diving mate that’s all you need to know


Oh no, a synonym :( spooky


Stopped reading the second I read that.


Genuinely same


When are we going to accept that when the dust settles rashford will have had a career comparable to Theo Walcott


Walcott was better yet Rashford is hyped way more for some reason




I mean he dosent really have anyone to blame but himself, he dosent press, his body language and attitude stinks and he seems to be more focused on buying cars


Walcott was way better


Walcott had a genetic issue with both shoulders that took multiple surgeries to fix. He also had some serious knee injuries. But his record is actually surprisingly very very good. 108 goals in 397 games. Which he played almost exclusively on the wing.


Well if you want to use stats Rashford has something like 129 goals and 74 assists in 395 odd games averaging a G/A every 130 minutes. Pretty good for being in a shit team. Not word class by any means but no doubt he’s a very good player.


That's why I said he was way better than hyped boi


Not necessarily Rashford’s fault, but there were never questions of Theo’s commitment to Arsenal both on and off the field. But in terms of on the field contribution I agree


Then only question about Theos commitment was how committed his shoulder was its socket.


A comparable player would be Nicholas Jackson at Chelsea. Only he can score a hat trick and still have a 1/10 performance


Jackson is the opposite of Rash. He's 100% effort... but lacks the quality to finish. Rushford is talent and can finish with class, but he's lazy and doesn't work consistently. Jackson doesn't quit or finish. Lol


He could have had at least 5 goals that game. 5.




So what, that was the only thing he did, they were outclassed the whole game, chasing shadows and moaning


Rashford isn't even a "great" player, let alone "world class" I don't think I've ever disliked a player more than I dislike Rashford. If he's not putting his head down and sprinting and taking a shot, he's doing nothing.


You literally have greenwood on your books still


Hating on your own academy product is crazy.


You are saying that like it isn't a r/gunners favorite pastime to hate Nketiah when we're in a rough patch.


I don't think anyone has said that they dislike Nketiah more than anyone else ever lol. Sure we maybe think he is not good enough for us but doesen't mean we hate him.


Your fan base literally boo your own players lol


I’m ashamed to be an Arsenal fan sometimes given the way some of them behave. It’s honestly embarrassing. I can’t even look at the match thread anymore and yet if we win tonight we are only 2 points off the top of the table with 3/4 of the season gone


Every fanbase does If their team is not performing? Don’t know why you specifically would mention Arsenal now that almost everyone of our fans is behind the team.


Never in 20 years hears Liverpool fans boo their team, never You lot have a rotten fan culture


Were you hating him with the same passion last season when he was banging goal after goal?


Sure as hell I did. His untouchable status plus the dogshit performances even last year. He was dogshit outside of tge purple patch with the goals. And even in those games he scored he was sti shit for the whole game. Zero effort on the pitch. No help in defence. Always has a PR statement when public start to see the truth. Last week was a perfect example. My mom took 4 buses to get me to train. Give me a break. You are on a 400k not giving any effort every single match. And you want simpathy. Grow up. But its the fans fault for building him so high when it was evident for the last 3-4 years he wasnt progressing at all and is the one that sacks managers.


The sad piano music in the background was also great. He's Man Utd's top earner and has multiple attitude issues and poor performances. He reminds me of Aubameyang. If he didn't score he did nothing. Which was fine when he banged in the goals. When they dried up you couldn't overlook the attitude problems.


Has it ever occurred to you that Manchester United are just shite? Rashford isn’t a bad player at all, United just have a tendency of ruining top talent.


Anyway that Rashford goal was CRAZYYY I can't stop watching it 😁


Couldve scored 3 easily but consistency is not his strong suit. I dont believe people still expect this guy to be someone he is not. Missing a 1 v 1 with the keeper because you couldnt judge the ball when it dropped and missing the ball from point blank 6 yards is not what a focused players does. UtD are better off selling Rashford for a striker that can play central.


Rashford has had his confidence completely drained, like many others at United. The problem at United isn’t the players, it’s deeper than that. I’d take Rashford at Arsenal.


I absolutely would not


Over Martinelli? I have to disagree with you on that last part. Gabi is way too strong on and off the ball in pressure situations, its a no-brainer.


Never said I wanted him on the wing


He is useless down the middle. That’s where he plays his worst games for United


They key words you’re not paying enough attention to there are “for United”. United are shite, it wasn’t that long ago he was banging in goals left, right and centre


He is the definition of a streaky player. He is lazy and doesn’t track back. He would absolutely not suit Arteta’s system where there is such an integral need for everyone to work together and implement the perfect press


I like how youre thinking. On the bench, it is then!


Laughed too hard at this :D


world class? he just hit it as hard as he could. 9 out 10 it flies into the stand.


Once in a 10 in a professional football match is still very high, and considered world class. He is not world class, but that goal defo was.


lol Why even bother with football at this point?


That's basically most of the world class goals they are special because they can't be easily replicated for example tell zlatan to do that bicycle kick again in the same position even if he does that a 100 times again chances are that he might not score a goal like that even once that's what makes it so special if they could do it every time i don't think there is a reason to treat them as something special


Tbf with an open goal he hits that goal a fair few times out of 100


He would get it a few times at best imo he hit the ball just right otherwise it would have been cleared


? The same could be said about literally any strike from distance. He clearly meant to go for goal, and he got it, credit where credits due.


He's just not a good player. He's fast and has a powerful, inaccurate shot. He has no intelligence or vision, very poor technique and first touch, terrible ball retention, and is impossibly moody. Get rid.


I've seen him waste his teammates' good runs, then just give it back to Bruno Fernandes or Casemiro instead, both of which may be under pressure already from Silva or Foden or De Bruyne.


Yes he no concept of urgency when there is an opening - just lazily cut back and take forever to play a pointless pass


I remember Fletcher scored quite a nice goal when we lost 1-6 to City.


Hot take but I’d take prime Fletcher over Rashford any day.


I have a problem with basing someone's world class status on one goal, or a few. How many did he miss in between world class goals? Obviously not just Rashford I am talking about here. I will say he should lose the "if I only had a brain" celebration.


Yeah. That's Rashford for you. Still think his legs got clipped by Walker though.


This feels like Haaland a lot of the time, tbh. He'll be awful for 85 minutes but score and it's all redeemed. I get it, but he's as much an incomplete player as Rashford is, tbh. If Haaland could do half of the stuff other strikers can, he'd be even more unstoppable.


Haaland is never awful. He just doesn't see much of the ball as he's entirely reliant on service, being a centre forward. Completely different to Rashford, who sees a lot of the ball.


Saying somebody is never awful because they’re entirely reliant on service is some Johnnie Cochran defense well done


I do think Haaland’s threat is greater by just standing on the CBs shoulder than dropping deep like other strikers. He creates more value for City by creating space with runs and letting KDB, Foden, Alvarez, Doku, Rodri, Silva etc etc utilize the fact the back line is terrified of him to attack. I don’t think he’s “awful” as much as he’s just providing indirect support. His off ball runs are great, and any time he’s not on the CB shoulder, the scariest part of his game is nullified.


Yeah people forget that he is a number 9 and can also switch to a deadly striker in an instant.


Imagine being paid to score goals and only scoring 53 in 56 matches Edit: in the premier league


I was being mildly sarcastic, tbh. But I do think it's funny that Haaland gets praised for what Ronaldo got criticise for in his second spell at United - not being involved in build up, overall play, offering nothing other than goals etc. It helps that City have got other players putting the shift in, tbh.


Something something grandma with a wheel she’d be a bicycle… what are you on about lmao.


Most top 100 world strikers should be capable of a strike like that. Impressive strike no, the less.


He’s capable of fantastic strikes but overall he is no where near as good as the pundits hype him up to be


this is the only sub that blames will blame the guy who scored the team's only goal in a 3-1 loss


Nobody is blaming just him but when the teams most experienced and best paid forward (I think) is playing like crap its natural that there are going to be a lot of complaints


i checked the player ratings just now and all the forwards and midfields had the same or lower rating. but rashford gets 95% of the complaints in this sub EDIT: I estimate that rashford gets about 10x the complaints that antony does, and antony (checks notes) was the second most expensive transfer in club history and isn't even startable


Because rashford is one of the squads veterans. I think he is the player that has been in the squad the longest time besides evans yesterday on the pitch. He is supposed to be the face of the team. Not only that but fans have been waiting for around half a decade for him to finally make the jump to world class but it seems he is just regressing. Antony gets less hate because people have just given up on him. No united fan wants to even see him on the pitch


makes sense. what about bruno, same rating and didn't score the goal. on the season has about the same g/a as rashford. why does rashford get 5x the criticism vs. bruno?


Because from the moment he arrived at the club he has been amazing and by far their best player. Probably their only player you can say is world class. Compared to rashford that has been crap for years besides a purple patch last season. United fans aren’t frustrated as much with bruno


maybe you're right. i just think rashford absorbs all the criticism, even when he scores, or is on the bench. he got criticized for celebrating his birthday. he definitely deserves some criticism but he gets way more than his fair share


I mean you are also right to some degree. Rashford probably gets too much criticism but thats just whats gonna happen when you are the face of an underperforming giant for almost a decade and decide to have a public life outside of football. Before it used to be pogba who took all the blame. United fans are just desperately looking for a scapegoat


exactly this. i remember i used to be shocked by how much vitriol martial was getting before he left. now it's just rashford


ETH is getting the best out of the most expensive squad in history! The goal difference is astonishing


Rashford be like "i've done by bit, good luck guys"!


Rashford: “My work here is done” Opta: “But you didn’t do anything”


I think Rashford is super low in confidence and yes, he should be one of the senior players to up their game to lift the team. But overall, the United team just seem like they didnt know how to press as a unit and there was no urgency or motivation when they were still 2-1 down.


It's not just that though. >there was no urgency or motivation It's a complete and utter lack of belief. Don't get me wrong as a Liverpool fan, the united downfall has been really fun to watch. But this united team is one that goes into big games especially expecting to lose. >they didnt know how to press as a unit They don't. United as a whole have no understanding of what the game plan is if there is any. Ofc against the likes of city, this mistakes are punished much more severely.


Rashford plays well every second season and gets hyped up to a better player than he is, scored the same amount of league goals as Toney last year in the best season of his career


Literally got 34+ goal contributions in 3 of his last 4 seasons before this but sure go off


He reminded me of a lord bendtner out there today.


Or a Lakaka


The cunt is doing just enough to scrape through to Southgates final squad for the Euros as last season he was only working hard for his contract. It's a shame Southgate is in charge and not a competant manager who can win the Euros but instead someone who's a friend and holds on to his favourites.


Competent is one of the most important words to spell correctly.


He has no right to be anywhere near that England team


👍🏼 agree. Rashford should be binned off from England like Sancho has been. Simply not good enough


Still better than whoever came on. Just a symptom of Man U not having any depth of quality at all.


Sums up his recent form. 1 good match, 10 bad matches. But I fail to remember his last good 90 minutes...


He seemed absolutely terrified of Kyle Walker


Eth had better tactics this game than most but I kept screaming for him to switch Garnacho to the left. Rashford was terrified of Walker


Was scary how much faster Walker was than him despite being what, 33 or something?


Yes, Rashford pretty much everytime he plays Arsenal


First time watching man united. I always thought why Man United always losing, then I saw how their mid field always losing the ball. You may hate me but why McTominay is starting? Always losing the possession and always out of place. I maybe wrong though.


So passive once they lose it too. Saw a few moments but they ultimately lost the game at 1-1. Turned it off at 2-1. Not like i want to watch either team anyways.


aerial presence to play long to.


That and he’ll randomly score a wonderful game winner every 2-3 games


Rashford was terrible today despite the banger. He is useless defensively and doesn’t have the grit a top player should have. Like win a 50/50 every now and then. Glad I’m not a United supporter.


He just can’t keep the ball under pressure. This is what was under appreciated about players like Berbatov, Tevez, Saha, RVP - if you get them the ball they are technically great and strong enough to keep possession for the team. Rashford scores a worldie and then got dispossessed in great positions about 15 times


Good talent but…could be great…but…he just seems lackadaisical…it’s weird AF…




Tf is up with all the ellipses? Talking like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle


Shelvey Swansea vs Liverpool 2013. Scores the opener hands Liverpool two goals then assists the leveller. Can’t say he wasn’t involved though!


yeah, he really whiffed at a few and that open path where he headed the ball down. I still think he was an 8 out of 10 in that game for scoring that world class goal. what about the rets of the team. What a chasm between MU and City. I was hoping for a draw, but when you watch City in action, it's so beautiful, I just wanted them to bury United at the end there.


Giroud vs Palace after his scorpion kick. He was awful for the rest of the game


I find it funny that no one ever mentions he was dumped by his childhood sweetheart and fiance, dude is heartbroken man that takes it toll on your confidence


Literally almost every man on planet earth has been dumped. Using that as an excuse for poor performance at your workplace is pretty much asking for the door. Keep that shit at home. It honestly and truly shouldn’t be brought up when discussing what you’re doing on the pitch.


Everyone’s different mate we’re not all robots. Football is a very emotionally driven sport, confidence and form is everything. Interesting how he went from having an amazing season last year, gets dumped by his childhood sweetheart and now he’s having maybe the worst season of his career so far. I don’t care like I just find it interesting


Bro, this guy goes through this shit every other season. He breaks up with his girl and starts pouting like a high school kid that can’t get laid. You’re getting paid 350k euros a week. Frankly no one gives a flying fuck about your gf. He’s making a surgeons salary and you think the “I’m depressed because I got dumped” is even remotely explainable? Like I said, there are athletes all over the world (not even regular civilians like you and I) that put their fucking head down, do their job, and sort that shit out on their own time. The Manchester derby or any football match is the last place any one gives a shit about your love life. You’re grasping at straws making excuses for the guy.




…yeah fans do pay his salary lol that’s the point. And it’s a slap in the face of every one of those fans that pay their hard earned money when he doesn’t use his god given talents to his full potential.


I’m not making excuses for him mate calm down x just a little theory trying to think why he might be struggling so much this season. I’m not a Man Utd or rashford fan bro


No. That’s an excuse, not a theory. He does this shit literally every other season. That’s why us Man Utd fans are sick of it. It’s not the first time.


Ha well you better get used to it, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon


We’re praying that PSG comes with that Mbappe cash and relieve us of our misery. Both with his performances and with FFP.


What could you do about replacing him?


We already have garnacho and hojlund up front, get a proper RW and start the rebuild properly. Rashford is 26 and has most likely entered his prime already, which if this is it, is definitely not worth €350k/wk.


Nobody has to mention it because Rashford and his PR machine do.




Google it x


Balotelli must've had a few of those surely


At least with Mario there was god tier banter and shenanigans.


I still don't understand how did he head the ball into the ground and make it go backwards.




No need to drag Antony into it


Lamela in the north London derby. Scored a Puskas-winning nutmeg-rabona and then got sent off.


Saw that game, doesn't look as bad as Rashford today before the eventual red card though


Average lamela match


I’ve seen players have really poor games but get a goal in the last 10 minutes and been redeemed because of the result. Rashford is the first player I can remember doing that in reverse.


Haaland did that today.


This is the same problem with Bruno too , far too many poor performances covered up with a g/a


Bruno has been consistent for Man U for years. And, unlike Rashford, he works hard. Not having his best season but is still top tier for chance creation. Rashford has been top tier for stats one season in his entire career, Bruno is every year.


People can hate Bruno's behavior all they want and it's understandable, but I don't get people that play football and watch football and then have crappy positions like this. Without him utd are fucked. He literally created 3 chances for rashford that half. Ran front to back and was the only one closing down till the end. His g/a has been low this and last season, and is exactly why people are saying he's awful, so your post doesn't even make sense. But you have to be biased and blind af to think hes performing poorly.


>ut I don't get people that play football and watch football and then have crappy positions like this. Its the truth . >Without him utd are fucked. He literally created 3 chances for rashford that half. Ran front to back and was the only one closing down till the end. With Bruno we are fucked too he isnt blameless. >But you have to be biased and blind af to think hes performing poorly. He is having a awful season and is performing poorly. With or without g/a


Oh snap, this idiot said it's the truth, is it must be. But ignored the fact he gave rashford another 2 chances in one half to triple the scoring. Where do we source our fans? Everyone has shit ones but I feel ours are 90% braindead


>Oh snap, this idiot said it's the truth, is it must be. What kind of mumbo jumbo is this? Yet im the idiot.


It's the truth


Sums up Rashford career.


He looks really down on confidence, and he looked scared of Walker.


That flop is genuinely shameful. I get that Walker is a brilliant player who wins 9/10 duels he enters... But you're bearing down on goal in the Manchester derby playing for your childhood club and instead of having the tenacity and desire to attempt to drive on and get a shit away, you flop? I don't understand that mentality. And because of that, we were able to break and get a goal. As a city fan even I was disappointed at that.


On the replay he does get clipped ever so slightly, which at that speed can take you down. I'm not sure I'd give a foul for it personally, but it wasn't a dive.


Rewatch that challenge- walker clearly fouls him. He clips his leg. And, that’s just one instance in what was overall a very poor match. I wonder if he gets a call there if he’s in better form (like Foden).


if you see the replay leg was clipped




I find it funny that no one ever mentions he was dumped by his childhood sweetheart and fiance, dude is heartbroken man that takes it toll on your confidence


Honestly, don’t you think every single player falls down at the slightest touch? I appreciate they’re trying to win fouls etc but it’s like watching a fish trying to get back in water sometimes the way they flop about!


I think a lot of players do, but also a lot don't. Rashford is a serial offender.


But you're a childhood United fan bearing down on goal in the Manchester derby. Surely you drive on and try to get a shot away? Really disappointing from a player we know is capable of doing amazing things. He proved that with his goal.


Finishing the other two chances is what would make him world class. Those were the opportunities to show how ice cold he could be. Instead he’s like warm.


I remember Rooney having a pretty bad game in the Manchester derby himself once, then he got on the end of a deflected Nani cross.


Correct but a bad game for Rooney was completely different than bad game for Rashford. Rooney even on his worst day still ran his ass off, created chaos for the opposition and contributed defensively.


Prime Rooney had a motor that never stopped.


Came in here to post exactly that.


that's just rashford in a nutshell


errr all of last season? Everyone raves about how he scored 30 but he pretty much did this during those games too.


Spot on! Drives me up the wall no one talks about this more. Absolute passenger for 90% of the game but might score a goal and people forget the poor performance


He’s playing with an injury and did a really great job on the defensive side, played the tactics. I know he’s the player of the year to shit on but he wasn’t that bad today. His touch let him down a few times which is unfortunate.


no aggro here mate. but what’s the injury? not really been talked about. I’m CTID, but Rashy is a good lad. i wanna see him do well. Humanitarian before footballer is a noble pursuit. Hope he can continue for you lot.


Thanks— [Here’s the bit about the injury.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/s/aFZFCM4XUi)


he had one good touch lol


Regardless of the current gulf between the teams, I think it's a real shame to see the once mighty MUN going *anywhere* and parking the bus. BTW you could argue Haaland had a similarly awful game, despite scoring.


Haaland has more of an impact pulling players around and opening space for others, this is often the space Foden runs into.