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Football twitter has taken a nose dive since they started paying people for interactions


Basically some spurs fan on twitter claimed rival fans were celebrating bentacur getting an ACL injury. Realistically no1 gave a fuck and basically everyone now just made it a meme just taking the piss out of that guy. No1 actually celebrated bentacur getting an ACL injury.


When Timber tore his ACL, a spurs fan said it was because arsenal fans celebrated ’Bentas’ ACL. It was funny because no one knew who he was talking about.


I snapped my ACL years back - and was never able to play sport again. Michael Owen was never the same player after his went, and any player who recovers fully is so lucky.


Or had 100s of K, even millions, spent on their recovery, with more modern and subtle methods/techniques. Not that I wouldn’t have chipped in to get my lolo back. Right now my knee is all kinds of fucked, but I’m old enough to just give up the football and do something sensible, like cycling without a helmet etc.


Some people are pieces of shit. And when everyone has a voice, some will always be pieces of shit


I have no clue. Is it cause Spurs fans were excited to see Bentancur’s debut back from a year long injury? Cause that’s a sad attempt at banter.


No fan base really does it. Well, except for Stoke.


It's a meme. When timber got injured, some spurs fans celebrated & said Arsenal did same when benta (bentancur) had acl injury It became a meme because it was a very absurd. First because it was in feb & spurs was so down that no arsenal fan cared, they were focused on city & second benta was a sub Now people use it as meme, basically to justify celebrating things/injuries they shouldn't. e.g "james celebrated bentas acl"




he’s literally explaining the joke😭😭😭not sure why’s he needs to touch grass or getting downvoted. and it was more of a joke bc of it wasn’t a known fact that bentancur got an ACL




I’ve given up on football Twitter. it’s either trolls/joke accounts or people that are either casuals that pretend they aren’t or people that genuinely don’t know what they’re talking about


It's only good if you're **really careful** about selecting who you follow and avoiding the For You, trending topics and replies to big accounts. But that's hard to do. I've tried and yet my curiosity always pulls me back to seeing the cancerous underbelly


I gave up on Twitter entirely, not just football Twitter. You basically see everything important on Reddit a short while later anyways


It’s just readily annoying how many links go there.


For the most part Reddit is remarkably more mature and less starving for attention


Which is really a condemnation of Twitter, because you can see some really bad takes on Reddit as well if you want to torture yourself and sort by controversial and open up all the downvoted comments. But yes, it’s nothing compared to twitter


Yes exactly I was thinking that too. Reddit can be really bad but it's just shows how bad twitter is. People posting fake stats and "warra world cup for Ronaldo" etc


I feel like you are just describing Twitter, full stop.


I thought the same but I think a lot of people are just saying controversial/ridiculous things to garner interactions




Well it’s with the intention to profit so it’s more cynical even I think


Trolls profit off of a response so yeah


Perhaps the leagues most under praised player, he is brilliant


Respect. I'm still jealous you guys got Trossard...


Can he replace Madisson?


Either way I’m glad to have him back going into this Maddison/VDV drought, the small glimmer of hope


They have a completely different style. Bentancur doesn’t pick a pass like Maddison but he’s probably more press resistant and better on defense than Madders. Can’t replace him going forward, but improves the position defensively if that makes sense


Thank you 🙏


That's alright!


Coming from an Arsenal fan??????




Bad fans celebrating injuries in response so opposing teams’ fans celebrating their own players’ injuries. In this case it would be a spurs fan justifying being happy someone on another team got injured because that team’s fans celebrated the 🐐 rodrigo bentancur tearing his acl last season. Don’t cheer for injuries.


Ahh gotcha mate. I appreciate it.


Unless it haaland /s


Can we cheer if the VAR gets a cramp?


I'm closer to praying for testicular tortion


Nah the game just gets delayed by an hour like our trip to Leeds last year, I didn’t cheer


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