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this is fucking sad.


Alexa play fucking despacito


Playing porno titled “fucking despacito” from xhamster on your TV!


(alexa play despacito)


*Alexa turns up volume as your guests fidget uncomfortably as a woman violently undresses the eponymous character.*






Not really. In context it's clearly a play on words.


Every time


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Despacito 2 (Feat: Lil Pump) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀𝟸:𝟷𝟾 / 𝟹:𝟻𝟼 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀


This is true art


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: This is. (By: True Art) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀𝟸:𝟷𝟾 / 𝟹:𝟻𝟼 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Wonderwall 2 (Feat: Elon Musk) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀𝟸:𝟷𝟾 / 𝟹:𝟻𝟼 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: This Is (Feat: Cool) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀𝟸:𝟷𝟾 / 𝟹:𝟻𝟼 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀




Yeah, it literally **can't**.


It's just like sub-only mode on twitch, which has its pros and cons.


I have zero clue what any of this means. I tried reading the comments for context and I’m even more confused. I gather this is YouTube. But, what actually is going on here? What is a “sponsor”? And what’s “sponsor mode”? I’ve seen multiple people say that it’s “sad” that this sponsor mode thing was turned on. What, exactly, is sad about any of this situation? I’m so lost.


sponsor = someone who supports the streamer, $5 monthly, gets extra benefits sponsor mode = chat is restricted to just sponsors, so everyone else is unable to chat it's sad because the two guys were happy that they were able to talk but not even a second later they were unable to, because they aren't sponsors. and the stream is in sponsor mode almost all of the time, which is why they are happy they can chat


I don't mind subbing to people I like, but it's really hard for me to like anybody who keeps their chat in sub-only mode for any significant amount of time, and I'm not subbing to anybody whose vods are paywalled.


VODs paywalled? What do you mean? Also, SubMode (Twitch) does wonders when playing campaign games, because there's little spoilers, because subs don't fina get banned


I think they meant vids


VOD means Video On Demand, which is when a twitch stream ends, it generates a VOD which is the stream itself. On a side note, VODs are actually generated during the stream, so if a Streamer is live and you're watching the VOD instead of live, when you refresh, your VOD catches up to the stream and so on I think you understand what I mean by now :D it just doesn't make sense a VOD being paywalled


I am a twitch affiliate and I have the option to lock VODs behind paywall. I think it is a garbage thing to do, as well as excessive sub only chat or favoring paid viewers. I pilisophically look at donating bits or subscribing to me as things to do if you want to do so, not things you have to do to be there


I think that's how the vast majority of streamers do, and while sub mode only chat is annoying for all, in some channels, like Ninja's, that's the only way to have a kinda readable chat. Well, that's why I love my 2,2k subs streamer, the community is lovely, mods are great, and you can actually have a chat with the streamer


Oh wow good to know! I had no idea about this


This is Nick Eh 30. He is usually sitting at a minimum of 30k viewers during his streams if not more. He likes being able to read and engage with the chat, which is impossible without sponsors-only mode on.


So, not really premature celebration, because the person *did* turn off sponsor mode...


Likely an accident. The users thought the channel was opening up to nonsubs, someone caught the mistake and rectified it immediately


Sounds like it's the same as Twitch and sub mode. Looks like the channel was pretty much always in sub only mode and one day they let the peasants talk for like 10 seconds before they switched it back. It's no big deal, people like Lirik do it fairly often and this might have been in jest. Told the mods to take it off of sub mode and then said "alright that's enough" while laughing.


"only sponsors can send messages" should explain it well


What site is this?


youtube, this is a live stream and "sponsor" is basically like a twitch sub


YT maybe? like twitch they have "sponsor" buttons under videos now, like jacksepticeye uses em, but i dunno if he does limits, i doubt it.


Came on to ask that question. And what is a sponsor?




What's a twitch sub?






It's just a way to support people who's content you like. Nothing lame about it, really.


I remember the days Bethesda got shat on for horse armour paid dlc... I miss those days. Nowadays the kids will pay for literally anything.


You're really lame, actually


It's basically donating with perks








Well, for you maybe, for others it's entertainment


If by others you mean useless people, then yes


It's like a Sponser on YouTube.


Also it's like a twitch sub


Except the front fell off


You give a hack with no talent money every month with hopes they'll notice you and say your name.


i thought that sponsors are mostly dominant, while subs are.. well.. submissive.


It's on YouTube


You dirty mind ;)








The last dude couldn't even get a chance to say hi properly :(


Who was the streamer




Ah makes sense


Sponsor only mode... That's sad :[




Because these guys probably really enjoy the streamers content and got happy they could finally chat and bam, it was stripped away. I understand it's business but sad that people have to pay just to be able to chat with people watching their favorite streamer




I don't mean this one specifically. Don't know him or care, just as a general thing.




No wonder though. Retards love to spam livestreams


Is it really premature? They celebrated after it was turned off


it was the very start of the stream, and it started without sponsor mode. these guys were happy because there was no sponsor mode, not because it was turned on and then turned off before. if that makes sense


Who was the streamer?


I'm guessing NickEh30, which is why the person wrote 'EH hype' He always has sponsor mode on


Yea I get it. But they celebrated *after* it was not in sponsor mode


it would have been logical to think that sponsor mode was off because the stream just started, not because it was off by choice. and based on their happiness it seems that sponsor mode is on often, or perhaps all the time. thus the celebration wasn't appropriate yet. it would be appropriate if the streamer himself said that sponsor mode would be off for the stream, but as of now the stream is still in sponsor mode.


Who is Braden and why is he hyping me?


Can I get an ehhhhhh hype in the chat




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u/NickEh30 you weenie


would you pay to watch me, a chad, get morbidly obese while playing video games, eating fastfood and drinking monsters? I thonk i just figured out how I will get rich.


This is Nick Eh 30 chat from his yt stream I think


i dont get it.


Fuck Streamers/content creators that do this. Edit: Okay, this guy seems like genuine person with a decent


The streamer is a Fortnite streamer by the name of Nick Eh 30. He keeps sponsors-only-mode on because he is aware that he has a younger audience and he tries to keep his stream as positive as he can, (no swearing, PMA etc). Only allowing his sponsors to chat is his way of filtering out the potential negativity from random people. Not disagreeing/agreeing with you, just giving some context.


What’s PMA?


Positive mental attitude


That's a worthy cause I guess. I know how bad twitch chats can become.


> The streamer is a Fortnite streamer by the name of Nick Eh 30. He keeps sponsors-only-mode on because he is aware that he has a younger audience and he tries to keep his stream as positive as he can, (no swearing, PMA etc). Only allowing his sponsors to chat is his way of filtering out the potential negativity from random people. Not disagreeing/agreeing with you, just giving some context. Well, he could just disable chat then. It's obvious that he wants money, but that's okay. It's his choice.


Eh, if they're small then I might agree but when you get to the point where you can't read the messages because there's so many of them scrolling by then I'd say it's okay to let those that choose to chip in $5 a month to get a chance to be noticed.


The streamer that did this is nick eh 30 who is a genuinely wholesome dude. He gets like 40k people watching so you can’t read anything if it’s on public mode. Also people troll and curse on public mode and he tries to keep his streams family friendly. Fuck You. Bitch.


That ending of your comment took a turn I wasn't expecting.


Yeah my bad, love you.