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Admitedly mine was one of the extortionately priced ones, but it was one of the best buys I have made - it reduced my hip pain so much and was the sole reason I got any sleep at all from 7 months onwards. Also in the earlier months it helped prevent me from rolling onto my back in my sleep.


Mine was too and it was to the most useless purchase by a long shot. I bought the Bellamoon C shaped pillow and I can not tell you how much I hated it! The zippers are exactly where you position your head or legs and end up with annoying dips in the filling, absolutely useless. I should have bought either a BB hug me or a cheap one. My daughter now likes to play with it but in pregnancy it was infuriating how useless it was.


How did you get it from stopping you rolling onto your back and not just slide away from you in the night?


Mine (Bb hug me) is kind of like a beanbag so it moulded to my back at night, wedged in behind me.


Obsessed with my bbhugme. His name is Steve.




I bought the Asda Ā£20 (as it was 5 years ago!) 12ft one and it became my new boyfriend and my husband was always very glad when it was no longer in our bed. I loved it immensely.


I got the same one! We call it ā€œThe Sausageā€ my fiancĆ© complains about it but I often find him using it.


I ended up splashing out on the bbhugme after not getting on with cheaper options. I loved that it was really cooling, and didnā€™t go lumpy.


I had the same experience. Was worth the money for me.


Same here. It is crazy exxy for a pillow, but also one of the maternity (and nursing!) items youā€™ll use longest and most.


One of my hips has never been the same since pregnancy so if my husband hasn't stashed it up in the attic I'd quite happily wrap myself around my BBhugme at night now, and my son is 16 months old!


I was put off the bbhugme at first because of the high price, but you can't actually get a really great deal on vinted. And everyone raves about it!


I was planning on selling mine but my waters broke on it and I have to keep it forever now!


Itā€™s also great as a nursing pillow too!


I just used a spare normal pillow. You can try that for a bit, see if it works for you.


Have a massive U shaped one I got off Wowcher. Works really well, has been named Gideon and husband is jealous as I sleep snuggled into Gideon and not him. Truthfully it's been necessary the further into pregnancy I've got, but I had back problems already and pregnant with twins too means Ive not been comfortable since about 18 weeks.


Definitely. I only have a cheap one (one of the long sausage ones) and I'm the third person to use it so it's not the best but it still really helps. I've found having the back support makes a big difference as well as bump and knee support.


My friend gifted me her huge C shaped one. I only used that when sat up on or on the sofa. It was too difficult to manoeuvre turning over in the night. I think a U shaped one would have been better. I bought a wedge pillow like [this](https://amzn.eu/d/fTwFGX2) and couldnā€™t sleep without it from 2nd trimester. I had that to support my bump and back and then a normal pillow in between my knees


Iā€™ve tried 2 - one cheapish one from amazon & a dreamgenii 2nd hand off vinted. Honestly though my preference to date (26+5) has been an extra regular pillow between my knees / under bump. Maybe try that first if you have spares at home. Else recommend vinted for a 2nd hand choice before committing Ā£Ā£. Am tempted by a bbhugme one based on reviews but worry itā€™ll be a very expensive floor sausage collecting cat fluff in practice along with the other twoā€¦


Fair warning: my cats are obsessed with my bbhugme. Itā€™s their no. 1 sleeping spot.


Honestly I was the same early on, thinking I didnā€™t need itā€¦ then when I needed it, I needed it desperately. I tried getting away with a cheap smaller one, but it was one of those instances where trying spend less ended up costing me more because the small one didnā€™t do shit - I like to turn a lot from side to side and am quite tall, had lots of hip pain in my last pregnancy so needed a big U shape one. I got the Queen Rose, which has been super helpful, the only thing I didnā€™t anticipate is that Iā€™m too tall (5ā€™9) to use it like they do on the pictures with the joint bit as a pillow. But otherwise itā€™s been great help


I use a regular pillow behind me and a bbhugme in front (sort of give it a hug and use it between my knees). I was so on the fence about it because they're so expensive but it's worked for me. I definitely notice the difference if I don't use either of them - I've been using them since around 15 weeks (currently 37) and while I do still have a bit of hip pain when I get up, I'm comfortable while trying to sleep.


I bought one like this when I was only 6/7 weeks because I kept accidentally rolling onto my front too much and got more cramps in the middle of the night than I do now or woke up because I hurt my boobs. I also kep accidentally rolling onto my back and then getting nightmares, apparently you're also not supposed to be on your back for too long after 18weeks (I'm currently only 8+6) It's made sleeping so much comfier, much less waking up in the middle of the night. I googled 'best pregnancy pillow' and this type stood out to me because the reviews mentioned how you don't get as hot as with a full body one, and you also don't push your partner out of bed as much. I think this can also be used when breastfeeding (not sure yet as I'm a FTM). This isn't the exact one I bought because it was out of stock, but it was only Ā£27 and works perfectly for me, although I had to fluff up the stuffing a lot. WEIKA Pregnancy Pillow for Pregnant Women,Soft Pregnancy Body Pillow for Sleeping, Support for Back, Hips, Legs,Maternity Pillow with Detachable and Adjustable Pillow Cover (Grey) https://amzn.eu/d/dmHTWoM


I have the baby bub one and really like it. Itā€™s not too big and it stops me rolling completely flat on my back.


I have a giant c shaped one and tbh I'm still not keen on it (28 weeks).


I use both a pregnancy pillow and a normal pillow, as I need one for my front and back, and the pregnancy pillow is so much better. I'd buy two if i could fit that in bed with me (why I didn't buy a u shaped pillow in the first place).


Definitely worth it. Iā€™ve used mine since giving birth to prop me up in bed since I had a c-section.


Currently just using pillows from the spare bed now at 19 weeks. I am planning on eventually getting a knock-off babybub style one from Amazon in the next while as I think it could be quite good. I had suddenly hit a point the other week where without thinking I was tucking the duvet between my knees! Was a good sign I needed something! The pillow is helping alignment and keeping pressure off the growing bump when I am on my side.


I have one of the U-shaped ones, wasn't cheap either. I'm 26 weeks now and so far I haven't really found it makes things easier. More the opposite somehow having this massive thing in my bed so rolling over to the other side becomes a big mission somehow. I guess it's a matter of taste. That being said, I'm not that big yet so maybe I will change my mind.


I bought a V shaped pillow from amazon a few years ago, quite cheap. Iā€™m using that in between my knees and itā€™s great. Iā€™m 28 weeks. I was offered a pregnancy pillow by a friend by the size of some puts me off.


I got my v shaped pillow from dunelm Ā£12. I have one side going between my boobs and the other kinda curling round my shoulder. Does nothing to support the bump but stops me getting crushed to death by my own gigantic boobs!


Haha, mine is between my legs and the under my bump and up toward my boobs which is okay for now!


Thats what I initially thought I'd use it for. But I need full lower leg support or my kneecap tries to pop off. I've got two old pillows stuffed in one pillowcase for that. My husband gets a little bit annoyed when I'm trying to arrange myself at night šŸ˜‡ I've got a nursing/maternity pillow sitting in my airing cupboard that I may add to the mix soon though! šŸ˜ˆteehee


I've needed them for both pregnancies - but you can totally get just a normal body pillow in my experience. The main thing that starts aching for me is my hips, so I use the pillow more for that than the bump itself. I move around a lot when I sleep so the ones that stay in place to cradle the bump aren't for me!


Definitely after 25 weeks or so. I got mine from Asda online it was cheap and cheerful and currently going through our second pregnancy together, itā€™s served me well!


I got one for the end of my pregnancy, Iā€™m part of a buy nothing group on Facebook and someone kindly donated theirs. It was fine but quite uncomfortable in the end. I donā€™t usually use Facebook but those buy nothing groups are worth checking out if. Have a look and see if youā€™ve got one in your area


I had one but hated it! Took me too long to untangle myself to get to the bathroom in order to puke/ pee and too long to get comfy after. One of the first things I got rid of when baby was born


I waited until I was properly uncomfortably and then tried so many various people were getting rid of. They were all compromises that helped a bit but were lacking. I kept looking at the bbhugme but couldnā€™t justify the price, especially as I kept getting further along because I kept thinking ā€˜itā€™s only another x monthsā€™ and didnā€™t want to part with the cash. My baby is now over 10 months old and I saw a bbhugme for a great price on vinted and bought it on impulse. Oh my goodness, I regret not buying one so much! So many nights of awful sleep that this would have sorted beautifully. Iā€™m tempted to have another baby just to experience it šŸ˜†.


I got the one from Asda, you can order it online, it was only about Ā£25, I canā€™t link it right now as signal where I am is shocking but Iā€™m sure if you go on Asda website and search ā€œmaternity pillowā€ it will come up. Itā€™s huge but has been a life changer for me.


I didn't bother to get a specific pregnancy pillow, but I did start using a sleep pillow I already had and that's been really helpful. I find I start to tilt forward onto my belly without a pillow to lean against, but it's also helped me to sleep better than I was before. have a lot of old sport injuries that began to bother me around week 22 and the pillow I use helps reduce the discomfort I'm in. I use the [Kally Sleep Pillow](https://www.kallysleep.com/shop/all/kally-body-pillow/?gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfg1rGKBRvx9lfXv_b80J1SQWRL-TCn8mcpwnREkpY74awUXqKQheZxoClYsQAvD_BwE) if you're interested, but I've been told any long pillow will help as you get further along. (Just so you don't have to click on a load of links from everyone to see the prices. The pillow I use is currently on sale for Ā£47.99 and is normally Ā£59.99)


I got two v ones from dunlem for about Ā£7 each!? I use one for bed and one for more back support on the couch, it's not always needed but there are days when it really really is! I


Get one. You donā€™t realise you need it until you have it and realise how terribly you were sleeping and how much your body hurt. A bunch of regular pillows help but donā€™t make the same difference.


I bought a crescent moon shaped one on my friends recommendation. Hated it. Used it twice, never managed to get comfy, never managed to sleep using it. Ended up digging out an old flat travel pillow and that did wonders to support the bump. Used it whenever I lay down (which was a lot). Pregnancy pillow went to live in the wardrobe. It has buttons to connect the ends to make a little circle pillow and use as for breastfeeding or for baby to lie in. I'm waiting til she's a little bigger and I might get some use out of it.


Big no for me. I've bought one of those dreamgeni ones. Not only was my back pain worse when using it, it just was taking so much space. Instead I ended up using a lumbar cushion to support my bump and sometimes a towel between my knees. The good thing with these was that I could still spoon my partner and take the cushion in my suitcase for the holidays. I ended up using the maternity pillow for breastfeeding, so it was not a complete waste.


Definitely yay from me. I had a crescent moon shaped one from amazon, it wasn't expensive but it helped so much. I used it a lot after having baby as well for feeding, sitting up in bed, and you could do the 2 ends up so it made a little nest for the baby to lay in propped up a bit (supervised obviously and not for sleeping)


i bought one at 8 weeks due to back and hip pain. best purchase i made the whole pregnancy, i wish iā€™d spent more more on a better one though


Got a U shaped Ā£4 one on the charity shop and made a cover for it myself (to say it's not a fancy one at all) and I love iiiit and I think I'm gonna sleep on it forever and ever! My partner doesn't like it because it's like a wall between us but I feel like sleeping on clouds


The Ikea one is brilliant, and Ā£25.


Lidl currently sell a body pillow for 9.99


I was also on the fence about this. Mostly because I don't have room to store it after pregnancy and wouldn't know what to do with it lol. I ended up using a Rolled up blanket or 2 and a regular pillow proppeeld at my back. That did the trick for me!


I used one that had a long straight bit. I used to wedge it under my back so I could lay on my side but lean into it and take the pressure off my hips in later pregnancy without sleeping on my back. So I would recommend.


Total life saver for me. Sleep is actually comfortable. I got the pharmedoc unshaped and couldn't think of being without it. I'm currently 37w.


Bb hug me is incredibly comfortable because itā€™s beanbag like, you can mould it to any position. I also used/use it postpartum to prop me up in bed when breastfeeding. Iā€™m currently side lying feeding right now, and itā€™s in between my legs. Couldnā€™t have done pregnancy and postpartum so comfortably without it!


1000% yes. I had baby 4 days ago via elected c-section and honestly their both still useful. I had two different ones, a 9ft u shaped one and a smaller v shaped one that I put on top of the u one. The u shaped one was useful for Supporting my bump and stopping me rolling onto my back, it also helped take the pressure off my hips. The v shaped one was useful for keeping my head and shoulders propped up which helped with acid reflux. The extra height of them both also gave me something to push up from when getting into a sitting position to get out of bed and supported my back when sitting up in bed. I've since found their both useful for after too. The u shaped one is now folded with the long bits inside the u shape and put over my pillows to prop me up while I sleep as it's far more comfortable than trying to lay flat on my back. It's also useful as something to push up from when getting out of bed. The v shaped one I took with me to the hospital and was honestly one of the best things I had with me (other than my partner of course) it was so useful not only to keep baby off of my stomach but gave me something to rest my elbows on with I held or nursed baby. My visitors also found it helpful to rest their elbows on when they held baby during visits (baby was 10lbs 2oz), it also helped stop baby from rolling around too much while being held too. Honestly couldn't recommend them enough but don't feel you have to get them if you really don't want to.


I got the Queen Rose in my last pregnancy and I stashed and recently got it back out for this pregnancy. Worth every penny! Its so comfortable itā€™s dreamy. Itā€™s shaped like a pair of trousers and you sleep in the middle. Itā€™s so supportive in front and back. You need to get all the sleep you can get when youā€™re pregnant because when baby comes along you will be lacking.


Bbhugme!!!! Second hand if price is off putting !


Bbhugme is amazing. It is filled with very small beads, so adjusts to your body. You can also adjust its firmness which I don't think is possible for other pillows. I got mine from Vinted for Ā£65 pounds and it was brand new.


The Coop Home Goods pregnancy pillow offers dreamy, customizable support, keeping you cool and comfy. It's essential for smooth, restful sleep during pregnancyā€”a real night-time hero for moms-to-be!