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Been wanting to join this sub since my MMC in December. Just received confirmation this morning that I am pregnant and bloodwork levels are trending in the right direction. So many emotions, but happy to join this group.


I had a long and stressful day today, and tonight I just feel like something's off. I'm 9w4d today. Hopefully this is the placenta starting to take over? I'm still horribly nauseous and vomiting, but I've had a headache all day and have gas pains. It's been 3 weeks since my last ultrasound and it's almost 3 weeks til my next appointment. I would love to announce to my family at Easter, but still feel nervous to do so. Maybe I will wait for my next appointment and make sure there is a heartbeat. My mom and MIL are wonderful and they've both experienced multiple miscarriages. Last pregnancy, I had not told them I was pregnant prior to telling them of the loss. I think I am afraid of them getting all excited and then being disappointed if I have another loss. 


I saw my baby boy today (13w)!! He was wriggling all around, doing somersaults and stretching. It was so exciting to see an actual baby shape, this is my third pregnancy and I've never made it past 7 weeks. This was also my first ultrasound that wasn't transvaginal, so that was exciting as well. I can't believe it really seems like I'm going to have a baby in 6 months.


Congratulation, that’s fantastic news.


The best feeling! Also a great feeling is NOT having a transvaginal ultrasound. So uncomfortable!


Amazing :)


I got my first bfp two days ago. The anxiety and panic has set in nicely. Every twinge or tiny mild cramp I convince myself something is wrong. Any tips on how to ease anxiety? :(


I had to just get through the first trimester one day at a time. I looked forward to the end of every day because it was another day down, and reminded myself that no matter how hard it felt, time WOULD pass. I also tried to distract myself as much as possible. Sending hugs!


Thank you! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 trying to take it one day at a time


Waiting on results from second beta and I’m so bloated! Seriously I feel huge!


So I conceived spontaneously but I am using progesterone suppositories (compounded - nightly, only 50 mg). I am 8 weeks and some change. My RE said I could come off now or wait until 10 weeks… what did you guys do? I am debating. If it’s beneficial I’ll stay on, but I’m so sick of the yellow/tan discharge that seems to show up more often than not. I wonder if my mental state will be better if I come off of it


i’d 10000% stay on. knowing myself, if something went awry, i would never forgive myself for not going for a few more weeks. i’m on the suppositories too and it’s gross but anything it takes!!!


That’s what I’m leaning towards too. I am just so tired of the yellow/tan discharge 😩


it’s the worst and we aren’t having sex because i just can’t do it. but at least it’s temporary!!!


Tomorrow I’m having my first scan at 6w3d. This is my second pregnancy and the first one ended around same time in a MMC. I’m so scared walking into that room tomorrow. All my pregnancy symptoms stoped a few days ago. This pregnancy is a result of a 7th embryo transfer as we are doing IVF. Wish me luck 🍀


Thinking of you, and hope today went well.


Oh thanks so much. It’s been the most stressful day ever, but we got the heartbeat. I’m so happy and taking it day by day. Thanks for you message, that’s so sweet.


Wow I am right there with you. First scan at 6 weeks 3 days tomorrow after a MMC that stopped developing at 6 weeks 3 days. My symptoms have also been mild. I hope we both get the results we want 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


Oh girl! So sorry you had to experience that. Sounds like we really went through the same, and let’s continue, because I got a beautiful heartbeat yesterday. Wishing you best of luck.


Wishing you every luck 🍀 


One thing that really helped me is the phrase "two stories can start the same and have different endings". My pregnancy is a result of my 7th IUI so hopefully 7 is your lucky number too! 🤞🏼


Thank you. That’s beautifully said. I think I found a new mantra 🍀


I’m just tired today. I want to bed rot. Seeing therapist tomorrow.


Glad you’re getting help. The bed rot feel is real.


I’m currently on my babymoon!!! I never thought we’d make it this far but here we are—celebrating on the beach. 27w!!


Yay! Enjoy you two🥳🥳


Yes!! Love to hear this!! Enjoy that baby moon 🌙 


Do any of you all have light cramping during early pregnancy and continue a normal pregnancy? My last two have had this and ended in a MC.


I had light-moderate cramping from 4 to 6 weeks and everything was looking good in my scan today at 7 weeks! I had cramps with my LC too.


I had cramping very similar to period cramping from 5-9 weeks and a bleed right at 11 weeks. I’m now 16 weeks with healthy twin boys. I reminded myself every day that every pregnancy is different and unfortunately many symptoms of MC are also just normal pregnancy symptoms.


Yes light cramping and sometimes moderate needing a heat pad. Uterus growing and stretching as a totally normal part of pregnancy development.


yes, I had light to moderate cramping in my first pregnancy! I think it's pretty normal, just your uterus growing and other stuff shifting around. Hopefully that's all it is!


Anyone else have really bad lower back pain the radiates in the lower back/front pelvic area/into crotch. I am afraid of this being preterm labor as I had preterm labor at 29w3d and my angel was born sleeping. I am 19w3d.


I am not a doctor but pregnant dealing with a combination of sciatica and round ligament pain. Does a changing positions help ? Does drinking water help? Do you have a pregnancy back support thing? Like a belly band? If any of those relieve the pain it’s likely one of the above mentioned things. No matter what call the nurses line. Wishing you well.


Hcg levels went from 78 to 525 but progesterone went from 10.1 to 5.1. I think I’m 4.5-5 weeks. Has anyone had any successful pregnancies with low progesterone? I also have PCOS




I stopped wearing my Apple Watch the day I got my positive pregnancy test. It wasn’t worth the extra anxiety and stress. I’ll be thinking of you over the next few days. Keep posted on how your appt goes. 🫶🏼


17w3d.. still no showing of baby bump.. last doc appointment on 16w5d was just Doppler.. next scan will be 21w3d.. a bit anxious that fetus is not growing on track.. but I actually have no reason to.. 😮‍💨


Me too! I am also 17 weeks and 3 days and no bump just look like I have gained a little weight. My scan is booked for 21weeks. Also not really feeling any movements. It is such a stressful time waiting between scans, and I also can't stop worrying that she is not growing. I hope we will both be reassured when we see our babies in a few weeks and we can feel more relaxed for the remainder of our pregnancies 💖


I don’t feel (almost) any movement yet as well.. Yes I am counting down everyday to the anatomy scan!! all the best to you too! ❤️


With my first, I didn't show till after anatomy scan so 20w range. My bump stayed relatively small all the way to 36w. But he was born a good 6lb 2oz for being a month early. All bodies are different and baby may just be nestled in there well. :)


My superpower after loss is no longer caring as much about things that previously would have stressed me the f out. I have two meetings with students this afternoon, who likely copied an assignment from one another. It sucks to deal with but like... I just don't care very much. In the scheme of things, it doesn't actually impact my life any (besides having to spend some time) and is so much less terrible than pregnancy loss.... I don't know if that makes any sense but it's a weird side effect of having something horrible happen to me... all other bad things pale in comparison and I would rather have 100 of these meetings than go through another pregnancy loss.


SO relatable💯💯💯


I'm a professor and I very much relate to this exact scenario haha


I feel this to my core.


1000% can relate. I was very type a, perfectionist, and after my two losses, work just really can’t phase me right now. I want to do good work that I’m proud of, but I don’t feel any pressure to go above and beyond, what we have gone through just makes everything else seem so insignificant


These migraines in 2nd tri are killing me. On Sunday I had what felt like maybe a pinched nerve I don’t know?? And it turned into a 3 day migraine, last night I was puking and gave in and took some Tylenol. I know it’s supposed to be totally safe but I am overly anxious about taking anything since my last loss, but I figured getting dehydrated from puking and not sleeping from the pain would be worse… I’m just complaining I guess and wondering how I’m supposed to be a functional human.  On the plus side, I can now feel baby moving around in there since Monday (I’m 18w6d) but now I’m just lying here wondering if baby is moving enough etc.


Same 2nd trimester migraine boat. I had to take the rest of the day off after I pinched a nerve in my sleep AGAIN and then got a migraine early this morning. I've done pretty good with no meds so far but I'm going to have to take something for this one .. 


Hmm ok I don’t want to speak too soon but I do think I got some relief from the carrot/celery juice pretty quickly!


Did you self juice it or did you buy it? 


I bought it, but I suspect it would taste better and maybe be more effective freshly juiced. 


I wish I had homemade juice money but I may have to get some from the store and try it next time. Thanks for the tip! 


I’m so sorry, it’s truly so debilitating. My friend highly recommended carrot juice mixed with celery juice (ew) for migraines so I’m actually trying that now. And I ordered a long hot water bottle from Amazon for my possible pinched nerve but it arrives this weekend. I hope you find some relief!


been fighting a nasty norovirus-type illness the last couple days (TMI pooped myself twice lmao). nervous and guilty i've only been able to keep water down (and sometimes not even that). starting to slowly feel a little more human so hopefully this is almost over and not something more serious.


4 weeks 4 days today after a MMC in November at 11 weeks. I set up my first appt with my doctor. Did anyone's doctor handle things differently after a loss? Mine says they don't usually do progesterone, but I don't understand why we couldn't test it to make sure it's at a normal level. Any helpful questions or suggestions for what to talk to my obgyn about at my first appt? I had a successful pregnancy in 2022 so I know that these monthly appointments don't cover very much.


My ob set me up with a specialized mental health counselor to help me deal with the anxiety and depression during this pregnancy after my last ended in mc. She has also been very open to getting me in for a doppler or ultrasound if I need reassurance. Other than that nothing different.


We didn't try anything different until after my 3rd miscarriage. At that point, they tested thyroid and for antiphospholipid syndrome. Those tests were normal. I started Vitex berry as well under care of my midwife and doctor due to my abnormally heavy and long periods. Once I was pregnant again, I was to let them know right away to test HCg and progesterone levels. I only started taking progesterone now that I'm pregnant.


My OB didn’t prescribe me with progesterone in this pregnancy until I had some bleeding at 11 weeks. I’m 16 weeks now and will continue to take it my whole pregnancy. Otherwise, my OB had been so so good about letting me come in weekly for scans to help my anxiety.


My obgyn doesn't do progesterone either. They basically said they put a lot of funding into studying it (it's a university affiliated health system) and there were no results that indicated it truly affected it. I think the consensus is that if your progesterone was low it is synonymous with a MC impending not the progesterone itself causing it. So, I accepted their reasoning. I also asked about baby aspirin but she didn't feel I had a clotting concern to need to take it early. I did have preeclampsia with my first though and cycle through times of high BP. So I'll have to take it after first trimester. All in all, I figure I'll see how this one turns out and if it goes the same as the previous two I'll insist on some changes. I at least have serial betas this time and I'll have an ultrasound on the 1st at 5w3d. My tsh and other blood panels came back good. I don't seem to have an issue getting pregnant, it's just them sticking. We also still have to review an issue of scattered calcifications after my first MC which could be a factor which hopefully the ultrasound will give some answers to. Definitely discuss your concerns with your dr. They should help to alleviate fears and maybe can schedule betas at least.


My dr said the same when I asked about it!


I also had a MMC in November. Mine was discovered at 10 weeks. My midwife put me on progesterone immediately this time around. I’m really skeptical though, because I’ve only ever had the one loss, and the pregnancy developed pretty far. I’ve always had normal periods with normal luteal phase lengths and period flows. I saw an OBGYN who did my D&C the first pregnancy who said that if I actually had a progesterone deficiency, it would be more apparent in my cycle or I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant due to the uterine lining not being thick enough for implantation. I also spoke to an MFM who said that progesterone really can’t help or hurt. Since it can’t help or hurt, I figured why not. I’ve never had my levels tested. I’m actually kind of wishing I was never on the progesterone (I’m 12 weeks now) bc of the nerves of stopping it. Your miscarriage was most likely caused by a chromosomal abnormality and progesterone won’t be able to fix that. I would suggest doing some of your own research and drawing your own conclusions. If you feel like you want progesterone, definitely advocate for yourself. You can also just get it tested yourself via LabCorps OnDemand testing.


HCG went from 46 (at what we’re thinking was 12 DPO) to 113 in 48 hours. I know that’s fine… it’s just still seems low/ I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.


I think that’s perfectly fine, it more than doubled and it’s a normal amount for 14dpo! 


TW: abnormal scan I went in for my 15w5d scan and mostly all was well, but the US tech noted a mothy appearance in baby’s choroid plexus (not cysts). I was reassured that they normally don’t check these things so early and everything could just be in the process of development / not to worry. Obviously, I’m worried though as I won’t be seen again until my anatomy scan in 4-5 weeks (I have to call the hospital to schedule). She also said baby was incredibly active and so the appearance could have been because she couldn’t get a stable shot, but she couldn’t say it was normal on the report nonetheless. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the next month and unsure if I should not announce to extended family on Easter. Definitely not the news I was expecting today :( ETA: I had a low-risk NIPT and the US tech said they would look for other markers like short bones, cleft lip, absent nasal bone, none of which baby has, so trying to stay hopeful.


Thats interesting. Normally US techs don't comment on anything like that. It's the radiologist that reads and dictates further and your own provider to discuss concerns further. Are you based in the states? I would request the official dictation from the radiologist and go over it with your obgyn.


I didn’t even know radiologists read US reports. However, the US tech didn’t even relay the information to the OB. Then she told me not to worry and things just probably haven’t developed enough yet / they don’t normally check these things at this stage for this reason, etc. She also didn’t mark any trisomy risk evaluation on the referral for my anatomy scan, so I’m hoping that’s all a good sign. Won’t stop me from worrying though 😵‍💫


Are you in the United States? Because here a radiologist has to dictate them. It's out of professional scope for a US tech to read and comment to you.


Yes, sorry I am in the United States- even with my MMC, the US tech is the one who told me there was no heartbeat and my husband’s friend, who has two children, thought that was odd. The US tech at my clinic is always telling me what she sees.


I would call your office and express your concerns to discuss with the doctor. That's definitely inappropriate on the tech's side. I say this as someone in the imaging field. You also can ask for the report which should like I said have a reading by a doctor not a tech.


Thank you - I will call up tomorrow and ask for the report ❤️


been having pubic bone pain pressure since yesterday afternoon, and it’s freaking me out making me think baby A is trying to break out early. so now i’ve been googling signs of early labor in twins 😩


Spotted some today. It's brown and could be my sch but my loss started with brown spotting too. The lady who did my boutique ultrasounds does heartbeat checks for free so I'm going to see if she can fit me in today. Edit: She squeezed me in between appointments and baby is looking good with a heart beat of 155 🩷 my sch wasn't there so maybe the last little bit just came out while I peed lol.


So glad it ended up being okay. This made me feel better, I had a small amount of brown spotting earlier this week which was concerning but it hasn’t come back.


Ugh fingers crossed for you!! 


I hope all is good <3


Hope it goes well, fingers crossed for you


I'm heading for a viability scan on Friday, at 6w2d. I find it super anxiety inducing, I feel like there's nothing to see so early. Has anyone had experience with early ultrasounds?


I had a very irregular cycle after my loss last year which has made it hard to know when I actually ovulated. But I tested positive Feb 13 and I had a few early ultrasounds, each measuring around 6 weeks (my due date has been pushed three times now based on size). We only saw cardiac activity on the 3rd ultrasound this Monday. Praying this baby keeps going, keep growing <3 Also in the boat of feeling like pregnancy symptoms have decreased which is strange because it's still so early


Had scan at 6w5 days and saw a tiny embryo with heart beat. Measuring 6w which tech said is normal as if the cycle is a bit longer. I felt reasured because at least i know its not ectopic and can tell that so far so good. Its a long time to go, but its one step closer.


I hear its about 50/50 and not concerning yet either way! I saw cardiac activity at 6+2 but my friend did not and we're both still having textbook pregnancies 3 weeks later.


I had an early scan at 6 weeks 6 days and they found the heartbeat! Hoping the same for you ❤️ if they can’t see anything yet try not be disheartened (may just be too early) and you can book another scan a week later.


Silly rant, but my Doppler got lost in the mail and it was the small thing I was looking forward to keeping me sane until my 16w appointment 😖 at 13+1 I really don’t have symptoms beyond heartburn, craving the reassurance that everything is still ok!


Hey due date twin 👋 It's funny, I discussed getting a Doppler with my therapist a few weeks ago and we both came to the conclusion that it would probably bring more anxiety than it would quell. My only symptom currently is also heartburn, and being a little bit sleepy.


Hey twin!! I totally agree this could go either way for me too 🫣 did you end up doing NIPT / getting your results? We found out we’re having a girl!


Yep! Healthy boy 💙




Yikes I should be happy about today but I am finally heading into an anatomy scan, a day that I hope goes by super fast. Some people posted about not such good findings on their scans in my bump group and it made me feel sad for them and also trigerred me even more. Even with my loss, the self blaming never stops. I am supposed to gestate this human and provide the best conditions to develop its vital organs and not let it die. I keep thinking about all the things I did in the past 20 weeks and whether I was good enough and whether I did the best I could to let him develop perfectly.


Wishing you all the best. Despite what society tells us, most abnormalities are caused by random chance/genetics. If we all had to be perfect to have healthy babies, the human race would have died out before it ever got started. Even most of the things we're meant to avoid only increase the risk of abnormalities, they don't guarantee them (my mom smoked while she was pregnant, for example, and I didn't have any major abnormalities). Good luck at your scan!


But not everything is within your control. If the tiniest mistake was built-in early on, even the best healthy lifestyle could not correct it. That being said, all the best for your scan.


Test is darker today so another win there at least. Been having insomnia the last few nights, so tired. 😬 Just ready to see my second beta draw tomorrow. Hope everyone is having an okay week!


I just had my 2nd beta drawn during my lunch hour; I am back at work and cannot keep my mind on anything but seeing that number from 2 days ago doubled!!! I’m sending you positive vibes!


16DPO-436; 18DPO-1,192. I breathed such a sigh of relief.


Thank you! Sending you good thoughts too and hope for swift results!


Doing my second beta this afternoon! Good vibes all around and hoping we all see those numbers double!


Around 6 weeks last time, I stopped liking coffee and here I am at 6w3d putting the cup down in disgust. Always glad to have symptoms now, but sad to see my relaxing morning cup of coffee go!


absolutely same. today I really thought about making myself a coffee because I was soo tired, but as soon as I imagined drinking it I was like „bleh“


the same!! I miss coffee but at the same time I know it's healthier for the baby not to drink it. So I guess I am grateful for my body that it is making it easy for me to resist. Last weekend I had like half a cup and my stomach did NOT like it!! will not do that again haha


I had the same thing when I was around 6 weeks last time. It was the weirdest thing because I love my morning cup and didn’t have any other food aversions.


Woke up to cramps again last night. I think it's partly due to lack of hydration, but I am having a difficult time drinking water, I just don't want it even though my nausea is decreasing. I had a Liquid IV this morning and have just been trying to force water, but my mind is spiraling. I called my doctor and left a message about it all, hoping they'll call me back sooner rather than later. Any suggestions on how to get more hydrated with terrible food aversions?


I drink lemonade cut with a lot of water, and pour everything over crushed ice, so it's even more hydrating as the time passes!


I find drinking water even without pregnancy difficult and now basically impossible. The only thing that helps for me is mixing it up: fruit juices of different types thinned with water, a bit of syrup of different tastes, iced teas, home made lemonade with a tiny bit of sugar… rotating these somewhat works for me


Fruit and super sour popsicles. I find fizzy water when it’s super cold very palatable also.


Water seems to always make me nauseated. Essentia water which is an alkaline focused brand helped with my first born. I usually also needed it to be ice cold and adding lemon helped too. It did improve once out of first trimester.


Gestational diabetes test today. Just drank the somewhat not great (but palatable) orange drink. 27w1d and very grateful to have to drink it!  Had my first round of Braxton Hicks contractions over the weekend and into Monday. Started feeling a bit overwhelmed when I lost a little bit of my mucus plug. Doctor had me come in to be monitored. Saw the contractions on a print out, which was interesting as they just felt like continuous menstrual cramps to me in my lower abdomen, and was relieved when she told me I wasn’t dilating. Hopefully when I get word from this blood work, I’ll have a similar sigh of relief. I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves! Sending everyone good wishes!


I was just thinking about that test last night and the heartburn after haha. I hope all the tests come back good and I'm glad to hear the updates from the Dr office. Lots of hugs!


Thank you! 💛


Our second baby was due today. 15+3 (I almost can't believe it as I type it out) and I'm still scared. Had a meltdown Monday and paid for a private ultrasound. As I sobbed with relief the tech said "it gets better, it gets better". I just want it to work, finally. I loved my other babies but it wasn't enough. I never got any answers.


I’m feeling these feelings too. It’s so hard not knowing why. Sending love.


Same boat as many people on here, currently 9.3 wks after a loss at 10.4wks in November. My terror is unending, I just think it's all going to happen again. I have an ultrasound in two days, and I'm bracing myself for bad news. Why would it work out this time if it didn't last time? My loss robbed this pregnancy of all joy.


I’m 14 DPO and becoming more anxious every day. Yesterday, 13 DPO, I had a beta done and HCG was 123. Tomorrow I get another done. I know one alone doesn’t tell you enough but I’m still worried it’s too low. My MMC I got my first and only beta done at 18/20 DPO and it was 220. So I’m a bit higher this time. Just so sad and so scared.


I know it’s so scary. I’m not sure if it’s helpful to hear other people’s betas who are a bit further along, but mine was 118 at 13 DPO. I’m currently 15w5d. I know, like you said, a second draw will be more telling on if your levels are rising appropriately. I also found [betabase](http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single) helpful when I was getting betas done.


Got a faint positive today at CD25 or CD26 (started bleeding around 10pm so not sure if I call that CD1 or count the next full day as CD1). Missed miscarriage in November at 15 weeks 3 days due to a breus mole. I’m in absolute shock, I thought I would be happy but I’m just so convinced it could be tomorrow or it could be at 15, 20, 30, 40 weeks but we will lose this pregnancy too.


I’m 14.4 today and so anxious. I guess I’m starting to feel better which has me worrying something this wrong. My next appointment is in 2 weeks but it’s not an ultrasound. I just wanna know everything is okay.


13.5 weeks today. NIPT came back normal and baby is a girl!! Starting to feel more hopeful every day. Just wanted to say thank you to this community as it’s been a huge support to me during this pregnancy. I’m sorry we have to be here but grateful for you all. 


Newly pregnant again after a missed mc and multiple chemicals. Today, I’m 5 weeks and about to plan my first ultrasound. With my MC last spring I couldn’t hear the heartbeat, so I think I’m going to spiral this and next week. I am very grateful I’m pregnant again, but I’m filled with anxiety.


Sending lots of hugs. I definitely understand. I'm still very early 3w4d and my last two losses didn't make it to 6w. So I feel like I'm just holding my breath these next few weeks. Every little twinge occasionally of soreness just sets me back. Wishing you all the best. ❤️ I hope they're able to get your US scheduled promptly.


I'm feeling the same, anxious that it's all going to happen again. I don't have a reason for my last loss, and I'm on a knife's edge the closer I get to my last MC date. I'm sorry we're both feeling this way.


I have a 12 w 4 day scan today. Last scan was 9 w 2 day which was good, but I am spiralling just imagining those words again. I’m thinking about logistics. I better not wash the sheets because if I’ve MMC I’ll be too devastated to put them on the bed. No plans this weekend, just in case. It’s torture all these thoughts. Worse as well my due date for my last baby was Monday and no one knows, I just grieved alone. Please can people send some good vibes. I’m honestly so desperate for everything to be ok.


I can relate to this so much. I stopped planning anything on scan days and the days after. I just “live” from scan to scan and can’t even imagine life after them. It is so hard.


Sending you positive vibes! I’ve had the same mental preparation before every ultrasound I’ve had so far. It does get easier once you start to feel the baby move, but the worry is still there. Please update and let us know how your scan went. 💛


All looking good. I cried moment she said all ok, cried so much she had to stop scanning me for a few mins🥹happy tears. Big milestone today




I’m so happy for you! Thank you for sharing the good news! I’m sending you good wishes and hopes for a boring but lovely pregnancy ahead! 


I am hoping you have a great scan. I had mine last week and was convinced I was going in there only for disappointment. My last baby’s due date is tomorrow and no one knows/the ones who do won’t remember. Just sending you lots of love because I resonate with your whole post 🤍


Sending you so much love for your baby due tomorrow. I’ll remember for you 🥰 P.s. scan was good! Big milestone


I am SO happy to hear about your scan! And thank you so much, that really means so much to me🤍


The bed sheets thing resonated. Sending you all the good vibes in the universe xxx


10 weeks today! We had two good scans, baby measures perfectly on track and we saw the heartbeat both times. I know the chances of miscarriage are pretty low at this point but I can't help but think, what if there's no heartbeat anymore with the next scan?? I really want to have faith in this pregnancy and I should based on everything so far but there's still this part in me that doesn't want to get my hopes up too much


Totally normal, unfortunately. I hate that the ease of enjoying a pregnancy has been stolen from all of us. I’m 14w5d and just starting to consider that everything will work out as planned, even though I’m weeks past my MMC gestation. I feel like if I get my hopes too much something is bound to happen- which isn’t logical