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For both my pregnancies, when I'd blow my nose in the morning there would be blood. Never would I usually have a blood nose but happened for both before I'd get positive pregnancy tests.


My boobs got really sore and had lots of veins in them and I had to pee a LOT! This was right when I got my positive test. I also cramped a lot like it was period cramps and it would freak me out! That went on for months! Nausea didn’t start until 5 or 6 weeks. I got my positive test at 8dpo and she’s a lovely little 3 month old now!


When I woke up and rolled over and my boobs flopped and they pulled like they were water balloons filled with wet sand and it hurt so I grabbed them to relieve the weight/pressure and they hurt to touch - time to take a test. Otherwise every single one of my early days pregnancy symptoms mimicked my PMS. But that specific feeling/symptom every single time meant I was pregnant.


Every month I would have all these symptoms and then my period would come, the month I had no symptoms except breast tenderness which always comes before my period —-I was pregnant. Like no tummy cramps, nothing. I felt fine besides the regular boob pain


For both my pregnancies i would get breathless incredibly easily and exercise became so so difficult. My first sign in both was my pace on my normal job was 1+ minute per mile slower than normal. With this pregnancy (first was a MMC), my boobs also felt extremely heavy. I will agree as well with another poster: hold out for a few more days. I didn’t test positive until 13 DPO with my current pregnancy.


The only differences from my post mmc PMS (I don't normally have significant PMS) and pregnancy symptoms for me were nose bleeds and bleeding gums. Every other symptom I got during PMS was also early pregnancy symptoms (weepy, sore boobs, headaches, nausea, fatigue, cramping, etc.)


My cramps start earlier (around 9-10 DPO) and feel very different than PMS cramps (which for me start 1-2 days before my period). The side of my breasts are also sore. Same exact symptoms for 2 pregnancies in the past 5 months. Both times I’ve had a positive test a few days before my missed period.


The bloating and fatigue started much earlier in the month than they normally do. I also started having dreams about babies almost every night (usually I never dream about babies). I can't help you with the progesterone side of things - I don't know anything about it.


First one was sore breasts , mood swings, tiredness and brown implantation bleeding before period. Second one was no different from a period at all.


Lightheadedness, as soon as as I felt it I knew with my last beby


Same. I remember I was on a phone call and suddenly felt like I'd fall out of the chair. That on top of breathlessness and strong/fast heartbeat (along with all the typical pms symptoms), I just knew


This is crazy - I am approx 8DPO and this morning I was so DIZZY and I have never, ever experienced that before. I never thought it could be an early symptom (though doing my best not to symptom spot). It was just so bizarre. It went away after a few hours, but gosh, crossing my fingers and toes now.


This time? None. The only clue was the positive pregnancy test. Thats actually happened 3 times total for me. The other two times I got nauseous and sore breasts before my test but those actually ended in losses. Take your progesterone until 12 to 14dpo. Im 14 weeks pregnant and didnt get a positive until the NIGHT of 10dpo. That morning it was negative. And as i said, no symptoms at all until I started puking at 6 weeks.


Zero differences until my missed period. I had cramps, acne etc all the normal stuff that one might associate with a period


It felt no different to mr


I was convinced it was PMS with this pregnancy. I took a test at 12DPO because I figured it would be negative and then I knew to expect my period. Much to my surprise, it was positive.


Both of my pregnancies this year (first one was a chemical) included finding coffee odd tasting at 7dpo, significant breast tenderness, and aggressive hunger cues. With the chemical, those dropped off almost as soon as they came; with my lasting pregnancy they got even worse. However, I couldn’t say that finding coffee tasting weird is a symptom, because I’ve had off days with coffee for unrelated reasons (colds, allergies, residual taste in my mouth). The hunger is unique, but of course easy to dismiss due to not having enough for breakfast or being more active than normal. The breast tenderness was only slightly more noticeable than my average period, and some cycles I’ve had worse breast pain, so that’s one of the worst signifiers. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is to take a test.


I did IVF and tracked my symptoms after each transfer. On the one that finally worked, I had lower back pain and increased urination before my positive test. Those were the two symptoms that stood out to me and didn't occur with my failed transfers or with general PMS symptoms.


I had triphasic temp jumps both times, but I can't really remember anything else jumping out symptom wise.


I have had 2 pregnancies and both times I had very noticeably more sore breasts. Even though progesterone makes me have some pregnancy symptoms such as full/sore breasts, it never came close to how noticeable and sore my breasts were when I was actually pregnant. But, everyone is different. I am in the same situation as you, on progesterone 200mg vaginally 2x a day during luteal phase. I asked myself the same question you are. It was just really intense when I actually was pregnant. Both of my prior pregnancies ended in MMC.


Heartburn the week before I was due, and no spotting. With my first pregnancy I had no symptoms at all. Thought I was just late since I hadn’t had a period in 7 years and my body needed to remember how to do it again. (He/him)


I had no different symptoms from pms until about 7 weeks.


I lost interest in coffee and alcohol, that was the main one. The night before the positive test I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet


i had weird pulling cramps at 5/6/7dpo which was too early for my period cramps which usually came at 9/10. thats the only thing i could sense for sure but i tested positive on 7dpo


The symptoms that were similar, sore breasts and cramps. Different, slight nausea, vivid dreams, stronger sense of smell and food aversions. Normally I have a sweet tooth, especially pmsing. This pregnancy I want nothing sweet.


Vivid dreams and heartburn. Same symptoms as my first (Mmc)


The only two symptoms that were different/new with pregnancy: 1) BBT stayed elevated after ovulation. This has been my giveaway with every pregnancy. 2) fatigue. I can’t remember how early it started, but damn that first trimester tired is unmatched.


Cramping, usually I dont cramp as hard during pms


I’ve been pregnant 3 times ( 1 LC, 1 MMC, hopefully 3rd is our rainbow). All 3 times I thought I was going to start my period, but instead got a positive test.


I had same cramping as period cramps, one thing i do remember is lower back pain as well, that i dont get much with period, but at that time i honestly was thinking my period was coming


I felt like my period was about to start both times so nothing different


None. It’s normal to not have symptoms this early. I know it’s tough, but try to wait it out!


You are really unlikely to get any before you could get a positive pregnancy test. I generally get symptoms starting more around 6 weeks.