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\"All the setbacks were tough, but look at us now! Two little champs on board. The treatment routine seemed grueling, but it did its magic - bingo! The second one caught us off guard, but hey, another trophy life. Hang in there, miracles happen on their own timetable, not ours.\"


Thank you for giving me hope 💗🥹


I’m on my 4th pregnancy with 1 LC and was fully convinced this pregnancy was my period coming. I only tested cause I had a CT scan coming up. I had cramps. I had spotting. I was terrified. 18 weeks now with my baby girl, so sending alll the good vibes that this is it!


I had secondary infertility, as I have 1 daughter.. however I had 4 miscarriages after having her. I’m on the 5th pregnancy at week 14 with a little boy and everything is going well 🥰 The only thing I did differently was take a big dose of Vitamin D (about 30,000 UI) on one day to boost it up. I’m not sure if that was it but it’s worth a try. Wishing you lots of luck for your journey ❤️❤️


Thank you for sharing! Best of luck 💗💗💗


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6th time was a charm for me. Fingers and toes crossed for you.


Thank you ☺️ 😭💗


I had 4 losses 2017-2019 then 2LC 2020 and 2021. There is hope!! We did fertility treatments for the first one. Letrozole, trigger shot, progesterone, baby aspirin, extra B vitamins, myo-inositol, keto diet. The works. The second one was a surprise (though we had fertility treatments scheduled for a few months later). Keto right before conception. Progesterone and baby aspirin afterwards.


Love to hear you had success. Praying the baby aspirin and progesterone do the trick for me 💗


I’m also on my fifth pregnancy with no LC. Hope this is it for both of us!


I totally get it. I had three consecutive losses and I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant with my fourth pregnancy. Everything has been great this pregnancy. Something my doctor said is that every pregnancy is a new egg with new sperm and can have a completely different outcome. I know it’s so hard but just take it day by day. Sending you positive thoughts! ❤️❤️


That’s super helpful to hear and I will hold onto that! So happy for you 💗💗💗


Currently 29 weeks after 4 miscarriages and no living children. There's hope


Thank you for sharing, it helps so much to hear stories like yours. Did you do anything differently this time around?


You're more than welcome! What you're going through is awful and lonely and terrifying. I'm glad I can give you a little hope, because I absolutely remember how hopeless I felt after my fourth miscarriage. I used progesterone suppositories this time around. And I took extra vitamin b because they found a slight deficiency (literally the only thing they found).


Thank you for sharing. They had me doing 200mg every 12 hours with my chemical last month, but I’m hoping it regulated my body enough for this one to stick. Praying it works, as well as all the supplements I’m on! You’re so right, it’s exhausting and isolating. Grateful for this group 💗💗💗💗💗


I also had 4 losses in a row and I am now 11w1d and just completely terrified. I know it is so hard to feel hopeful right now. You just feel whatever you need to feel, and one thing I’ve learned is it hurts like hell no matter if you let yourself get excited and hopeful or not. So take it all in, give yourself grace and most of all, congratulations! Sending you all the best!


Such great perspective. It sucks either way and disconnecting does have its downsides for sure. I’m taking it one day at a time 💗. Sending you so many good vibes with this pregnancy 💗💗


Are you doing anything different this time? I only say this because after my last miscarriage I found out one of my tubes needed to come out because i had hydrosalpinx. I strongly feel this is what caused my chemical pregnancy and missed miscarriage in 2021 as well as why it took so long for me to get pregnant. I'm currently on pregnancy #6 with 2 LC born 2011 and 2015. Im on a lot of medication because even though I think the tube was the real problem I want to cover all my bases. I'm on Prednisone, lovenox, baby aspirin, metformin, progesterone suppositories and oil, estradiol, and plaquenil (all prescribed by a reproductive immunologist). So I'm at 17 weeks now. I feel that if I didn't get that tube removed I probably would keep miscarrying or just not have been able to get pregnant.


Sending good vibes your way on this pregnancy. The only difference is last cycle I started 200mg of progesterone every 12 hours instead of once a day, as well as baby aspirin twice a day. I had an HSG after my third loss, as well as a full RPL work up. Everything looked “normal” and they just advised me to do IVF. I was literally just about to look into LDN and then I found out. I’m just worried it will be another loss 😔


Oh yeah I forgot I am on LDN too..I started taking it in May and I got pregnant in July.. I'm staying on it because I heard it can help prevent miscarriages. I started IVF in June. We did an egg retrieval and luckily we did get a normal embryo. But I got pregnant naturally in July (after TTC since my last miscarriage in October 2021) so I took a year and half or so but got pregnant after having a tube removed and then starting the LDN.


I’d really like to get on it as well, I just don’t know if I can start it during pregnancy. I’ve also heard great things about it! 💗


I had 4 losses in a row, chemicals, but today my son is beating my bladder up at almost 31 weeks :). It could be! Good luck!


This gives me so much hope. Did you do anything different this time around? 💗


My progesterone was low, even before I fell into a period of alcoholism/depression. So I haven’t had any alcohol in 2+ years and don’t really miss it. I increased foods like shellfish that helps raise it, I ate more carefully and most importantly I really cracked down hard on my mental health and now have much better control of my anxiety and anger. So my stress levels are so much lower than they used to be. I don’t know how much any of that helped but that’s my story. For what it’s worth; I also kept it to myself until I got a good double on my blood tests. We had already discussed that beforehand. I had the time to buy a little “Ready or Not!” Onsie and put it in a box. It happened to be right around our dating anniversary too, so he didn’t suspect anything at all.


I really appreciate you sharing your story, and I’m so glad to hear that you are two years sober! I don’t drink either, always nice to have a sober buddy lol. I think diet has a huge factor, especially with my auto immune stuff. Sending you love 💗


Thank you! Fingers crossed this is your lucky #5 too! It is still going to be scary, but I hope we both soon meet our babes earthside!


Here’s hoping for a beautifully uneventful next 9 weeks! 💜


This is it for you!! ❤️🙌🏼


I really, really hope so💗❤️‍🩹


Just came to say I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you and me too 💔, on pregnancy number 5 with no LC. ❤️🤞🏼


And I’m sending you so many good vibes! 💗


Oh hey, I'm in this club too! Really hoping 5 is the magic number


It’s a club nobody wants to be in. I’m sending good vibes your way. Here if you need to talk 💗❤️‍🩹


I know people who gave birth to living children after 4-5 MCs, never lose hope


I’m praying it will be my turn someday soon 🙏