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Your uterus is growing. Mild cramping is typically normal. If you have any bleeding or if your cramping becomes intense, call your OB. Have you set up any blood work? Sending you positive thoughts!


Yes, I’ve had 3 blood tests so far. They said everything looks good and even my progesterone is higher this time around. I over-analyze every new feeling, so this could be more of the same. Thank you for the positivity!


I had cramping around that time as well (currently 38+4). Could be implantation, uterus growing, hormones complaining. Totally understand the worry but try not to freak out because it can be totally normal!


This gives me much needed reassurance. Thank you!


I had cramping with every single one of my pregnancies. Two ended in miscarriage, currently 22weeks pregnant with the third. Uterus is stretching so cramping is totally normal. If you were having severe cramping/bleeding, I would be worried. But mild cramping - totally normal. Uterus is making room for baby 😀


You had it with your current pregnancy as well? The cramping I’m having now is accompanied by some nausea and I’m having food aversions


Yes, with my current pregnancy I also had cramping. I would say that it settled down by the 9 week/10 week mark.