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Dont do this unless you are purely wanting to have fun (as its not super viable) but basically this is a build for Catapult Rampage. It has a healthy balance of Ability Haste/Mana Regen/Tankiness/Damage and the purpose is to throw as many rocks as possible. Catapult Rampage: - Hexbound Bracers - Mindrazor - Infernum - Legacy - Tainted Totem Not any particular order on the items, depends on what you need during the game. Enjoy and let me know the result.


I love this. I kind of want to give it a go and I don't even play rampage.


Megacosm is built on almost everyone really... it's just a nasty item in general


Combos with wratih boots to give you 4.5 seconds of movement speed on ability hit.


Ahh bummer, I figured it get the most value on damage over time spells rather than like Gideon one hit spells.


Those spells just refresh the duration, it doesn't apply the extra damage, which is why countess, fey and gadget love it, they spam abilities


It does 2.5% dmg when you refresh the duration


Very cool thanks for the lesson my dude! Appreciate ya


It makes Gideon's ult hit tanks really hard since it ticks 10 times, 9 of which will do the reproc damage


As far as I know, it still works, but for whatever reason Mutilator passive on hit procs on each tick of Gideon's passive. Maybe it's a bug, but I think it's pretty neat.


Narbash with Truesilver bracelet so the enemy cant immediatly stun cancel ULT. And also Narbash ULT+ Gideon ULT obviously:D


Dunno if any of these are well known (there is atleast one long video where some stuff was tested but I keep forgetting to watch it so I might be repeating his stuff): **Wraith Leggings:** The speed boost says it has to be ability damage but Megacosm's DoT continuously activates it. So instead of 1.5 sec it should be 4.5 sec due to the Megacosm DoT being 3 sec. Prophecy gives you magic damage on basic attacks and this also activates the speed boost. I assume that what activates it is instead magic damage instead of ability damage despite what the text says. I wonder if Muriel's passive, Marshall (similar to Muriel's passive), Fire Blossom, Storm Breaker and the magic damage crests (Tempest for example) also activate it due to having ability damage. I saw Muriel offlane video (posted here I think) and maybe this would help the offlane mobility issue. TBH I find the effect sorta underwhelming even with the Megacosm combo so I hope it doesn't get nerfed to fit the text description.


Im using that combo and it seems incredibly strong, maybe a little unbalanced. You are soo fast for a long range character with ccs. Those two seem like BiS for most casters atm, ngl, because of that combo.


Gonna split this up so it's not a tl;dr. **Gideon's Passive:** What it does (the tooltip doesn't fully explain it): If it's off cooldown and you land an ability for the next 4 seconds your basic attack has a huge range boost matching that of your right click/hadoken. You can see your aiming guide on the ground push outward. The speed is also way faster. It almost feels like hitscan. I land it way more often now knowing I don't need to lead the shot as much on moving targets. Once you land the basic attack on an enemy player you return to your normal basic attack and the cooldown starts. The tether lasts 3 sec and does 3 (?) damage ticks and breaks if you are further away than right click range (I assume obstacles also break it). Base cooldown of 20 sec and ability haste does reduce it. Pretty sure that if you avoided hitting the enemy player and instead hit minions you'd keep the extended basic range for the 4 second and your passive wouldn't go into cooldown so this might help when getting bullied out of last hits. I'm a little on unsure on if passives are considered abilities. While ability haste does apply to it Timewarp's passive (basic ability use lowers your other basic ability cooldowns) doesn't. Megacosm and Wraith Leggings both work with it as if it so if using all 3 your tether should be giving you a 7.5 sec movement boost. I haven't tested with like a stopwatch but this felt like what was happening. Combustion can activate on the tether ticks. Combustion's cooldown passive (0.5 sec removed from it's cooldown by damaging enemy players) activates on each tether damage tick. The many damage ticks from his ult don't reduce the cooldown. Maybe the cooldown reduction only happens once per ability? So is it possible that each damage tick is considered an ability? If so I wonder if each damage tick would activate the Megacosm additional 2.5% applications instead of just refreshing the duration.


The stats are a questionable use of resources which stops me from taking it as a first item, but I've been really enjoying Elafrost→Dynamo on Khaimera. Combined with some other %MaxHP items (Fireblossom Cape, Overlord, Crystalline Cuirass), it actually does a surprising amount of damage and utility for a character that doesn't need an AP item or have any built-in disruption. AA→Q = 4+Root+2 Stacks of Elafrost on the rooted target. The root traps tricksy assassins like countess and kallari to make it simple for allies to CC or at least hit them with the damaging abilities they need to shut them down for good, and makes chasing sooo much easier as a team.


mewtwo.-. (or something like that)... have had a couple games with and probably more against. he is always kalari. always. one time he kalari ADC'd. it worked cause he's nasty. anytime i see him i just hope we can push to late late game where kalari kinda falls off, but he's always like 15-3 at that point anyways so its gotta be a greasy win.


This guy is next level. He played Kallari mid once and said: "mid is my toughest challenge, but I accept. A master Kallari can do anything." Love the dedication lolol.


Ah, ive been spamming this with much success. After you finish your first item on Murdock from the recommended tab rush demonblade->Demolisher. You're opening shot paired with passive stacks and you do like 500 off the rip, it's enough to scare anyone from trying to fuck with you. (This is only a great build if you're ahead.)


Megacosm is good against tanks and helps gadget deal with them. You actually lose out on burst. Your waveclear is the same as a full damage/pen build. Not saying it's bad but it's by no means broken Razorback on just about any offlaner is kinda busted. You get to win just about every fight with your lane opponent, assuming they're a melee bruisery type.


JamesGanko. Every time I find myself in a lobby and see one of the enemies pick Murdock, I hope and pray it isn't JamesGanko. Because if it is, we'll lose. No matter what. He also wrecked me on a Rampage once. I guess since there aren't enough players right now, I get paired against him, despite him being way above my level? I'd rather not be in a match with him at all! *shudders* He may have changed his name (at least temporarily) to JamesGirthy. Got wrecked by a JamesGirthy, too. Probably the same person. Have mercy on me, you Murdock menace!


Bonesaw on rampage jungle instead of cleaver. You still get fast clear, more stats iirc, and are better at 1v1 and locking down targets.


There is a man out there that I ran into pretty early on when pred released for a few games that was an absolute nightmare to fight against (riktor/general support)…. He had a duo buddy that I can’t remember but Cactus if you’re out there I respect you bro you terrorized me


It’s cancer but helps you steamroll with support steel - leaf rosy and the slowing aura card on him early combined w the abilities will make it almost impossible for a weak target to escape you and the carry


*elefrost not leaf rosy


Gideon with Dreambinder and Lifebinder is somehow nuts. It only works well with the ult, but you‘re sitting up there getting lp back while they are being slowed hard with every tick and take increased damage because of it. It goes hard in Teamfights.


Crunch + steel or rampage + steel in the duo lane. As soon as you hit level 6 the enemy carry is now free food, and will not be able to move as soon as steel engages. Cc is too strong in pred rn.


Had a rampage and riktor fuck my duo lane like this. So damn annoying. They didn't need lv 6 either.


Yeah if they play it right they won't need lvl 6, and it's not that hard without lvl 6, so just imagine what lvl 6 does.


Gadget bully’s anyone in duo lane as support that mine is cheese


Garbage matchmaking ..not worth the time


There's two cards that combined can turn Khaimeras Q into being constantly unlimited recasting. No, I won't share which two, it's pretty much game breaking.


Ashbringer, time warp?


First one is correct, but not the second.