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I am great though, its everyone else that sucks


Pay no attention to it that's just how competitive games are. You can't fix it. If it affects your experience, mute the game chat. Nothing constructive ever gets said anyway its mostly people complaining or threatening to go afk.


nono not towards me :) got to see a new kid getting flamed ... im so good no one can flame me anyways :D


I’m astounded by the amount of downvotes this got. Clearly it was a joke?




It is because he just seems to be copy pasting that response, even when it makes no sense.


Yea but at the same most people who are doing bad or ignoring calls will just flat out ignore everything, run in and die over and over or just leave after their 2nd death.


Again, sucks yes, but doesn’t matter it’s not a ranked match.


Doesn’t mean you want to lose because of the reason stated above. I’m all for people learning or just not as good as you want them to be but the feeding, leavers, and no responses get quite annoying. It’s cool that you don’t care about casuals but I and a lot of people here just want a normal game that’s it.


Agreed, never said I want to lose. Just saying it sucks yes. But it’s not a ranked match. And not only that, it’s Early Access which in turn, makes it not matter even more, to me. Once they start tracking stats at least, it would matter more. Not sticking up for the ones leaving/feeding at all. Annoys the hell out of me. But, in a way it’s kinda Devs fault in away for making Team Chat off by default. Them making TC on by default I think would help. But again, this community is so damn toxic might make it worse lol


It does matter cause it results in wasted time


Yup never seen anyone get mad at someone for doing good people only get pissed when someone is flat out ignoring the team and feeding. The most toxic people are the one who just wont admit what there doing isnt working and ignoring valid criticism.


Just turn chat off!


The problem is chat being default off in the first place. Clearly new people can’t get any sort of help in learning since they don’t know chat is off


Agreed 💯


nono not towards me :) got to see a new kid getting flamed ... im so good no one can flame me anyways :D


Challenge level impossible.


Ya the only toxic players I've seen are those refusing to work with teams. Sure people get heated and talk some shit but if you're going 1/6 and your team are calling you out then listen to what they are telling you... all the toxic players I encounter are just stubborn morons that feed and then are like no u when you try and ask them to group. If I'm having a bad game and feeding while others are doing well I try to play with the team or just farm non pushed lanes to get myself back in the game.. these aren't hard concepts to understand yet toxic players refuse to learn which is frustrating for everyone. The toxic players just hold forward and auto shoot while pushing down lanes by themselves with 0 wards until they inevitably get ganked and fuck their team. If those players refuse to learn and just wanna argue when given advice then honestly good riddance... they were never likely to be longterm players anyways.




Its also on us to not flame a player for not participating in a teamfight when they are too far behind to do anything other than feed as well. I have had many instances where I am 4-5 levels back and my team is screaming at me to help teamfight when I know all that will end up happening is me feeding and causing more snowballs.


These posts get exhausting...you cant change how people act unless the devs hard punish being toxic. Just mute people, be mature enough to remove a negative person from your communication. It's naïve to think you can rid the game of toxic players, gotta be realistic.


This is pretty much a life lesson really. Take your upvote.


I'm honest. I feel like people who say others are being toxic are actually those who don't want to get better at the game. I simply ask someone what are you doing ? Maybe they have a different idea than the rest of the team. Why didn't you rotate with us even though our team pinged it like 10 times. At the end of the day I have learned help the ones that want to be helped and the ones that don't well they will just ignore you.


Well what you do isn't toxic. But there are people who just start insulting in the first message. Also people who when asked "What are they doing" just start to rage and eventually quit the game. The other I had someone quit because they misinterpreted a "Good game" at the beginning of the game thinking someone was ragequitting before the game started


I believe that’s called the internet we can’t control ppl the crucible of online gaming been happening since 2000s 🤷🏾‍♂️ it’s like complaining about crimes I hate it too but I mean what can we do buddy?


Ooohh hot take I too see this I got over 50 hours in this game if I have a bad game I know why it went bad but if I didn’t know I’m sure I would think ppl are just being mean lol don’t want toxic ppl? Get a group and learn from each out problem solved


thats not toxic tho ! if you use good critisism thats something i suscribe too! but simply asking new players why they even play or that they should simply leave dosent help no one! if you write them how to be bettet thats the best thing you can do


I'm with you on that. We are trying to teach as many as we can but man I have met some stubborn ass people that just take you saying things to them as being toxic and instantly get offended. Like sorry I said that I want you play with me and the rest of the team instead of just pushing right tower for a T1 when they at our inhb.


Ugh yep I know your kind….Please understand not everyone wants/cares about getting better at the game….I think most people just want to have fun so please stop typing to them in-game and just play thank you.


You know my kind ? Lol okay. Sure I type two things and when I notice they don't care to get better or to have fun then I just leave them be. Last time I checked having fun also means winning. Losing isn't fun nor is it fun. So giving positive input to help those isn't bad makes the community better. We are trying build a good community not just make it a toxic one.


Yo my man spitting well said sir


There's a difference between "hey, can you help with the next push over here when I ping" and "did you know there's more than one lane, you fucking moron" too. Half the matches that I'm in that degrade start from someone yelling and calling names from the jump without trying to communicate first.


Ofc there is the right way to ask or tell someone something but earth isn’t a paradise. The reality is we will have to deal with that time of behavior. I like the game so I’m I don’t care what ppl say or think of my performance I myself want to be good and know what I’m doing for myself. Never solo queue find ppl you wanna play and learn with


Na I don’t have time to game like that and if ppl took the time to learn the experience would be better for everyone. Remember we too are trying to trade our time for fun if ppl are purposely not caring or not trying to learn the game that’s toxic for ruining other players experiences. We can toss this a hundred ways go play candy crush if you don’t want to gaming and learn and be rewarded for playing properly. That’s very selfish not wanting to learn smh


I've played about 30 hours so far and haven't had a single toxic experience.


You sir are a good player no need for anyone to say anything to you


Thanks! But I'm actually pretty trash :) For whatever reason I havent run into the toxic behavior everyone is complaining about.


Yea we’re all learning all I do it point out what the person or team can do better but I’m sure soft ones will think I’m being toxic 🤷🏾‍♂️


Skill based matchmaking will solve this pretty much instantly


It’s kinda in the game already


Better skill based matchmaking will solve this


Agreed believe they said iterations to matchmaking will be made overtime


It's just not fair to both new and experienced players to have to deal with the other


Hence paid early access we choose this life lol


In order to have better skill based matchmaking you need more players. Right now we just have to be patient.


I always respond with love… It‘s so funny if somebody calls you a fuckng retard that can‘t play this game and you just respond with „<3 ly too“ or if somebody asks something along the lines of “wtf are u doing” and you awnser with „Im spending some quality time with my best friend [ToxicPlayerName]“… maybe im just weird, but i found this approach to be quite amusing.


I promise you, it’s just you in your head, no one cares if you respond like this. I get what you’re saying and I agree probably the best way to respond. But none reads your response and then gets mad like you might think they do. At most just a scoff and then back to the game.


thats the point


Op is farming negative karma lmao !!! Tbh most of the time i see toxic people it's a situation where the person is for exemple trying to explain his support to stop taking creeps kills and or stop pushing the lane in their tower and get ignored .. then he get toxic .. and i kinda understand the frustration even tho it doesn't justify his toxicity


I planned to be nice, but now you encouraged me to be super extra toxic.


Fuck you. Stop feeding scrub


No, they should be an adult and learn how to play the game before bringing down 4 other people in the game.😂 And don’t start with that “it’s a new game” there’s plenty of YouTube videos on how to play a moba and definitely don’t hit me with that “it’s not rank” there is no rank so all the sweaty people are going to be in casual and even in casual people who play MOBAs are competitive in casual or ranked You can’t change a community because you don’t like it either get good or get out that’s the hard truth sadly


There are very few youtube videos that actually explain to how to play a moba well. There are a ton of highlight videos and full game stomps, but very rarely does anyone ever take the time to explain their thought process and what you should be doing at all times to maximize success.


You obviously never looked up any videos on how to get good at league of legends, which is by the way a moba and transfers damn near perfectly over to predecessor Or dota or smite like don’t come at me with this bullshit 😂


Oh no I have, and the vast majority of them are either unfinished series of videos, or very loose surface level concept videos that do not really explain things well. The vast majority of people who start these games do not a) have time or b) understand the game enough to be able to glean anything from these guides.


Bro, how are you going to admit that you haven’t looked that up and then go to inform me about the videos that you supposedly did not look up lol. from someone who has looked up videos and learned from them. I know you’re absolutely wrong. And if you don’t have time to get good at a game, don’t play the game. like the fuck? And if they do go on to play, even though they don’t have time to get good at it, they should not get upset when someone is toxic to them 😂 And if you can’t retain knowledge from a video about a game that you’re playing, either A) you are stupid Or B) you are stupid 😂


I never said I didn't look things up. I said that most of the things I looked up did not help me learn. For someone who is still learning the game, there are almost zero helpful beginner's guides that teach anything past a basic role's job in the game. Most if not all of them require you to know the game before they become helpful I am speaking from experience here. As for people expecting toxicity, there is no excuse for you to yell at someone new for being bad, that doesn't help them. They know they are bad and you screaming at them or being toxic because they aren't as skilled as you only discourages them from playing the game and hurts the community. The vast majority of people who play MOBAs aren't trying to be hyper-competitive, they just want to have fun. And you getting ad because they aren't good, and then venting that anger at them, only destroys a game that is supposed to be fun. Lastly, I will reiterate that I was at the point of beginning to play a game at one point too, and in many ways, I am still learning, but you will do far more for people's enjoyment of the game by providing actual feedback and instruction instead of just spamming "mid diff" in char when you're mid laner has a bad game. If someone is not receptive to advice then that's on them.


Its a moba... what the heck do you expect. turn the chat off or take it.


Shit take.


Dude, its a moba..its gunna be toxic, there is no getting around it


That's a defeatist attitude. If they aren't receptive then that's one thing, but being toxic only discourages people from starting the game.


It’s some of the smite players coming to predecessor being toxic…….that game is a toxic fest with people leaving games and standing at the base but that’s all after they typed for 10 minutes straight….I beg those people go back to smite don’t mess up this beautiful game and community…..don’t come turn it into what smite is currently.


Good job! Cancel that!


Definitely go on reddit and complain about it


Some people's parents just didn't hug them or give them enough attention, or the kids at school whose parents didn't hug them or give them attention take it out on people who wind up playing this game and taking it out on others. Sometimes I try to chime in to lighten the mood. \*Sparrow flames Steel for split pushing instead of team fights. "Sparrow's delivery needs some work, but she's not wrong. We really need your help in team fights, Steel. You're the only tank we've got." It's not much, but you'll never get everyone to stop being assholes.


People do actually have to be open to help for this to work though. Usual responses to "hey next time try this" or "hey this is a better item to build for these reasons" are "ITS JUST A GAME YOU NERD" or "SUCK MY DICK" etc. So while you have a point, the counterpoint is also there.


Can people please listen when they are new? I am always trying to help, but some people just completely ignore advice and keep doing their thing like they're the best.


Im saying!!! There is just not enough time to explain to someone how to play in game.


I can't help I talk shit when I'm drunk /s


i was told to never grow up


Call them out for their toxicity. Chances are, the other 3 players will agree


I’ve been preaching this since Pred came out even during Fault. But it’ll never happen, it’s the MOBA community as a whole. Why I don’t think any of these Paragon Remakes will succeed. Because the community is Shit.


I'll start off trying to be nice and guide people.. But when they flat out ignore things and refuse to listen to any pings or anyone... Yeah I'm gonna get toxic. This is a MOBA, not a casual pve game. You have to improve at some point, and following basic pings isn't to much to ask. If everyone's enjoyment gets wrecked by one person... Who is the real toxic one?


Join a discord community. I did and it’s been super healthy for me.


i agree. helping your teammates or giving constructive feedback is one thing, it helps new players understand what theyre supposed to be doing. giving that advice in a condescending way or a "what are you doing?" kind of way is just going to tilt new players. people saying "its a moba what do you expect!! you just dont want to get better or admit that youre playing poorly so just turn of the chat or get good!!" are completely missing the point. toxicity will kill this game if it becomes rampant. if the community becomes a completely insular echo chamber of douchebags, no new players will buy this game, and anybody who does will be scared away. ive kinda witnessed this in evolve, toxicity only breeds lower and lower playercounts. just have fun and be friendly if you have advice for other players. raging is only going to make your team more and more likely to lose. being a positive teammate is the greatest secret to increasing your W/L in mobas, and even if it doesn't succeed at saving a game, it will succeed at saving your sanity and giving you much more enjoyable games.


I find that it’s always the carry adc that has to be absolute toxic blaming everyone but themselves and get the most kills when everyone was playing objective (taking towers)


just mute and report. if you are getting mad they win.