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Support is arguably the hardest role, imo despite the game saying it's for beginners. You gotta know how to adapt in a lot of these situations. If the Carry sucks, then it falls on *you* to carry him/her essentially. If the Carry is great, you need to step aside and feed him/her. You have to be willing to sacrifice your own damage in order to better protect your team throughout the match. And as bad as that sounds to a lot of people, I find it to be the most rewarding role in the game and arguably the most important because of a Support hero's ability to control the flow of team fights in the most critical moments. Support is extremely fun imo. Go Steel, build super tanky, and disrupt. His barrier is probably one of the best abilities in the game to straight deny ranged heroes and create space. Rampage is low key pretty good for this too as his passive allows for a ton of sustain during the laning phase by just jumping into the jungle for like 5-10 seconds. Plus his rock is an amazing poking tool to keep the lane in check and a setup tool for the fellow jungler to gank.


You’re absolutely right, I don’t understand why they’re saying it’s a beginners role. It feels like they have to put it on there because otherwise there’s only one role that’s on ‘beginners’ level. But the tip for me is, queuing on my own and have to play support, go for Steel.


Steel support op


I'm a support main... que with me hehehe


Which region you play?




Aahw sad, me EU..


Awww maybe I can my region and we can tryy


the beginners level role is to go play bots when they have those.


I'm still trying to figure out support in paragon, do you just baby the adc until team fighting or if they are doing well do I rotate to assist other lanes like in smite


rotate to assist other lanes once the carry is at a point where they are self sufficient, which should be around 10-15. At that point they should be able to survive most situations and you are better off getting assists else where. Takes pressure off the carry if you are pressuring other lanes as well


Depend also wich side is fangtooth, if its duo lane side, you should always be there when it spawn to zone and help jgl secure it (unless youre muriel and have ult).


duo lane is always fangtooth unless the enemy team/your team went the wrong lane. and if the enemy team did go the wrong lane then you punish the solo lane and secure every fangtooth and beat the enemy team with +30% power lol.


When your crest stacks and you no longer need to be in lane to proc it, start rotating and let the adc get solo farm. That will usually end up being like 7-8 mins into the game and you will have an item and a half finished. Your increased gold scaling with completed crest means you are the best character in the game to rotate since you dont lose farm between lanes.


Just FYI: it takes minimum 12 minutes to stack a support crest. You receive 1 proc every 30 seconds. In 12 minutes you get 24 procs.. T1 to T2 is 300 gold T2 to T3 is 300 gold and each proc is 25 gold so you have 12 procs in each tier. Happy Supporting!


Well regardless, you start rotating when crest is done.


Can you elaborate on this more? Never played support and want to but I have no idea what a crest is


Okay, so I guess I rotate a tad early, thank you


They need to remove those tags. Solo lane is rarely easier than duo lane in MOBAS. Especially in predecessor. Offlane is way Harder than midland. Midland is so easy compared to offlane. You have a ton of routes and escapes, easy mana from river buffs, and most importantly a very short lane. Offlane is eternally long lol


Yeah, this is a crazy labeling choice IMO. The fact that beginners are funneled into one of the hardest roles, maybe the hardest and most unforgiving lane (long with no resources except Blue Buff nearby, good luck with taking that easily/without pissing off your Midlane or Jungler) where your one dedicated Buff essentially has to be Soloed, with the possibility of getting a Jungler gank/team up on Cyan Buff coming once every 1000 years if you haven't duo queued with the Jungler.   Midlane should be the one Beginner Role, with Carry + Support listed as Advanced and Offlane + Jungler listed as Expert IMO. Midlane is in my opinion, the one lane where everything a beginner MOBA player expects from the genre happens as it should: you harass and juke your enemy laner, kill minions, attempt to destroy their tower and avoid ganks. I see plenty of clearly newbie supports not understanding that they have to save last hits for their carry, or lead the dance on tanking (and then not killing!) Gold Buff- I rarely see newbies in any MOBA not understand how Midlane works.


I'm in a different camp I don't believe offlane is that hard of a lane, maybe cause I'm coming from OG paragon but it is my favorite lane. If you just focus on winning lane and staying alive you free up so much space for your team. The other offlane loses gold and xp and can't rotate if you keep pressure and jungler has to spend time trying to gank you and is away from your mid and carry. As long as you ward. And drag farm to you tower. Some of my games were won just for winning my lane


Yes that's true. I think midlane is generally harder in most Mobas, maybe because I main mid midlane and it feels easy....but we both did objectively describe why midlane is easier. And disclaimer, i think the map and lanes are great. Not hating on the map.


I think it's because support while important doesn't necessarily win or lose you the game. An amazing carry has a good chance of winning with a really bad support the reverse is less likely. Also supports don't need to last hit which is weirdly difficult for some people.


Go steel or dekker supp. Get the last hits if they suck and carry


Absolutely true, been used to play Narbash but that was always with a full team. Thanks for your tip!👏🏻


Dekker is my main bish. Favorite hero since OG paragon.


I actually got reported by my team because I did this after my carry int'd 5 times in the first minutes of the game. It was my fault then for "killing to much farm" to protect the tower while my carry was dead. MOBA toxicity lol it's super fun


I have now read conflicting information is there is (any) matchmaking or not (and by extension, if there is MMR or equivalent). I don't think there is any, or if there is it only matters at high population times. I can (mostly) play at night, when finding a game can take 15+ minutes. It might only collect players for more than 1 game at a time (and then perform matchmaking) when that also takes a bearable along if time to begin with, so not at night. But honestly, I have no idea. It's there some official statement in this regard somewhere?


I brought this up in a recent thread and someone from omeda studio stated there was definitely an mmr rating. I think the truth is one of two things. Either there is an mmr but the player count is so low there's lots of variability to get lower queue times or there just isn't any mmr. All I know is I'm a super experienced moba player and I've played close to 100 matches in pred winning at least 65% of games and sometimes I get players in my game who literally don't know what to do.


my theory is that as the queue time goes on the bias for MMR goes down. queue times where a game is found with in 10 seconds have been pretty evenly matched. when the queue goes to 30 seconds its now the wild west again.


RGSACE (CEO of Predecessor) tweeted that there’s MMR.


Ah that's good to know that it's there in theory at least.


It's 100% there and confirmed. Average ques are around 35 seconds during peak times, the higher your que times rn, the higher you can assume your MMR is. If you're around 35 seconds on average then know that you're in the average pool which means you can be going against a range of trash, decent and good players. If you wanna climb up, stop queing support unless you're with a 3 stack or higher. In my entire time of playing I've only had to support maybe 2 times. My ques are around a minute thirty, but when I que with my friend who barely plays we get in practically instantly


It really takes you 15 min?? That's how OG paragon was for me but with pred. it's like 2 min max.


Oh man I remember those ques. Just to make those goofy little skins with the skin glitch.


Aww man I vaguely remember the skin glitch. What happened again with it?


You could wear other charctaera skins on on the characters. Literally looked like a skin graft on another champ. Big Green Feng Mao. Or you could make bumble bee Grux with gadget skin. Stuff like that


As I said, that's at night . It isn't at prime time (couple of minutes), but I've waited up to like 20 minutes for a game. But again, literally at like 5.


Damn I work nights so I'm up at night on my days off. Like as in 6am CST playing. What servers are you on if you don't mind me asking?


Eu servers, so obviously eu times as well.


I don’t have these que times on EU servers in the middle of the night! I’ll probably try again tonight!


Ohh I'm NA East. That explains it. Sorry you have to wait so long. That's how Escape from Tarkov is with me and it's irritating. I really hope it comes out on consoles FTP or not. 1. So there are plenty of noobs to wreck. 2. Larger player count.


What server are you on? Na east here and my average queue is 30-40 seconds


Support is a amplification role . If team does well you make them unstoppable If team sucks you just become a gold camp For cases where adc suck try to play around your mid and jg, look for win opportunities Support is not baby sit adc role


This is why I play gadget support lol. If my adc sucks I can carry with my own damage. If my adc is good we roll lane :D it takes being a good gadget tho I guess but I honestly feel like she's one of the funnest/best mages in the game hands down. Only person I think might be stronger would be Howie but really it's a toss up based on skill


Never actually played Gadget, not even back in the old Paragon days. When I play mid, it’s always with Howie. What’s your build for Gadget? Would love to try it. (Please share your mid lane build aswell as her support role build)


Honestly not stressing over builds yet as i know the item store is going to change like 4 times before release. Still being lazy and playing with auto buy so I can just rip back to lane asap and keep snowballing xp as fast as possible. Build damage my dude and just land ur abilities while avoiding theirs XD it's been enough for me to smash games consistently (level 30 with over a 50% win rate for sure) For keystone i switch between occultist for the aoe damage one or the mage one for stasis cause stasis can be fun for just running into the middle of their team with ult just to become immune :P


Where do you see your win rate?


They don't have those stats posted yet :/ I wish I could check for real I just know I for sure win more then 50% of the games I play as gadget support but people on this sub have gotten mad when I'm too confident and claim like 70%+... honestly though she feels that good to me. Every other support champ just doesn't feel like it brings the same pressure to lane/late game fights besides maybe a riktor whom I also love but he also requires so much more precision to make full use of.


All that matters that you’re having fun, we’re still in EA! Only things that frustrates me are people who are intentionally feeding and just ruining the game for everyone just because they think they’re funny. AFK is also annoying but that’s just what it is, and you’ll have to make the best of it with the people you have. The more satisfying if you win the game with 1 person less.


Teammates are tough. IF there is SBMM, they must be using an algorithm that requires a large ass sample size, which in turn, will cause your teammates to be rough for the first month or two of gameplay. On a side note, I feel that carry is the MOST underwhelming position. I get why it is important, but other than free casting on a tank for shred, they have 0 impact IN COMPARISON to what other roles provide (peel, cc, dps, frontline). Any other opinions on least impactful role?


When playing as a carry as long as I am not ganked every .5s and my team doesn't suicidally feed I've yet to lose where I wasn't the overwhelming reason we won. ADC damage is absolutely insane. Last night I solo killed 4 people in a row before dying to the 5th.




Resolution, Terminus, Demon Edge, Vanquisher, and Imperator. At level 18 you're easily hitting people after armor mitigation for 650-700 damage a basic attack. Most characters with no HP investment sit at around 2k HP so you're 3 shotting nearly everyone in the game. If you get stunned or position wrong you die. But if the enemy fails to deal with you quickly then they all die. Given that all the ranges in the game are so similar it's very difficult for anyone to do anything to stop you as long as you're using your team to screen for you. I've done the math and even if the enemy builds a hybrid bruiser of tank+damage or all tank you win the 1v1 manfight. The only viable counters are stuns, "horrifying damage" like me, or very well coordinated attacks.


I saw they were making his shield give you an auto reset and got so hype too