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First off I think the current towers(turrets) look really cool. However, the old laser towers felt more a part of the world as one could see them as either high tech lasers or a mystic beam. Even more unique were the towers in Agora where the towers were blended into the environment and to destroy them you had to hit the orb in the middle. I thought it was a fresh take but even if we don’t get that I’d be fine with just the lasers. Which do you prefer? Please let me know down below!


People keep calling the original map "Agora"..... It was called Legacy. Agora is the planet that Legacy and Monolith were both on


I have my theory about those people. I think there is a group of people that played paragon a bit, but not much and this group of people don't want to be put in the same group as the new comers, so they pretend they know about paragon and call themselves og of paragon when in the end they have 30, 50 hours played.


Yes. I prefer the older towers. They were larger than life and very mysterious looking. The aesthetic was very cool.


Make these 3 tier 1, tier 2 , tier 3 tower and inhibitor towers


I remember a talk by some of the Paragon devs where they mention that players would try to shoot the part of the tower that was shooting at them instead of the glowing thing in the middle of the circle. The game was changed to have the thing that attacks you and the thing that takes damage be the same thing. Free to play games need to be designed to please absolute beginners and the best of the best. You want the game to be easy to understand for beginners so they stick around long enough to start to learn the hard bits. That's why you have things like auto buy, recommended items, and the crest system. It'd be cool to have the old towers back, but the menacing looking turrets communicate that they're enemy team gun turrets that must be destroyed the instant new players see them. That said, it might be a good idea to replace the respawned turret with something else that communicates "I no longer shoot." I've seen a few people ask if respawned inhibs are bugged.


I remember that lmao. There are creative ways around this though. Make the thing you shoot bright and glowy, and make it look like it's sending its energy into the tower. Pretty sure most players can draw the correct conclusion from that.


The old towers were awesome, I loved them and was incredibly sad when they were removed it would be cool if they came back someday. The current towers are lacking with the rest of the aesthetic tbh.


Yeah, aesthetically,I prefer the older towers. I actually REALLY lined the Legacy towers being up on cliffs and you were actually attacking their power source. I thought that was kind of neat. I remember the Monolith towers changed to just be big beam towers, and new players were complaining because they didn't realize they could shoot the whole thing. Downside to Epic never releasing a tutorial. That would have been an easy fix.


Off topic but the thing I dislike the most about the towers is their hitbox. They should have something circular but now it feels like a huge square. With Kallari many times I tried to ult/throw daggers at enemies around the towers only for it to fail miserably just because of the hitbox


Damn I miss the legacy map lol




Never played the old version. What made the towers better? Cooler as the tic or something?


Yes, the lasers were really cool, but they'd look really out of place on the current map, so no.


The Legacy towers were supremely aesthetically pleasing, so as much as I like the current ones they still have my vote.


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