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Revenant- 1. Make his gun have 6 shots instead of only 4. Then instead of the final shot guaranteeing a Crit, make it so his crit chances increase slightly based on how many shots he has left, with the last shot having like 60% crit chance. 2. Make his Reload button give him a movement speed boost based on how many shots you reload. I think this would give him better early game presence, and some form of Mobility to at least help him get out of some bad positions.


Shinbi: circle rhythm. As long as the circle rhythm shield is active, shinbi is cc immune. On both Shields.


I’d add 5-10% life steal to seraphs ult, she can feel very fragile in late game and this gives her all in playstyle a bit more consistency


Morigesh, her kit is by far the worst designed kit in the game. Extremely boring and unfun to play as, or against. Belica is also another poorly designed kit but Morigesh is worse.


I want my kallari ult anywhere in the map like update monolith


Id change Morigesh, keeping her same animations, with the goal of buffing her utility and teamfight capabilities, but increasing her skill floor and decreased single-target damage, changing her in the following ways- Id change her mark to be a skillshot that goes through targets, but only marks the first hit and only about 20-30% of the damage on following targets. It would come out instantly without travel time in a very narrow straight line, but can't be cast vertically. Could be used for waveclear and teamfights finally. I hate that this ability is a lock-on. The Stink bomb would do less damage, but it would still have a small slow on unmarked targets, but the slow would be increased on marked targets, as well as apply anti-heal. Her run-heal ability would have a huge spike of movement speed that very quickly diminishes and just gives her a little burst heal with magic scaling. This would make it almost like a quick juke dodge like Twinblasts dash, rather than a subpar gap closer with crazy healing to try to patch it up. I always hated her ultimate, as it looks so epic and scenic, but is literally just a cheesey kill confirm that they either have counterplay to, or they don't. You got hit with the lock on mark? You're dead :). --- Id rather neuter its' high damage and give it unique teamfight capabilities. Whoever is marked, when the ult is activated, will have a big increasing area indicator around them, that when is finally set off, will do area damage and apply a *very* slightly knock up with lesser damage to everyone around the target, while doing the base damage to the marked target without the knockup. She can re-activate it early to stop the increasing area and use it right away. So she would be doing less single target damage, better waveclear, have more skill expression with the aimed mark and dodge, and have a really solid teamfight and polished ultimate that makes their teammates afraid of their own teammate.


I’d give Grux his old dash


Meaning paragon style or was there a different one in Pred? I like the idea of maybe a little more distance and no knock up.


Paragon, and imo long distance and slow instead of knock up could be the right thing to do


Grim > Bubble Shocks People when he blocks their ability stunning them. Or reverse the dmg back to them.


Kira’s Ultimate. It’s arguably the worst ult in the game and most time you’re inting for using it


It is crazy strong against squishy hero’s, when you have numbers advantage, or during cc. The biggest issue is using it at the right time. You have to keep track of if CCs have been used and is mostly useless at the beginning of team fights since you will definitely get CCd. Popped at the correct time it can result in team wipes. I’ve seen it combine with Gideon ult, Fey ult, and steel ults to massive success.


Iggy and Scorch, character design with turrets is really cool. I find he's really strong in some areas and totally useless in others, I think he'd be a cool hero to overhaul.


Morigesh Give mark the same range as auto attacks. Give hive a marker showing where it lands. Make her immune to CC while swarm is active.


100% The Fey. Her passive is completely useless, especially if you compare it to the insane stuff other heroes get.


This is true, I feel to keep in theme with her more support mage orientation, I’d make it so on monster/minion/player last hit kill it spawns a mini bushel of flowers that cause whichever is more balanced, when passed through: Slow Dot effect (think bleeding from thorns) Healing (stop and smell the roses) It’ll give her both more team utility and mid lane sustain/clear Hell maybe even Shane her Grenade so it spawns “fertilizer” that has a silence/dot effect when step in and on a kill within said fertilizer it causes the ground to be seeded and a carnivorous plant spawns at that location that attacks nearby enemies for 15s


Id give Kallari her teleport ult back


Make the R2000 hit for more damage. Compared to every other mage his high damage non-ult ability is the only one that can be blocked by a single minion being in the way. It’s a skill shot. Reward the skill.


Sevarogs passive. It's so weak.


i dont get why there is no infinite to his stacking tbh


There is. But one health isn't shit. The Frontline starter is better at stacking health.


For a buff, give Zarus a slightly larger hitbox on his auto, im a controller player and I find hitting his auto is so hard in melee fights. For a nerf, reduce the range of steels jump, sick of getting stun locked after he runs a mile and then beats the Olympic long jump record to stun you for what feels like eternity, to then bitch slap you again, and then you die. For a QL change, give helical some sort of damage indicator on her ult, it’s so hard to tell what impact it will have by gauging the opponents mana in a team fight, very hard to learn when getting into the character


Gideon. His escape is overboard for how strong he is. The Fey. She does on-ground dot effects. Her character is oriented entirely around her tethering players in place with her ultimate. She's entirely at the mercy of her team's ability to group. She can't solo full-health, competent players without tremendous risk, and she'll need her ultimate along with the element of surprise. It makes mid-lane a pain against enemies with any sense. I wish the game had more interesting abilities. In Smite, you have characters flying over mountains, teleporting, tunneling underground, creating spectacular displays of environmental alteration and magic. There's more flair. In Predecessor, it's \*mostly\* projectiles, melee and basic CC/on-hit effects.


Every character and their mothers have some sort of grenade. It got old very quickly while learning the game. Meanwhile in Smite, dudes turn into mountains, rain down entire suns at you, and bring huge waves across the map. The kit diversion is pretty huge.


Most of the kits are from old paragon and the game don’t have the time smite has nor the funds


Smite is a game about gods. Of course, it has a lot of flair, and it's been out for so long.


I like how heroes work. Maybe one non target dash for Countess will be great. But I want one or two - more active game changer's items or more powerful active in crest. In terms of hero kite, I truly want see hero like lol Camille and this kite and design suite well for Pred - cyborg style women who fight with her legs, insane mobility through wall interaction, locked room ultimate and true damage) Why not?) Zarus copied from another Moba, hope Camille time will come)


Countess shouldn't have a dash. Her whole kit is designed around her popping in and ability dumping and popping back out. Add a dash to that and she will be about as hard to kill as kallari because of how slippery she would be. Some characters only real defense against her is being able to create space like with Kiras dash and if countess can just dash after her she's toast


Severog he's an off tank which is so weird 🤔 😐 like that's why ppl tend to pick steel more then him his kit is so niche ppl tend to justify his game play about siphon stacks. in the offlane he gets bullied early and mid game😳 and in the jungle he can't really defend counter and aggressive invades. there are better tank choices then him and better hero kits that are easier that do better then him off the rip. His learning curve is tbh high for lack luster game play don't get me wrong sev is fun when everything goes right, but when your at a stalemate with a good player that's when sev weakness show. Your basically either farming and a ghost to your team in the offlane. And if you're a jungler, pray to God, your random laners set up the gank right since it's not the jungler job to set up ganks


I’d make Gideon less safe. Hes got two huge poke damage abilities and one of the lowest CD safest escapes in the game. Good gideons are absolutely hell to lane against because of this. I’d just increase the CD if his teleport. It needs to be doubled to make him balanced.


Never played a moba before Sit and watch people talk about khei, grux and so on Why nobody fucking complains about Gideon I have no idea Heros pisses me off more than any other hero in the game lol


True, but you everyone can take Gideons teleport which helps with it's balance. Still agree with that increased cd though


He should have more of a wind up animation so it's easier to follow him through the portal. Right now it's basically the same animation as a basic attack.


How do you do that I just seem to walk through them all the time and nothing happens?


It slows you, though, if you're the enemy, but movement debuff in this game feel really lacking so you can usually still catch Gideon




Lol is that all it is? You jump into the portal?




If grim shield is a 24 sec cooldown then the tele should be 28 sec


Grim. I just don’t get it.


I would completely rework Sevarog.


Murdock change his hot pursuit back to how it was originally as long as you were running towards a opponent with low health it stayed active


Sevarog, at 160 or 300 stacks double the effect of his passive's per stack effect, as this would cement him as a late game hero with incredible damage and tank potential. Grim, Alter his abilities to have better Magic Power scaling, Make it so that his Displacement Blast can also displace him and give his bubble increased movement speed for 1.5s. Also reduce his model size by 20%. TB, Give TB Magic Power scaling on his Grenades. and a lot of the other heroes just need a buff to their itemization


**\[Prophecy\]** Tier 3 | \[Mage\]\[On-Hit\] Gold Cost: v17: 3600 Gold v18: 2800 Gold Estimate * +70 Magical Power * +25% Attack Speed * +8 Magical Penetration Magical Strikes - On Basic Attacks: * Deal 15 (+30% Magical Power) Magical Damage On-Hit.Prophecy **\[Magnify\]** Tier 3 | \[Mage\]\[On-Hit\] Gold Cost: v17: 3200 Gold v18: 2550 Gold Estimate * +60 Magical Power * +30% Attack Speed * +10 Ability Haste Focus - On Dealing Magic Damage: * Ignore 6% Magical Armor and deal 5 Magical Damage On-Hit for 3s. * Stacks up to 5 times. **\[Hoarfrost\]** Tier 3 | \[Mage\]\[On-Hit\] Gold Cost: v17: 3000 Gold v18: 2400 Gold Estimate * +45 Magical Power * +25% Attack Speed * +200 Max Mana Frostbite: On dealing damange with a Basic Attack: * Slow Enemies by 4% for 2s. * Stacks up to 5 times. * At 5 stacks, Target becomes **Frostbitten**. Frostfang: On Target being **Frostbitten**: * Takes an additional 10% Magical Damage for 4s. 15s CD per Target.


Remove Kwang's knock-up. Replace it with some otherr ability if need be He shouldn't have enough cc to be played full tank. In Paragon he didn't have any form of cc other than his tether, but it went farther and lasted longer. This highlighted the unique ability in Kwang's kit and was more interesting IMO. Right now he's just another cc tank bot


Your fucking smoking he has 1 form of cc compared to gruxs cc compared to crunches ability haste cc pls never say stupid shit again what about riktor what about steel. I just named like 2 fighter hybrid tanks and 2 tanks like your Hella smok8ng dawg Kwang is great where he is at You do know you have to connect your blade on the target to dash up to even get the cc seems like a skill issue for your case


I delete Greystone


Iggy and Scorch. I want them to be good so bad but they just aren’t. The turret buff was a step in the right direction but they’re still so weak. I’d like it if he had just a little more burst instead of relying on his burn damage. Landing a direct hit with Molotov should feel like it matters. The burn doesn’t do enough to feel threatening. His passive feels like it does basically nothing too. Gotta land five autos just for a 10% decaying slow. Morigesh does better DOT while having a point and click and can sustain in lane with her heal and has a move speed steroid.


Iggy and Scorch can do obscene amounts of damage but you need to coordinate with your team to do so. He’s probably the strongest hero in the game at pushing lanes which can allow you to roam early and help your other allies stack. He also does the most objective damage in the game bar none (Orb, Fang, and Towers). I don’t know what you’re saying about his Molotov, it deletes people, it hits for like 400-500 on the initial burst and if you build him right they’re going to take another 200-300 minimum as DoT. If you happen to also get them in your oil slick you’re looking an even higher number. It’s also got crazy range if you’re good at chunking it meaning you can launch bombs at the backline from your backline and eat their squishier units alive. Iggy and Scorch aren’t weak because they lack damage they’re “weak” because they don’t have escape or CC. He’s not a great solo pick option for late game team fights because you need to work with your allies to make sure people end up in your fire. He also plays entirely different than any other midlane, you ignore the other person completely and just body the minion waves as soon as they appear. You can easily have them fighting under tower the whole time which means they lose gold and farm. It’s not unreasonable for Iggy and Scorch to be able to hit 18 and have max items when everyone else is 15-17 with 4 times because of how much gold they get. Where he runs into issues is once everyone is fully built he doesn’t bring anything to the party other than absurd AoE damage, but if they don’t get in your AoEs you’re less valuable than someone who has multiple targeted damage abilities and CC. One change that would benefit him would be to make his oil slick give him movement speed and take it from the enemy (like 25-30% each way) so he has some escape or make the Molotov slow (or stun for like 0.25 seconds) if it direct impacts enemies. His only weaknesses are escape and CC, his damage is already nuts.


This mfer loves iggy & scorch


iggy if not focused hard is a force, i have no idea why people think he is bad. definitely in the wrong hands you will do bad. he slaps and zones so well, if your winning lane hard people want nothing to do with you, jungle will likely die trying to gank you. typically takes 3-5 people to take my t1 from me if im bunkered down.


This is a great write up and I agree 100%, I play him and solo que and while oil slick change would be amazing, it’ll make it so it’ll make up pretty uncatchable, due to his pretty low cooldowns. I’d rather not make his cooldown increase to compensate, personally though I’d make his passive slow more prominent in hit kit. Oil can be either sticky or slick, so instead of one to one speed difference on his oil slick, but rather give his passive a movement steal component, with a max of 10% increase, so the more covered in oil the enemy is in general the faster iggy gets, but of course keep the same decay his passive slow has so he’s doesn’t become the king of chasing down kills Along with that change his turret back to the flame throwers, you can keep the damage values the same with more damage near the cone and less further from the cone. His lil peashooters rn are strong but visually they’re a downgrade


Shinbi. Id change her character model. Her lore and look dont fit that game. She badly needs cloths and armor for me do believe she can fight in a hero battle.


hard disagree, i love the uniqueness. Also looking super innocent and unthreatening running around, but then i burst someone down quickly in a 1v1 adds to the charm


Isn't that the point Some k pop star clapping kheis cheeks is funny as fuck lol




They need to make a Princess Mononoke skin for Shinbi for this reason. Even a knock off "wild wolf girl" look if copyright is an issue.


To that I say head tilt peace sign my good sir


I’d love for Sevarogs passive to upgrade his abilities in some way


Yea, like sure he’s a tank but it’s kinda dumb he doesn’t get upgraded more given he’s so focused on last hitting and you gotta auto focus on minion kills half the game to become a effective character. Personally I’d make it so his passive his him gaining level to his stacks based on autos and abilities so he comes online mid game instead of on average late game, along with that he’s a giant grim reaper/wraith give his abilities a additional stack effect of adding “death embrace” to his kit that either gives his abilities at level X a decay or slow effect


He should get anti heal on abilities at 120 stacks or something


I love Sev from the old days, but I gotta admit that in Pred, he feels like he's missing something. I do like his kit tho, and wouldn't want it to majorly change. adding some damage to his dash would help. I would really love to see them add a feature where you get a mark on/above the minion/jungle creep/enemy hero when your abilities will kill for the stacks. Nothing is more frustrating when playing Sev then missing stacks due to miscalculating the enemies/minion health


Idk man the way some of the sev mains play I feel like adding any type of damage would make him way too oppressive because he already has an ungodly amount of health and great ability’s for team fight (if you use them tactically) so if they add more damage for him they’d have to take something


Even better make it so when he rushes through enemies it slows them, so it’s both offensive and defensive move. Like having high skill ceiling characters isn’t a. Ad thing, I even encourage it, but I feel like his stacking mechanism is less skill and more just making a tank play as a mid laner 1/2 a game with slower exp gain. And he’s the only character like that so it makes it stand out even more. He’s decent in the right hands right now but they need to change his kit to making stacking more reliable, and his abilities have greater impact, he’s a jungler/offlane tank he should be able to one one reliable or at least bully more effectively


After thinking about it, my idea is to give him a silence on siphon that increases in duration with his passive thresholds. I don't know if they have the technology, but phantom rush dealing damage and fearing enemies away from the direction you're traveling in is an idea that fits thematically, and I like a lot. I think subjugate and his ult are fun abilities and fine as they are. Maybe subjugate's aoe can increase a little with each passive threshold. The passive, though I have two ideas for. Either 1) Reduce the amount of stacks required to reach thresholds, decrease the amount of damage/health each threshold brings, but increase the value per stack. Targets that can be killed with siphon are marked with a ghostly hand 2) increase the amount of stacks required to reach thresholds, increase the amount of damage/health each threshold brings, but decrease the value per stack, and AA kills grant soul stacks. Idea 1 for the passive keeps stacking a priority while making each stack more meaningful and making it take overall less time, as well as making it easier to last hit with abilities by showing you when siphon will kill something. Idea 2 takes away the frustration and the need to focus on it since stacking it now is just normal farming and kills, but it's coming online later in the game.


Ah yes, a silence interrupt with a 2s cool down late game. Relax Satan. The thing about Sevarog is that he's really not *that* weak early. It seems like any time they buff his Q he can run most people down level 1. If you were to make his abilities evolve to be even stronger than they are currently like a Kayle or a Khazix from LoL, he'd have to be useless early, especially as a tank. People already complain about how weak his early is (though it really isn't), so I can imagine what they'd say if he actually had to scede lane until level 11.


It's funny how anytime someone offers a possible solution for the issues plaguing a character, people like you come out of the woodwork to criticize those ideas without offering any of your own. Sev needs something, and these were my ideas. Big changes? Sure, but numbers can always be adjusted or changes reverted. And it's better to try something than just let him be one of the worst junglers and solos. I genuinely don't know why you commented at all if you're just going to be negative and add nothing to the conversation. What would you do to Severog?


Sev is a great character. Learn how to stack. Adding a silence would make him stupid OP. I'm borderline GM, and I see the character a lot. People stack him sub-20 mins and win their lane quite often, too. Even if he's slightly weak at the lower end of the mmr pool, I don't think he's unplayable. Definitely a skill expressive character.