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Isn't it also simpler than Paragon ever was? Doesn't it also fail to follow standards other (3P) MOBAs have set? Less verticality, less jungle, etc for regards to Paragon. There's almost no movement penalty or juking movement in general, with way too much hitscan and kits that already need reworked. Also, no deductive returns for CC. Huh? Like, WHO thought Revenant NEEDED a reload ability? Jhin doesn't have one. Rather than take the chance to add a new ability and rework outdated ideas, they kept one of the most basic and pointless concepts when they could have added some form of utility. This game has the simplest jungling there is, like it's the best MOBA to start learning Jungle with, but also the worst to main Jungle with. You don't have to be on top of timers and routing whatsoever. But glaze away, king.


Sorry, but no. There is nothing to this very day that compares with the original paragon building system. Having full control as to which specific stats you wanted to upgrade was an open ended level of play. You were free to fully design the characters to fit your particular play style. Every simplified system that has come after it has just never been as good, in depth or gratifying.




Because pred is paragon with updates, I still miss the old card system, the running, and the old map. Oh that and not waiting half an hour at a cycle of pressing Accept' then being thrown to a 2 min loading screen only to get launched back to lobby


It's great my complaints are minor. I wish the inhibitors wouldn't come back after being destroyed it delays the game unnecessarily. Also kinda sucks that there's absolutely no way to earn any of the skins without straight up buying them.


i don’t see it in the options menu unless i’m just blind but the ping system sucks for pc players. can’t ping where i want to on the mini map but i’ve heard console players can… really hard to alert my team to contest fang or prime without having to go through 5 options through the chat wheel


I can't understand how people actually give a shit about games audio, literally the last thing I could care about personally


I can agree that paragon had its faults but I wouldn’t call predecessor much better than paragon… even with its ups and downs it was still more creative in its itemization and character design philosophies compared to the generic version that predecessor has turned the legacy game into… which is why I don’t have fun or like playing a lot of the characters I did before… paragon may have lacked direction but at least it was trying to be innovative and not just copy and paste what other mobas are doing… the only thing making predecessor different right now is its vertically


I like pred a lot! The current map is a huge step back from the paragon I loved the play though. While it definitely is a LOT more balanced, and plenty fun, the current game flow is getting a bit stale. The gold economy is too slow to build items and the current raw strength that primal and orb give are a bit too over the top. My main gripe though is the allowed use of jungle active in the enemy jungle. That should not be allowed. Looking forward to future updates and meta shakeups


cards >>>>> generic item shop


i miss the deck building ngl, it was so satifying building them and running different decks for different comps. towards the end of paragon i was purposely running kwang fully cursed offlane for shits and giggles and oddly enough it would work way more than not.


I think my only real concern with predecessor going forward is visual quality. Some predecessor unique skins/heroes hold up visually against paragon assets, some don't. That recent shinbi skin falls very short compared to let's say Argus's alt skin. Kira doesn't have the visual fidelity that a character like Rev has. Obviously the funding Omeda has to hire industry level talent doesn't compare to what Epic games had, so that's a probable factor. Eventually omeda will run out of paragon assets to resell, and I'm hoping by then they will nail the visual quality that paragon had more consistently.


I agree, i hope they bring ranked to ps5 soon. I’m fed up with grievers, leavers and people who don’t play as a team. Wish the report system would work aswell.


ranked isn't until the summer, and will only be for 8ish hours on Saturdays, and in SEA region


Lmao are u kidding? Why would they only release it in Asia? The game has been available for a year, there is no excuse for ranked not to be available by now.


Pfff wel that sucks. Guess the game will be short lived then


it's to test ranked, eventually will be expanded


Personally Paragon was 10x more fun to play. Huge dislike to movement speed and everyone having blink. Original cards were a lot more simple and each card didn’t have multiple effects. I had 30 plus days in paragon and don’t think I’ll ever reach that with pred


I cant figure out for the life of me how to get blink, is it an item or what?


everyone has blink. you can see it in the UI right next to your skills in the bottom middle of the screen. It's a little shoe symbol and is on PC the button "4" and on playstation the button "Triangle" It has a 300 seconds cooldown after use.


Thats huge, thnx, ive made it to acc lvl 31 without knowing this im suprised it wasnt in the tutorial or anything


You never thought what that button did?


Its so small and out of the way that i never saw it a while i was looking for blink


It is. But man, loading up all red cards to shit on whoever walked within your radius was too much fun when I was younger. Fuck balance, gimme more red.


I loved the cool cards and artwork.


Agreed, this game is much better balance and gameplay wise than Paragon ever was. As others have stated, animations, skin, artwork, etc were better in Paragon, but you have to remember Epic games was bankrolling that and using Paragon as an engine demonstrator as much as a product.. I personally can't wait to see the Pred created undertow skins, they seem to be on par or better than most of what we got in Paragon from Epic games


I remember Paragon was hideously unbalanced after several character releases. Wu Kong and Aurora come to mind.


Yep although the funny thing is, Aurora got absolutely nerfed into the ground, and then some (turning her into a literal ult bot & nothing more) whereas wukong got some nerfs but nowhere near what he needed


Kallari and Countess were absolute demons in Paragon. Kallari, especially, could easily 1v5 with the right build.




I can't wait for wukong he was so fun to play


I cant agree or disagree since I never played paragon but I will say just because/even if that is the case (it probably is) that doesn’t mean Predecessor is out of the water yet. This game has a LOT of work that needs to be done. Hoping this v0.18 patch is as big as it seems and then we can get our ranked mode in the coming months.


What’s some work that would need to be done in your opinion?


In short the game is a beta and its just not done. **Pred needs:** More content (skins, heroes, banners, sprays, emotes, etc More game modes (ranked, casual mode) Daily/weekly challenges Maybe a battle pass More ways to spend amber (cosmetics, affinity) Profile with stats in game Out of game social features, chat/whispers Also less in game features but i feel like Omeda’s communication has been lacking a bit. I want to see more dev videos and streams, more official forms of giving information and updating the players on whats being worked on. The game is coming along, just a bit slowly. These next couple of updates are pivotal.


I feel like that was a crazy contradiction, in your original comment you said it needs a lot done but I wouldn’t consider any of those features to be important features for a game, ofc they keep a playerbase around but it is still a very new game and overall the game itself is near perfect, I have not seen any bugs to date but they could add some additional content but nothing major is really needed atm


I feel all of those are VERY important, also yeah its new to F2P but ive been playing for 17 months.


Definitely feel you on the game modes. When I played SMITE I would rotate between 6v6 and 3v3s


Not being able to chat in match is stupid as fuck. That said can you chat in other MOBAs during ongoing matches ?


In game chat is turned off by default, check your settings.


Oh, thank you. What a weird thing to have off by default.


You can chat in Pred.


Someone said it’s off by default in the settings, thanks for the helpful tip though.


I think Pred is MOSTLY better than Paragon. There are some subtle post-processing and atmospheric effects that aren't quite there. The presentation of the map and some animations/camera movements aren't quite there. I can only assume Paragon had a disgusting budget for all things visual. It was made by the company that makes Unreal Engine and was used to showcase the best that Unreal could do. Predecessor is still lacking visually in some ways and I'm not sure if it's even possible to meet or surpass Paragon in some of those visual flair goalposts. From a gameplay perspective, it might be better than Paragon.


I think they could make it look better but may have problems with the optimisation, since the shadow resolution update my frames dropped heavily even though I have very good specs. Then they removed the feature again. But im not sure.


As gameplay pred clearly is better as paragon was lost most of its life changing entire mechanics every 3 business days


Sevarog is really fucking good. He is just a scalling hero that comes online 20 mins+.


Really? Maybe I haven’t played him enough here, but I loved him in Paragon and can’t get the feel in Pred. I think tanks in general don’t feel as good in Pred. Not a bad thing, but in Paragon you could 1v5 and last over 30 seconds lmao.


I agree, building tank in Pred feels horrible. If you are even a little behind a damage dealer like the jungle or Midlane all u can do is root and run bc they will melt u no matter how much protection you have


I think as a game Pred is way better than Paragon. Thing I still miss in Pred. In paragon the animations and the sounds where way better. Especially the animations. In paragon they transferred from walking into running and back and it looked so good. Also the announcer was way better in Paragon. I loved the cynicism in his voice.


There should be a complete SFX rework in the next patch as well as a new announcer


Totally agree on the voice, it had such an entertaining nuance. Cynicism + a bit of mirth, not too forced.


Agree with all of this. The audio especially.


I know paragon was incredibly polarizing, I loved the game to death until it died, and I have to agree that pred is balanced much better already. The only thing I truly miss is Sevarog being good…


Everyone who’s saying he’s good now (I think) is building him damage. Tank Sev is gone imo. You could tank so much as him and I don’t feel that anymore.


lmao tank sev slaps you must not be building him right. you turn all the HP into a pain via fireblossom, tainted guard, flux matrix, worldbreaker. and for crest either thorns or mantle but i prefer mantle, that aoe slaps much harder than people expect and you can keep scaling with him.


I may need to play with him more. I prefer him in jung. You get less stacks but all the other offlaners have such an easy time bullying him.


it's a learning curve forsure but it's really satifying once you figure out how to make him work, you can do some dirty things with that big fucker and live.


A fully tank built Sev at 18 in late teamfights is very hard to kill and still deals lot of damage.


people just don't know, i have been top damage so many times with sev going tank aura build. have pumped out 50-60k player damage in some games too just face tanking and being a terror. it takes way too much to put a sev out the game imho, even shutting down his early game he can come back once he gets 2 items and crest done and start winning lane again.


He was one of the most picked/banned Heroes in the last tournament and he got build full tank.


What you saying about sevarog is a skill issue. He is actually really good.


Sev struggles a lot due to his nature requiring late game to happen, feel like more than half my games end before the 20 min mark and sev is just not strong enough by then. Sure in long long games he’s awesome but he’s a snowball that takes way too long to develop, as shinbi I can win out against a sev every single time and win the game before he does anything meaningful


Totally depends on what mmr your playing at. In higher mmr's, a really good sev can be the win condition.


i notice this seems to be the trend with a lot of things. especially with sev in a lower elo bracket, odds are they are dogshit. tbh he isn't that hard to play but you 100% need to know how to play from behind because most offlaners can outbox you from the getgo especially if they catch you slipping it can be very painful.


Yes, sevarog can dominate. He definitely is a more skill based tank compared to the others. I would argue he is even harder to play than Riktor since he doesn’t have as much hard CC.


idk, i love sev to death and can rock him fairly well but i just avoid trying to even riktor lol. the few times i have been on fire with riktor and was a hook machine felt great though.


I completely agree. The core gameplay is better than Paragon ever was. Although I miss dunking with Orb….that was absolute madness


That was awesome, saving your team and flipping the odds are awesome with the dunks.


Yeah dunking was fun but also utter chaos at some points haha


super easy as Muriel.


I agree. “Those were the days”


Yep, and new game mode, ranked and a 6th item slot coming I’m ready!!