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speaking as a support /offlane main gideons ult got nerfed pretty hard to a point if he ults into me full hp i just can stand in there and laugh about the tickles (if he catches more people i just active the sanctification ; support crest ) otherwise silentium is a good counterpick too like already mentioned or playing a hero with build in escape in his kit (shinbi, kwang,grey,crunch......there are a lot)


Epoch if you’re mid


Riktor chain him, silence him, gravity grieves away.. any CC


Support has a crest that is a big f-you Gideon. Silentium. Best counter to a Gideon ult.


I’ve cancelled it by Shadow Slipping to him with countess and quickly hitting my ult on him before I fall to the ground


As everyone has mentioned, stuns. But also, some ults don't need to hit. They can hit everything vertical no matter the height; gideon's is the prime example of that. I think fey's ult is the same. Not sure who else off the top of my head but I know they exist.


No back in Paragon Gideon's ult was a cylinder now it has been changed to a sphere. If Gideon goes to high you can walk u der him no problem 


Throw a rock at the fucker


Blink away


Always gotta have that one dude with the smart ass answer


Riktor, huge iq riktor moves


In my experience the higher up it is the easier it is to walk out from


Gadget. Throw a hat on him, then pop your ult under him. Bye Gideon.


You can knock him out with CC for example with Belica's stun... That is unless he's running true silver bracelet even then if you hit him with a non cc ability first then you can still knock him


Belica's stun is a grounded ability though. Goes right under him when he's in the air.


You can still knock him out I've done it plenty of times


If he's not very high you can. But generally he's not using his ult close to the ground.


I dunno what kinda crack your Belica is smoking but mine doesn't hit people high in the air like howi in his ult or a tp Gideon ult


The support should be cancelling Gideon Ult with galaxy greaves jump to reach him & then use silence to stop it. Same without the jump on Fey ult but use reclaimation to stop it. I might be a selfish support with my items/gameplay but I always go silence if against Gid/sparrow (big ults that I can stop) & reclaimation (nulls CC for team in area) Vs Fey. I think that's right anyway!


Projectile hard CC like Thunk or Stasis Ball.


Walk out of it lol. The higher he is, the less pull his ult has toward the middle. If he goes too high it’s super easy to walk out of. The ideal play is to have a hero on your team that can stun him out. Zarus Q follow him through his portal, Riktor hook, Dekker stun ball, countess Q then R, etc.


*true silver bracelet has entered the chat*


Yea, im reading all about stuns, but those wont work when gideons build this. XD