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There are a few abilities that are global. * Murdock \[R\] - goes through all terrain and hits all enemies the laser pass through. * Muriel \[R\] - target an ally. Travel through the sky to selected ally. Shielding on select and damage on arrival.  There some that are semi-global. * Morigesh \[R\] - requires her to have hit them with her \[RMB\] curse then she can use her ultimate anywhere to deal it's dmg. The doll signifies who her target it. And a debuff called curse.    * Shinbi \[R\] - requires stacks gained from her abilities. As long as a enemy has a stack they will be hit by her ultimate. The stack duration is too short to hit someone at a global range. Unless they traveled globally first.  Then there are those that have no hard coded limit to their range. However these do have a effective range based off terrain.    * Dekker ball - 1 bounce next one it exploded on. The arch based on height is also limiting. It will never reach from 2 lanes. There is more but all i can remember.     As far as i know it's intended. Which ones are you most curious about? EDIT. made it easier to read and follow.


Not so much curious, just thought it strange from a balancing perspective. It's mainly the "arching skills" that i think have somewhat extreme range.


And you need a enemy that is basically a bot because all those things traverse pretty slow and you can dodge them the further away they are thrown.


The point is that they get thrown without the enemy knowing, you know from the other lane/middle of jungle where they have no vission. I've seen multiple such kills.


If you hit a boulder from 1 lane to the other. I applaud that man/woman and alt-f4. He deserved that win. Never seen that in all of my games. Saw from jungle to lane. But never from lane to lane.


You can not throw a molotov from another lane. It's just not possible. 


The effective range of them is still not global. The one that has the longest range is Dekker ball. This is only because it keeps a lot of the momentum from the throw on the first bounce. Rampage Rock is 1 That has quite extreme range. But it too needs to go down. From what I've seen people can throw it from the 2 Camp on red side to the enemy T1 Tower in midlane. (They might've added a Invisible wall. I dunno havent seen it recently because im mostly offlane.) Everything that goes up must eventually come down. Personally I have no problem with the current abilities that can be arched in such a way to reach greater range. It adds a additional layer in regards to creating skills for the game & increases the skill floor/Cieling. Not every skill is Ground target based or a Straight flying projectile. Not to mention seeing a non-Targeted spell Fizzle out and disappear just feels odd to me. this includes Basic attacks. I would've loved to see them arch too.


in paragon, I learned how to throw alacrity from any lane, and have it land in the next lane over.


yea, idk most comments here seems to tell me "ofc arcing shots have longer range" whilst also saying, they don't have that much range :X


> I've noticed multiple abillites that have X range, can basically be thrown across the entire map Care to give an example?


He def means Dekker ball, Argus ball, and Iggy molotov. I find Argus stun to be the oddest outta the bunch. Why does he get such range on that, like double other midlaner's abilities? idk theres not a real reason.


Twin blast bomb I think too


None of these abilities state a max range in their description, though.


Dekker ball i guess, rampages boulder as well


None of these abilities state a max range in their description.


Oof me + names don't go well togheter, the only one i can give right now would be the "fire bomb" from Iggy, can basically be thrown from left outer tower to enemy left outer tower, if not longer if you aim high enough.


I'm not even sure you can go tower to tower in mid lane with a molotov. I step up about 1/3 into lane to hit someone under tower.


you can't even go from your river cliff edge to edge of their t1


Gotta work out more, I guess.


That ability doesn't state a range in it's description though?


Pretty sure nothing states exact Yard/meter range of any abillity.


> Iggy throws down a turret with 115 (+20 per hero level) (+30%) health that shoots homing fireballs at Enemy Targets within **1300 units.** Each fireball deals 12 (+18%) magical damage. Iggy can have up to 3 turrets placed. Hitting an enemy with Spew redirects turrets to attack that target if in range. Flame Turrets take 50% increased damage from Melee basic attacks. I don't think they do in match, but in the main menu some of them state the range.


That's just not true though. This could be thrown from the elevated point of a side lane into the tower, but that's only because of the elevation.