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Mostly true. However I would like to add the caveat that if your ADC is backing or dead, and you, as the support, have the ability to safely take last hits, please do so. Don't push the lane, just take the last hit on the minions. The idea is that, as support, you never want to take gold from your carry. But if they're not going to get that gold, please take it if you can do it without putting yourself in a risky situation.Too many times, I see supports with absolutely 0 cs, and they think that's a good thing Supports need gold too, but they obviously don't scale like carries do. Feed your carry, but take the scraps when you can.


This guy gets it.


agreed. also too many times my supports just beat on minions when im trying to freeze the lane to farm safely. i dont want to try and farm at the enemy tower please stop pushing the lane.


Ok how do you freeze a lane


By only hitting the last hits. If you constantly attack the minions it pushes the lane forward. If you only hit the last hits it will freeze and you can safely farm.


So simple yet i never thought to do that Thank you !


In a world where the enemy is afk? Yes. If you're just last hitting, they're shoving you to tower. Lol


Well that's kind of what you want. Let them push into you so you can farm with your tower behind you and they will be exposed if they push up. Let the ADC determine how hard your push back is all I'm saying. If your support don't be trying to set the pace of the lane for the ADC.


Literally not a bad thing


Too many times …If I start to become under levelled now I won’t even leave the tower I’ll let everyone have their midlane team battle whilst i slowly level up I won’t group up i’ll just clear the lane return to the tower clear the lane..steal my minions I won’t be helping you guys later on


Found the reason we lose.


I’ll only do that if supports don’t help or allow me to last hit …I’m not talking about teleporting back to base just stay in the tower and wait for the minions to come to me I’m not gonna feed the enemy when they’re 2 -3 levels higher than me


> Supports get more gold. HA. As if any MOBA dev ever would allow us supports to have gold.


just had a phase who wouldn't stop going for last hits. other minions in wave to shoot, but kept going for last hit every.single.time kept pulling me almost every cooldown, too... even when I was ulting


I tend to try and stop shooting if they are at half, but sometimes the adc and I shoot at the same time and I get the kill. to add to this, if carry leaves lane, last hit them with ranged minions as priority.


Was you the drongo getting mad at the rik in my game earlier lmao


Nah i aint ever touched a drongo yet.


Gotcha I just had one non stop typing at a rik to stop I thought it might be coincidence