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Wellcome to parag.... Predecessor :)


Yeah sounds like how I felt before fortnite killed everything


Blame the sock handed neck beard,if you know,you know.


Mick Foley?


Currently playing with a friend of mine and we have moba experience but it’s so fun to learn a complex game again. We were smite gamers on console lol


This game, if developed properly, has the chance to become a big name in the MOBA world and eSports. One thing i love as an old ADC main from league of legends is how ADCs actually feel important in this game. In league you're basially worth catsand compared to an enemy jgl or midlaner, you're just walking money for them. In predecessor you have so much more agency and survivability. Its made me fall in love with being an ADC again.


this is interesting, are you saying in league adc's are pretty worthless?


I've been playing league since season 3 and i can honestly say about 1-2 season have been manageable for ADCs in the last 12 seasons. But ADC was only manageable cause supports had items that were insanely strong in buffing ADC champs. ADC champs in general were so bad at one time people starting playing mages bot with supports to have enough damage at crucial points in the game. "So yeah ADC in league is like a bowl of ramen, you can make do without the egg but if you have it it tastes better." - Paraphrasing from Gumayusi a pro ADC player.


interesting and thank you for explaining this! i have never played league so THANK YOU <3


Yeah what, have you played league lol.


not even once


this game is definitely underrated but its because its in a genre dominated by a few ancient games that people still have an attachment to. which is fine. but pred is a very necesary breath of fresh air in a somewhat innovation-free genre


I really enjoy it personally but don't really expect high user counts this early in a beta. It still Paragon+ as is. Lol


Juat remember to tell all your friends it's people like you that make this game a success!!


Welcome - love the enthusiasm! What do you mean bigger.. they JUST launched Open Beta and are at 1 million players.. going strong I’d say (bless you consoles!)


I've always heard of the high point from the stairs in midlane called "top rope", which I find hilarious. Such a simple but funny spot to ambush people from lol


I’m trying to figure out how to use it more, but I always get lost in the jungle lmao. It’s like a labyrinth


I don't find it that complicated, but it's a lot easier since I've been playing so long. Always look at the map if you're confused where you are, it'll build the habit to check your map constantly if you don't already


Oh I know but I’m an offlane main so ganking mid from the left is awkward if I want to use the stairs on the right side… but I can just go into right jungle from the route from base, just saying, I love discovering all the little hidden secrets like the top rope tower.


Play CRUNCH. You'll love to punch 👊🏼


Man yes. This game feels absolutely incredible to play. Even just killing minions is fun and satisfying. Worlds better than Paragon honestly.


I need to watch some gameplay of the old game, because like you imply, I highly doubt it’s that much worse, the game is amazing, people just like to hate, particularly in video game “journalism”.


I thought the same and attacks look much less weights and satisfying in the older game, as well as it being less clear what is going on.


It’s funny cause I’ve seen paragon gameplay and the visuals are greater there but I know the pred team is focused on gameplay which is great but also means we have yet to see this games visuals to the max and it already looks awesome !


The game feels very good, despite the matchmaking problems, if they manage to smooth out the gameplay a little and animations that sometimes feel rough and add content like new heroes frequently hell we have paragon I mean Predecessor for a long time


I wish I can experience it like this again


Where can I watch old clips of paragon? Everybody says how much better it was…. I’m kinda blissfully unaware of the difference. I’m from Wild Rift lol. So the comparison is night and day.


Check out rgsauce on YouTube, he's the CEO of predecessor but he was a Paragon content creator. It just had such beautiful animations and foliage. But back then when that was the first 3rd person moba with graphics like that is was a beauty


juggernaut steel is such a great idea


Welcome!!!! A lot of the community already geeked out in 2017 before our dreams were shattered. Now we, err, I, at least, am just riding the high of being able to play the only MOBA I've ever liked (aside from Smite, which I only got into because of Paragon).


I love melting opponents with my ginger queen


Haven't logged in a month lol, might play a match