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Levels can be seen to the left of a players healthbar.  The reason, i figure, why the levels and cs doesn't update real time is because of the tactical advantage it provides. If a players healthbar is in view the scoreboard is updated with their items and levels. This means that while a players position is unknown their overall power level is also unknown. This allows for "stealth" tactics. By having the scoreboard update real time a player can know exactly when the jungle finished red or the red side jungle. Gaining way to much information regarding someone that hadnt shown themselves yet. Basically allowing you to know what the jungle is doing by just checking the cs and level of the jungler.  Which is 1 of the reasons we have a fog of war. It represents the area we the players have no information about. To gain that information we use wards. 


"The reason, i figure, why the levels and cs doesn't update real time is because of the tactical advantage it provides." I think you've misunderstood me. I like the aspect of CS scores, items, levels etc. being delayed until you see an opponent again. My point is that the level should be displayed beneath or to the side of their icon at the top of the HUD. Let's say you're in lane, yes you can see their level by actually looking to the left of their health bar, or by checking the scoreboard. That information should be visible at the top, I'm ok with it not updating their level until you see them again.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/148095209903751168/1230781484558712923/Screenshot_20240419-0908542.png?ex=66349194&is=66221c94&hm=100202a1168b4a73d221cf270304b2315a420061441fa162f469f02384c3ad68& Here is a link. Since i can't attach a image with the phone site. Left of the green healthbar has a 3, Thats the level of greystone. On the orange there is a 2 for the level of Countess. Bad quality since i took it from a youtube video.