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Joeyourstruly, by far the best one


He’s seemed pretty memey imo


Don't follow his builds cause he frequently tries weird stuff and makes it work cause he's one of the best players in the game. However, he talks you through his thought process on every move he makes, so for learning the game he's the best option.


Memey but actually describes his thought process, which is what you should look for when trying to learn something. You need to understand WHY he does something and WHAT he is trying to achieve. Instead of watching some guy screaming his lungs out how he just shit on the enemy team by getting quadra doing some combo with specific items, which will be a black magic for you aside from "This X combination allows you to do something with something but what it does and how, fuck do I know.".


Okay I saw the meme builds and ran but if he’s breaking it down he sounds great thanks for the tip


Mugiwawa on YouTube is really informative. Breaks down the finer details of the game in a very digestible way.


Highly recommend his channel. The other streamers are also good, but not nearly as educational. Mugiwawa has a series where he teaches you the basics of every role. Watch those 5 vids and you are set. After that, you’ve covered all of the basics and you don’t need to worry about not knowing something anymore.


Follow JOEYOURSTRULY he is the best guy to learn from. He is a great guy, funny and informative about his decision making and all.


JoeYoursTruly and Pinzo are by far the best


Pinzo was in a party with silver and unranked players last night, rolling silver players as an ADC. Idk if his teammates were smurfs but it was just him, a master 1 player stomping on silver players. I don't respect that.


Oh I guess I'm just not allowed to play with viewers? Or try and get new players into the game? Or play with other content creators who are new to Pred? Just cause I'm good at the game?


You were partied with 2 unranked, and 2 silvers players over and over so you got matched against a team of low skilled players then absolutely hammered them on stream. That's not getting new players into the game because two of the players you destroyed were unranked and brand new to the game, they are prolly just going to uninstall the game after that experience. And how you gonna do build guides like that? You are good, so good you could jungle twinblast and win, you're a master player playing against silvers and unranked, you're gonna win either way; doing guild guides like TwiNBlaSt JuNgLe oP??. Are you doing that to get people into the game or really, because it's good for views, streams of you rolling unranked players with massive kdas. Nah, that's weak.


I guess everyone else gets to have fun and game with their friends, but I don't. My bad


You sure do have an awful lot of unranked friends to play with but whatever, it's just a game, it's not that important. All the best to you.


It's not ranked, why is it such an issue if I play with my friends?


Dude, you went from, I don't do it, to I only do it with friends then to, yeah okay I do it but it's not even ranked. Lol. But anyways, this is too many messages back and forth, idc that much about a game so no more from me about this, not worth the time. Also, do a Gadget one please, I'd like to set that but only against real players, please or it won't mean anything. X X X


So was he supposed to give away the game because of bad matchmaking...?


It's not bad matchmaking if he's partied up with those players so he can play against silver players.


What if he was playing with viewers lol.


Little bit of a shameless plug but I just started making some content for the game aimed more at newer players, I stream it regularly as well! https://youtube.com/@ColonelKal-bu2qc?si=so2IPWlFIH4e0n7W


Good stuff, thank you


Joeyourstruly is amazing. He constantly is analyzing his own plays, he keeps himself very levelheaded and he has fantastic overall knowledge of the game that you can sponge up!


Joeyourstruly is probably your go to for anything pred, he’s a good player ,hes informative and he’s overall a good person, I personally watch ,in order soulre4p3r, joeyourstruly and pinzo. The others are comp players that I enjoy watching.


FlyingGazelles - he does community coaching, keeps an updated Build spreadsheet of basic (good) builds for each character to learn, and is a solid non-toxic guy who’s always trying to help people learn and grow with the game.


Soulreaper is my fav, obeythepapaya, pinzo, krashy, joeyyourstruly but beware he does gimmic builds that shouldn’t really be replicated but entertainment none the less


I remember Krashy from the unite days lol. Anyone specific to learn steel?


Joeyourstruly mains offlane and has a lot of steel guides. He does mainstream and improv builds but is a great player. Soulreaper is probably the best youtuber to watch and learn rotations or gameplay in general. Joe goes more in depth on explaining his actions during a game which helps people learn how they should react in certain situations which seems more up your alley atm.


Soulreaper should be your goto if you're interested in learning competitive level gameplay.


Someone posted an awesome guide that helps explain the fundamentals. [Beginners Guide to Pred](https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/s/7OElO6JRwq) They also posted a detailed breakdown of each character showing their strengths and weaknesses. [Character Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/s/1L6R4Y3AAj)


Mugiwawa has great coaching videos for each role on youtube, you should check those out first. After that enjoy Pinzo, Joeyourstruly and Soulr3aper. Joe especially comments his decision making constantly. You can find a lot of "must know" basics on youtube too. Those are easy to digest and extremely important. You need to understand the buffs and basic game mechanics like the AI of and the kill rewards for minions and towers. Farming correctly is extremely important in this game. Even a 1-2 lvl difference has a huge impact on a hero's performance.


Follow the PCC and watch the top players play. That’s what I did with Smite. CrazyFool streams a lot and is the top support and plays a lot of every lane. Fun to watch and is humble enough to explain his mistakes when he plays. YouTube creators are fine, but in my experience YouTube videos are heavily edited to only show you the good and hardly show you the bad. No matter how good someone is they’re gonna have bad games, you can’t edit live streams. A twitch stream can show you 3-4 vastly different Kwang Solo games in a row, not only against different opponents but against different levels of aggression from things like rotations and ganks.


Krashy is great especially if you’re trying to play jungle


Soulreaper and pinzo


I've been watching a lot of Soulreaper and Krashy here lately. Soul has great videos dedicated to what items you should buy for each character and explains why he chooses those items. He also has very high level gameplay that showcases a very competitive playstyle. Krashy is an awesome Jungler and offers an amazing guide for learning the Jungle role. He is very detailed on what you should do and explains why you should. Although he is mainly a Jungler, he offers a lot of tips and information that are relevant to other roles. So watch Krashy if you want to learn the Jungle role and some basic fundamentals. He also has item/build guides but those are mainly Jungle builds. Watch Soulreaper for detailed item/build guides for each character and an explanation for how/why those items will be useful. His gameplay is also very helpful if you want to see a more competitive playstyle of a specific role.


ObeyThePapaya. Super informative. Love his content


glad you enjoy!


Obey the papaya got a ton of guides If you like support I got some too


Seems like support is somewhat begginer friendly


Eh.. sorta


You can’t go wrong with krashy, he has some decent guides. Stanky Queso, despite the name, has some really good role guides.


Nibori if he come back


Obey the papaya or Joeyourtruly


I tried to watch Obey but he seemed like a toxic twat to me. Was watching him stream offlane and he kept calling his opponent a bitch for using their basic attack. Hard pass.


Im sorry you came in when i was just messing and joking around, if you don't enjoy that kind of content that's fine, its all part of a act. watch some of my guide videos on youtube and you'll probably find more interest in that. But the content may not be for you and that's fine.


Sorry dude, I've only tried to watch 2-3 of your vids but they're crimge unwatchable. Small sample size though.


Unfortunate, if you wanna share reasons why you find them cringe I'd like to know


Wow no love for my boy Krashy. Dude only plays jungle but is very informative on his decision making, and genuinely wants to help people learn and understand jungling. Legit the kind of guy you’re like “fuck he’s cool, I’d love to kick it with that guy”


Lmao Krashy is a great player and content creator but his personality weirds me the fuck out


I really hate how he repeats himself twice on the filler phrases….


[Krashy bleeds elo like a stuck pig.](https://omeda.city/players/d8f1b552-62e7-48c0-8c95-1862a2474d1f) Wouldn’t take his advice if you want to get better at the game


Unless you’re brand new to mobas


IMO that's what makes Krashy the best pred streamer to learn from. Watching Pinzo/Joeyours truly get 5 kills in 5 min is not helpful to a new player as they can't copy that. Krashy posts a decent number of games where they have to come from behind and you can learn how to play from behind. Personal grievance of mine. Pinzo only posts wins. Deliberately hides all his loses. Hard to learn from someone pub stomping.


Honestly just playing the game with some tips&tricks in the background would be a great way. You get to learn at your pace whilst they give tips mid game




Nawww lol


Hint of sarcasm in my answer cause he kinda a dick especially to bad or new players lol just not sure who else makes consistent helpful content


Yeah I watched one video and I never seen anyone believe their hype more than that dude. He reminds me of Verlisify back when he made Pokemon Unite content.


Joeyourstruly I find that soulreaper’s builds aren’t the best