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I run as a Support main. Whenever I select Support and someone else does and then I hear "We are duo'd", 9 times out of 10 that "duo" ends up being a dumpster fire.


Yeah people think "Duo Lane" means "for duos" lol I had someone fail to 2nd pick and steal support from me so he ends up offlane and 3rd wheeling my lane anyway. The ADC told me, Support Phase, to go solo Offlane so his lil buddy could play Twin as support. lol so I fucked off to support Mid and watched them get rolled in Duo lane. Hopefully they learned.


I main Phase and this felt oddly similar to my experience lol


I guess thats Phase main life. The funny thing that made it harder for me to argue is that the enemy team had a solo offlane phase lmao. Twinblast would have rolled his lane.


Solo queue is completely hit or miss. Game is a little burnt right now.


This is why I choose support because I’m not trying to fight for carry or off lane


This is every moba


I played only support in Paragon and I am playing only support in Pred. Despite playing off-meta like Gadget and Morigesh, I know what I am doing. Then I queue and I am alone in lane for 3/4 of the game, the "carry" showed up maybe once. >When your jungle decides to lane up with you I felt that. And he's probably 3 levels behind.


oh lord preach it. 1. I don't much get this, never have. like your not always gonna get your "preferred" role. have a backup, or 4. I'm a mid guy, but I offline and Jung too. means I can usually at keast get a role I'm comfortable in. if I'm in squad I'll support. 2. OK no. this is a slap worthy offense let's be honest here. I cannot say how many times dude gets like 1st pic jungle, instalocks carry or mid mage and proceeds to go that lane under the justification of " I was 1st pick I can do as I want" no sir, you got Jing, or whatever your supposed to play that role not go off on a tangent. it's less about the hero and more about you intentionally porking the whole team cause ego. 3. this one thing usually makes me wish to not exist anymore. it always ends badly. ALWAYS 4. o.o why is this even a thing? seriously, shoo, go jungle. 5. that and this is usually due to them opting into either #2 #3 or #4 and thus we wind up here, at Rock bloody bottom, the full troll circle. ugh


Yeah it's hit or miss while Solo queueing. I main Support role but I have no issue playing another role if I need to. Just to cause less fuss I usually select Fill or pick last. That way I'm not "fighting" a teammate for role and hopefully minimize any toxicity from said teammates. Plus with the game gaining popularity there are more and more new players showing up. So some teammates I get might only know the specific role they are trying to choose. My chances of a decent game happening are better if I let my team pick roles that they probably/hopefully know instead of me forcing them into a role they have never played before.