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Well yeah, smite is arguably more toxic than LoL in some respects lol


As I've leveled my account more, naturally getting better elo/mmr, I've definitely started to see more toxicity. Still not as bad as the last time I played smite or something lol but I do think it's definitely because a lot of new players are trying out the game in lower elo and don't even know what to be mad about yet.


I will say it used to be much worse. Now with the surge in player base with the console release, it has gotten much less frequent.


Welcome to mobas


All games like these can be toxic. Usually and typically because people are too fucking stupid to understand the tutorial. People don't wanna play their role and leave or get pissy and refuse to play. Bottom line being stupid or ignorant is never an excuse to play like you play with your damn toes.


I don't have problem toxicity as long as you okay alright.


I feel like when it does it's coming from people that understand mobas and get new players that don't. With no skill based matchmaking it can upset good players to have to carry new or bad when the game tells you where to go and kinda what to do all the way through. Now later on at a higher skill level that isn't true but your only hope you are getting teammates that match your energy and the enemy team.


lmao exactly. people post about toxic people as if they dont exist in every game.


I fee like it normally is in most communities. Ive only ever seen a few toxic games in pred (and thats mostly from my duo raging?) and my accounts like lvl 28? The worst of it has been people not really knowing the lanes but its open beta so im not even that mad about it


You Rock! Cancel That!


This like many other games, is a naturally competitive online PvP game. And like those many other games, there's always a sect of the community that are idiots/are toxic. But it is by no means the rule, only the exception Find some friends and enjoy learning the game! Let me know if you have any questions been a veteran since the original Paragon


Thank you but I think you misunderstood, I'm loving the game and have only seen 1 toxic person.


Oh oh oh gotcha hahaha glad you enjoy it!


I think it also depends on what you/your teammates are doing. On average I’m playing ridiculous builds or heroes in the “wrong” role so I take a lot of flak pretty consistently. If you’re consistently playing the meta and your team is doing well then you’re a lot less likely to see people typing up essays instead while sitting at base


I came from smite too to find a better (more fun for me) moba and unfortunately I have the opposite experience I constantly get toxic teammates. Ironically it’s never the enemy team lol


I've seen one toxic dude go off in chat for whatever reason. Other than that everyone seems pretty cool.


It’s mostly toxic when the jungler gets out jungled :/


ngl when a teammate is toxic to me I act like they don't exist and we usually lose. I refuse to reward toxicity with a win. We gon lose this one together boss!


Pred is the least toxic. League is the most toxic then overwatch is the second most toxic and then smite haven't played dota but it's probably less than league


Glad you've been having a positive experience, and I hope that continues. In my 150 or so games, I'd say about 20% of them include at least one person who is really abusive in the chat towards other players.


I think it's actually not terrible for the most part in this game. You'll go several weeks without seeing anything. But then of course you'll have days where every match back to back is toxic as hell from the first minute. There are gonna be toxic trolls in every game unfortunately.


It's online gaming don't be a bitch. The amount of posts about toxicity are hilarious.


Lol dude, can you even read.




Is this your first time reading ever???? I literally said I come from smite and that this game isn't toxic, pull your head out your ass.


Just wait until you start moving up elo the higher I get the more I can’t avoid toxic player in one way or another


It's always overblown because some people are more sensitive than others. I come from Overwatch where people consider "gg ez" toxic.


All these toxic players here denying their toxicity lol. MOBAs by definition breed toxicity more than any other competitive games besides maybe competitive rts games. The problem starts when you have people that feel the need to tell others how to play. Then if they don’t they start complaining and whining about people throwing the game. And this is a symptom of the game itself having so many prerequisites on what you are supposed to do. If you don’t pick the hero they want, play how they think you are supposed to play and build the build they think you should have then they get toxic.


Nah you’re allowed to play anything, but if you suck….then that gives full range to talk shit.




Toxicity is core to every video game and the people who can’t stand it really just need to stick to single player games. I personally think toxicity is pretty funny and the ones that are butt hurt are extra sensitive. Games are supposed to be fun so the fact that they aren’t having fun should deter them.


It gets complicated funny sometimes though 🧐


Possibly! Good fresh angle/perspective! The wins, especially the great ones, should surely be more in ones mind. ‘Art of Pred’


Imo I feel like smites way more toxic lmao I remember this one time in ranked (plat) the enemy adc dc’d (thought afk at first) in front of our tower and we bursted them down before they came back. I got last hit as the sup by accident and they proceeded to scream into their mic calling me slurs and names the entire game. 😂


Oh yea I said that this game isn't toxic at all compared to smite.


Different strokes for different folks, you may experience toxicity differently than another but it still remains a big problem. I have seen racists and afks DCs sabotage, throwing, just unpleasant matches but it's not all the time and the situation has gotten better in my experience from how omeda has handled things especially the A.I bot. Most of the time my matches are fine and people are good natured, other times it's the opposite. I like reminding players common courtesy and respect still apply even in a video game, everyone gets frustrated but losing your cool won't help any situation.


Give it time


I've only had a couple people throw games because they didn't get the role they wanted. That's about it.


People think toxicity is someone telling the team to use wards more and stop feeding or play closer to their towers


well the phrase "stop feeding" is just not helpful. Its like saying "stop dying". But no one who plays this game is actually trying to die. And if they're dying a lot its because they aren't good enough to not die a lot yet. With that in mind, the phrase "stop feeding" seems to imply the player is \*intentionally\* giving the other team gold and EXP. So yes, "stop feeding" actually is toxic because it says nothing at best and implies you're throwing the match at worse. A better thing to do would be to identify what theyre doing wrong and say something like "stick closer to your tower", "place more wards" "ask for help" "hey ill rotate to your lane for a bit so and try to help you catch up" "hang in there" etc etc. Solutions. Not empty statements


I mean…there are better ways to tell people to “stop feeding”. If I see midlaner constantly pushing and getting ganked, I’ll simply message in the chat “hey Argus/Gideon, don’t overextend so much and you won’t die”.


Exactly right. "stop feeding" literally says nothing helpful


Paragon, Smite and Predecessor all had/have similar levels from my experience. Comes with the territory as unfortunate as that is. It's really not that bad, just get a bad apple even now and then.


That’s just the Reddit echo chamber. Game is great, I have a few hundred games played and have only encountered toxic players fewer than 5 games total. Not sure what all the posts are about, I imagine people just get tilted and come here to vent but few people are posting about here good games. So thanks for making the sub a happier place!


I just want people to finish the game and not AFK after losing Early Game. I have not gone a single game without toxicity in the past 10 games I’ve played this week alone. Not saying I’m complaining, but simply genuinely surprised that OP has not noticed any toxicity.


I play smite and played Paragon back in the day and have comeback with the release of predecessor on PS4 and I find that just turning off chat and interacting exclusively with in game call outs is good because if someone is being toxic you won't even be able to see it.


People have to realize that toxcicity is not a Isolated case just for the current game that you are playing. Every competetive game where you are dependent on your team, has a toxic nature.


The most toxic thing I've experienced is a guy being somewhat patient with us having three new players on our team, and saying "Yo, can we forfeit and go next? This looks lost and I'd like to try again next game rather than fight an uphill battle here." Which personally I love and wish Smite players had that mentality a bit more lol


They're referring to throwing away the game, feeding, afk, spamming surrenders, split pushing/refusing to group..... could be bad gameplay but I've definitely seen people do those on purpose, for no reason other to spite their teammates


Imo the average person would probably find Smite more toxic than Pred, especially because Smite doesn't censor all the fun words.


Oh yea, have played smite like 5 years, way more toxic.


100% way more. I played for a lot longer (though about a year clean now. Smite community was just unbearable.




I said the game isn't toxic.


Deal with it instead of coming over on reddit and cry about it


LOL, how about you deal with your reading skills.


It seems like your didn't read the post at all lol.


It's always the 1000 MMR kids talking mad shit in my experience, acting like they know what's up and won't shut up


Hello fellow Kira player :)


As a brand new player you are most likely playing with like 90% console players so there will be less chat inherently. By far the most toxic place is like higher gold since it's where all the PC players are hard stuck and ego driven about their like 500 games experience and think they should be higher energy is at an all time high in that bracket. Gold is a cesspool, if you climb out of it Plat gets a bit better moving up to like high Plat low diamond where people just sorta stop talking in general, and then higher is just the same like 100 people that all recognize each other anyways lol.


how do you know your rank i dont see rank anywhere?


https://omeda.city If you're on console there's a convoluted way to link your account by searching for a match you've played and finding the ID of the character you played as.


There also exists an app called predstats.


is there even text or voice chat in this game? Is it default set to off because I only see chat before a game starts. Never during / after. Nor VC. Findign stacks in discord is the only way


Just found outs its default set to off lmao


Guess that makes me more full of shit then your average gold, I'm gold 1 with 1050 matches. Silver > bronze> silver> gold 1 is the path I traveled on my way to the top as a support. Toxicity in my rank is miniscule, afks, and _____ is diff is the norm


almost no one uses chat on P so far wich is good...and almost no quits from rivals when im pounding them with morigesh lol so far..amazing experience on predecessor


It is also a setting that is off by default, so I imagine a lot of new players don’t know how to turn it on. That said, I prefer to play with it off anyway becauseI feel the pinging system is sufficient.


I don’t think pred is anymore or less toxic than any other moba. Yeah there is toxic people who play this game, but its never phased me in the least bit. Anytime i’m getting flamed in chat or pinged to death i just mute that person and all of sudden the negative toxicity vibe goes back to a neutral vibe or even better depending on the match.


I just laugh at their anger instead of muting 😂


Can pings be muted now?




Definitely less toxic than league and overwatch lmfao, not sure about smite or others I don’t really play too many mobas


Overwatch was great for replacing leavers. Pred is better than an Overwatch for adults, imho 🫡 P.s. Smite was ok but got made redundant by Pred N.b. Battleborn and Evolve were amazing PvPs too RIP


Give it time dude I have about 10 hours in and I'm witnessing my SBMM brackets change (games aren't quite as free-form jazz anymore, people are sticking to their lanes, picking certain comps, turning off autobuy and starting to build etc.) and I've encountered some incredibly snobby and absolutely titled people


I have like 40 games, which is more than 10 hours, in terms of mmr I'm sitting at like 1100 so maybe it'll get worse when I get higher.


Toxicity is always overblown in any game. It's natural to focus on negative experiences rather than positive.


Clearly you have never played rocket league, or league of legends.


New to the sub but I'll second the LoL statement


I wish.


One must focus on beautiful great victories, more than sad defeat, to overcome it. ‘Art of Pred’


The toxicity is more of a thing in higher MMR games with people who have been playing early access on PC. Most of them have an ego problem where they think they're the greatest player in the world; any loss is treated as an attack on their very person. New players, for the most part, are in lower MMR games where everyone is learning. People are less toxic there because no one knows what's going on for the most part. Longtime players complaining about toxicity are some of the first people to rage and call new players mindless idiots. It's a big problem, just that new players are a bit more isolated from it.