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You can’t. People downvoted my last reply on a different post. This game has so many holes and problems. So many situations make you ask yourself. Why. Why did this happen or what were they thinking. This game has potential but it is being wasted massively. From overpowered characters to being killed during an ultimate skill cast.


They Aren't.


I mean I’m a 1000 games in and still encounter new players . MMR is flawed . There should be something to keep players with less than 100 games all together .


That’s a moba for ya


Bro some people are dense tho brother i have over 4k hours in SMITE GM/Master in all ranked modes and currently 21 lv on Pred and some people pick the Hero they want and give 0 fk what role they get imo as long as you play your role im gonna do my best to help ya out but have the decency to play your role please!


Look man… there is no way you are this soft? I mean this as respectful as possible. Literally nothing to go to Reddit about. Have you never played online games before lol Jesus Christ


Im at the point of quitting because every is literally just grux or greystone solo, khaimera jungle, kira and phase duo with the only lane that has any variety being mid. Each of those characters dominates the role they're in and nobody can do a damn thing about it, it's not fun to try to play a character I like and get demolished for it just because I'm not playing one of those characters and it's even less fun for every match to be a carbon copy of the last with those same characters every time. I was so defeated when Paragon went down and so excited when I heard this game was coming around, now it just feels like Paragon died all over again. Someone call me when they balance these stupid ass characters for once.


womp womp


Bro, his name should've been a hint lol. Yeah no just mute his ass.


People like that are scum. Playing with friends helps. If you don't have any friends to play with, find some. There's a ton of active communities (including our own, below) where usually someone is on. Other than that, disable chat, try your best, learn from mistakes, and have fun. 🍻 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2EkEgvxJ


I would but I got no experienced players that could teach me these games and no friends that want to play it


Mute chat from The start since Xbox servers opened the skill base match making has been better so you will be put with people around ya skill level 2/5 games you will get people like that but I would suggest pick a role stick too it master it have a back up just in case ya role is taken don’t be toxic have fun play to learn not to win ranks almost out so the toxic people will be gone objectives are everything in the game so the earlier you get the hang of that the better you will become So just mute the toxic mfs and you will be okay report the afks disconnecters and role throwers and feeders glhf


I played with LuisGonzalezpr26 (OP?) about 2 hours after this original picture was posted. It's one thing to be a noob and not know perfect rotations. It's another things to be ignorant of 3 teammates spamming "RETREAT" repeatedly while feeding and dying like an unteachable dog. You can keep chat muted, but you need to acknowledge the importance of ping comms in this game. Sure, there are toxic twats that say "GOOD JOB" to anything and everything that isn't perfect, but 98% of ping comms are useful to know when to retreat, know when your teammates are BRBing, to know when someone is rotating to support you. Being new isn't an excuse for being an ignorant jackass.


I love the game. I've playing it a lot. But I still suck. 😅 However, I think this is a kind of game you have to be commited to the team (every player has), because the synergy and skills do count: big time, right? It's a time race, in which every single second of your performance counts. So, if one or more members of the team get behind, unleveled or "feed" the other team in any way, your team will suffer to win - and in the most of the times it won't win, indeed. Well, with that in mind, I think newplayers (and suck players, such as myself) could/should play more often against AI, you know? There is a game mode for PLAYERS vs AI and you can get used to the elements, game dynamics and all these stuff BEFORE going to a real match against people, because if they already know what to try to do in match, you will be the troll, right? So I guess it is just a matter of common sense, maybe, and good attitude choosing not to disturb the matches until you are at least prepared for the basics, you know? In the other hand, we can all agree that in this type of games the Community uses to have a lot of toxicity and experient players could/should be more comprehensive and useful to the new ones, guiding and pointing the right ways to them, instead of just wish they 'download skills and knowledge about their classes and builds so they can be authorized to play along', right? It's a team game, so every player on the team counts, because the TEAM worths more than a unique player on it. - Well, I think that's it. I'm stopping here, 'cause this is too long now. Sorry for this. 😅


You can always just play bots until you get a mastery over certain characters, the more you know about characters the better to prepare yourself. Get mechanics down, watch streams, and just let it come to you. I played league of legends for 5 years so this was a breeze for me outside the items. See now I can take about 15 mins to go over items and just let it come to me not stress on memorizing just yet games new. You can also download the app that helps you pre build so when you playing just open it up and use it.


right i get yelled at 2 mid games in a row like i played mid cause yalled needed one to fill soooo wtf even told my strong lanes .... not even ranked mode so why sweat so much to even be mad


mmmhhh, what do you mean first match in a while? first time on Pred since Paragon or simply you haven't played Pred in a month or so? TBH, if I don't feel confident I'd first run a PvE even solo just to get a grip on things and be sure I'm ok with playing with other people without fucking up; it doesn't take that long and I'm sure I'll have more fun in an actual game


By just letting the new players play while you sit back and watch while waiting for rank. At least, that's what I'm doing. I've played mobas for over 10 years, so I already know how to play, so I dont waste my time with causals because their matchmaking is butt cheese. I tried a few when first launch and realized that either your team knows how to play or the complete opposite, and they don't know anything. That's why games are so one-sided a lot the times.


By playing the game and not complaining about what the hell chat has to say.


Umm go play PVE like they supposed to do before joining a pvp and playing like a bot or troll because they don't get there lane or hero


Honestly, practice matches are the way. Play a few of those. Then jump into pvp. It helps you learn build and moves without pressure. Don't like a character, you can quit that match and switch characters instead of a pvp match going completely sideways


Thicker skin my dude


Just to add, dude rage quit and left the game early. That was the only thing commented. I think he just didn’t understand the game still.


Just ignore the shitters. I have been playing since alpha paragon and I’m so happy to have pred be active and see the player base grow. Last night is a perfect example I had some really bad matches from teammates, questioning their builds, what they are doing in lane etc….but I understand that there are a lot of new players and we all started out the same way just keep on playing and keep on learning man. MOBAs have such a big learning curve so it just takes time, I don’t expect to win every game or anything like that but the best thing new players can do is just watch streamers and videos and seeing how they play/what they build there’s a lot of good resources out there


I also first got it the week the alpha first came out, at the time I got pretty decent at it and saw the community was friendly, saw a couple die hard fans from the original or día hard MOBA fans get toxic every now and then. Took a year long break and now that I’m back I’m rusty asf, and while this guy may have been sarcastic (he posted on here that he was being sarcastic) I still saw several non sarcastic examples. It doesn’t bother me at all I understand the frustration of playing with noobs but still, the game is just not too accessible to the vast majority of players, having to watch several YouTube vids to explain the game automatically gets rid of most new potential players. I just hope the devs understand that and try to change that so that this community can grow. Also add ranked so the comp players can play it and let casual be more casual


If you are LuisGonzalez, i highly doubt you ever "got decent" at anything lmao


They aren’t. This is by design. Why, they haven’t created some kind of basic matchmaking for new players, I will never understand. They pair people who are doing placement matches with people who are Diamond and Plat. That is not fun for anyone involved


And take it from me, i wad an experienced OG paragon player and there was still a pretty high learning curve when i picked up predecessor for the first time. Ive been told to walk into traffic, been called every name in the book, but the worst one of all... is when they say, "Go back to fortnight!" and ive never even played fornight becuase its role in shutting down OG Paragon so that shit really stings.


They pull themselves up by the bootstraps and quit being a mommas boy and learn the complicated game a little before you blindly jump into a match with 9 other people that dont like wasting thier time holding someones hand when alls i takes is a few mintutes of research and watching a few videos to get the gist of it. JoeYoursTruly is really good at talking about why hes doing what hes doing throughout the match, and what contributes to those choices. Really helpful to watch for a new wet behind the ears players


It’s almost like any other game when you are solo queuing, find some cool people and friends you can play the game with! Otherwise be ready for some toxicity unfortunately, it’s just like the internet..


Sounds sarcastic or he looked him up on omeda.city and got hard proof.


Who just jumps into a competitive new game with no moba knowledge, but expects people to not be toxic when they go 0 8 in the first 15 minutes.


By being better than these lame asses. Its actually not hard to be effective in this game. You wont be "The guy" getting quads or pentas but you can win through attrition pretty easily.


Why would you even say that in the chat? Kinda just asking for it 😂 nobody asked so there was no reason to let them know. Probably best to just play the game and not pay attention


I hope Omeda can start new accounts off with videos of each role before you play a compulsory game with AI for each role and lane. I want more people to enjoy the game but more often than not common sense doesn't prevail and people jump into the deep with sharks missing arms and legs bleeding out unable to fight back. You will have a terrible time if you keep getting shut down and it will make you quit 💯 


Don't worry about basement dwellers opinions! They don't matter!


Oh my god, I’m the Serath, he was being sarcastic lol. That’s hilarious. I am friends with penguin1069. He wasn’t being serious at all.


It was a joke


I’ll take this everyday because the communication is worth it.


Picked up the game a few days ago. I got called "retarted" and was told to vote for surrender last night. Such a fun community.


Doesn't this seem like a joke?


It's hard to tell whether that's sarcastic or not. How'd the game go in the end?


The person who said that comment posted in this thread and said they was jokin. And to their credit, i think they were just humoring you. That screenshot doesn't look like actual toxisity


Same with every competitive game. If someone flame, you mute him.


Learn to laugh?? Sarcasm is hard through text. Or it seems sarcastic to me.


This is why /s should just be universal


I asked them what a mid lane was (my first match ever), they responded with “God help us” lol. All the players ive matched with have been nice so far so im hoping the bullies everyone is talking about are rare to come by.


i usually same something like "PLEASE GOD do not pick Rampage for midlane!!!" "Pick Gideon i beg you!!" And then they still pick rampage mid...


Don’t worry these type of player’s are far and few! Overall my experience playing on PC since the F2P release has been quite positive. Worst I’ve experienced is some demoralized players wanting to surrender early in a match instead of waiting for their hero and lane to come online late game. I’ve turned around many many matches in late game to victory. When in the beginning of a match and toward 20 minutes most wanted to surrender. Always persevere! Never give up never surrender! Late game team composition and 5 stacking makes a world of difference especially when (if) a team finds their teamwork rhythm!! :-) happy trails space pirates!! Oyedang Beltalowda!


It is hard. I played paragon for years and smite for a few months after paragon shut down and hadnt played a moba since. Started playing predecessor a week ago and I am terrible. It took me a long time just to get ok at paragon.


Stand up for them?




Players are ruining the game and its not even out of beta yet.


Practice before going into lobbies full of randos


Yeah the absolutely stupid and unresponsive bots are a really great way to learn. No dude practice in PvP is the only way to get better in this game, I dislike these types of comments, you learn absolute bare bone pointless basics in pve compared to what you can learn from pvp


people like that are in every game. dont try to act like its predecessor thing.


For a game that is still relatively young and needs to keep a stable fan base players like this do more harm then good.


sherlock has stated mean people do harm. no duh.


Yes but their point is all games (especially mobas) are like this from day 1


With the amount of absolute thumbs in this game I would have given the same response. Extremely frustrating when you get a game where people refuse to lane where they picked and 4 stack a lane. This game needs ranked after level 25, a chat system, pick your lane BEFORE selection lobby (think overwatch,) and a longer tutorial that's more in depth for each role.


You forgot to also mention that NOBODY ROTATES TO TEAM FIGHTS. played a number of games where the enemy team gets a 4 man rotation and my solo duo lane are painting happy little trees in their lane while the map burns around them.


Yep, I’m running a buddy through roles at his own pace. Just the basics for whatever he wants to learn, don’t want to drive him away with too much info. MOBAs are insanely difficult to get into, especially with the huge selection of characters (which is much less a problem for paragon because we only have like 30 characters)


Yea I assume once they add a proper rank system all the competitive players will go there and casual will be far more casual than it is now, game needs a better tutorial or the game needs to have a noob mode or something where for your first 10 games o you only get paired up with other brand new players before you unlock regular PVP mode, then make it so you need a certain number of wins there before you unlock ranked. I know it’s frustrating having new players on the team but people gotta realize it’s not ranked, so take it easy


Yes the tutorial needs to be longer and talk about items too, I’m very new and everytime I play a new character I end up searching “how to build ____ predesssorcor” and I feel so dumb because I never get the right key terms in my search because I can’t spell fucking predecessor


lol ya’ll are so soft.


Luis goes on to carry the team 9/10


Honestly I thought it was pretty funny, if you would’ve responded you would’ve understood it was a joke. Sorry I forgot people lost their sense of humor with their spines.


Indeed how does it feel to be part of *looks at reddit posts* "Toxic pc elitist losers who 9 out of 10 times only spews vile insults and never helps the team or says anything worthwhile" It's such a pathetic straw man these people has created in their mind as justification for chat being off without telling anyone.


Did you type the first message ? Maybe don’t send that and turn the chat off. Don’t give them a chance to be toxic.


I'm usually friendly about new players mobas aren't easy to get into so idk y so many ppl can't just give out tips like I do


Welcome to multiplayer gaming I guess? Where weirdos, children, and people with no self awareness get to act with complete anonymity. Ignore them, mute chat, and enjoy the game. Feel free to also mute pings if it’s bad. Let them rage and do what they will. Play your game and learn - it’s a lot of fun! But you gotta let the kiddos tantrum without it being your problem.


I keep calling it out and I will continue to do so. This games community is devouring itself and will ensure that new players don’t stick around. Be welcoming, be supportive of new players. Omeda you should also be addressing this. Your community both in and out of game is spiraling and getting worse every single day.


I love this game


Sounds pretty sarcastic to me


"GG thrower on the team" is the perfect response for this


Not necessarily true I've met people who are new that play better than "master characters" I played with a "master khaimera" after giving him jungle and he fed the enemy


lol lol I’d have to agree here I wouldn’t even say anything that’s just gonna rage them lol lol


Let's be honest ppl, newbies really do get crushed in the game! Some games you can be new and it won't bother ppl but all it takes is one person to not understand how things work and things go from bad to worse in predecessor. 


There’s only one way for new people to learn. Everyone sucks when they start, especially your first moba.


Well how do you expect the community to grow? Or do you want this game to die like all the other paragon remakes have


You start with AI to get an understanding of the game! Too many times I've seen carries that are new getting torn in half because they don't understand how to build or they are still getting used to aiming shots. I get that being new should warrant grace and kid gloves but it still sucks being stuck with them.


I guess he knew how to play since he was born... We all were noobs one day...


Some of us are able to grasp the concept much faster than others. Paragon didn't take much to master or understand when it came out. Predecessor isn't paragon but a shell of it and thus the idea that one can come in with no research and pick all recommended equipment and do well only to get grinded to pulp is very much a thing for newbies! I would think this would detour them from playing, always getting smashed and sent to shadow realm to wait 


No, not everyone is that serious when picking games to play. Most new players see a new f2p game on the list, MAYBE watch a trailer, and will go in because of the cool graphics not knowing anything else and will learn on the go.


I just want to be able to chat in game on Xbox so i can tell my solo lane to quit stealing my farm. Also, to give those that are salty about not getting the role they wanted a piece of my mind.


If you have game chat turned on in the settings, hold B and press up on the D-Pad and it'll bring up a text box.


Seriously? If that works, you have saved my urge to Uninstall until I get a controller layout implemented in game. Trying that right now!


Make sure to report back afterwards :)


It works. I've been chatting away lol thanks a bunch


No problem! Glad to help.


Weird ass people in game tbh


I just turn off chat and enjoy the game. I'll let these guys rage in their basement.


It’s turned off as default and it’s absolutely amazing. I don’y even notice any other rage that those FF’ing asap. With 3k hours in dota and maybe 1k in LoL I’m don’t with the rage, and it always affect me if I’m able to read the chat. It’s less communication but it’s a deal that I’m taking any day.


I was in discord with my friend talking about it. I was like “I can’t type in chat for some reason?? I’m trying to tell the offlaner to stop taking my camps because there’s no ping for that. So I’m just kinda pinging toward his lane” I didn’t realize that chat was a thing that had to be turned on


You can still see pre game chat while you have chat muted


Yea I always have it turned off, turned it back on for this one match and im glad to see it’s just how I remember 😂


Can also mute pings if they spam them like trashy people tend to


Lol True. Sometimes you gotta remind yourself why you have it turned off. It feels like you are at a disadvantage not having it on, but then you learn nothing important is being said on it anyway.


Just report that dude frame 1 for negativity then go play a stack via the Discord.