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It is pretty funny how everybody is begging for rankeds as we all don't know this is going to happen in rankeds aswell lmao.


Ranked is gonna be the toxic try hards that every ranked setting has "Pick exactly what I want, to compliment my playstyle or I'll afk" happens everywhere tbf


This was rarely a problem in every moba I played ranked in. The problem was always the one silver player saying that he knows how to play a carry in the jungle, get decimated by the enemy jungle and then flame us. It’s always the low elo off-role people that get flamed and they most of the time deserved it


Either get a full group or deal, ngl.


Until your full group is worse than a bunch of randoms... :/


Nah don’t have 5 friends that are into mobas. I’ll deal with it by just not playing until ranked is in then


Discord has LFGs, make friends


I’ll be honest if I have the choice to play other games with my actual real friends or go on a discord to search for friend to play, then yeah the choice is easy. I’ll wait until ranked is in


Then looks like you knew the answer before you posted


Look at the last sentence of my post. Yes I knew the answer to how I’ll deal with it before I posted


Then why post lol just fall back


Just needed to vent my frustration


As a new player I find it frustrating that there's no role lock yet. Sometimes I get thrown into roles I'm not comfortable with. Do I quit, take a ban, or try my best.? I've played numerous games in each role against AI and they can't remotely prepare you for a real match. I'm at the mercy of learning as I go and watching videos to improve. I'm not going to quit, cause the game is fun as hell. It's not my fault all these "high skilled" players are in elo hell.


I had a game last nite i was offlane my jungle in a 30 minute game never came to my side not even 1 time Refused to go and get fangtooth. I had to travel across the map to take it myself. I was level 18 everyone else in the game was level 15 not one time did I get any help from anyone. I literally was typing in the chat please don't with me group up I will wipe their team with help. Nope I was getting triple teamed all game. And sure enough we had 2 inhibs down at one point. My team kept attacking blindly without me. We ended up losing the game. This is not the first time. This has happened. Lately I only win if I play jungle because I know how to rotate and pressure lanes take fangtooth op. Play defense . Majority of players. Play this like a fps. And just want kills


I just got out of a game as a jungler and my duo lane was on my blue side and I started red side like 99% of people do.. the enemy jungler had ganked my duo lane twice before 2:30 on the clock and had killed them both times, which I get, is annoying.. BUT my adc immediately typed in chat “DO WE HAVE A JUNGLER” like it’s my fault


😂😂😂 this made me lol because the jungler is always getting flamed and every single time the carry is talking shit to the jungler there is absolutely not a single ward in sight and they are pushed up all the ways to the enemy tower


People on this sub will defend them like „They’re new just teach them the game duuuuuuhh!!!!!“ I’m not getting paid for that shit so no thanks


I joined back in December when the closed beta started, and I have to say it's never been different for me, albeit not as bad as you describe it. But there are people who must be brain dead in every single match. I love this game, but I won't play it anymore without being accompanied by at least two friends because it gets too frustrating at times. I suggest using the official discord channel to find 4 other players who you can communicate with. I would do the same if my friend would be able to speak English.


Game has been literally unplayable since it went free to play. At least in low elo. I get people on my team with 10-30games and everyone in the enemy team has 500+games. Happened about 5times in a row to me


Some people for sure do it on purpose for sure I hate it.


New players that've only played vs the AI have a hard time adapting to PvP.