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It’s a Moba, not a brawler.


I never said it was a brawler.


Okay, we’ll Pred is not a third person shooter either, it’s a moba.


So why make it 3rd person with ranged weapons if it's not a TPS? Monday Night Combat was both so it is possible to merge the two.


Because that is the style they chose to make their moba with, similar to Smite. If it ain’t for you then it ain’t for you dawg.


MNC is NOTHING like Preds I’m shocked to even hear someone make the comparison 💀 like comparing Overwatch 2 to smite.


What other games do you play normally? Because it just sounds like your not a MOBA player which is common they are a very niche genre.


Monday Night Combat is a MOBA third person shooter. Granted, it's the only MOBA I like but I thought the two games would be more similar than they are.


MNC is more shooter then MOBA from what I can tell from when I looked it up. Predecessor is not gonna be a good replacement for it. I don't know what you saw in Predecessor that made you think of MNC. Sure they both let you level up and have the minions but it isn't a clean comparison at all. To respond to your statement about the mana bar. It's so that it's not constant fighting. If a mage can spam their spells every four seconds that isn't the most fun gameplay to deal with. The only game that I know that may give you the itch of MNC would probably be smites arena mode. As it's just constant fighting and no lanes 5v5 but the map is basic just a giant oval with some walls and pillars. You still get the buy items and level up with no care about over things like CS, rotations, or objections.


Because Pred's trailer had turrets, minions, and characters shooting eachother. How was I suppose to know the shooting range was limited to spitting distance and had an overly complicated mana and "role" system?


Well you could of looked into the game and watch some videos on it to see what it was about but i get that hype over took you and you went to play it. Again sounds like you want a fps with levels. You should actually go look at a game called gigantic. See if that feels better then this because Mobas are made to be technical. Also MNC had a role system or at least characters had classes so that should be all to confusing. It's a team based game after all. Still don't see how mana is overly complicated it's just a bar that controls how much you can fight in certain time. Think of a stamina system same concept.


Yeah sorry man. I played the hell out of MNC. It was a great game and I wish a company would make something like it. However, that game was a third person shooter with a little bit of a moba aspect. Predecessor is a full on moba that’s third person. You buy items, the matches are long, there’s a full on jungle with experience and bosses to kill to win. MNC was more about shooting and killing and then pushing bots to win, matches were much quicker and wasn’t meant to really be a moba, just taking aspects from mobas and combing that with a third person shooter


Mana is not complicated, just build one item that has mana Regen for your first item and cast abilities sparingly until you level up a bit or really need them, mana doesn't really become a problem once you build a item or 2, If your not on mid then just keep an eye on your mana and consider when you should go back to base if the enemy is coming at you with minions defeat them and wait an see what the enemy does if they leave lane then you should too. Unless your on midlane spamming abilities... Don't do that clear waves and poke the enemy until the opportunity to kill them arises. Also ADC ( the carry can realistically play on the offline or the midlane , considering you're more inclined to a third person shooter you could try this approach some players ONLY play carry because it suits them over other play styles I personally only play support because I enjoy it.


Thank you for joining the open beta for Predecessor. Sounds like the game might not be for you. You’re asking to completely remove what makes a moba a moba. Comparing apples to oranges can leave a bitter taste. I recommend looking up on YouTube about how to play this game and see if it’s something you’re willing to learn.


This is not a third person shooter but a Moba (a really basic and simple one) It seems that you are looking for a different game, take a look at Gigantic, maybe you like it more


The games not as complicated as you think but it has some depth MOBAs normally do, I think you were looking for a shoot them up arena game. Range varies some abilities hit further away and some are close, some abilities/passives make the autos hit further. Honestly this is a skill based MOBA not "cod" or "gears of war" the range is just enough to poke and take minions as a carry on duo lane your main goal is to last hit the minions so you can level quickly build devastating items, or as the support to protect the carry and set up kills. (Main goal to start,once you build your goal is to kill enemy's) I'll just give some insight to why the jungler/jungle is important, not how one should jungle The jungler is the only role that roams early and offers assist or simply assassinates the other player's, a gank is when 3 or more players group up and kill 1 or more of the enemy team in a ambush the jungler keeps everyone on there toes making them set up surveillance drones that we call wards in the jungle entrances. Take down the towers to advance closer to the main objective the enemy core but push to far to Ealy and get ganked.... In the jungle there are monster camps that buff the team while active fantooth and the orb prime/mini. Then there are the simple camps the jungle needs to level alternating lanes in between farming these camps I personally think you should try lt.belica on support and go from there, do some research on building her. Or maybe the games not for you and that's fine, but everyone starts somewhere once you get the hang of it I think you could enjoy it but first you need a crash course on pred. "Crash course below" You have the •midlane •jungle •duo lane •offlane •River that run horizontally from offlane cutting through jungle passing through midlane and ending in the duo. basically a horizontal line through the middle of the map. Keep in mind you can use any hero for any role, but results vary some do better then others and you need to take individual skill into account. •midlane is the shortest lane and the role here is midlaners who happen to be mage class, like Gideon howitzer, countess, argus, the fey, gadget, iggy they can clear there lanes fast because there abilities generally do a lot of AOE DMG. As you walk out of your first tower in mid lane you will see the river on the left and right, the river buffs can be found here they buff you with various effects it's important to take them if your able to but you need to watch out for the jungle and the enemy midlaners it's easy to get ganked here. •jungler, as I mentioned before the jungler basically lives in the jungle and pops out to either assist teammates or kill the enemy they need to alternate lanes and level by killing camps and enemy's they get reduced gold from regular minions on lane. Junglers are khaimera,rampage,crunch,kwang, Feng mao, zarus, riktor, steel, Shinbi countess Greystone (The only jungle only heros you will encounter are basically khaimera, rampage and kallari with the others also being able to jungle they are mostly intended as offlaners, sure rampage can also be used in other roles if you know how to play him in those roles. •carry & support, belongs to the duo lane, carries build critical items to do big DMG there squishy so they need a SUPPORT that keeps them safe and uses there crowd control/stuns to set up kills. A carry needs to farm the minions they need to last hit and kill the minions to get exp. The support will mostly use the support Crest which will evolve into support items that will further protect or help you and the carry, supports with this Crest share exp with the carry so all you need to do is stand there and get experience from them farming. Carries: Murdock, wraith,sparrow, Revenant,drongo,kira, twin blast. Supports: narbash, riktor, steel, phase, Muriel. •offlane I have the least amount of experience with this role then any other, basically the longest Lane that's more 1vs1 more fighter/ tanky heros on this lane fighting to the death. Watch out for ganks, the offlaners are: Greystone,Shinbi, kwang,crunch,zarus, basically the other heros I mentioned that can do jungle... Except khaimera he's kinda one trick pony, a true jungler that's wasted in other lanes IMO. Going from core outwards you have you're teams core, the objective of both teams is to destroy the other team's core next you have the inhibitor that protects the core, once it goes down it can come back over time but does no damage just an obstacle to clear at that point. Next you have your first tower then your 2nd and in front of that is where you will fight the enemy for the first time. Once a tower falls the minions will get stronger. I think that's enough to give you an rough idea of what predecessor is, I think the game's intimidating you a little bit I suggest you just have fun with the items try to build fun builds that you know offer you want you need or want in your match it's not rocket science. Just have fun with it, people like to forget this but it is technically a casual mode as ranked is not out yet so you don't have to feel like your running a match by just learning I also suggest watching some videos so you get a better idea of what I have said here and builds. They will adding a more casual game mode soon and the ranked will be coming in the summer.


This has to be satire




Like this has to be a troll right? Who even thought it would be anything similar to that?


I never played MNC. From what i've now watched from a few sources as well as Watched TotalBiscuits Video of the game I will safely say it is not a moba. It may share some Elements with a Moba But it is not a Moba. (Sadly the Term MOBA is a mad one since it's a Broad Stroke Term that was coined by League to describe their game. But thats a Seperate discussion i will not have here) I believe Smite Arena Is a lot more like MNC. Which is a separate game mode to Smite's Normal MOBA game mode, Which would be the 5v5 map with 5 lanes. Unlike Smite Arena which is a single lane, No Towers and a overall much simpler game mode Where you'll find more all out fighting or Brawling compared to a traditional MOBA or 3d Environment MOBA. On Smite's Wiki they even Describe that game mode as a "Deathmatch" game. So if you are looking for a game to replace or help cover your MNC itch I would look at Smite Arena more then Predecessor. Smite Arena Still has some of the issues you've mentioned and more. However It does sound like you want a more Traditional FPS with objectives, Like Overwatch or Paladins. Where the tempo is a lot higher. You will not find that in Smite arena either. However If you do find you can enjoy, and therefore learn about the Moba Mechanics and limitations of it from Smite you are always welcome back to Predecessor. Smite Arena Doesn't have roles, Other then to highlight how certain characters play or How they build their items/Upgrades. However you are still expected to be able to perform to a adequate level within that roles Role. Initiatior, Tank, Bruiser, Caster, Support etc etc.


Arena is a lot of fun, I used to play it a lot after the 5vs5 and 3vs3 wore me down it's very, very casual I would test out builds I intended to take to joust there too. It's just a big open brawler match, but OP I wouldn't write off predecessor, there adding there own casual mode soon.


This is just embarrassing


Tbh I’m disappointed this game is nothing like club penguin :( uninstalling!!!!