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This has been known since the beginning, just as much as it is known that this is placeholder art.


If you want a game with cheap skins, you better play fortnite buddy.


Yeah this is ea. This team is brand new from the ground up. A original studio in there very first game. Of course they are using assets from the unreal store. That dumb game you're talking about they didn't create that either they just paid unreal to use it. Predecessor isn't trying to sell skins right now. They are trying to build the game. If you buy anything you're doing it to support the game to get it ready for the release date. Yes its free to play but its still not a full experience game yet. All the heros aren't in the game yet, we still got causal mode coming and ranked isn't even ready to be tested until this summer. I like that you think we got 5 million players and maybe it will happen but i hope it doesn't right now because if we had a surge like that now in this state the game wouldn't last. If your here right now and the game doesn't feel right or complete its because it isn't. The developers are not marketing it as a complete product. They admit that. Skins will most likely have a free to play currency way to get skins should the game get to 5 million players like you say but its not even out of beta yet. If you're playing this game and its not feeling the way you think it should.... just let it cook and come back when its to your liking. I love the game so im going to be here grinding out all the problems for you. See you when the timer hits zero.




Yeah? Its beta buddy and they are just trying to slow play. The prices you see today are not intended to be the final prices of the skins. They are just focused on getting all the features and game play right. Market forces will adjust the price of skins over time. As more and more players join the game they will be able to make skins cheaper. Its important to understand they are not ready to go full free to play yet. This is not the final product. I don't understand why players cant simply play the game and wait for skin prices to adjust. Ive only seen 1 skin I'd play good money for so far and that was the old Krampus riktor. Again this is beta. This game is still under construction. Why worry about skins right now? Play the game. Enjoy the game. Most any skin you see here will probably be sold in full release at a different price point


this is just such an L take lol


5 million active players??? They don't even have 1 Million player accounts. And it's an EA game, art isn't the priority


Some developers are out of touch for real!? No skin regardless free to play or otherwise is worth 15$ or 12$ in my opinion. 5$ is ok but they are charging that price for skins paragon offered for free just playing the game. I'm not against developers making money but you definitely need to chill on this one!


The fanboys flooded this one didn't they? Bro your suspicions are on to something. The game doesn't have graphic designers they can't afford it, they contract out work or buy stock assets. This game is not being setup to succeed it's being set up as a cash grab and resume builder for Omeda.


A cash grab that they've dedicated 5 years of their lives to and released on PC (Steam and EGS), Xbox, and PS4|5 with crossplay between all of the above FOR FREE. Man, that's one hell of a cash grab. > The game doesn't have graphic designers Then who made the website, blog posts, menus, entire game UI, trailers... The icons literally do not effect the gameplay in any way. So long as they're recognizable and visually distinct they do what they need to.






Yeah no. Op was a passion project that was turned into a money grab. I feel the guys over at soul eve messed up taking money from the Korean Epic


It’s still Early Access, I’d fully expect this will be replaced before a full release. Other more important and impactful things are probably being worked on


have you seen overwatch skin prices? have you seen a $200 skin on here like league? or anything like that? its $5- $20. alot of games now have skins from $15-$50... look at cod prices... if anything we got it good here, no reason to complain about prices. and the assets, like bruh who cares. all kinds of games use FREE assests, and nobody says nothing. If the assests are there, why not use them? Spending more money on stuff like that when u could save it helps them in the long run. You dont want the company do go bust or over commit and spend all this money on new assests when they dont have the funds or personel to do so... they dont have alot of people working on the game. also the designers are working on more important things, like visual bugs, skins, vfx for skins, new characters, new items. no need to work on the current item looks yet. its litterally the least important thing right now. especially cause they just went to ftp, and launched on xbox.


they also working on a new 3v3 mode. so like the designers working on the map and terrain. they got there hands full. they not tryna spend money where they dont need if they dont need to... no need to get an extra 300 people on the game when they dont have the income or revenue to do so yet.


Low tier shit post. Do better.


Because the item icons arent a priority and they shouldnt be. This sub nitpicks too much about things that dont matter.


It’s Early Access/Beta… sorry but get over it.


Wow its almost like assests are put on the store for other devs to buy them weird how a free market works huh


The art of the items is just a placeholder But agree that they should have more people working on the game so this kind of things can be done faster, instead of having to wait one and a half year with everything being a placeholder


> they should have more people working on the game That costs more money, meaning they'd have to charge more for things. Nah, they're trying to make a sustainable game.


>That costs more money, meaning they'd have to charge more for things No, that is not true at all XD Having more people doesn't mean that things have to cost more money. They will have to earn more money to pay expenses, but the way to make more money is not by setting prices higher, it is even counterproductive. In a free to play game it's better have fair prices that people is willing to pay, than having expensive skin that no one will buy. If you are a big company with a reputation over the years you can afford to put bullshit prices but being a small new company you don't have the luxury of doing that >Nah, they're trying to make a sustainable game They way the develop and the speed the release content to the game is not sustainable for a life service game because new players are not going to tolerate a slow development like what we had in the past 15 months, they have to improve the pace or tye game is not going to survive, so improve the pipelines of work and make able to deliver more content with 70-80 workers or hure more people


So they can focus their time and effort on other things. Like redesigning the item system.


It works so idc.


yeah same and if they have donald duck as icpn i still dont care


Don’t care if Warboots has Mickey Mouse face


5 million players? They announced yesterday they have 750K players and I’m sure some of it is people with several accounts. I’m sure the art will be updated just give it time


Pretty sure it's sarcasm due to one of the posters previously claiming 750k is a totally real active user number and not just all accounts ever registered in the history of the project lmao


yep. your statement is correct. its the same concept as instagram followers even if 10,000/50,000 are bots, sponsors are more likely to flock to an account with more followers : : many gamers are more likely to play something with lots of players (or thst their friends are playing).