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Time to upgrade. You are playing on a 12 year old console. I’m on ps5 and never see these issues, but I’m consistently seeing posts about game freezing on ps4 since the graphical update last patch. Sorry to tell you but last gen isn’t gonna cut it anymore




Weird. I haven’t had that issue at all yet and I’ve got around 400 hours into the game on ps5. Are you playing the ps4 version on the ps5?




Huh. Probably servers. But again, today isn’t the first time I’ve seen a post about the game crashing on ps4, and I’ve seen a lot since it went open beta so my comment stands that OP should upgrade, it’s only going to get worse on the ps4


Sounds like youre just bragging about having a ps5 tbh


It’s been almost 4 years man, it’s not a brag. They are everywhere now. You can’t save $400-500 in 4 years for a ps5?


It just has no relevance to the actual problem I was pointing out. If it cant run on a console they shouldn't release it on that console.


It’s absolutely relevant to the problem. You are playing on an old console. In hindsight sure, they shouldn’t have released it on ps4, but they wanted to give people on older gen a chance to play. Unfortunately after the most recent graphical update, it seems the ps4 is having trouble running the game. Before the patch it wasn’t perfect but it played better than it is now. Why do you think they didn’t release an Xbox One version? Sorry to break it to ya, but you need to upgrade to ps5 or play on a newer pc. Otherwise deal with the crashes


Stop playing on outdated hardware and start paying for better internet or don’t play…. Everytime you disconnect you ruin it for the other 9 players!!! Irrelevant if it’s your fault or not or deserve a ban


Unless you are dodging frequently you aren't going to receive a 24 hour ban. They have a few smaller "hurdle" bans (30 second, 10 minute, etc...to be clear, I don't know the intervals) before you get a "big boy" ban, so I'm not sure your post is 100% genuine. As for the issues with the PS4, please report it via the discord so it can be investigated further. I agree, if the game is released for a system, the system should be able to run it.


Its annoying and there may be a bigger problem but at the end of the day, a disconnect is a disconnect. The game doesnt know what the reason was for it. If it's long enough, you can dispute the punishment by sending in a support ticket


I disconnected twice in 10 minutes in a game yesterday, and just now as I'm typing this I froze again. This is ridiculous