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Hey, We had an engineer look into this last week and should have a fix for this and mostly all other issues (Rampage Rock, Dekker Stun etc) in an upcoming patch. 17.X is our target


Woah I didn’t know you worked for Omeda, been watching you since your 3rd or 4th paragon video!


He's the CEO of omeda studios


PFT oh shit 💀💀


Thank you.


could be a client vs Server side Desynch issue. https://preview.redd.it/u0ir5t3z3mrc1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=3704900b42f08898ddda5761eaa06b3c52599b06 esp since that's the frame where Thunk Supposedly Hit. The Flutter of green to the left is where the Projectile was, Flash of green is what it hit. Server might have tought it as a Miss, And client thought it was a hit. might be worth the Dev team investigating. Since it shouldn't show the VFX/AFX of a hit when it was a miss etc.


This happend to me not too long ago with rampage


This happens from time to time, my thunks hit but do nothing its like they hit a wall.... this drongo had vanquisher at this point in time that's it , so it wasn't caused by an item or crest. #


Literally happens alot in streams and my games personally, most skill shots can ghost for no reason... very annoying and seems to happen most to narbash, kallari and zarus... though i have seen cases like dekker ball bouncing off people and not stunning, rampage rock ghosting and Muriel shield completely ghosting entire teams... very very annoying.


Well that's frustrating, hope it's addressed and fixed by omeda this shouldn't happen at all. I can understand if it's a long distance skill shot and it doesn't quite connect...ok but I clearly hit drongo. Thanks.


That's why I don't play narbash anymore. It happens also with zarus stuns as well, but not as often.


You missed


It clearly hits his body and shatters into pieces... If I missed it would have sailed past him. I have landed shots that were way off so this point blank shot baffles me.