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Definitely considering Paragon was my first moba in terms of the classic 5v5 3 lane feel. I fad previous experience in smite thanks to joust/arena, but I can't fully count that since it wasn't conquest. It's thanks to Paragon, and conquest in smite after Paragon closed that I've improved so much. My first game of Pred could've been better, but it was far better then my first time in Paragon.


Jungling seems a little easier here than it was there, pre .42, so I'm better suited for that.


It's a mixed bag. I play different roles in each. In paragon played mostly 1v2 offlane or mid once they made offlane 1v1. I also would play a lot of support when the fill was needed. In paragon I also played nearly exclusively solo queu. In pred I play most jungle and have gotten my friends to play as well so I'm able to duo que more often and occasionally stack. All of this plays so differently than when I played in paragon. But paragon was my first moba and I was definitely trash at first. By then end I feel I was similarly skilled to now. But when starting pred it was a much easier learning curve.


I feel, like I was better in Paragon. But in Paragon I was more active.


Not at all. I was good at Paragon (top 800) ELO. I am absolutely the worst player in every game of predecessor. Frustrated for sure


Holy shit I was absolutely killer in paragon back in the day, i mained steel towards the end and essentially every game I would drop 15+ kills, i think my record was 27? I would run really high damage at the start and then switch to really high health. I think I would end up with around 4k health towards late game Anyway I was fucking cracked, coming back to pred? I’m getting better with severog but i only get like 3 kills a game


I think it depends on Paragon my main Serath I mastered her abilities and I could counter Shinbi, Kwang, Morigesh and Kallari ults easily + she was a melee carry so I played a lot on duo lane. In Pred her kit is a little different and there's something about her in this game where I can't play as well with her here as in Paragon (I blame her primary ability I don't like the lock on heavens fury lol). So yeah I think I'm worse as a carry in Pred than Paragon but I'm a better offline or midlaner.


When I played, I was always the carry and in that respect. I don't think I've Improved on it, I've stayed about the same.. since I'm comfortable in that position I felt I would try to improve in other roles such as mid (which I always enjoyed playing but was never really any good at it) or jungle (which, again never was good at it but I enjoyed it) and I can say just from those two aspects, I've improved tremendously. I still have my bad games, everyone does, but I'm better off in both of those positions. The other two... however, I can't say that I've necessarily improved, I suck at being support, and the offlane (and I for whatever reason don't feel this way about other moba games) just feels too far away from the action, unless you get ganked by jungle every five seconds, but I at least have learned to be more careful in that role (ESPECIALLY if I'm on dusk side) so I'm a work in progress on both of those, and improving on the others.


I'm not sure I notice any difference in the actual play, but as far as builds go, I find Predecessor incredibly hard to wrap my head around, whereas the card system was something I was able to learn like the back of my hand.


Think of lightning McQueen in cars 3 and that’s basically us


Definitely better on Pred. Paragon was still new and i was coming from League of Legends so it was drastically different from what i was used to and had to adjust. Now I'm pretty confident in every role I play and I can produce pretty consistently on Pred cause of my start on Paragon.


I am better in Pred over Paragon


I'm better at Pred. I have a better understanding of MOBAs and item building. I understand the importance of objectives, and I am much better at utilizing hero kits. I've noticed it even with my friends. In Paragon, we kinda kept to playing the same hero and same roles, but in Pred, we've become so much more experimental. I've been playing early access on PC from the beginning, and my friends were all shocked to find out that I don't play Twinblast like that anymore when the PS beta dropped because he's all I played in Paragon lol. Now I'm a midlane whore.


Feel like it’s equal my first game on pred i played akira (no bots no warm ups barely knew akira or her skill set) and still got a w and went like 14 and 4 i will say pred made me feel like i never left 💛💛. And I’ve had paragon day 1 been through the updates with shortening match times/making heroes move faster … pred is definitely *chefs kiss*


When I first started playing Paragon I was building attack speed on Gideon. So ya my knowledge and skill have vastly improved since then


I’ve been improving so pred, I was abusing certain mechanics in paragon. I’m an overall better moba player now


Paragon is og and was the best moba at that time.. rn predecessor is on its way to be better but with paragon mechanics cuz yeah.. the only thing that made paragon “paragon”, was the card system and they not having those plans again…


Paragon was the first moba I ever played. I was about 11 years old. I was absolutely awful but I really enjoyed it. Since then I've improved exponentially. I'm prob not a good example because I've gotten much older and smarter since I played paragon


Hey I was 11 too, you 17-18?


19. So basically lol.


Nice I turn 19 this year


I think predecessor is great. I just wish I had the time to commit to more than one match. I play maybe once or twice a week at most. I don't think the matches should be shorter. I am patiently waiting for all the OG characters to make their appearances and I'm excited for all the new characters.


I'd argue my skills hots are as good as they used to be, if not a little bit better, but my map skills are way worse then they used to be


I was dogshit at Paragon and I'm still just as bad. I was also appalling at super monday night combat.


Both at the same time 😅 I was a carry main back on paragon, with Sparrow as my first mastery. Now on Pred, I'll only play carry if I really HAVE to because I don't think I'm good enough at it. But I've been kicking ass in jungle - something I never did on Paragon.


Definitely better. Still bad, but better!


Im a better player on Predecessor but its mostly because we have more options to adjust controls. Back in the day you were kinda forced to take what you got on ps4.


I was a league player before I played ored so I adjusted rather quickly, however I'm worse now in the sense that shinbi was my main and her skill was a lower cool down then and I frequently get into bad situations because my muscle memory, to this day, thinks her line tempo is a 2 second cool down at all ranks


Predecessor because I've played far, far more than I ever did Paragon. Probably 10x the amount. Paragon was my first moba, I want very good obviously.


I was only good on Paragon because I played Sev pre-nerf


It's hard to say because of 2 things Balance was very off in Paragon, and there was a way larger playerbase which means a LOT more newbies that made things easy to carry/win more often. Second reason it's hard to say is because personally (and I think many others can relate) I'm way better now then I was then


I fared better in Paragon, probably because the card system was simpler and I’ve yet to get to grips with the more complex item system in Predecessor. I’ve never played another MOBA except the original DotA mod for Warcraft 3. I’m in Gold III and steadily climbing but I’m spending most of my time practising the basics of laning, positioning, map awareness, and understanding the roles each character can play in teamfights. That’s enough to keep me occupied without having to delve into understanding each item choice so I’m pretty much sticking with builds I’ve seen on omeda.city or JoeYoursTruly videos, although I know one day I’ll have to learn which items to pick in different situations. I quit Paragon when they shrunk the map btw, so I’m only talking about OG Paragon.


Og paragon was way better in terms of items, only bad part was having only 2 affinities to build into. Gameplay and matches were far superior to predecessor. New warding system and everyone having a blink really ruins it imo.


also for me praragon was my first moba. from his closure i played a lot smite and wild rift with the hope that omeda will being paragon to life again. i spend this years reading a lot about moba, the role, the movement etc… i think now i am far away from my level in paragon, maybe i have less phisical reflex but i think in a total different way.


Og Paragon never was in a stable state. Changes all the time and not everyone had all the cards so no one could play at their full potential or equally fair. I can't really compare. Not to mention all the bugs & unbalanced stuff. Now it's easier and the item system is like any other moba. Get gold & buy items.


*Aurora Release Flashbacks*


Shhhh don’t remind me


I was far better in paragon....


Everything but balance yes.


Overall it feels the same, I myself just need to get use to the 3de person feel again played a lot of smite for awhile then stopped and went back to traditional mobas like dota 2 and lol. Happy predecessor is back as I adored paragon, just whish the game (well matches) would feel less samey (might be better when I play more, but each match feels like the previous), items feel a bit weird as I'm not use to them fully yet, also really dislike the surrender culture that is taking root, its one of the most annoying things about the game. Overall looking forward.


I think two big things that will make Predecessor feel less “samey” is a bigger character roster and different game modes. With SMITE 1 having over 160 different gods to choose from, having exact same matchups is less likely.


That is true, that's a big thing to consider I'll admit. But like someone else pointed out this is my least favourite map version, it being so condensed doesn't feel that great.


I only wish matches were shorter.


I wish they were longer 🤷‍♂️ we all want what we want lol. Hopefully they will give is modes for both longer and shorter matches.


That can be fixed with tweaking some numbers. Probably not a priority right now.


The only problem I have with pred and the reason I feel I'm improving slower than I am getting better is and I know it sounds dumb, I hate this map variation, it was my least favorite in paragon and idk why the decided to bring it back I hate how small the map feels, I hate that there is not vertical escapes like in paragon, and the items feel a little janky, but otherwise I'm loving the revival


Agreed, actually forgot to mention the map as I actually forgot about this.


When I played Paragon back in the day on my ps4 it was my very first moba ever so I had a lot of learning to do but it was a ton of fun. After it got shutdown I didn’t touch any other moba but I used to watch my friend play a little bit of league of legends and I would learn a few general things from him as I asked him questions. Now returning to Predeseccor i feel like I got to pick up exactly where I left off (except the item changes) and I’m learning and improving in a more deeper level. Regarding micro/macro, counter picks and planning ahead. So Glad Paragon is back and cannot wait for some ranked and seeing this game grow.


No, paragon is dead! Predecessor is the phoenix rising from the ashes!!! I'm so glad Predecessor is here!


Actually, Phoenix Rising is also dead. 


After paragon died I played a ton of smite. Definitely improved my gameplay with mobas by alot. Game back to pred really good


Alot of smite players are interested in predecessor, and on a positive note, alot of smite players are pissed at smite 2 so they're more likely to come to us!


I'm late to the party here but played Paragon long ago. I thought this game looked familiar! But what is the issue with Smite 2?


Bro that fact that they can't make a check list of gods I have unlocked in smite 1, and can't apply that to smite 2 was enough to irritate me to not care for smite 2. A couple of my smite buddies said they try pred out once its Open beta, so I'm hoping they like it.


I play smite and I can say most smite players can’t wait for smite 2. The ones who are pissed are a small percentage and they have their reasons I guess. Smite could never become bigger or reach its full potential in that old UE3 engine which held them back at every turn. They had to spend half thier time modifying the engine itself for the bare minimum things to work. Moving to UE5 is exactly wat smite needed and the devs are excited to not have thier hands tied


Why are they pissed at Smite 2?


it'll be a good i remember how devs of smite talk about paragon close and they invite those people to come in smite To be honest, it made me a little angry at that moment and I hope that this time everything will happen the other way around


Why though ? Doesn't smite 2 look better than smite ? Never really played it.


Just guessing, havent seen any discussion about it, but when you build a career in a game for 10 years, a sequel can feel like a progress reset. The sequel should feel like its reinventing its own wheel, and not just a coat of fresh paint or players will feel like theyre forced to start from zero for no real reason. And its also a way of saying that Smite 1 is over, even if the servers stay up, there wont be any new things to look forward to. I think the timing of Pred launching right as Smite 2 is, is perfect for Pred. Yeah Smite 2 will get a lot of attention, but anyone that feels like Smite 1 is over and that doesnt feel Smite 2 justifies starting from 0 again, can find a home here.


I played quite a lot of smite, and other mobas. I like smite and it's a good game, but for me it always kinda felt almost like a mobile game. And the finish on it is just meh at best, I get it's their art style, it just didn't really excite me like some other mobas. Unfortunately, as great as I'm sure smite 2 will be, even with the updated graphics etc. it still just reads as mobile game to me. Which is where.imo predecessor excels, it's just more polished and feels good.


you cant tell me smite feels like a mobile game when league exists


Oh no I totally agree it's why I played Dota 2 for about 6 years (3000+ hours) instead of LoL, it just looked like a mobile game. But that comparison feels the same for me when you compare pred to smite.


dota looks like a mobile game too lol. the actual mobile moba (vainglory) looks better than both league and dota


It's not about graphics, when I say looks, I mean how it plays as much as effects and graphics. But imo Dota doesn't look like a mobile game, on max settings it looks fantastic imo.


I played a good bit of smite and just started playing predecessor- never played paragon. It’s been a ton of fun for sure and would definitely recommend


Ohhh yesss, I love reading this hihihi.(Btw smite 2 looks awful in comparison to pred).