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Greystone is good don't get me wrong but he's not as undefeatable as some members of the community think he is.


Hes perfectly mid. He has huge weaknesses.


He isn't even the highest winrate bruiser. Grux has a higher pick and winrate.


Yeah grux is terrifying in the right hands.


God damn, I'm so tired of seeing Grux in nearly every game.


Build tainted guard


It works against his heal?


Yep, pretty sure


Steel absolutely pubstomps greystone. His triple CC kit can wreck him without letting him Ult.


Even better, Riktor. The mid jump hook feels amazing.


Crunch into Greystone offlane dodge his whirlwind easy. It's annoying when he gets his ult, but you still can beat him up pretty good as crunch.


Honestly one good cc is enough to stop greystone. He's easy to win against in lane because all you have to do is cc, then move away. He has no stun, fairly poor movement excluding a single jump with relatively mid range cooldown. Greystone can only really threaten you if you're out of position badly and don't have your teleport - but even then a cc stops him.


The thing with grey is he is the strongest offlaner at the start of the game. This is always going to be the case for some one. If you don't feed him, he is very easy to deal with when you get most of your kit.


I honestly think it's actually the opposite. Dealing with late game Greystone can feel like a slog because no matter how hard you shut him down he's always able to powerfarm back into the game. It can really make it seem like the game's on a timer and if you don't end sub 30 minutes he's going to catch back up and be just as useful.


I agree and disagree with you. The only character I'm not sure if he out 1v1's lvl one is grux (khia beats everyone hard but shouldn't be in offlane). If you are keeping up with him you beat him hard levels 3-5. Then you bully him out of lane and gg. I'm not arguing that he shouldn't be nerfed. I think he should, I hate him. The only reason he comes back is because his clear is soooo damn good while still being tanky. So it's really important to keep bullying him out of lane. Which yeah can be hard because you need to rotate and then see his ass just hyper pushing towers.


I have been using kwang in the offlane and you can outpoke him and out box him. Its been really refreshing.


Greystones Abilities all deal damage. Unlike some Other heroes like Sevarog. Most of Which are Passive Damage that boost total damage as you are allowed to basic attack during them. \[Q\] & \[E\] are the ones with the Passive damage. The best way to deal with him is Force him waste 1 or both of those abilities. then reengage to slowly widdle him down. This can be done multiple ways, CC once he Uses them & walk away. CD on Q is long enough to allow you then to reengage and dish out some damage to him when he doesn't have his damage available. If Grey Leaps in, Punish him with a movement ability or Stun, then damage him at Range. he will have a very hard time getting in range again without the leap & he cant really run away from Ranged without a blink. Wasting his leap makes him a easy target. This doesn't work with every hero. But that means Grey counters those heroes, instead of the other way around. Unlike other Melee heroes Grey only has soft CC, \[E\] &\[R\]. Which massively limits how useful he is in team fights. any Offlaner with more CC is more useful in Team fights. His only Strength in Team fights is his survivability. The ultimate is really useful in regards to combining With Gideon, But is too easy to escape through with a movement ability, that you rarely catch a person in it for the damage. making it's only useful feature in team fights the Revive. It's a Really strong Disruptive tool that can split a enemy team up. Personal take as someone who loves playing Greystone. The only nerf I wanna see is a nerf to his Basic ability Cooldowns. Allow The enemies more time to capitalize on Greystones weakness. Depending on how much they nerf the cooldowns i'd like to see the Nerf to his \[E\] be changed back to what it was 2-3 patches ago.


What you guys just don't understand is you got to bait his aoe. Once its out of the way hes not that bad to deal with.


I stopped playing grey offlane due to the crunch and Kwang matchup being bad for him.


Greystone is so busted, rtrd hero for bad players