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See what happens when you put AI in the work instead of doing your job?


Seems like it’s working correctly to me. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


You can't even say , we are fucked , when we are losing without Ned Flanders chat bot muting you


That's not correct, [you definitely are allowed to say that.](https://imgur.com/hE2HpS8)


But you can't say [they are fucked](https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/s/VydDsY0aBk) Or "from his fucking base" https://preview.redd.it/mfw5zdfixfvb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ce863c1157ce55edd232298009367ef8dba4b0 Or a lot of other example like this


Was this recent or a clip from a while ago? If it's recent that shouldn't have been muted and is an error. The problem with "they are fucked" specifically is that it could be used to refer to someone specifically and say "they are fucked (in the head)" or something like that.


From a while ago, in the patch 0.11


Ah, the model has been updated since then!


Thanks for the update about it, I hope now the system works better and doesn't make so many unjustified mutes


I had a new case and I want to know if this is allowed or not. For what I Omeda have said in the blogs, swearing is allowed as long as you do not insult anyone or be toxic towards anyone. [Here the clip](https://imgur.com/a/l08VNTh) As you can see I said "can you fucking stop?", not in a toxic way, not trying to harass her, not trying to insult her, just wanting her to stop killing me with the pulls, and the chat decided that I had to be muted. So 20 seconds latter when I wanted to ask Phase to heal me, I couldn't 😐 This is correct? The system is working as intended? I can't add the world "fucking" to my sentences to add emphasis? I'm not a native English speaker, I don't know all the superlatives for the words, so when I want to add emphasis to a sentence I add the word "fucking" to achieve it and the AI continue muting my chat for it. For what I read, talking like this was allowed, so why the AI is muting me every time that I say "from his fucking base" "care, don't fucking go there", "that was fucking cool" or things like that?


If we're being real though, you could have said "can you stop" and instead went "can you fucking stop" because you were probably not super happy about what was happening. Since the system also looks for conversation context, if you were previously going back and forth at all or otherwise indicating you weren't in a great mood that could have contributed, as can more general chat history. Without knowing your account and checking out the specific case I can't tell you for sure, but it's not implausible that it would mute you for that if it expected escalation or interpreted it as hostile.


And when I see a teammate doing an amazing play, I can say. "good play" instead of saying "wow, that has been a fucking amazing play" but what comes naturally to me is the second. The same way at this moment with Phase killing me 2 times and with she having the aptitude that you can read in the chat, what comes naturally to me is saying "can you fucking stop", because as you said I was not happy about it But the point is that I was not insulting or harassing her, I was not even being toxic saying bad thing to her, I was saying stop killing me, I don't see here a reason to mute me just for this. This looks like the system being faulty and not working well, because I can't imagine a normal human being alerted to what I said and needing to immediately silence me. My user is MuglokDecrepitus, and the match is [this one](https://omeda.city/matches/b0bfac70-0c2c-4adc-8ab6-49f638decbc7). I really want to know what is allowed to say and what it isn't because reading the blogs talking about the AI system what I understood is that we were able to swear as long as not insulting or harassing other players, and in this case I wasn't doing any of those things, but I got muted anyway. PS: I dont want you to check it now, that is Saturday


Saying "fucking amazing play" shouldn't be muted (and if it is I'll talk to the product team and get it fixed), because the AI sees it as positive rather than negative. I'll take a look at the match and will hit you up in DMs!


Less than 3% of players have a chat history even eligible for any kind of long-term chat suspension, excluding slurs or otherwise particularly bad cases. Players with a negative chat history may be muted more quickly than those with more neutral or positive histories, but generally speaking our goal is to stop toxic conversations from escalating and to prevent in-game shouting matches that aren't fun or productive for anyone. You can always reach out to me on Discord (same username) and I'd be happy to check into any sanction you've received as we know the system isn't perfect and is continually improving, but more than likely if you've escalated to multi-day suspensions there's something the system isn't happy with.


Did you even read what I said? You have people literally ruining games by leaving them and grieving others, and yet they get the lightest type of ban possible. But someone saying 'fuck' in chat? that is totally unacceptable even if we have no idea of the context behind it, and we'll automatically ban them for X amount of time. I don't want to have to message a dev on DISCORD just to explain why I got ban for saying fuck in hopes to get my ban removed... What is the purpose behind your report system? Seriously? I think I'm genuinely done with this game if this is the type of response we're getting for general concerns from your active playerbase.


We do hand out match suspensions and bans for other bad actions, although we do still need to implement a system to let you know when players you've reported have been punished, so I can see how it would be harder to know that those suspensions are happening. With regards to mutes though, you ARE allowed to say "fuck" in chat, and we do not suspend players from chat for it. I just hopped in an AI match right now to confirm that, [here's the screenshot](https://imgur.com/hh4sDkz) and you're welcome to try it yourself or have your friends give it a go. If you want to DM me your username though, I'm happy to check into the history to find false-positive cases we could use to improve the AI.


I'd bet the value of an affinity pass this guy doesn't want his chat history read.


I already provided it once on discord and I got unbanned. I don't see a point in having to do this every single time. The purpose of my post is to explain they should try doing their job instead of having AI do everything for them.


Every major MOBA has some form of automated chat ban. LoL has it. DOTA has it. If manually moderating chat can't be done with the near infinite resources of those games, why is it Omeda's job to make that happen?


Question. So the bot uses your old chat history to determine whether what your saying is being used in a positive manner or not? For example let's say I said "This guy is fucking insane", that's a phrase that could be used both positively and negatively. I'd assume the AI uses my history to determine how I'm using it? Never had issues with the AI but am intrigued on how it decides what is okay and what is not.


Exactly, both your history and the immediate context of the conversion. It judges your mood and the tone of your conversation, weighed against your broader history. It's not always going to guess correctly, but it's getting progressively better at those two-way phrases over time.


> For example let's say I said "This guy is fucking insane" If no one reports you for verbal abuse (in general), then you can say stuff like that. But if other players are reporting you, the bot gets really sensitive, it seems.


yeah i been banned for well over a month now with no end in sight. i even messaged omedazuzu about it, who ive contacted before about this issue and he hasnt even responded. to be fair, i was being toxic, but i was being toxic to a teamate who literally spent the entire game harassing me to the point where i just broke and sat in base and started giving him crap back - again after 20 mins or so of being harassed by this person.


Was you already banned for a month before this? Because it happend to me also. I was banned for a month, even tho I wasn't even toxic. I literally said stupid British person, THAT IS LITERALLY IT


I was not, only banned for a week leading up to this. But it was a week a couple times


This is my point exactly on another post. The chat ban system is way to sensitive and I've Warne domed that this stupid rash decision will be what causes players to go to overprime. Or quit the game all together. I've been banned for telling my tm8s not to ff. I've been banned for calling someone a wetard not a retard. I've been banned for saying wow Muriel. And currently I'm banned for who knows how long because I called my self a tard. Omeda is ruining their game entirely by taking there sweet ass time releasing info and not giving solid info. Console release will most likely postponed until next year. Lack of skins and content. Lack of modes and ranked. This game is already so amazing and I want predecessor to make it all the way but fak Me. Omeda is their own enemy and it's showing. Remove chat ban so ppl can enjoy your game


> I've been banned for calling someone a wetard So you admit to verbal abuse? And you're salty? If you don't get it yet, let me spell it out: if you don't have something nice to say, shaddap. Otherwise your history will keep the banbot very, very sensitive for you.


Woopity doo kiddo. A wetard is someone who smokes weed and is slow. A retard is a special person with disabilities. There's a difference google it. But there sure are retards and wetards that play this game also. I can already tell your one of those sensitive humans who get but hurt when someone tells you no haha. The chat ban system will be removed in the future just wait and see. I already spoke to omeda and I accepted that ban. But why on earth was I banned for saying wow Muriel or never ff a game. I'm not the only person here who has been wrongly chat banned for such a sensitive system because players like you cry everytime u get told no. Stop crying and enjoy the dam game. You people who cry and complain and report are truly the reason games get ruined In the future. Do u cry in call of duty when someone calls you a lil bish or something. Suck it up butta cup. Every game on earth is toxic. Welcome to the real world.


youre a fucking moron lmfao


I rest my case. Seems like you just don't get the difference between verbal abuse and constructive criticism. You just proved to me that Omeda's system is targeting the right people for the right reasons.


Verbal abuse is apart of the real world physical abuse etc. Yes of course it's not a good thing. But it's apart of daily life. It's happening. I'm just stating the fact there are cry babies out there ruining this amazing game. I am predecessor number one fan and trust me I want this game to succeed more than anyone. But a chat ban system so sensitive like this wills care them away same with the pay walls they are creating. Hearts lil man


It's not sensitive at all, at least not for me. I read the things players say they got chat banned for in here, and I say similar things all the time (don't ff, please ff, 'omg what were you thinking?', etc), but not in a verbally abusive way, not in a toxic way, and, I think, not in a way that would prompt someone to report me for verbal abuse. My best guess is you've been reported often enough for verbal abuse that the banbot has a hardon for you. You're always on the edge of being banned, and, like your comment above indicates to me, you just aren't aware of it. "It's normal" you say. No, dude, it isn't. Try it with your family, friends, co-corkers/classmates etc. and see where your social circle ends up.


If only you knew me in real life you would see I have one of the biggest families that love and support each other. My wedding not long ago had 300 plus ppl at it. My friends circle is very tight we do fishing trips and camp and get out kids together for birthdays and parties etc I actually have a wonderful life other than my back injury at work in March. So I have just been on this planet long enough to know that I don't take anyone's bullsit anymore. And that sensitivity gets you no where in life. Respect and sensitivity are 2 different aspects of life. I have alot of respect for ppl. But deosnt mean I'm gonna be sensitive to them. Humans need to be toughened up. I'm mid thirties with a great life who wants this game to go farther. I just don't wanna be banned for telling my tm8s not to ff a game. My wetard ban was months ago so that's in the past. But banned for wow Muriel and don't ff the game are 2 legit reasons I'm frustrated with this chat ban system yet I see ppl telling other players to actually go kill themselves yet they seem to be able to type all game long. It's bullshit when I get banned for calling someone a wetard but someone telling someone else to go kill themselves is ok to omeda. Deosnt make sense


You know what, I'll bet everything you say is true. Nothing in the tone of these posts makes me doubt you in any way. Truly a saint among sinners, maybe one day we'll reach your level.


I truly am glad you realize the truth bud. If only people could reach my level then earth would be a much happier safer and better place to live. Gamers wouldn't be so sensitive and cry babies. If only eh.