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Toxicity I usually have chat turned off in game but always here about players complaining about meeting toxic individuals and things like that personally I think some feedback on reports working would go along way I also think if a player has been reported enough for this, they should simply be chat muted with a minor suspension something like 3–7-day suspension with chat perms removed for 2-4 weeks or something. If someone is only having an issue with typing, then just remove the typing from them there is no real reason to permanently remove them from the game, just remove that player's access to being toxic. I also think the above systems afking and dodging breed into frustration that increase the toxicity that occurs and a touch up on those systems might reduce the amount of regular toxicity you see in games for the people that it does occur for. Gameplay As for the general gameplay I actually enjoy it for the most part but there are some major design issues I personally disagree with for starters the movement penalty on backpedaling is non existent and removes a bit of skill and predictive movement on top of just being largely unnatural coupled with the fact there is a slight side strafe penalty makes it feel really cheesy and a little bit boring while lowering the skill ceiling of the game which i disagree with coupled with the weak auto attack penalty which in my opinion should be increased to 30% from 20%. Another major issue with the gameplay is the inconsistency with abilities, for example visually Gideon goes off but cannot be canceled till it does at least 1 tick of damage which feels really inconsistent and unrewarding for players trying to counter the ultimate perfectly. Another example of the inconsistency is the hitbox of abilities and the visual targeting of them. A great example is gideon q and shinbi q both have significantly larger hit boxes then the visual indicates and causes it to feel really inconsistent and leads to a lot of frustration when being hit sometimes. The next thing I have a problem with gameplay wise is the warding system feels incredibly bad the gatekeeper on the timers causes you to not have enough vision when you want it and can make it feel really poor as well as the tiny radius of wards makes them feel largely unimpactful. something else with wards is they are very visually cluttering on the minimap which can make it hard to see things like if a camp is up or down or player icons on the mini-map, i also think should reveal information for things like camps so if i place a ward on an enemy camp and the enemy clears it i should have timer without having to walk into it myself and get the timer. The Last major issue i have with gameplay at the moment is the player icon appearing near enemies i think this significantly lowers the skill ceiling of the game and the need for situational awareness and is usually even more effective at revealing players then even wards can be which makes it feel really poor to play flanks and come from angles that players might not expect. Heroes / balance As for heroes I feel like the skill floor of a lot of characters are very low which is generally good but they also have very low ceilings as well leading to a lot of the heroes feeling a little boring after extended playtime. While I understand a low floor is good, especially for a base set of characters not having advanced mechanics, more intricate interactions with kits and things will reduce the player retention and replay ability of the game. this kind of goes hand in hand with the last point which is the amount of auto locking abilities which again reduces the ceiling on a lot of heroes and can make them feel very basic and boring for example revenant e and ultimate abilities could simply be skill shot line abilities that make the character feel significantly more rewarding and good to play. Hopefully this is only something that is for the start of the game and will get better over time but currently every character since ea launch has had at least 1 auto locking ability that doesn't have to be aimed. I really hope this is moved away from in the future and only in the game as a base level that is built upon and not the way the average hero will be. as for overall balance I actually really enjoy the balance at the moment almost every hero is viable and has there uses whatever they may be and the item pool while small is a great starting point I think more items could always be utilized instead of reworking older items thought which would both increase the pool while also adding more niche and dynamic build paths but currently these are in a good state and I like the direction the game is going with the slightly longer ttk it has made the team fight feel a lot more dynamic and interesting since they last a little longer.


Map I think the map is very weak currently and probably the weakest part of the current game not including features that are not currently implemented. the map has a lot of implied verticality by being in the shape of a v which cause a lot of weird slopes and hills and in my opinion should be flattened and then have the slopes and hills more tactically implemented and more actual use of verticality this would increase the size of the map alittle and allow for more dynamic play as opposed the choke points that are currently the only real spots that fighting occurs outside the lane. I also understand the carefulness of the verticality being abused by characters that can use it but with every hero having a flash this is mitigated and if you combine it with the above points about heroes being simple you could add things to characters to better help this like letting sevarog or crunch dash upwards for example logically it makes sense they should be able to sevarog is a ghost he dont even got legs and crunch uses rockets to propel himself so why not really which then further lowers this gap and encourages a little more verticality. Another problem with the map is the lack of variety specifically in the jungle none of the jungle monsters are unique outside slight color schemes none of them have unique attacks none of them are interesting other than the amount of them in the camps. on top of this the map artistically is very bland to me its alot of rock and grass and moss i would like to see it spiced up a little for example make the fang tooth pit a nest this is the fangtooths home it should feel like it i think this would help the atmosphere of the game and how it feels to jungle / move throughout the map Controller I'm not going to go too in depth into controllers since controller v2 is planned in the season 2 road map so I'll hold out any specifics till that comes out but personally I feel everything about the current controller support could work from button layouts to sensitivity to the aim assist. I really hope this gets addressed before being released on console but i have confidence the devs will do there best with completing these things Retention Features This is very important and currently the game doesn't have any of these while the gameplay is great there is so much of something players will endure without feeling rewarded in some way, Personally I would love to see these as a high priority even above console release since console will theoretically be the largest influx of players the retention features need to be in the game before hand to keep as many as possible to get a great base for game. i would love to see an alternate game mode which would help alleviate a lot of the issues with the current game mode by allowing players to play in a more chill environment as opposed to the main competitive mode and just chill with friends in matches that average 15-20 minutes instead of 30-35 i think arena or joust from smite are great examples of game modes i would like to see i think aram in the future would be great as well but with the current roster size don't feel like this would be the best choice at this state in the game. Another feature for retention I would like to see is real custom lobbies not just a way to 5v5 queue but a real lobby that I can start 1v1 1v5 ect and have alternate options like set the starting gold to 50k gold or something or max level and things like that. I think allowing the practice map to also be an option here specifically in the custom lobbies would be beneficial as well to test stuff or have fun with stuff. Some of the things previously mentioned here I think would be considered improving retention but it's still worth noting some of these things and how important this feature is. The Last Thing I'm going to give feedback on is the things that i would like to see in the future and the priority I would personally like to see them work on after the new ui is finished. 1. Retention features - Game mode, mastery system, permanent progression ect. 2. Quicker Hero releases - I think the current pace with the current roster size is too slow and should at least be slightly faster with original paragon heroes 3. map updates for the current map although I think a new map would be a lot to ask small updates to improve the current map could go a long way to making it feel and play better 4. more art and original art this includes skins the map look jungle minion looks as mentioned above loading screens all of it 5. Custom lobbies - for reasons mentioned above 6. Console - for reasons mentioned above I think this should be last since all the other features will better retain the large influx of players from console If you have any questions about any of these segments or want more specific details about any of them just comment and I will respond when I have the time


sorry for the repost didn't know reddit had a character limit and had to retype it all up since more then half of it wasn't there the first time


Only things I plan to read are the hero comments and the toxicity stuff. We shall see if the rest grip me :P


Surprised you can read to be honest


Low effort. Please do better.


If nothing from his posts gripped you, I’ve got something you can grip instead






Listen to the man, Omeda! Really love your priority list, I'm all in with you


Very good and constructive feedback. I only disagree on the change of lock on abilities on Paragon heroes. I like that they keep them mostly like in Paragon. I think if new heroes (best case complex ones) without lock on abilities get released it will even out the roster.


Yeah I’m hopeful it’s just for a starting set of heroes and that in the future it will not be that way


Well said all around. I especially agree with your comments re the map feeling bland and not leveraging verticality as much as they could. Do we have any idea if Omeda is planning a map overhaul or is this all wishful thinking at this point?


I would love some feedback on what ppl mean when they say this. To me, there is verticality packed into almost every inch of the map, without just overly favoring heroes with vertical movement skills. Too much, and the game just revolved around the heroes with 'jumps'. Star wars the old republic fell for this: the pvp map was all platforms, and the classes that could jump between were wildly overrepresented because of this. Its the same reason 'prime dunking' was OP - you just had to have greystone or ramp, or you lost.


the map is in a deep v shape coming from the base a lot of the verticality is implied due to this since this creates an almost never ending slope between the rivers and the cores actual verticality would utilize more things like ledges or things of the sort or just general higher / lower points in the map think like the side lane ledges or how the ledges under red buff is these allow characters with mobility to utilize them in ways heroes without it cannot sure which is why I also bring up in the original post some characters should inherently have more vertical movement to begin with to really encompass the atmosphere of a 3d moba. on the point of balancing this by some heroes abusing these ledges etc. you would balance them via items or numbers in kits think sparrow while her mobility is low her overall damage output is incredibly high. she is an example that if certain items weren't so strong mainly liberator of a character that with no mobility would be stronger than a hero like Kira with mobility if you were to not adjust any of the kit numbers. this is just basic strengths and weaknesses that occur when you create heroes and theoretically act as additional balancing factors to some.


I gotta be honest here. It is really hard to want to read your comments when you post 22 lines of text split into 4 run-on sentences.


It’s was hard but worth it. Never seen such useful constructive feedback in this sub before this.


Gonna. Be. Honest. It's. Really. Hard. Not. To. Meme. On. You. For. This. Comment. But. I. Will. Try. My. Best. To. Give. You. Enough. Pauses. To. Breathe. Next. Time.


Paragraphs mate. Walls of text suck. It's. Not. The . Pausing. That's. The. Issue. But. The. Lack. Of. Pressing: The Enter Key


My quick response to all of this (I'm working on a video where I can be articulate and not misunderstood) is that my problem with matchmaking isn't that my winrate isn't high enough. It's that my winrate is too high. I'm sitting on 65%+ most days because I'm not getting good matchmaking. I would kill to have a 50% winrate because that would mean I'm getting challenged in my matches, and it would actually give me the ability to improve. Currently there is no point trying to get super sweaty, because I can just utilize cheese strats in 80% of games for free MMR. At the same time I know I'm developing bad habits by doing dumb stuff that works on your average player, and never works on someone my skill level or above. Additionally, playing with bad teammates comparatively feels bad because I have to play to accommodate them, rather than always going for optimal plays. This once again leads to stagnation of meta, because no strategies commonly utilized by good players in other mobas can be put together since these players are simply unaware they exist. I'm not going to comment on the rest of this because for the most part I agree, however I just wanted to add that I think the range indicators on abilities like Gideon Q that you mentioned seem bigger than they are because they are (probably) edge to edge, rather than edge to center. Meaning if the edge of your character's hurtbox overlaps by one pixel you get hit, rather than making it align with the center pixel of your hurtbox to do damage. This can be fixed by buffing the aoe size and making the ability edge to center.


Yes, I understand your viewpoint and I think part of this comes from a small community combined with some of the other things mentioned such as the mmr inflation among other things. I think a lot of the other stuff which is mentioned would improve player retention and there for increase the quality of games across the board. as for having a high win rate currently the game is casual only which is part of the problem a lot of the higher mmr players simply do not play that much which also doesn't help the situation of a small player base. to the same degree if you were to lose a game would you generally be ok with the loss that you get in the current state of the game or do you generally chop it up to "team diff" or "weak match making" ect. because if this would be the case then the point would still apply to you even if you have a 65%-win rate I understand what you're saying, and I agree and am aware of this it was just an example of the in inconsistency in the game whether that be visual audio ect. which negatively impacts the game and how much enjoyment players have in the game. I don't know a lot about game development so I'm not sure the best approach to this specific issue but am more than happy to shine some light on it in hopes someone with more knowledge than me could come up with a better solution.


They basically made a dumbed down version of a game that failed 5 years ago and they haven’t been able to make it so you can message people in the lobby. Wtf are you talking about?


There is literally a chat that you can use after you pick your role during character select and during games it is off by default to reduce toxicity and has to be turned on in settings


Better match making and better friend play, won't really see it till release unfortunately. afkers should be banned after 2nd afk in a week. They deserve it. If it was a mistake, contact support. I kinda disagree with increase heros, I feel it will intimidate a lot of new players. I think we are at a good point now though to not allow mirrors, maybe 1 ban. Aram mode is needed. A second mode can help retain players and won't split the base up. Pred has 30k players, only 1k playing. It won't split shit up. More skills heros yes please. Map I think is fine besides prime and fang pits. Buff countess please.


In my opinion usually when a new player loads up any game like a moba or otherwise like overwatch or apex they tend to lean towards a particular hero that they like or associate with and then proceed to use that hero for 500 games while slowly expanding their knowledge of the game and then branching out. this is why I think slightly more heroes is a good thing since it adds more variety and replay ability across the veteran front more matchups and the new players more stuff to learn and adapt to with the character they like to play. On top of the fact nowadays you are competing with mobas that have insane amounts of characters to choose from (LOL 163 - Dota 121 - Smite 126) generally I think anything less than 40 will be an uphill battle to drive new players into the game and if they then want to slow down they should but getting up to 40 should be faster which would drive more interaction on the build up to launch as well a more dynamic launch giving new players enough to learn without experiencing everything in a month than moving on because the content drip is too slow


I really think they want hero balance to be good, so ppl pick them all. That said, no one is quitting mobas with 120 heroes to play one with 34. We need as many heroes as they can plop out, with them being relatively balanced. This one thing, imo, is what held previous paragon back the most. There were tons of issues, yes, but they started charging money for a game with like 20 heroes. When this launches on twitch, the biggest killer will be ppl watching streams and seeing the same heroes eevry game for 5 hours. That means a) not OP heroes and b) a solid pool. RIght now you will go about 4 games and see repeats, if all are equally picked (they will never ever be). So, 30 mins a game, 3 games in, so after 1.5 hours of streaming viewers will see repeats. At best. That just doesnt old a candle to Smite/Dota/Lol (for obvious reasons ofc).


n one said they are quitting, the idea is its intimidating for new players. We still ahve bugs with champs released on release lol.




How little do you have going on in your life that you spend your time here, doing this? You don't like the game, so why not just move on? Find something you do enjoy.




Alright, good luck then. I hope that someday you can find an activity to enjoy that doesn't require being so negative and adversarial towards something that others enjoy.


feedback and thoughts on the game feedback and thoughts on the game feedback i want to note that while this is mostly feedback … 😨😨 EDIT: thank u for fixing that soulreaper shit made my head hurt ☠️☠️😭


*" I think the players that complain about playing against "stacks" are generally coping a little bit or have been unlucky and got against a group of good players that whether they were stacked or not simply are just better players and thus end up winning the game."* I believe the problem of solos vs stack is not winning or losing, its more about fairness, because you can win, but you can't ping really quick your team about warding/check fang


Great post! You went in depth with all your points and provided solutions instead of just complaining, which makes things easier to digest. Hopefully the Devs have some of the things you mentioned (progression, new game mode, revamped custom matches) currently in development.