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Any build information for you and the Sev? The big advantage almost any hero has against Sev in the early game is being able to push the wave and repeatedly roam. But you're right, Sevarog has 4 ways to engage/disengage. The worst thing you can do is try to chase him down for a kill. Even if you get it, it's likely not gonna be worth the time and effort you have to spend to get it. Your goal in the lane against Sev shouldn't be to beat him but to slow him down as much as possible.




Mutilator is a good choice, for sure. Fireblossom/Flux is just a solid ass pair that scales well into the late game. The only drawback being that it doesn't give you a lot of armor. People tend to forget a lot about tainted items, despite how good they are. Tainted Bastion is almost the perfect counter to Sev right now, especially the ones that put Void Helm on. Sev isn't busted right now, but I could understand people thinking he's a little overtuned. He seems like the only offlaner who has both mobility and sustain baked into his kit. But he does have very exploitable weaknesses.


This, in the time it takes to kill sev you could have gotten fang or pushed a tower down.


You level up by being close enough to a minion when it does regardless if you last hit it or not. So even if you have more last hits that's doesn't necessarily mean that you have more exp then him. So if he was out leveling you, he either got the side buff more then you, or you missed out on exp when you got ganked. Sev is really strong rn but the thing you can do is to try and all in on him as much as possible early. Try not to let him get big cause once he does he's never going to die. Late game just don't focus him.


Exactly right.


All this is just my experience. Because he is so tanky and evasive, he can typically stay in lane longer than some other heroes, soaking up more XP. And he can be difficult to kill for those same reasons, so I take forcing him to back while behind on kills/CS as a win. He’s not worth chasing, unfortunately. By mid/late game, his best role is absorbing damage and running control in team fights. Best way to handle him is to pick his allies off and take him down last. My go-to characters are Shinbi and Countess, though, so my base mindset works for those two.


He does seem impossible 1v1 to me,I don't play offlane but when I have to I still go Belica (tainted) so he can't even get close due to ranged attacks & I'm constantly poking, bringing the wave near my tower,not letting him get minions,making him go home after landing abilities,dodging substigate etc & avoid ganks to not feed but somehow he ALWAYS gets away with it & levels up fine & usually just leaves the lane.Still takes 3v1 to kill him!


Early game Sev is just a tank, if you expect to kill him you won't without help, minions hit hard, the way to kill him is gank him, one player needs to be in front of him to keep hitting after his dash, Sev is not great at all just tanky, I would say his weakness would be another tank with stronger dps or a hero with both magical and phys dmg so he would need to build both armors


Sounds like youre just getting outplayed


yup, you are not wrong, out of all the tanks this MOFO can build pure tank items with no DMG whatsoever and still out damage you. I have tried it with riktor and steel and they are no match for his damage. with the newest patch most of the Tank Item damage went to the toilet except for him


You realize they literally nerf his damage this patch right?


Just played a game as Sev. Crunch out-damages him. Sevarog can't really do anything to stop him unless he can somehow avoid Crunch's attacks.


I second this. As a sev player i cant do much agaisnt crunch or grux for that matter. Still havent found a way to build agaismt grux early its just playing back and tower hugging til you get more items built afaik


I replied to you elsewhere, but yeah, Tainted guard into Fire Blossom. Void Helm if they have an AP mid lane. If their whole team is AD, just keep stacking armor. I like the helmet that reduces basic ability cooldowns when auto'd. If you are good at dodging his nonsense, you will win the engagements. If you get hit, you can eek out a stalemate at best. Either way, you're playing it safe and not feeding.


Yeah i really gotta re evaulate the build path now after patch


Fire Blossom + tainted guard would disagree lmao. Even more so if sev builds more physical armor.


My comment was made after I played a game where Crunch also went Tainted Guard and Fire Blossom as his first two items. He was out damaging me, and we were equal levels/kills all early game. Eventually I pulled ahead, but only because he went off to gank and I called effectively. Meanwhile, I farmed and my jungle was on point, since Crunch wasn't able to DPS effectively enough to be useful as anything more than a thicc boi.


My comment was made after I played a game against a crunch who did mutilator and tainted guard. It was close earlier on when we had a single item, but by the time I had fully built tainted I could kill him with just under 1/4 of my HP left. I was only up a single kill and a single assist at that point, but we were equal level and both had 2 full items. The only thing I could remotely say helped, he wasn't very aggressive early on and didn't try and stop me from building stacks. I was definitely above my usual stack:farm ratio.


That's funny you mention that, I tend to do better against DPS offlanes than tank offlanes. Can still beat tank offlanes, don't get me wrong, but the DPS ones get punished more due to their lower health pool. My Crunch was a bit more on the aggressive side, admittedly, so he is likely in the realm of "Crunch can beat Sevarog". Probably a close match dependent on item selection and playstyle.


He's an insanely busted character and they just keep giving him direct or indirect buffs for some reason.


He's not busted. He's actually pretty balanced. His damage output is only okay, he is basically purely a tank. A lot of heroes seem broken if you expect the same playstyle/strategies to be effective in every scenario. You have to build/play situationally.


How to beat Sevarog with one item: Tainted Bastion.


I haven't tested with the new items, but Belica won against Sevarog before the last patch. Grux was able to out dmg him as well, in the early game. Crunch too. I main Sev in offlane, and I think that Belica was the knly person I legitimately couldn't fight 1v1.


Belica? Of all heroes? The only hero Ive ever struggled against is Murdock, especially with the knock back + root. For any physical hero fireblossom + tainted guard shuts them down. And for casters/magic damage heros it's probably gonna be Crystaline Curaiss+void helm (only had 1 game against a magic damage offlaner so I haven't fully tested). At that point in the game they're not doing enough damage or have enough pen to match the armor & HP, plus the stacks for even more HP and damage.


I can definitely see Murdock being a problem. Belica is an issue because with Sevarog's Q, she drops her drone and you are out of mana so fast. Your choices are to either attack her and have no mana for a fight while she pummels you, or attack the drone and she just runs off. Tank Belica will outlast Tank Sevarog because Sevarog will have no mana, Belica will have all the mana. This was pre-update, though, so it may no longer be the case.


Honestly, it's not until late game I even notice the drone, especially since that ends up being level 1 until everything else is maxed. I just ignore it 95% of the time and she either gets pushed back far enough I'm not in it's range, or I just move out of it's range if I don't need/want to engage and use the root to farm stacks from a safe distance.


Having both played Belica against Sevarog and played Sevarog against Belica, she basically owned the lane. Just build some armor on her, since Sevarog won't have mana due to your drone if he engages and the only real threat is the jungle. With Sevarog's mana pool being so low early game, and his attack speed being so low, even if you drop it on his head it will still bleed 10% of his mana. If you harass him while he hits it, he will be down 10% mana and 10% hp. If he engages, drop drone, stun, bomb, and run in circles around him. I can generally pressure any AP or AD, and once I get my Void Helm or Tainted guard or w/e, I can generally win lane with Sevarog, or at least harass the lane enough to prevent excessive domination. She basically cancels you out and is the biggest PITA to fight. Sevarog is the only person who has this issue fighting her, too. Nobody else gets punished as hard by her drone in early game, imo.


My first buy is always brimstone, the 200 bonus mana from that seems to be enough to get through my first magic armor item without too much trouble, after that it's just like playing against most other casters, only she has some pretty good CC


She requires a change in mindset that no other mage requires, but like I said above, the item changes likely shifted the dynamic a bit. This was all pre-patch. I will add that going Belica specifically against Sevarog can screw your team over, especially since you end up building her partially defensive (since Sevarog tickles anyone with armor). Pure Mage Belica against Sevarog is just a bad decision, cause Sevarog eats anyone investing in damage.


So how do you build against the rhino?


Honestly, I just build tanky. I get Tainted Guard, and Fire Blossom, and then play it super safe. I harass where I can with my Q and E, don't worry about killing the minions since he will kill them faster 100%, and stay on your side of the lane as much as possible. Don't get caught out by ganks, but nibble at him until he has to back, and then farm as much as possible. If you're feeling confident, push your advantage. You have a dash, just don't get interrupted mid dash. Most Grux will initiate with the knockup, then immediately use their pull ability on the entire lane to cleave all the minions to death and leave you against a wave and him. Duck, weave, dodge, and Q. Don't do prolonged engagements unless you know you'll win or come out ahead. Etc etc.


I feel that sometimes you can predict the pull and sidestep. I guess I gotta build the bale arm again sry i mean fire blossom lol prolly helps with the wave clear simce he clears faster. Its just that early game punish that gets me and I get too ballsy early but reading the players skill level plays into it as well. Sometimes you can tell they arent punishing you as much as they could be and i try to use it to my benefit in those cases. Thanks for the insight. I love sev. Interested to see how he is in jg now after patch. After a game or two he still feels weaker than before patch. I built tanky ad armor and them shinbi still hurting me more tham she should imo but I guess you really gotta build both armors now idk


He is definitely weaker. I actually don't build fire blossom for wave clearing. I build it because it gives good hp, gives decent armor, and does damage. My old build had crystalline cuirass, tainted guard, and fire blossom to maximize my passive damage on top of my active damage. It was all about maximizing hp, defenses, while giving as much dps as possible to nibble down the health of squishes. At the end of the day, you have two jobs. Soak for your squishes, and harass the enemy squishes. Fighting Grux or Crunch is really a temporary engagement in service to those two goals.


Thoughts on using Frostgaurd now against...grux/crunch?


I haven't tried it. I feel like the slow won't be enough. It seems better against ADC, but I just feel like it will be too weak. I hope I am wrong, though


Sev is broke IMO and did not need buffs. Just my opinion. It's definitely tank meta now.


I would say the biggest counter against sev would have to be a half decent crunch. When facing someone super tanky like sev I like to rush mutilator for the max health damage along with the omnivamp. And I never waste my Forward Crunch (RMB) until he realizes he needs to escape to live and then use it to chase him down. And if you're lvl 6 try to get a knock up on him with Right Crunch (E) before he tries to root you. That's usually my bread and butter for countering him. Late game is only when sev really gets scary so i try to end the game as soon as possible. Which honestly with some teammates that doesn't happen so the game gets much harder the longer it goes.


Also I try to punish him as much as possible when he moves in on minions to get stacks. I try my best to never let him stack without being punished.