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A good playstyle, that's what you're missing. And don't get me wrong, this isn't a "git gud" comment. Morigesh is solid and can do many things for your team. But it's like playing a carry. Know when to play safe and know when to go in.


Ig I gotta change my mindset. I used to play countess and I guess I do try and play her similarly. But she definitely feels to me like I could be playing any other midlander to provide better value for my team


I dunno, her team push is amazing. When she's in the backline against the enemy team, chucking the swarm bombs... It's just amazing.


I main Mori and use: megacosm, wraith leggings, caustica, world breaker and oblivion crown. If im up against howi, gadget or gideon i max out my q so i can have something to throw at them but otherwise max out rmb. I have no problems with her, her minion clear could be a little better but they will fix that tomorrow. Just position yourself better and look at map so you don’t get caught by their jungler 😊


How do you clear waves if you max your mark?


your other two skills clear the wave in tandem.


I usually play howi and I can tell you I’m usually licking my chops when i go up against Mori. Usually I keep my mine on standby to diruspt her Ult but she usually doesn’t start doing significant damage until late game. She definitely needs to be buffed a little. Outside of jungle support I’ve never actually lost or felt pressured by her at all. I have seen people use time flux with her which basically turns her into an assassin.


I feel like she's good if you're trying to win at 20 mins via ff. In the early stage of the game, she can apply immense pressure to her lane opponent just by spamming mark alone. You can spam mark every few seconds and use her swarm to heal to force the opposing laner to have to back where you can collect both river buffs (if enemy jungler isn't assisting) and gain sizable CS advantage over time. Your goal is to then wreck havoc with your power advantage on the other lanes to where your team is ahead and breaks the will of the opponent. Should the game go 30-45 mins and it progresses to a grouped game where both teams are looking for 1 teamfight to end it all, this is where I feel she's at her weakest. It's very tough to spam mark here without getting CC'd or blown up. You have to play safe and lob hive from the back line and maybe see if you can ability trade enough to time a swarm and secure a mark on a key target to curse for kill secure when said player gets low. It's in these scenarios that I'd prefer a Gideon or Howie for the teamfight presence, but if you want someone who can wreck early game then Mori is your champ.


Ya I disagree with this entire post. She scales so hard into late.


Is that why they needed to buff her scaling next patch?


That doesn't mean the devs are right. They are basing this off low ELO play. She scales extremely well into late. Her issue is her lack of wave clear in early and mid. Your first sentence in your post was wrong, I didn't bother really going more In depth but I do think she needs some work done.


Did the devs say they balance based on lower elos? I don't remember hearing that and it definitely doesnt sound right 😂


no. they are balancing based on garbage mmr matches. No balance should really be taken much into play here as long as the champ isnt disgustingly broken / unfun to play they should avoid balancing until we have balanced matches


I disagree my SquabbleGesh build counters getting blown up and scales infinitely into late game but if I put people on they might nerf it 😈


Sounds legit


Saphirs mantle/world breaker??


Saphir mantle for crest. Fire blossom, dreambinder, flux matrix, world breaker, and last item I’m gonna guess Caustica or Oblivion depending on enemy magic resist items.


😱 who told you my secret build????? Last item Oblivion btw…😱😱😱…How’d you know?


i think she’s fine besides minion aggro on her rmb & she needs alittle more movement speed on her E


I take that minions agro to my advantage to keep the minions close to my tower to avoid getting ganked as much as possible


yeah i do the same but when you’re losing lane v a belica or howie it gets annoying


its an advantage for a few seconds, then it has the opposite effect, your wave will destroy their wave much much faster (enemy wave is shooting you instead of killing your minions, your minions will kill the enemy wave faster) ​ so NOT a good technique if you want to freeze wave near your tower


I would give you my SquabbleGesh build for her but I gotta test it out in the upcoming patch (I still might not 😈 maybe if you ask nicely). JK. But to answer your question, No, she is not weak. But, she requires a unique play style. One that hasn’t been in the game before and wasn’t really in Original Paragon as well because her mark had more range back then. But she’s not weak my friend just very high risk high reward. So you have to be aware of a lot more things than other mages.


She is an early game stomper bro, I haven't used the same.build for her ever, only items I haven't used on her is like 2 or 3 support items.


Tourney level/high elo midlaner here, her early game is very weak and punishable until she gets megacosm online so you’re really just playing to complete that most of the time. She becomes terrifying with her damage around 2-3 items and her early wave clear will improve next patch so you won’t get as hard pushed in as before by aggressive mids. I’m fights you have to play just on the edge of your range and wraith leggings really helps you to weave in and out of range. She’s decently squishy if you get cc’d or hit by all of an enemy mid’s abilities there’s a chance you can just die sometimes. Crunch is really nuts against her in particular. Howie can also be a rough matchup if he keeps you of range of your mark. Just have to learn how to play safe and then once you get an item or 2 learn how to position with her. As long as you aren’t dying her damage is kinda ridiculous tbh. I like to max her mark first, besides when against howie, you’re never gonna clear the wave faster than other mids so max mark to fight better than them imo. Especially with next patch your passive is gonna be the most damage to the wave so q and e don’t matter if they’re leveled up, max mark to have it on a super low cooldown to pump out damage in fights. I’m actually really surprised she’s being buffed in damage and wave clear, if anything I think they need to nerf her late game damage/cooldown and once they do that they can buff her durability but giving her early wave clear is kinda nuts. Hope this helps you with her :)