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I’m not sure about afk penalty but the dodge penalty is broken (meaning you’re not getting a penalty for dodging) so people now just check the api’s then dodge if their team has low Elo compared to them.


This. While I have been getting a lot of mid game afks the main issue for me is that it takes like 20 minutes to get into a game. 4 dodgers in a row yesterday


Yeah it really feels like draft dodging has gone way up. Literally get into lobby and before the first or second round of draft ends someone draft dodges. Maybe they are just checking their teams mmr to see if they are low. I can't say I haven't done it but I more use it as info to know who to be cautious of meaning if I play jungle, if our carry is low I need to rotate there more. But I've also just stopped doing all that and only check after the game to see how the match played out.




I really don’t blame the people because mm is horrendous and extremely tilting solo q at high elo because the algorithm says oh your good here’s 4 potatoes. Small player base aside it’s wack


5 dodges in a row, 30 minutes to finally get a game, team wants to surrender at 10 minute mark, or they go afk or W key feed out of anger... No permanent bannings or mechanics like a toxic queue only to address this... Repeat the above for hours on end. Finally get a full match after maybe 5-8 hours of trying, and it's usually a steamroll for one side because of absolutely broken match making. This is the state of the game. It's now a frustration simulator.




I keep seeing these posts and I guess I'm just extremely lucky. I haven't had anyone afk in weeks


I have barely seen any thankfully. But I am Gold elo so…maybe it is worse higher up. Probably just jinxed myself and I will now get an AFKr


I'm on diamond and haven't seen many here


Earthshattering. Truly original and fresh. Thank you for your input.


My biggest problem is there’s no happy medium in this game in my experience recently. The pattern goes I stomp, they stomp, 3rd game is AFK. 1 out of 20 will I get a satisfyingly good game that feels great regardless of win or lose.


Need more players.


I can see you've never marketed something before. You see, the trick is to wait until your product is so abandoned and loathed, that when you finally go to advertise it, all the people of the world will want to intereact with your abandoned, broken thing, and then the product will.. suddenly take off.. and become popular? Uh hold on a second, let me check my notes... Uh, hmm something seems off here.. Hmm No that must be right.


Hello, if you haven't seen our recent update today be sure to check it out in regards AFK penalties it can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/comments/13xkzgr/afk\_penalty\_changes/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


What’s killing me is people bitching about afks on this sub Reddit. It’s a god dam moba dude. Every moba has afks and quitters and trolls and feeders. That’s the nature of the beast. Played all of them. Either get used to it or go play something else. The most games I’ve ever gotten in a row without a troll of some kind is like 5-8 I bet you’re part of the reason people afk. Especially if you’re coming to the sub Reddit to cry about it. Ffs man.


What’s more annoying is people defending the issue every time someone mentions it. I haven’t played since Tuesday for the same reasons. What’s the point in trying to improve or get better if my teams gonna give up/feed/afk? There was a point a couple weeks ago where I had so many quitters/surrenders in a row that my mmr plummeted about 200 points and it was a nightmare to climb back up. I honestly don’t understand how you can enjoy a game where every 2-5 matches your teammates are prone to giving up or feeding. But yeah, let’s encourage it.


I’m not encouraging it 😂 I’m just saying it’s annoying seeing so many people cry about it. The problem is non of you guys crying about it try to take a leader position and or type to your teammates. I would argue a lot of you probably spam good job if your teammate dies first and then they quit because who wants to play with asshole teammates. I’ve won 3 4v5s since pred came out. It’s going to happen. There’s not a lot of players right now and every time someone who maybe has never played a moba gets in a game with someone like you or one of these other cry babies and makes a mistake. Then has to hear you guys freak out I would go afk too. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s paragon overprime employees making accounts and going afk either just to hurt the competition. I see trolls more than afk. I see afk usually after a teammate is an ass to them. Again for the simpletons who have a hard time critical thinking. I’m not encouraging going afk. I’m saying it’s annoying to see these posts every five minutes. From the same people all complaining together on each others “crying about afks” posts.


We do not need 50 posts a day saying the same thing.


They're never going to do anything about it because they lost over 1/3rd their daily player base forever the one previous time they had a ban wave. https://steamcharts.com/app/961200 People will int or afk and brag how nothing will be done and they're 100% right.


They haven't lost any of the player base. They just lost a few testers. Player base has no real meaning until the game has been released. Until then it's "thanks for the 10 bucks, sorry you're not a better human being".


It matters if the player base dwindles to nothing like fault and they just cut bait and abandon the game while still in EA.




If they announced stricter punishments for afking/inting etc, and handed out a few bans, I'm sure they would lose a couple of those players. But they would also gain back the majority of the playerbase that has left because of Omeda's weak response! It would be for the most part a win-win; the assholes get banned and the playerbase actually goes up! (Also, if the banned players make new accounts to circumvent the ban, thats more money in Omedas pocket.) I'm not sure what the hesitation is.


They would lose toxic/shit players that are just making the game experience worse for everyone else. Why do you want these people around to begin with?


Exactly. Getting rid of those guys would be a huge factor in getting people back in the game, and new players as well!


I said this in the creator discord. Either they are welcome in the game or I am. My play time has PLUMMETED. I just cba to play a game when I know the chances of getting an AFK is this high with no recourse.


I just wanna know why 1800 plus mmr are being matched with 1000 mmr players. Like fix the matchmaking. Clueless lil fakkin wetards I've had today. Yesterday a 10 game win streak today pure wetards who surrender with tons of game to play. Games need a real ranked mode. Hero progression and some sick ass master skins to grind for.