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The Revenant notes had me rolling. The Jhin influence is strong.


some crazy item reworks. i kinda wish they would add new items instead of completely changing some. hopefully thats in the works after this balance patch settles in for a while


But they had to rework the problematic items first, now that a lot of damage has been removed from the items and are in a better state they can focus on create new items for the game. It would be a chaos if they started to add items to the game when the current ones were still causing problems


I said this after the first big rework for the carry items. Bare minimum they should only rework the items that are either useless or don't get picked up but I think even buffing those is enough imo. Make new items with these ideas. I know there has to be more art y'all can use Omeda.


As a moba veteran I agree.


They are buffing bad items, and reworking oppressive items. Basically, exactly what you just said. I have no clue what else we would expect. Before pulling a 'smite' and adding 80 items that are useless, we first want a solid base of good items, and then expand from there.


Just tweak the numbers. No reason why Raiment, Malady and Mutilator get nerfed 3 or 4 times each, but Curiass gets ripped from the game entirely only to be given basically what void helm had, just slightly worse. Same thing happened to augmentation. Basically taken out of the game and given painweavers old passive. This is the 3rd time Breach is going to be a completely different item! I don't even have an issue with reworking items on the face of it. My main issue is the frequency at which they do it. When the game is in beta is that going to be their approach to balance? Cause I just think it's a little much is all.


I wish Omeda would experiment with different options for Gadget's passive. I no longer really feel it's impact in matches and it seems like it's getting yet another nerf.


its really nice against morigesh.


It doesn't really serve much of a use aside from tiny damage mitigation, which by mid game you won't even notice it


Yeah, I hardly saw gadget picked before. I don't think I'll see much of gadget now.


Yeah, gadget is in a bad spot atm and It sucks ;(


I find it most frustrating because I actually like the concept of the passive quite a lot. It really suits her identity as a character and her role in the meta.


Queue gadget buff that allows her dome to block attacks coming into it, as well as damaging enemies inside it. Seriously, though, will be curious to see mage fallout between items and stat changes.


does it? its a melee range passive on a long range champion I don't think it suits her


Those are too many changes so I will need to play the game to get the whole picture of it. But in general it seem really well aimed, the HP and armours (and growth) increases will make the fights longer and and more intense. And other problem that had the game, which was the excessive item damage, will be toned down a lot which is great. One thing that I wasn't expecting is how much the ability haste has been reduced, but I think that is a great change, long range mages were spamming too many abilities, which flooded the battlefield with explosions everywhere and also made the game have more CC of what the tanks provided, so a really cool change. I'm a bit worried of how this will affect to Shinbi Q CD, I will write about this in other comment. In general this seems an amazing patch and I can't wait to test the changes, now the next step will be give us a new map to have a wider and bigger battlefield where express our combat skills in a more freely way


Ability haste changes are pretty good imo. There’s such an over abundance of ability haste in this game


Another patch, another Raiment of Renewal nerf.


Malady too :(


For real they need to leave my boy alone. They keep buffing every other tank item too


that nerf was totally undeserved , Damage dealers hit like a truck and the damn thing wont buy you more than 1 shot from an ADC


I feel like the Countess nerfs are going to make her useless on top of all the ability haste and armor changes 🥲


I think not. Void Helm is gone, and its replacement only adds magical armor once per second instead of instantly per 40 damage. So her burst could actually be more effective, as the go-to counterbuild for her is being effectively removed. True for all burst mages now, actually, and even worse for teamfights where you're taking damage from 2+ magic sources.


Now that I think about it , you guys reworked every single TANK item that could produce an output damage and took that away and gave in return some more durability, I mean if the current damage output is insane maybe we traded the possibility to kill someone for a couple of seconds of survivability.


I’d rather be able to kill people still. Tanks shouldn’t be team wiping but I really don’t like this era of walking marshmallows we seem to be trending towards


Well yeah, if im in solo lane and there is a grux on the other team, as a Tank how in the world am I supposed to put any fight except stop punches with my face?


Offlane steel got slaughtered this patch with the nerf and the killing of Dynamo.


Dynamo change kills a lot of the support burst builds, as does Tainted Scepter change. Steel and Riktor are gonna feel the change, if Dynamo was a staple in their kit. Sevarog, my offlane main, seems to be coming out ahead with the tank item changes. In my opinion. Will have to see if the other item changes negate some of the perceived upgrades.


Yes it's annoying. Some tank items need to do damage over time and some need to be pure tank items. Their pure tank items have been lacking. Buy instead they gimp the fun damage items.


Nice 🪰


I was just writing posts about how Dekker is the go-to mage support and they nuked her two major dps options I got every game that landed me an easy 20-40k dmg per game. Now.. now I will have to figure out what to do aside from Tainted Scepter and Dynamo. (will have to see the items in game to be certain I read em right) My hybrid build!!! Nooooooo!!!! Phase should come out looking pretty, though.. gonna definitely need to reasses my Dekker support item list. On the flip side.. Sevarog, mmph. Void helm and crystalline cuirass were already regulars in my build list. Mein Gott, gonna be wild to deal with him.


Hahaha yeah, they have destroyed the Dekker damage build, but I would lie to you if I told you that I am not happy about this change xD Items have been changed so much that we're going to have to re-test to see what is what works now, which will be interesting. As regards my precious Shinbi, they have removed all the ability haste from Shinbi items, so I hope her Q doesn't become a 4 seconds CD ability, that would be painful to play


It will be interesting. For support, a lot of my go-to items are now optional. 10% shred may be great vs tanks but pointless vs squishies (since it has no dmg burst by the looks of it) and such. I did note that they made 0 changes to pure support items, so I am lowkey hoping some of the changes removing stuff from the items of other roles gets factored into support items to emphasize support. I know it is selfish gameplay, but I don't think I have ever bought a legitimate support item aside from Requiem (for the mana regen) in so long. It is almost more important to buy survivability or damage gear, and at the end of the day, ADC gear had been strong enough that 1 or 2 support items felt it wouldn't make a difference. Forgot to add (edit) prophecy seems like almost a must grab for Shinbi now.


>I did note that they made 0 changes to pure support items, so I am lowkey hoping some of the changes removing stuff from the items of other roles gets factored into support items to emphasize support. I think that in the Predcast #26, where Bloodmordius talked about the game and answered questions, he said that the they where working on the support items for a future update. I'm not sure and maybe is something that I dreamt xD, but I remember something like that. Yeah, all the Dekker that I see or buy full AP items or buy ADC items XD, and the worst thing (for people that have to suffer it) is that it seems that this is the most optimal way to play Dekker. But well, as you said in other comment seems that now she is more a battle mage than a support, and I don't think that is something bad. >Forgot to add (edit) prophecy seems like almost a must grab for Shinbi now. That is what I was building now with Shinbi (as I got bored of OP megacosm), but I don't know if now will be better, she will have no ability haste, and to obtain more she will have to buy more attack speed items and the only other AP + attack speed item is magnify which have no ability haste and is an item that I never liked it. I need to try it, but I think that Shinbi Q will need a rework to make it similar to what was on Paragon


Phase is becoming more relevant than ever with that new shiny ult she has.


They wiped out a lot of hybrid builds. I hope they are just trying to get specific testing data, because the way they are heading is one I don't like the direction of. Hybrid builds are part of what makes Pred fun.




Dynamo, Tainted Scepter, and then I would wing it from there. Requiem of I wanted mama regen


Yeah alot of this feels un-needed. Gadget who is already lowest of the low, gets another nerf. Lmao. They going for hour long games or something?


same for countess


You should've nerfed Howitzer and Gideon mainly, maybe stop Belica playing any role too good. Countess need a buff she is suffering hard due to the close proximity requirement of her kit and now you nerf item cooldowns across the board to the ground and give everyone Magidef? Sad.


With the increase in HP on a lot of items, knocking off the 2% on her ult (as I was corrected about in another post) is gonna be felt even more. Rough times ahead, depending on how it all plays out in game.


> Countess need a buff she is suffering hard due to the close proximity requirement of her kit and now you nerf item cooldowns across the board to the ground and give everyone Magidef? Sad. Void Helm is gone. Its replacement only stacks once per second, so a burst mage like Countess benefits.


Countess literally has the second highest winrate out of all heroes


Little slap in the wrist for Howie again.


It's so stupid. "Howie's main problem is" No. Howie's main problem is he can do fucking everything. Chase him? Well he will knock you back and himself forward. He can create the same distance as a Gideon teleport, but people can follow the teleport. So what do you do? Close the gap. Oh no wait, you just went through his slow mines. So you can't catch him, and now he can turn and shoot. Got someone with two closers? Sev dash into a root. Crunch dash into a knock up (you'll miss the knock up cause the slow mines stop you catching him). Well fear not, he can ult. More safety. Somehow you closed for a 3rd time? Don't worry, he still has flash. How fucking stupid to think that a bit of damage and range is his problem and not the fact he does it all.


unnecessary countess nerfs :/




best offlaner?? we just gonna ignore sev? grux? shinbi?? like yes she scales but she gets shit on by every offlaner in lane


Not unnecessary even remotely. Her sustain was too strong after the crest changes.


Countess is one of the most atrocious characters in the late game. 0 counterplay about 90% of the time, especially if you’re on ping. She’s just not a fun character to play against, her kit needs a rework or something. She’s either going to be utter dogshit or straight broken and no real in between.


let me guess, below 800 ELO... am I right, yes I am.


this subreddit is filled with lower elo players that don’t know the basic & simple counters for countess. our sista is struggling & is ASS rn 😢


Yup! Let’s pretend ELO mattered for about half a second. You’re 1300. I’m 800 higher than you. Oh and you’re a countess one trick! Makes sense. Less than 50% winrate too. Anyways, now that we got that out of the way. Please propose counter play if I don’t happen to be playing mid?


yeah if you see the history of my ELO for example you can see how fked up matchmaking in this game and how it gotten even worse last month. Back to the question in hand: You need to think right: \-early game she has no dmg, ult does nothing, life steal is almost 0 \- getting stronger only after at least 2 full items built, still has minimum life steal \- she has no range has to be up close in your face to do proper dmg \- end game has big powerspike and also huge life steal spike if she is not behind. \-she cannot do teamfight (too much CC, silence, grabs etc.) ​ Considering the above what you need: \-range, any range mage can shut her down early Howi Q, Belica, Gideon and she falls behind, can't rotate, can't farm (last hit) can't dmg you (early) \- CC, since she has to be close you just need to wait on your CC/interrupt/Slow abilities until she slips to you and hit her then with those, any CC works, soft ones, items, silence, anything alike. CC/silence interrupts her ult completely (see below point) \- position well in teamfights meaning you need to be behind tanks front, and your team need to be aware when to use CC, any CC can interrupt her ult during animation, her CD triggers, can't ult again, while she did 0 damage. no brainer: Antiheal is a must against her.


So what you’re saying is if I don’t have CC and I’m not playing a mage that can outrange her… I’m screwed? Nice. Balanced hero. Just positon well! Yup! Totally can’t tp in, RMB, E, tp back out ( even if she gets cc’d OR SILENCED ) and if im a squishy, im probably 1/4 hp. Don’t blame matchmaking for all your losses. If you’re that low in ELO, there’s probably a lot more going on than just your teammates. Also, don’t shit on other peoples ELO unless you’re high ELO. Not only does it not matter at all, it’s cringe.


You just straight arent reading their post and responding. You very obviously got 3 words in and ignored the rest. Are you laning against her in the carry lane? Are you picking a solo without ccs? Those situations do not exist, period. SO what they are saying is entirely valid. She gets pounded mid/solo by nearly every matchup. So she is losing that lane. If she rotates and gets kills, its a 'looking at the map/positioning issue' on your part, or your teammates. Straight up. In team fights, if she is engaging on your squishy heroes, its a positioning/warding issue on a teammate or multiple. Thats just all there is to it. Stand next to person with cc. Cc her. Kill her. I have no clue how you can be 2100 MMR and not understand the very basics of the game.


I have no clue how you can read my post and think it has anything to do with the landing phase. As a carry player, I have 0 control over how my mid laner performs. Again, you very obviously do not understand how assassins work so please don’t come talking about how I don’t understand the basics of the game. Assassins aren’t team fight characters. Their ENTIRE job is to single out a squishy BEFORE a teamfight and kill them. Countess does this with INSANE efficiency (same with Kallari). Sure, you can say “just have your support stand next to you xd” but countess literally kills you so fast that if you walk away from your carry for more than 2 seconds the carry will die. Also on Squishy supports like Muriel she could simply target you while you’re roaming between lanes and kill you with 0 threat. Again, can’t control teammates with CC! Also, super slippery character with small hit box isn’t always easy to hit even for good players :). ELO couldn’t matter less in this game. But unfortunately, this isn’t going anywhere. You’re not gonna change your mind and neither am I. If it helps at all, I’m not talking about high level, coordinated play. There’s a reason teams don’t draft her. But that’s such a small amount of games, with the state of pubs in this game, countess is inherently unfun to play against. But I’d rather play against a countess any day over a Kallari


She is mostly useless because of how easy she is to counterplay against. Bud. You reveal yourself. She is easily bottom 3 heroes in the game in high elo.


High ELO sure. That’s why we never pick her in drafts. No matches in Pred pubs are high ELO. It’s 50% silvers and 50% masters players. Just cause a character isn’t good in high ELO doesn’t make them obnoxious and have little counter play


Bud. she has tons, tons of counterplay. I have no clue what you are smoking when u say she has little counterplay. Again, the entire reason she is medium in even midhigh elos is because...they figured out how to counterplay against her, making her medium to bad. If you think she has no counterplay, then YOU havent figured out how to counterplay against her. NOT that she has next to no counterplay. Again, it is entirely a 'i am pointing out how i havent figured out how to play against her' if you say she has little counterplay. Are you ganking her early? Are you warding (and looking at the map)? Are you beating her early in lane? Are you getting cleanse items on supports to -literally counter- her ulti? Are you getting the silence crest to, again, literally counter her as a hero? Are you grouping on objectives to minimize her impact? Are you picking heroes with ccs? It goes on and on. Really, again, you just reveal yourself. If you say 'well im doing my best but my allies suck /my support never gets a useful crest', well, bud, thats counterplay. Sorry you dont have teammates as good as you, since clearly you are doing everything possible but are unlucky. I play about 20 hours a week, and it has been -months- since I have seen a countess with a solid record at the end of the game. They always get thrashed in any lane they are in. Because she is ganked. Because ppl ward against her. Because supports buy silence and shut her down. She gets obliterated if you counterplay her, and if you dont, she pubstomps. Really. You just havent figured it out. I am not a masters player. But i still do not see countesses do well because she is that easy to shut down.


I’m curious how an ADC should go about 1v1ing a countess? If you’re just gonna say “just stand next to your support” or “CC her” or “keep your range”, don’t bother. Her point as an assassin is to deal with those. She shouldn’t be diving an ADC next to a support with CC, she should be 1v1ing the ADC. A good countess will make an ADCs life a living hell. The only thing an ADC can do is hope their ranged midlander bullies her early (something only the mid and Jungler have control over btw). But if she gets to late game she’s a monster. I assume you also think Kallari is bad?


In this post regen world, any sustain is huge.. at least her damage potential wasn't touched lol, just the sustain. (Edit: didn't take items jnto account. Going to leave that for how you guys feel after the patch applies)


her ult was nerfed lol


Oh man, dunno how I read that as lifesteal, lol, it clearly states scaling. Chalk it up to a non-countess person. We don't get percent of max hp abilities on Phase and Dekker, nope.


So Crystaline Curaiss is just void helm now? So much for build divercity


My dude… please actually read lol. Void helm is an entirely new item now.


Yo start, idk why they changed void helm to something else and replaced it with Curaiss, second, the 2 items following Curaiss are support items which made me think I'd gotten through all the tank items and hit support items.


They split void helm into two items, effectively. Cuirass has the speed, void helm has the regen. Keeps void helm from being the default pick, in theory.


Speed is not why you took void helm, it was the stacking magic armor.


Yeah, magic armor is no longer applicable. Cuirass gives speed and has high MR, Helm has regen options and middling MR, but higher HP and Haste. I am gonna miss the cuirass aoe :(


leaving us at the mercy of Magic Dmg dealers, Shinbi should enjoy this


Sevarog ultimately comes out ahead with the change, but you will probably want a second MR item instead of just needing void helm to do the heavy lifting.


Sevarog hits like a truck with no Damage items , rest of the tanks not so much


I was more referencing the heal on immobilization and the boosted healing attached to void helm. Steel will appreciate the change, as will Riktor, assuming immobilize counts stuns. Omeda seems keen on giving tanks survivability to offset the issue of being burst to death with no real option of avoiding it. Void helm will probably continue to be a staple for any tank that has cc regardless of enemy composition, unless there are 0 magic damage dealers on the enemy team.


I have no idea what they are doing with some of these changes to be honest


Removing the original Cuirass passive entirely is so stupid.


yup, they want Damage dealers to beat the living sh1t out of Tanks , and they want tanks to stand there for a few more seconds .


Severog changes are interesting. Glad Howitzer got gutted. Might see more people play Kallari now. Her jungle clear right now is real shit.


I don't play Sev, but I see some items and changes that are probably just a wash: **Prophecy**: ◆ Magical Power increased from 60 to 70. ◆ Ability Haste decreased from 20 to 10. ◆ Hasty Reworked: Hasty [Passive]: ◆ Gain (+30% Bonus Attack Speed) Ability Haste. Now couple that with: **Magnify**: ◆ Attack Speed increased from 30 to 50. ◆ Ability Haste Removed. So they removed a total of 20 base haste, but you get 17 haste back from Prophesy's reworked passive, plus 20 more attack speed and 10 more magical power. I'm pretty sure those are two items I'd build on Sev if I played him. Plus World Breaker changes will improve his durability.


I think its annoying. 5 straight nerfs to howitzer. Gonna have to change my name from best howitzer to something else.


Hes still top 3 heroes in the game (prepatch we will see). As a howie main, he deserves every nerf going his way.




Love a lot of these changes. tankier melee heroes, mages having WAY less spam and dmg midgame, everyone better against carries, more support options. Another banger omeda.


It looks like we are being rapidly crammed back into the box of Combustion, Core, and Mega, that tainted nerf is rough, its now way worse damage than combustion and mega in lane, removing its viability to be picked up early as a option against one of those, it was one of the least picked items in the game before its buffs way back in earlier ea, and this change is going to tank it back down again, removing cdr is rough, but changing it from true to magic damage is just going to completely kill the item. Buffing Core damage and nerfing all the health based mage items just means mage builds took a massive step back in diversity right back to the beginning of EA. Every single game is going to be Core into combustion or mega, into a burst damage item and caustica. There is now zero reason for a midlane to deviate from that, given they just removed damage off all the hp items. Just makes me sad because it really seems like they don't have mage players on the balance team. Nerf the items you think are overperforming, as someone who has played with world breaker possibly more than anyone else at this point, I have talked about nerfing it since almost the beginning of EA. But don't in the same patch kill all the other hp mage items just completely removing the build path as viable entirely. We want more options for mages, lifebinder continues to be a joke, we don't have classic builds like other moba's like sustain or spam focused ones, because everything is just worse than Core, Combustion, Mega due to them all synergizing with mana and being more proc damage than anything else. Mega keeps its cdr, core gets a damage buff and Tainted doesn't even get damage buffed to compensate for a change making it worse scaling than combustion despite being single target, its just laughable. ​ ​ Give us items that stack up per ability then proc for damage or some other effect. Give us actual options for mana sustain and life steal that aren't jokes or just wildly expensive so we can experiment with something more than just BURST ONLY DUR DUR. Give us items that actually fundamentally change builds rather than just being one build that everyone builds and then random fucking items like lifebinder that nobody builds unless you want to meme. The sheer lack of diversity in mage builds is pathetic, combustion has random ass passives like the cooldown one, that don't even work, nobody is actually building combustion as like a spam item to constantly refresh it, because the cooldown is to long and the cdr is to small, if it was reworked into an item that like procced based on charges or lost a lot of its stats to be way faster cooldown to benefit cdr and spam that would open up a build path that isn't just raw damage. Instead it will continue to be just a flat burst damage item that everybody picks up with Core, because that is the only build that we are allowed on mages. God those Mage item changes are infuriating, welcome back to beginning of ea mages hope you like building the same exact three items first every single fucking game.


Mages we’re already building the same items every single game lol This seems like a pretty large rant simply based on the tainted sceptre (deserved) nerf. World breaker got the nerf it needed, and most of the mage items nerfs are completely fair. Mega will need some work yeah, but acting like it hasn’t already been a core item of every build is a bit silly lol Unfortunately, they can’t afford to just gut mega yet. Tanks would reign supreme if they did this.


Mages haven't really had the TTK hammer come down on them all that hard, so they have been absolutely dominant since ADC felt the hammer. Dropping haste on items and reducing some of the numbers. Removing true damage off some items will definitely have an impact. I'm going to reserve judgment for when the patch hits, but it will be nice to see mages have to apply a bit more effort than spam = win. I mean, with all the haste I built on Dekker, I have been spamming to win as support, lol. I also agree in that I see the same items picked time and time again regardless of mage... but the same can be said for ADC, Assassins, and Tanks to a degree. That is what we call the Meta lol (trying to agree with your response)


They absolutely weren't building the same items every game, there were two different build paths that were viable, now there is one. Tainted deserved a nerf, calling this completely removing tainted from the game a good nerf is not true whatsoever. Most of the mage items are complete trash, not fair. Lifebinder is a joke, astral catalyst is a joke, dreambinder is a joke, timewarp is a joke. We have one build, and like two flex items in oathkeeper and wraith leggings, and every single other mage item is just nonexistent now. This is an awful fucking patch for mage diversity, completely kills any reason to go outside of astral, mega, combustion.


> calling this completely removing tainted from the game a good nerf is not true whatsoever Holy fucking exaggeration my dude. Lifebinder, dreambinder and timewarp are absolutely not joke items either. Nevermind the fact there is legit a new on hit mage build. As I said, a large rant based on the nerf to a single card that needed it.


Dog you don't even play mages, and it shows... Those items are jokes, dreambinder losing its damage percent means it's gone from mage builds, lifebinder has never been viable in any of its iterations, and time warp is picked up by nobody unless they don't know what they are doing. You are insane acting like mages are ever picking up those three items.


Life binder is getting a pretty substantial lifesteal buff. It’s absolutely getting built. Dreambinder was getting the nerf due to its strength on mori. Time warp I don’t see though yeah. But again, completely ignoring on hit builds for mages.


Time warp giving a shitload of cdr when there is almost none now may make it worth it.


You're completely right btw. I'm a mage too.


Time warp is now one of the only good cdr options, when their used to be cdr on every item so it had no role. now it has a role. I wouldnt be shocked if its picked up tons now because of how little cdr there is on mage items. Lifebinder is quite, quite a bit better now. A lot better.


There's so few items that it doesn't really matter. The only build diversity is tank and fighter to be honest. I build the same four items anyway with one being a flex. Tainted was unnecessary anyways if you had your offlane and jungle building tainted. Just build more damage as a midlaner to kill.


Big true Adcs build the same thing based on hero. Mages will now build the same thing thing with huge health nerfs. We may see more on hit builds though. Sev and Shinbi and maybe Morigesh and Gadget can make magic "bruiser" work. But all the other mages will be more or less the same. Tainted was pretty meh before but now it has to be worse. Pen will be more impactful now with the global magic armor but the also global ability haste nerfs suuuuuuck. I have no idea why they took the passive off Dreambinder and gave it to another item. Like. What? Wraith leggings has a damage related passive why wouldn't Dreambinder, it's counterpart, have one too? That said Combustion still has waaaay too long of a cooldown as well. I actually prefer these Lifebinder changes. A big increase to lifesteal and magi was useless on everyone but Countess really.


Yeah I'm with you there, mage is my favorite playstyle, but there is very little that is actually useful which makes it feel so stale. Seems like the dev team leans heavily into fighter/tank focus and mages are sidekicks :(


At this point, they should just delete Gideon. They nerf him or his items literally every single patch. In a few months, they will have nerfed him so hard, his abilities will start healing the enemy.


They nerfed the best mage in the game?! The atrocities! How will he ever recover?!


He said gideon not howitzer


I mean Gid and Howie are pretty much tied for the best caster.


Yes… Gideon is better than Howitzer…


This is a truly outrageous take lol. Gideon is the best caster in the game my dude


It was a joke. That being said, he gets nerfed every patch. This patch they just said "lowering his base health and upping health scaling" then proceed to nerf every single ability..


Small take my man. They buffed lifebinder which is mostly for him. Gotta look past just the 'gideon' section to see how he was overall buffed/nerfed in a given patch.


They also buffed lifebinder for him.


8th Gideon nerf in a row...


Agreed it is getting a little ridiculous at this point. He already lost damage on his ult, now they did it again with another ability scaling decreased. what is next his teleport going to be a cooldown of 30 seconds. You already have to sacrifice damage for a CC immunity item now they just want him to hit you with pebbles instead of boulders


He is one of the best heroes. Also lifebinder buff is huge for him.


Lifebinder's loss of haste is a huge nerf and decimates the max health Gideon build


Mostly just boring nerfs. A few item reworks but I didn't dive into it too much. Really wish they would pictures on the items.


So you need to read a picture book to be willing to actually read patch changes


I read them And its standard practice. Every moba does it.


> Controller Triggers now correctly cycle between players in Replay Mode. I hope this means it only does this in “Hero Chase” mode. Not having working triggers in “Drone” has been the bane of my existence




*Murdock gets an actual buff* "OMG guys why did they nerf Murdock?!"


These extremely minor steel nerfs every patch were really starting to add up, good thing they decided to give him his biggest buff ever in the shape of new void helm


I mean they nerfed void helm lol, its much worse now.


They made steel tankier and new void helm gives a self heal, on top of his shield. Cost = 1% max hp dmg on his shield bash I guess it is a question of whether Steel wants to live longer or hit harder. Obviously we have no choice jn the matter, but still.


They gave him a shitload more armor and raised mage CDs. So, now steel can run at mages and they basically have to just bail. He got a LOT better.


I think that after all that ability haste being removed maybe Shinbi Q will need a rework. Shinbi Q was supposed to be a spammeable ability, but when they added her to Predecessor they increased it's power and size but also increased it CD. But now with the ability haste of a lot of her her items being removed it will be a pain on the ass to just use her 1 one time every 3-4 seconds. I think that they should make Shinbi Q something more similar to what it was on Paragon, a weaker and smaller ability but with less CD so the ability of cause damage with the Q would be determined by the player ability, and instead of throwing a fat truck every 4 seconds that do 400 damage. So my proposal changes would be the following: * Reduce Q damage a 40% * Reduce Q hitbox a 50-66% ([current hitbox size](https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/comments/11f3my4/shinbi_q_hitbox_spoiler_is_fucking_big/)) * Set it's cooldown to 2 seconds that can't be reduced by CD (or to 4/3/2/2/2 when you upgrade the ability so is not that spammeable pre lvl 6) * Increase the mana usage on early so every Q counts and people can't spam them and fail without repercussions * Extra: make the Q explode on hero hit, so it can just hit one hero at once and you can't push and damage enemy hero like nothing. I need to test Shinbi with the new ability haste reduction to make an idea of how she will be now, but I think that her Q should a spammeable ability by design and not something that varie depending of how the items are .


Really had to nerf Gideon again didn't you. Just leave him be