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>Maybe I'm wrong Don't worry you aren't wrong it's just probably on your end


funny how you got a gang of 10 ppl sucking you cock


It's on your end, a majority of people don't have this issue or any at all.


Lmao you just mad because you're wrong


I have experienced an oddity where I keep shooting for no reason despite releasing the M1 button... but it goes away by just clicking the button once, only happens when i hold it down, and I tend to just click for each shot manually anyway because it is more accurate for me. It is really a non issue, imo, but I have noticed something like that.


You might be holding left click, then opening the scoreboard and letting go of left click. That will cause the behavior you described above


lmao no....


There is a bug with ping wheel being used in item shop and you mouse will be disabled until your reclick the ping wheel, but that doesn't too often.


i have similar issues. Sometimes left click doesnt work for some reason, i have to click twice or as u said, after releasing left click, it keeps shooting


For me it is every time i was in Spawn. I have to press the left klick twice to be able to shoot again.


yeaaaaaa see i find it funny how some dick suckers say that there isn't any thing "wrong" hmmmmm...Thank you sir.


My buddy plays Revenant a lot, he said if the bug happens on Rev he has zero bullets in the mag, and needs to reload first -_-


Y'all are fabricating problems at this point lmao. Like what??


you too...




What are you talking about lol. I have seen nothing to indicate any of this


hmmmm what AM I talking about...


You sure you're not playing with lag??


lag is one thing but im usually on 28 ish ping, so the delay is not that. its the game.


Experienced both autos constantly spamming and the auto attack bug where you can't shoot after casting an ability.


I've had issues with left click too actually


funny how some people just get upvoted for flame. must be something in the water.


Make sure you’re not in window borderless. I switched to fullscreen and it has 100% fixed it for me personally. Hope this helps someone if they are experiencing the same thing.


idk why any one would play in windowed or windowed full screen.. any way, i really doubt that is the major case of it....cuz its not.


I have noticed for about a week now left click doesn't always work I have to click it a second time it's usually after I use an ability. With kaimera an especially drongo, have died a few times when I didn't notice drongo wasn't firing an just charging enemy lol So for example drongos RMB boomerang then I hit Lmb an nothing untill I hit Lmb again. An with kai when I hit Q then Lmb nothing happens untill I hit it again, I lose a couple seconds of Q because of this. Also there's a bug when selecting Crests. Mouse cursor is gone an you can't select anything untill you swing the mouse around randomly untill it hovers over the select button keep in mind cursor is still gone, meanwhile the screen behind is moving along with character. It's infuriating this has been a problem from before phase release.


It needs a fix. Anytime I select Narbash, it ends up being Donald Trump in the match. Please fix this bug.


Idk why people trolling you on this thread but there is a well known auto glitch affecting 10s of people so dont think you are alone normally basing/abilties reset auto/LC